Kamis, 16 April 2015

Suffergrind - Membunuh, Dibunuh, Terbunuh EP 2015

Suffergrind - Membunuh, Dibunuh, Terbunuh
Brutal Mind EP 2015

01 Intro 01:24    
02 Bunuh Kamu Sekarang 02:40    
03 Kamu Pasti Mati 03:30    
04 Dendam Berkarat 04:16    
05 Memutus Nyawa 03:26    
06 Membunuh atau Dibunuh 02:59

Benton S.G - Vocals
Hendro Widodo - Guitars
Valenti­nus - Bass
Acen Yerusalem - Drums

Finally, Satu Pertanyaan klasik untuk sebuah Band dengan Karir Terlama-nya adalah Merilis Debut Rilisan, Meskipun Bukan sebuah Full Album, Namun EP yang paling menjadi Penantian panjang Band Death Metal Veteran asal Pekanbaru, SUFFERGRIND akhirnya menjadi " Dream Come True " sejak band ini terbentuk ditahun 1997. Seringnya Bongkar pasang formasi menjadi salah satu alasannya, Benton Cs ini membuktikan jika Suffergrind masih menjadi Highlight band discene-nya. Serangan membabi buta Sentuhan kuat Brodequin, Devourment serta Internal Suffering tampaknya menjadi Kekuatan Hipnotis sadis agar Skema " Membunuh, Dibunuh, Terbunuh " menjadi sebuah Kenyataan yang Band Cangkok dalam Membabi butanya ketukan Blastbeat Dominan ! Yeach, The band for the most part plays really fast, and the drummer makes use of blast-beats for about three quarters of the songs length And overly distorted guitars was the be all-end all of brutal death metal and it’s nothing more than a complete average Destruction ! Selain menjadi Penantian panjang band, tentunya EP ini Bagi Gw Pribadi adalah penantian panjang setelah " Blasphemy of Religion " Demo tahun 2003 serta beberapa Track partisipasi di banyak kompilasi. Sebelum mendengarkan Rilisan Minus Slowly Part ini, Ada baiknya kencangkan dulu sabuk pengaman kalian, jika Salah satu Penghuni Roster baru Label Paling Biadab, Brutal Mind tidak memberikan Warning atau Garansi kerusakan akibat mendengarkan Rilisan Dasyat Brutal ini. rasa Penasaran ini harus melewati sebuah Intro yang bernuansa Epic sekali, seperti kita akan dihadapkan dengan sebuah Peperangan terhebat abad kini layaknya, dan peperangan Hebat itu dimulai oleh " Bunuh Kamu Sekarang ", sebuah Ritme Beat yang begitu menyiksa Siksaan Hyperblast Drumming-nya ! Start blast-beating the fuck out of your kit with a really fast riff, change to a mid-paced one half song in, go back to the fast riff and, most of the times, they will finish with a sort of groovy riff derived from the one they used previously. Meski menjadi Konsep Hyperblast Band, Sedikit menjadi Perbedaan Menarik disini adalah Beberapa Sayatan Melodius solo Gitar yang ciamik memberikan Kesejukan tersendiri diantara Gemuruh Dasyat beat yang cepat ! bener2 nih Track Siap membunuh pendengar-nya seketika dengan sajian kejam ! lalu " Kamu Pasti Mati " menjadi Subyek Pembuktian Berikut-nya, jika Suffergrind ga pernah Maen2 dengan Ancaman serius Musikal extra Ngebut-nya. I finally managed to appreciate the raw brutality of this band. The riffs are heavily distorted and hard to make out at first, but through repeated listens one can realize that the band presents quite a unique style. While punishing speed is obviously the main factor of the band, a nice amount of groove is scattered throughout the riffs of each track and the fluid transition between speed, catchiness, and technique really shows off. Pig Snoring Vocalis Benton masih begitu powerfully meski beberapa kali agak kedodoran dengan Pattern vokal rapat-nya. Seperti sudah dialiri dengan sebuah kebencian yang begitu mendalam, Vocalis Benton begitu menikmati setiap Kronologi penulisan lirik-nya menjadi cerita yang berhubungan, " Dendam Berkarat " masih Melaju dengan Irama Biadab-nya. Meski begitu bengis lewat hentakan Musiknya yang liar, Sambutan Melodic Solo Gitar terkadang memberi kesan sejuk meski kemudian dibantai dan dibantai terus akhirnya lewat Ritual Menggerinda-nya. " Memutus Nyawa ", Still Brutal Blastering and No Comment !!! dan Klimak Kronologi Serial Murder disudahi dengan " Membunuh atau Dibunuh " adalah opsi terakhir kekejian Suffergrind membalut karakter musikal-nya dengan aksi pembantaian. Memang Ga sampai 20 menit sih, tapi Gempuran Komposisi-nya memang dapat menyebabkan terhambat-nya Pernafasan ketika mengkonsumsi-nya, ada benar-nya memang pada awal tulisan ini gw udah ngasih Warning hehehe ... Sentuhan Mixing & Mastering Akhir Oleh Januaryo lewat Insidious Soundlab-nya telah menyempurnakan Agresi Kejam Suffergrind setelah mematangkan materi EP ini bertahun-tahun lamanya. persembahan Pembunuhan berantai siap mewarnai keras-nya Problema Kehidupan dengan Skema yang keji tergambarkan keren lewat Artwork Bloody Art Vomit. Determine the Validity of one Proclaimed Enjoyment of Extreme metal and can test the mettle of any musician’s drumming, Riffing Chops and Vibe to the Remorseless Butchery the Extremely Guttural lyrics Killer described, Fastly Fans Recommended !!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Google Translate Use)

