Kamis, 09 April 2015

Suntorn - The Will To Power CD 2012

Suntorn - The Will To Power
Ghastly Music 2012

01 Dawn of the Sons 00:40    
02 3911 02:46    
03 Mental Enslavement 03:43    
04 Torments of Existence 02:48    
05 Pick Your Poison 00:46    
06The Will to Power 02:53    
07 Equanimity 02:09    
08 Awaiting Oblivion     02:57    
09 Dark Side of the Sun 02:45    
10 Ouroboros 02:11    
11 Catastrophobia 03:37    
12 Nature's Inexorable Imperative 04:54

T-R3X - Drums
Mike O'Hara - Guitars
Peter Sliwinski - Vocals
Greg Monce - Bass

" Rising a new dawn in extreme metal, SUNTORN enlighten the underground metal scene with their vicious, debut full-length, "The Will To Power". The intro, then into "3911" delivers a heavy, slamming journey of brutality all the way from start to finish. The band's sound consists of brutal death metal, slam, and nu metal developing their own signature sound, "Nu Slam". The Will To Power contains solid riffs, brain-bashing blasts, and a wide range of vocals. In addition, the album closes with a heavy, melodic conclusion featuring Travis Ryan of Cattle Decapitation. For fans of Devourment, Dying Fetus, KoRn and Aborted. " telah menjadi Sales Point Label asal Jepang untuk merilis band Brutal Death Metal dengan sentuhan kuat Deathcore element asal San Diego, California bentukan Drummer band Brutal Malodorous, T-R3X bersama dengan gitaris Mike O'Hara yang sudah memiliki Jam terbang tinggi dibeberapa band seperti Cordectomy, Malodorous, Splattered Entrails, Expulsive Incision, Noctem, dan Exhibit of Atrocity  serta ditambah kehadiran Vokalis Peter Sliwinski kemudian dilengkapi dengan kehadiran bassis Greg Monce belakangan. Fans Berat dengan Komposisi Slamming dan Breakdowncore Middle Part Intens dan kuat, rasanya gw sarankan untuk mencoba sendiri kedasyatan 11 Track heavy, slamming journey of brutality-nya ini. memiliki Komposisi musik yang terasa sederhana namun tetap menyimpan kekuatan Powerfully Brutal Death Metal Slamming Part dengan gaya yang lebih Modern lagi. kemasan Perdana full album Suntorn sejak Ep Pertama " Suntorn " tahun 2010, Suntorn lebih makin dewasa dan Dinamis lagi, dibuktikan dengan raungan track awal " 3911 " setelah dimulai lebih dulu dengan Intro, Suntorn langsung mengejutkan dengan Intense brutal Death Part yang Catchy part adalah sebuah bentuk dominasi baru pada karakter musik Suntorn sendiri yang banyak mendapat suntikan darah segar mematikan dari Beberapa genre, sebut saja pengaruh Riffing ala Meshuggah, Devourment, Disconformity, Gojira, Korn, hingga Slipknot cukup menghipnotis sugesti mereka untuk menciptakan ramuan baru, Pukulan Drummer T-R3X sayangnya kurang terlalu menciptakan aransemen musik yang dinamis, dan lebih terkesan lurus lurus saja, hal ini mungkin telah menjadi keinginan suntorn untuk dapat tetap tampil simple tapi tetap metal karakternya. Deep Guttural Gurgling Vokalis Peter Sliwinski tampil mengerikan juga disini yang terkadang di selingi dengan Scream Vokal Insane-nya. awal lagu memang adalah buat fans Slamming Death Metal, namun bagi gw pribadi terlalu banyak Partitur dan aransemen musik yang di ulang2 tanpa sebuah tantangan, sehingga lama kelamaan malah menimbulkan Kesan Boring di 11 lagu berdurasi maksimal 32:09, dan kerennya lagi Vocalis sangar Travis Ryan dari Cattle Decapitation ikut mengkontribusikan Awesome growling di Track terakhir " Nature's Inexorable Imperative ", terdengar semakin Powerfully saja deh, memang Travis tetap Gw anggap sebagai Vokalis yang memiliki Karakter growling yang mengerikan di Genre Brutal Death Metal. dan kesemua materi album perdana ini di Handle sekaligus oleh Drummer T-R3X mulai dari Producer, Engineer, Mixing, dan proses Mastering-nya. Balutan musik Suntorn memang Open minded dengan segala Genre, sehingga nuansa2 berbeda akan sering kalian temui dalam struktur lagunya, tapi koq lama lama gw jadi Bosen ya dengan konsepnya ini ?? apakah mungkin masuknya style Nu Metal telah menjadi Virus membosankan dalam lagu mereka? jawabannya tetap pada pendapat masing2 Fans Musik metal yang menikmati album ini. Growing in numbers this was no ordinary brotherhood, these were "Sons Of The Sun". Here to bring light and no longer let the Earth be Suntorn.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

