Selasa, 28 April 2015

Pathology - The Time of Great Purification CD 2012

Pathology - The Time of Great Purification
Victory Records 2012

01 Imprisoned by Fear 02:14    
02 Tyrannical Decay 02:48    
03 Corporate Harvest 02:17    
04 Torment in Salvation 02:25    
05 Asphyxiation Through Consumption 02:39    
06 Remnants of Freedom 01:57    
07 Dissection of Origins 02:02    
08 Distorted Conscious 01:47    
09 A Bleak Future 03:02    
10 Oppression by Faith 01:58    
11 Cultivating Humanity 02:22    
12 Earth's Downfall 02:20    
13 The Everlasting Plague 02:13

Oscar Ramirez - Bass
Jonathan Huber - Vocals
Dave Astor - Drums
Kevin Schwartz - Guitars

Setelah melihat langsung Materi promo Video clip " Tyrannical Decay ", seperti sebuah Sihir dasyat untuk Gw menunggu Debut full album ke-6, band Brutal Death Metal sadis asal San Diego, California, Amrik yang eksis sejak tahun 2006 dan telah beberapa kali waktu lalu menampilkan beberapa Member Brutal Death Metal ngeri Disgorge ( California ) sebagai Formasinya ! band Bentukan Dave Astor, salah satu Member Band Metal Ngeri sebelumnya Cattle Decapitation, Parasitic, The Locust dan saat ini masih juga eksis diband Being Killed. sekaligus " The Time of Great Purification " ini menjadi album ke-3 nya sejak bergabung dengan label yang Notabene Familiar memiliki segudang Band2 Genre Hardcore/Punk, Victory Records, Pathology semakin menampilkan permainan matang dan berkualitas jika gw bandingkan melalui beberapa materi sebelumnya yang cuman mengumbar Beat yang Cepat dan Brutal aja, namun " The Time of Great Purification " ini secara mengejutkan juga pertama kali lewat promo Video Clip " Tyrannical Decay " lebih memainkan Musik Brutal dengan Struktur yang matang ! ya lebih matang dan terkonsep sehingga selalu bisa gw tebak Aransemennya hehehehe, dan tanpa mengurangi Citra kharismanya sebagai band brutal death Metal dengan Karakter Vokill yang Guttural, Pathology kembali dengan formasi album sebelumnya tanpa kehadiran Gitaris Tim Tiszczenko, sepertinya lebih membuka ruang gerak dan ekspresi Gitaris Kevin Schwartz menciptakan karakter Riffing Dasyatnya ! buktinya bisa elo rasakan sendiri lewat gesekan mantap Dawai Gitar dengan sound mantap di album yang memuat 13 lagu super cepat dan Enjoyable ! I preferred the blast-heavy, guttural machinations that Deeds of Flesh spewed out than the chunky, snail paced gurggle non-sense of Devourment. There have been a few exceptions: the Space-Slam-Jazz-Grind of Wormed is nothing short of perfect, and technical slam acts like Embryonic Devourment and Dripping have been good. But bands like Cephalotripsy, Katalepsy and Abominable Puridity do very little for me, and at its worst(Waking the Cadaver) it crosses over into War Crime territory. dan menambah catatan lagi, aransemen album gress kali ini memang lebih menawarkan struktur musik yang Catchy dan Hyperblast Dominan yang dieksekusi pertama kali lewat " Imprisoned by Fear ", Pathology tetap menawarkan gempuran mematikan Hyperblast In The Vein Katalepsy, Abominable Puridity dan Disgorge tanpa banyak melakukan hentakan Slammin Part yang membosankan, Pathology lebih memiliki Komposisi yang keren, raungan Pig Snore Guttural Vokalis Jonathan Huber kian terasah saja dengan karakter ultra parau-nya, sementara itu Gitaris Kevin lebih banyak mengaransemen Riff2 Simple ala Disavowed hingga Disgorge walau lebih manusiawi lagi, Kevin telah memberi sentuhan Ringan  pada skill Dinamisnya dan Drummer Dave lebih banyak menawarkan gempuran Hyperblaster Liar hampir disetiap Komposisi lagunya. factory modeled deathcore band. Not to be mistaken with brutal death metal, slam bands usually do not include any technical flair, melodies or solos to speak of, opting instead to focus entirely on the heaviest slams possible. The crude unmelodic slab of hospital morgue cement foundation of slam is what Pathology constructs their brand of death metal on. " Tyrannical Decay " selanjutnya tentu tidak asing lagi dikuping gw, dengan komposisi part awal begitu Memorable, Pathology lebih coba terus menanamkan kematangan konsep Brutal Death Metal yang masih Signifikan dengan beberapa sentuhan elemen Modern style ! tweaked their sound enough that their latest offering should please most death metal fans, and possibly become a gateway for future listeners to explore lesser known subgenres of death metal. dan mendengar dari beberapa karakter gempuran Hyperblast snare Dave, gw terkadang teringat banget dengan gaya bermain Disavowed Era " Perceptive .. " banget ! dan 13 lagu disini sama sekali ga kasih kesempatan gw buat bernafas lega selain gempuran Hyperblast beat !, mungkin kesan yang di timbulkan di materi2 sebelumnya Pathology, album " The Time of Great Purification " rasanya lebih memberi Kesan Keren dan No Boring coy !, biarpun di komposisi dengan Gaya Simple Brutality, Kekuatan konsep album ini lumayan Bikin Kesan Memorability banget ! konsep kover masih menggunakan jasa Lukisan Artwork Pär Olofsson, menjadi langganan Konsep Kover beberapa rilisan sebelumya, menjadi Trademark untuk setiap Artwork Pathology kayaknya. This is true death metal that will stop at nothing to obliterate all which stand in its way. Consider this a warning, PATHOLOGY is coming...