Finally, One classic question for a band with his career Oldest is Releasing Debut Release, Although not a full-length album, but most become EP long wait Band Death Metal veteran Pekanbaru, SUFFERGRIND eventually became "Dream Come True" since the band was formed in 1997. Often Unloading plug formation to be one reason, this proves Benton Cs if Suffergrind still be Highlights discene his band. Strong touch of indiscriminate attacks Brodequin, Devourment and Internal Suffering seems to be the Power of Hypnosis sadistic order scheme "Kill, Killed, Murdered" became a reality in the graft Band knock Blastbeat Dominant blind rampage! Yeach, the band for the most part plays really fast, and the drummer makes use of blast-beats for about three quarters of the songs length And overly distorted guitars was the be all-end all of brutal death metal and it's nothing more than a complete average Destruction! In addition to being the band's long wait, of course, this EP For Personal Gw is a long wait after "Blasphemy of Religion" Demo Track in 2003 and some participation in many compilations. Before listening to this Part Slowly release Minus, is better to first fasten your seat belt, if one occupant new Label Roster Most Savage, Brutal Mind does not provide warranty Warning or damage as a result of listening to this Brutal catastrophic release. Curious sense must pass a nuanced Epic intro once, as we will be faced with a century's greatest battle is now appropriate, and the Great war started by "Kill You Now", a rhythm that is so excruciating torture Beat Hyperblast his Drumming! Start blast-beating the fuck out of your kit with a really fast riffs, change to a mid-paced song in one half, go back to the fast riffs and, most of the times, they will finish with a sort of groovy riffs derived from the one they used previously. Despite being a concept Hyperblast Band, Slightly be interesting difference here is some incision Nice melodic guitar solo provide its own coolness between the thunder of the terrible beat fast! bener2 ya Track Ready kill his listeners instantly with cruel dish! and "You Definitely Dead" became his subjects Proof Here, if Suffergrind not ever serious threat Musical Seriously with its extra speeding. I finally managed to appreciate the raw Brutality of this band. The riffs are heavily distorted and hard to make-out at first, but through repeated listens one can Realize that the band presents quite a unique style. While punishing speed is obviously the main factor of the band, a nice amount of groove is scattered throughout the riffs of call now track and the fluid transition between speed, catchiness, and really shows off technique. Snoring Pig vocalist Benton still so powerfully despite several times somewhat oversized with Pattern meeting his vocals. As already fed by a deep-seated hatred, vocalist Benton so enjoy every Chronology writing his lyrics became related stories, "Revenge Rustic" still Drove with his rhythm Savage. Even so ruthless through the wild beat of music, speech Melodic Guitar Solo sometimes give the impression of cool though then slaughtered and butchered continue through the end of his Grinding ritual. "Breaking Lives", Still Brutal Blastering and No Comment !!! Chronology of Serial Murder and water mark quits with "Kill or Be Killed" is the last option abomination Suffergrind bind its musical character with action slaughter. Indeed Ga to 20 minutes anyway, but its composition strikes it can cause obstructed his breathing when consuming it, there was her indeed at the beginning of this article i already give us Warning hehehe ... Mixing & Mastering Final Touch By Januaryo through Insidious Soundlab it has perfected Ruthless Aggression Suffergrind after finalizing this EP material for many years. Murder chain offerings are ready to paint his hard-Life Problems with nefarious scheme illustrated through Artwork Cool Art Bloody Vomit. Determine the Validity of one Proclaimed Enjoyment of Extreme metal and can test the mettle of any musician's drumming, riffing Chops and Vibe to the remorseless Butchery the Extremely Guttural lyrics Killer described, Fastly Fans Recommended !!!

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