"Rising a new dawn in extreme metal, SUNTORN enlighten the underground metal scene with their vicious, full-length debut," The Will To Power. "The intro, then into" 3911 "delivers a heavy, slamming journey of Brutality all the way from start to finish. The band's sound consists of brutal death metal, slam, and nu metal developing their own signature sound, "Nu Slam." The Will To Power contains solid riffs, brain-bashing blasts, and a wide range of vocals. In addition, the album closes with a heavy, melodic conclusion featuring Travis Ryan of Cattle decapitation. For fans of Devourment, Dying Fetus, Aborted and KoRn. "has been a Sales Point Label from Japan to release Brutal Death Metal band with a strong touch of deathcore element from San Diego, California band formed by drummer Brutal malodorous, T-R3X along with guitarist Mike O'Hara who already have high flying hours in several bands such as Cordectomy, malodorous, Splattered entrails, Expulsive Incision, Noctem, and Exhibit of Atrocity and attendance plus Vocalist Peter Sliwinski then supplemented by the presence of bassist Greg Monce later. Weight with the slamming Fans Composition and Middle Breakdowncore Part Intense and powerful, it feels i would suggest trying it for yourself kedasyatan 11 Track heavy, slamming his journey of Brutality is. has a musical composition that feels simple yet powerfully power savings Brutal Death Metal slamming Part with a more modern style anymore. Premium full album packaging Suntorn since Ep First "Suntorn" In 2010, more Suntorn got older and more dynamic, as evidenced by the roar of the early track "3911" after the first begins with the intro, with a surprisingly straightforward Suntorn Intense brutal Death Part Catchy part which is a new forms of domination Suntorn own musical character that a lot of lethal injection of fresh blood from some genre, call it the influence of Meshuggah-style riffing, Devourment, disconformity, Gojira, Korn, Slipknot quite hypnotic suggestion to them to create a new concoction, Punch Drummer T-R3X unfortunately less so creating a dynamic musical arrangements, and more impressed straight straight course, this may have been a desire to suntorn still look simple but still metal character. Deep Guttural gurgling terrible singer Peter Sliwinski performed well here are sometimes interspersed with his Scream Vocals Insane. beginning of the song it is for slamming Death Metal fans, but for too many personal gw Scores and musical arrangements in ulang2 without a challenge, so that over time the manifest impression Boring at 32:09 11 songs maximum duration, and the term is more frightening Vocalis Travis Ryan Cattle decapitation joined contribute Awesome Track growling at last "Nature's Inexorable Imperative", sounded more powerfully just me, Travis is still Gw consider a vocalist who has a terrible character growling at Genre Brutal Death Metal. and all of the material is in the Handle debut album as well as the Drummer T-R3X ranging from the Producer, Engineer, Mixing, and Mastering the process. Wrap Suntorn music is open minded with all genre, so different nuansa2 you will often come across in the structure of the song, but the old scar so long i Bosen ya with this concept?? is it possible entry of Nu Metal style has become tedious virus in their songs? the answer remains in the opinion masing2 metal music fans who enjoy this album. Growing in numbers this was no ordinary brotherhood, these were "Sons Of The Sun". Here to bring light and no longer let the Earth be Suntorn.

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