Rabu, 08 April 2015

Emulsified Flesh - The Art Of Suicide CD 2012

Emulsified Flesh - The Art Of Suicide
Self Released 2012

01 Eternal Suicide 02:44    
02 Abyss of Cataclysm 02:44    
03 Dead 01:53
04 Bereaved Mutilation 02:30    
05 In Decay 02:41    
06 Misanthropic Carnage 03:00      
07 Consuming Vile Thoughts 03:13    
08 Absolute Hate 02:23    
09 The Art of Suicide 04:12      
10 Infected Cerebellum (Bonus Track) 03:15    
11 Hack, Slaughter, Maim, Impale (Bonus Track) 01:56    
12 Purgatory Suicide (Bonus Track) 03:40

Mike Neste - Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Drums

Tidak begitu heran banget memasuki Abad Millenium sebagai Abad serba Digital yang dianggap mampu membuat sebuah Karya menjadi " Perfect " seperti saat sekarang, semuanya serba bisa dimanipulasi sebagai Kontaminasi Manusia diperbudak oleh Teknologi, Fenomena seperti inipun terjadi pada Industri musik yang lebih banyak menyulap sebuah Karya menjadi Luar biasa ! manusia sendiri sebenarnya dibenturkan kepada Pilihan terakhir jika sudah tidak lagi mempunyai opsi lanjut terhadap kebutuhan mendesaknya, sehingga Ikut terbawa arus untuk juga menggunakan Era Digital ini untuk mewujudkan segala keinginannya, sehingga menjadi tidak begitu relevan Gw bisa menulis secara kompeten konsep " Perfect " tersebut untuk dibandingkan dengan Kekuatan yang lebih Manusiawi. seperti halnya One Man project asal Yucca Valley, California yang eksis sejak tahun 2007 sebagai Corpse Dismemberment oleh Manusia Individualisme Seperti Mike Neste yang harus mewujudkan segala mimpi-nya untuk memainkan semua Instrumen musik yang ia kuasai. sebenarnya bagi Gw, Emulsified Flesh ini memiliki Konsep Musik yang lebih baik jika lebih menggunakan Konsep tenaga Manusia untuk bisa lebih membunuh diatas panggung-nya. sentuhan Brutal Death Metal yang Kaya dengan part Slamming dan Grooving menjadi karakter Utama penciptaannya, diaransemen dengan cukup Inovatif dan Kreatif oleh seorang diri Mike Neste yang bertalenta ini. Konsep album ke-2 ini bagi Gw jelas mengalami Kemajuan yang pesat dalam segi aransemen musik sejak album Pertama " Pathological Induced Gore " Tahun 2009 tampaknya masih terlalu " Biasa " saja jika gw bandingkan sendiri dengan materi ini, more Powerfully and Mostly !! Konsep permainan Drumming yang Gila2 an dengan Drum Programming memang tiada batas untuk menciptakan Part2 yang Sinting sekalipun tidak terjamah oleh kekuatan manusia. dan masih Gw amati jika band ini memainkan aransemen musik yang bagus terpengaruh oleh Beberapa sentuhan ala Dying Fetus, Internal Bleeding, Suffocation, Dehumanized hingga Cerebral Bore !, As evidenced from the upscaled vocals and improved guitar slams in “Eternal Suicide.” The whole song just blends together without a single moment to breathe. Lots of different progression is heard throughout the song and only follows certain melodies for a short amount of time. It is more lenient towards death metal more than anything, mostly shown through the guitars. The guitar riffs and double bass compliments each other, but as predicted, it soon transgresses into more slam metal. Pokoknya 12 Komposisi Yang Asyik siap bikin telinga kita akan sedikit terhibur untuk mengirimkan asupan Adrenalin Headbang ke Otak hehehe, ada 3 Track sebagai Bonus Track yang diambil dari materi album " Pathological Induced Gore ", namun sayang memang dengan Konsep Kover album yang juga di Distribusikan oleh Sevared records ini kurang menampilkan kesan yang menarik bagi Metalhead pecinta Artwork. dan Pecinta Brutal Death Metal dengan beberapa sentuhan Karakter Goregrind Type yang kaya akan Slamming and Groovy Part, sangat Gw rekomendasikan menerima siksaan Nyata Cyber One Man Project Band ini. The whole song just blends together without a single moment to breathe. Lots of different progression is heard throughout the song and only follows certain melodies for a short amount of time.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Not so surprisingly really into Abad Abad versatile Digital Millennium as deemed capable of making a work of a "Perfect" as the present moment, everything can be manipulated as Human Contamination enslaved by technology, even this phenomenon occurred in the music industry who juggle a lot more work to be Incredible! man was actually blasted the last option if it no longer has an advanced option to its immediate needs, so that the drift Come to also use the Digital Era to make all his wishes, so it becomes not so relevant Gw can write competently concept of "Perfect" is to be compared the strength of a more Humane. One Man project as origin Yucca Valley, California which existed since 2007 as a Human Corpse Dismemberment by Individualism As Mike Neste should fulfill all his dreams to play all the musical instruments he mastered. actually for Gw, emulsified Flesh has a better concept of music if more use for the concept of human power could have killed her on the stage. Brutal Death Metal touches Rich and Grooving with parts slamming into Main character creation, arranged with enough Innovative and Creative by Mike Neste alone are talented. The concept album is for Gw-2 is clearly undergoing rapid progress in terms of musical arrangements from the album First "Pathological Induced Gore" in 2009 apparently still too "regular" only if i compare for yourself with this material, more powerfully and Mostly!! Gila2 game concept that's Drumming with Drum Programming is no limit to create a Mad Part2 though untouched by human power. and still Gw observe if the band plays good music arrangements influenced by some touch of style Dying Fetus, Internal Bleeding, Suffocation, Cerebral Bore dehumanized up!, As evidenced from the upscaled improved vocals and guitar slams in "Eternal Suicide." the whole song just blends together without a single moment to breathe. Lots of different progression is heard throughout the song and only follows certain melodies for a short amount of time. It is more lenient towards death metal more than anything, mostly shown through the guitars. The guitar riffs and double bass compliments each other, but as predicted, it soon transgresses into more metal slam. Anyway 12 Composition The fun is ready to make your ears will be little consolation to transmit to the brain Headbang Adrenalin intake hehehe, there is a Bonus Track 3 Track taken from the album material "Pathological Induced Gore", but unfortunately this is a concept album Coverage also Distributed by Sevared records show the impression that it is less attractive to Metalhead Artwork lovers. Lovers and Brutal Death Metal with a few touches Goregrind Type the characters are rich and Groovy Part slamming, highly recommend Gw receive punishment Real Cyber's One Man Band Project. The whole song just blends together without a single moment to breathe. Lots of different progression is heard throughout the song and only follows certain melodies for a short amount of time.

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