Kamis, 09 April 2015

Kissing the Mirror - Towards The Rising CD 2012

Kissing the  Mirror - Towards The Rising
Self-released/independent 2012

01 Deadly Silence 4:33
02 Shanghai Eliminator 4:01
03 Unhallowed God 3:17
04 Funeral Of The Dead 3:21
05 Bury You Alive 4:07
06 Back From The Hell (Red-Light District) 4:20
07 To Live To Die 3:52
08 Thousand Knives 3:52

Wooming - All instruments

Sama halnya dengan Band senegaranya, Jepang Dragon Guardian, One Man project yang dikomandani sendiri oleh seniman dengan Nickname Wooming yang menyukai dan menggilai karakter Animasi Manga yang hampir menghiasi imej Artwork Rilisan CD-nya. Wooming ini adalah seorang Musisi yang sangat Produktif seperti halnya band Dragon Guardian, hingga saat ini albumnya sudah banyak sekali, dan dalam setahun saja Kissing the  Mirror bisa merilis beberapa CD full, seperti Tahun 2007 ada 2 CD, tahun 2009 ada 5 CD, Tahun 2010 ada 4 CD, dan sedangkan tahun 2011 saja sudah merilis 6 CD, Gileee Produktif dan Kreatif banget manusia yang satu ini untuk eksis mengusung konsep Melodic Death Metal yang banyak dipengaruhi oleh band2 Faforite Wooming seperti Children Of Bodom, Kalmah, Vulcano, Lightning hingga The Black Dahlia Murder telah meracuni-nya secara produktif seperti ini. dan ditahun 2012 kembali setelah CD " Light Through the Night ", wooming sudah seperti kebanjiran ide segar untuk terus dan terus produktif berkarya. masih tetap menawarkan konsep sebelumnya yang terkemas dan teransemen secara bagus melalui talenta-nya, sentuhan padat masih Karakter Children Of Bodom dan Kalmah menjadi Inspirasi setiap lekuk lagunya, menambahkan lagi beberapa Harmonisasi Riffing Hitam dengan balutan Hypersnare yang dinamis hampir disetiap lagunya, sebuah progresi kian cadas menyelimuti Wooming yang selalu tidak pernah kehabisan ide. yapp, " Towards The Rising " adalah materi yang semakin Keras Kadar beat-nya yang dimulai dengan lagu " Deadly Silence " Wooming langsung menawarkan Melodic Death Metal intense dan cepat seperti beberapa part nya mengingatkan gw dengan Dark Tranquillity dan gayanya In Flames sekarang. beberapa sentuhan sampling Keyboard effect menjadi salah satu Aksesoris musiknya tambah semakin atraktif. sayatan Melodius death Riffing mantap diikuti dengan Harsh Vokill in the vein-nya Alexei laihoo banget, Wooming sekali lagi tetap membuat komposisi musik yang menarik saja. sayatan beberapa solo gitar cerdas bergaya sedikit Neoclassic menjadi amunisi utama dalam penciptaan struktur lagunya. Brilian banget deh cara pola berfikir-nya dalam bermusik ! meski memiliki permainan yang ga orisinil, lagu2 Kissing The Mirror ini akan menjadi terapi Khusus bagi Fans Melodic Death Metal ala Children Of Bodom, Kalmah, In Flames hingga Dark Tranquillity. memuat 8 track Melodic Death Metal yang digeber lebih enerjik dan semakin matang dalam Materi CD ini, gw jamin ga akan bikin boring bagi Fans Melodic Death Metal tentunya.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Similarly Band compatriot, Japanese Dragon Guardian, One Man project, which was led by the artist with the nickname Wooming who love and fond of the character animations are almost Manga Artwork image adorning his CD release. Wooming This is a very Earning Musicians such as band Guardian Dragon, to date the album has a lot, and in one year alone Kissing the Mirror could release several CDs full, as of 2007 there are 2 CDs, in 2009 there were 5 CD, Year 2010 there are 4 CDs, and while in 2011 it was released 6 CDs, Gileee really productive and creative human beings to exist this one brings the concept of Melodic Death Metal is heavily influenced by band2 Faforite Wooming like Children Of Bodom, Kalmah, Vulcano, until The Black Lightning Dahlia Murder has poisoned his productive like this. and in 2012 again after the CD "Light Through the Night", wooming was like flooded fresh ideas to go on and on productive work. still offers a concept previously packed and in good teransemen through his talents, solid still touches Character Children Of Bodom and Kalmah become inspiration every curve of her songs, adding another couple of Harmonization riffing Hypersnare Black with a dynamic cast on almost every song, a progression of increasingly rocky Wooming blanketed who always never run out of ideas. Yapp, "Towards The Rising" is a matter that the Hard beat his levels starting with the song "Deadly Silence" Wooming Melodic Death Metal Direct offers intense and fast as some of its parts remind gw with Dark Tranquillity and In Flames style now. some touch keyboard sampling effect become one of music accessories plus more attractive. steady riffing melodic death incision followed by Harsh Vokill in the vein of his Alexei laihoo really, once again Wooming still make interesting music composition course. incision several solo guitar style savvy little Neoclassic a major ammunition in the creation of the song structure. Brilliant deh way his thought patterns in music! despite ga original game, lagu2 Kissing The Mirror will be special treatment for Fans Melodic Death Metal ala Children Of Bodom, Kalmah, In Flames to Dark Tranquillity. contains 8 tracks Melodic Death Metal are lauched more energetic and more mature in this CD material, i guarantee it will not make boring for Fans of Melodic Death Metal of course.

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