Rabu, 08 April 2015

Disfigurement Of Flesh - Psychotonic Abnormal Dismemberment CD 2012

Disfigurement Of Flesh - Psychotonic Abnormal Dismemberment
Ungodly Ruins Productions 2012

01 Inhumanity 01:45    
02 Massacre with Pleasure 03:06    
03 Drowned in Septic Guts 03:12    
04 Intracolonic Convulsions 03:04    
05 Asphyxia Caused by Decomposed Corpse Flesh and Rotten Bodies 03:25    
06 Moral Post-Rape Trauma 02:57    
07 Psychotonic Abnormal Dismemberment 03:58    
08 Decaying Cranial Mass 03:52    
09 Mastication of Vaginal Parasites 01:21    
10 Pulverizing Limbs 02:23

Kos - Bass
Constantine - Guitars, Drum programming
Vitaliy - Vocals
Dmitriy - Vocals

Lebih Penting Menggunakan 2 Vokal diband ketimbang mencari Drummer Permanen bagi Band Slamming Guttural Brutal Death Metal asal Asha, Russia yang Barusan terbentuk karena Scene ini sedang Menjamur Booming Genre musik Sadis seperti ini sejak Abomination Putridity Melejit Populeritasnya hehehe, walau menggunakan 2 Vokal, sepertinya masih memiliki Karakter Vokal yang sama pula, mungkin 1 Vokal rada kurang Powerfully menjamah Konsep Musik mereka menjadi Mengerikan kali, tapi keren juga nih gaya Vokalnya yang Pig Snoring Dry banget Guttural-nya. pengaruh kuat Band2 Slamming Brutal Death Metal kental ala Gorevent, Cerebral Incubation, Cephalotripsy, Human Mastication, Devourment hingga Abominable Putridity. belum menemukan Drummer Permanen, sehingga langsung diputuskan oleh 4 anak muda ini untuk menggunakan Drum Machine Programming untuk menggilas Karya mereka disini. dikarya perdana ini mereka langsung menggandeng Label Indie sekampung mereka, Ungodly Ruins Productions untuk melancarkan Pembunuhan Berantai via musiknya yang Gahar banget.  dimulai dengan Track " Inhumanity " komposisi Instrumental Opening Track selama 1:45 rasanya cukup menjadi Warming up Track selanjutnya " Massacre with Pleasure " yang langsung menghantam siksaan Slamming Guttural Vokill yang bersahutan. Downstroke Breakdown Slamming Part memang menjadi kekuatan dan Modal utama band ini menggeber Konsep sadis musiknya. Permainan Riffing Simple yang kerap Mengajak ke Nuansa Slammy Breadown. Komposisi Musiknya juga harus lebih banyak mendapat polesan karakter, namun Aransemen mereka di album perdana ini memang sudah menunjukkan kekuatan dasyat band ini memainkan Slamming Death Metal yang Intens. terkemas dalam 10 Track berdurasi total 29:03, lumayanlah untuk memporak porandakan Kekejaman Para Koruptor dengan Siksaan mematikan Pummeling Downstroke Breakdown Putrid Stench Part ! buat kalian Fans berat Slamming Death Metal, akan cukup bakalan mengagumi karakter Vokal dan konsep bermain band ini. Urrrrgghhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

More Important Using 2 Vocal on band rather than looking for permanent drummer for the band Guttural Brutal Death Metal slamming origin Asha, Russia which formed just now because this scene is mushrooming Sadistic Booming music genre like this since Abomination Putridity hehehe Rising in popularity, despite using 2 Vocals, apparently still has Vocal characters of the same, maybe 1 less powerfully touched rada Vocal Music concept they become Terrible times, but cool too ya Snoring Pig vocal style really Guttural Dry it. strong influence Bands slamming Brutal Death Metal ala Gorevent thick, Cerebral Incubation, Cephalotripsy, Human Mastication, Devourment Abominable Putridity up. have not found a permanent drummer, so directly decided by four young men to use Drum Machine Programming to grind out their work here. Creation inaugural Indie Label them immediately took their compatriot, Ungodly Ruins Murder Productions to launch a chain via a Gahar music really. Track starts with "Inhumanity" Opening Track Instrumental compositions for 1:45 was nice enough to be warming up the next track "Massacre with Pleasure" which directly hit the Vokill Guttural slamming ordeal shouted. Downstroke Breakdown Part slamming it into power and major capital Played Concept sadistic band music. Simple Skill are often riffing Refer to the Nuance Slammy Breadown. His music compositions have also got a lot more polished character, but they Arrangement on this debut album is already showing strength terrible band played an intense slamming Death Metal. packed in 10 Track total duration of 29:03, brought disorder Cruelty okay for The Corruptor with lethal torture pummeling downstroke Breakdown Part Putrid Stench! you make heavy slamming Death Metal Fans, will be enough going admire the character vocals and band play concept. Urrrrgghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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