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

After seeing the promo material Direct Video clip "Tyrannical Decay", like a Magic terrible to wait Debut full album Gw-6, Brutal Death Metal band sadist from San Diego, California, Amrik which exists since 2006 and have been several times when the last show some Member Brutal Death Metal horror Disgorge (California) as a formation! Notching band Dave Astor, one of the earlier horror Metal Band Member Cattle decapitation, Parasitic, The Locust and currently still exist diband Being Killed. and "The Time of Great Purification" became her third album since joining the label which incidentally has a myriad Band2 Familiar Genre Hardcore / Punk, Victory Records, Pathology and the display quality mature game if i compare it with some previous material indulgence cuman Beat Fast and Brutal wrote, but "The Time of Great Purification" is incredibly well the first time through the promo Video Clip "Tyrannical Decay" Brutal more plays music with a mature structure! yes more mature and terkonsep so always Aransemennya hehehehe i guess, and without reducing the image of his charisma as a brutal death metal band with a Guttural Vokill Characters, Pathology back to the formation album before, without the presence of guitarist Tim Tiszczenko, seems more open space and expression Guitarist Kevin Schwartz created the characters riffing dasyatnya! evidence could feel himself elo through steady friction Guitar Strings with steady sound on the album that contains 13 songs super fast and Enjoyable! I preferred the blast-heavy, guttural Deeds of Flesh machinations that spewed out than the chunky, snail paced gurggle non-sense of Devourment. There have been a few exceptions: the Space-Slam-Jazz-Grind of wormed is nothing short of perfect, and technical slam acts like Embryonic Devourment and Dripping have been good. But bands like Cephalotripsy, Katalepsy and Abominable Puridity do very little for me, and at its worst (Waking the cadaver) it crosses over into territory War Crime. and add another record, this time arrangements gress album does more offers structure Catchy music and Hyperblast Dominant executed the first time through "Imprisoned by Fear", still offers the onslaught of deadly Pathology Hyperblast In The Vein Katalepsy, Abominable Puridity and Disgorge without much buffeting Slammin Part boring, more Pathology has a cool composition, Pig SNORE Guttural roars vocalist Jonathan Huber increasingly honed it with ultra guttural his character, while guitarist Kevin arranges more Riff2 Simple style disavowed by Disgorge even more human again, Kevin has given Light touch on the dynamic skills and Drummer Dave Hyperblaster more to offer Liar strikes almost every song composition. factory modeled deathcore band. Not to be mistaken with brutal death metal, slam Usually bands do not include any technical flair, melodies or solos to speak of, opting instead to focus entirely on the heaviest slams possible. The crude unmelodic hospital Morgue slab of cement foundation of Pathology slam is what constructs their brand of death metal on. "Tyrannical Decay" would be familiar furthermore dikuping gw, with the composition of the early part so Memorable, more Pathology try to continue instilling maturity concept Brutal Death Metal is still significant with some touch of modern style elements! tweaked their sound enough that their latest offering should please most death metal fans, and possibly future Become a gateway for listeners to explore lesser known subgenres of death metal. and hear from some of the characters onslaught Hyperblast snare Dave, i sometimes think of really playing style disavowed Era "Perceptive .." really? and the 13 tracks here utterly ga i love the chance to breathe for the onslaught than Hyperblast beat!, probably caused the impression that in the previous materi2 Pathology, album "The Time of Great Purification" gives impression it's more cool and coy No Boring!, even in composition with Brutality Simple Style, Strength concept album Making passable impression of memorability really! cover concept still use the services of Painting Artwork Pär Olofsson, a subscription Concept Coverage some previous releases, a Trademark for each Artwork Pathology think. This is true death metal that will stop at nothing to obliterate all roomates stand in its way. Consider this a warning, Pathology is coming ...

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