Kamis, 16 April 2015

Drop - Savage Revenge EP 2015

Drop - Savage Revenge
Brutal Mind EP 2015

01 Savage Revenge 06:30    
02 Metamorfosa Kebencian 04:56    
03 Ideologi Penyiksa 03:47    
04 Moralitas Semu (re-mastered demo 2011) 03:54

Gaber Vomit - Vocals
Andry Garcia - Guitars
Dewa Tokip - Bass
Wahyu - Drums 

Aggressive Pounding Whiplashing Blastbeats are Totally Solid Extremely Dense Package !!! Yepz Sketsa Awal kali mendengarkan Dentuman beat yang bikin detak Jantung Nge-Drop dengan siksaan berat Band asal Banten, Tangerang yang lewat Full Album " Sadistic Independent of Bliss " tahun 2012 memang begitu sangat Unmerciful ! Band Brutal bentukan almarhum Drummer Agus Dobol sejak Tahun 2004 dengan memilih nama Simple DROP yang berdasarkan filosofi kelemahan sistem pemikiran manusia. Secara Konsisten memang apa yang band ini usung adalah Style Brutal Death Metal dengan dibumbui Beat Groovy sebagai penyedap-nya, meskipun Gempuran Blastbeat-nya terlalu mendominasi Struktur musikal-nya, DROP memang selalu bikin Nge-drop Abis dengan siksaan extra ngebut-nya. the majority of the Material is blasting away, at lightning speed. It is quite impressive how fast blastblasting are tortured ! dan tentunya terdapat Sentuhan " Fresh " Materi gress kali ini yang merupakan debut perdana Drummer Wahyu menggantikan posisi awal Ade " Godex " Putra yang saat ini sedang fokus penuh dengan pekerjaannya. Well, Gempuran yang Lebih mematikan memang pasti akan kalian lontarkan ketika mendengar track awal Powerfully " Savage Revenge " berdurasi 06:30 menit ini seperti menjadi Training Prima bagi Drummer Wahyu untuk dijajal Power-nya dengan Dentuman Drum yang lebih rapat ! memang tidak banyak melakukan Trick serta Trick Drumming yang signifikan, karena disini memang menuntut Konsentrasi Power stabil-nya. Racikan Pummeling Riffing Gitaris Andry Garcia masih memegang kendali Utama penulisan lagu-nya. Guitar is just good kind of old-schoolish pounding riffs played real fast and they are really enjoyable even if they are not the main feature of this Material Inside, Lalu Karakter Vokal Gaber Vomit lebih Berkarakter Low Growl yang gw rasa berbeda dengan sebelumnya, These vocals while being some of the most aggressive ever still retain an earthly organic tone. Hanya beberapa Hentakan Groove yang membuat Drummer Wahyu harus bernafas sedikit lega, meski Gempuran Twin Pedal rapat masih menjadi Konsentrasi utama-nya. Definisi Blastbeat Track sepintas seperti mengingatkan era Keganasan Disavowed Era " Perceptive Deception " bedanya, Drop masih menambahkan beberapa Lick Komposional In The Vein Dying Fetus serta Suffocation. Selanjunya " Metamorfosa Kebencian ", tetap Menyajikan Ritual Biadab atas nama Blastbeat Intens ! meskipun menggeber Irama yang serba cepat dan Berat, Natural Drum Sounding Khas A4 Studio yang paling Gw Sukai disini, sehingga Sterotype Digitalized lebih hilang ketika mendengarkannya. Part Opening " Ideologi Penyiksa " lebih mengingatkan Gw dengan Some Fenomenal Track Suffocation, Sepertinya Track ini lebih Menitik Konsentrasi untuk beberapa Enjoying Headbanger part dengan beberapa Breakdown Riff diantara Deru Intense Blastbeat-nya. Regardless, I think it was exactly their intention to have the guitar riffing low and subtle in some parts, and in fact, there are many parts that give a very catchy vibe, if you listen closely They throw in a lot of squeals and even sounding sections for variety. Blocking Sound yang Terdengar lebih balance mungkin menjadi salah satu Sound Materi Drop disini lebih " Megah ", dan Track Pamungkas adalah " Moralitas Semu " yang dimastering ulang dari Materi Demo 2011, dengan Sound Gitar dan Karakter Vokal yang berbeda, mungkin track ini akan terdengar begitu menyentuh seketika Begitu Starting. Typical deep Growl Era Karakter Kuat lamanya Frank Mullen Era " Effigy Of The Forgotten ", yang menurut gw lebih Powerfully digunakan pada materi Baru Drop Mungkin. Perfectly Executed Vomit, Perfectly Executed Pile of Riffage and Perfectly Executed Attacking ! 4 Track yang Mendominasi Permainan Serba Cepat dan Rapat akan menjadi Pilihan tersendiri bagi Fans Beat Ngebut yang disempurnakan oleh Brutal Minddengan Kemasan Profesional Duplicating Awesome Artwork Cover dan Produksi sound yang higher points ! here are dealing with medieval torture and music is fucking hyperblasting death metal with Little sewage Groovy brutality in a whole new way.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Google Translate Use)

Aggressive Pounding Whip Lashing Blast Beats are Totally Solid Extremely Dense Package !!! Preliminary Sketch Yepz time listening to bang the beat that makes heart beat DROPPING by ordeal Band from Banten, Tangerang through full-length album "Sadistic Independent of Bliss" in 2012 did so very Unmerciful! Brutal band formed by the late drummer Agus perforated since 2004 to choose a name that is based on the philosophy of Simple DROP system weakness of human thought. Consistent is what this band stretcher is Style Brutal Death Metal with spiced Beat Groovy as its flavoring, although strikes Blastbeat is too dominating its musical structure, DROP always make Total Dropping with extra torment his speeding. The majority of the material is blasting away, at lightning speed. It is quite impressive how fast blastblasting are Tortured! and of course there is a touch of "Fresh" gress material this time which is the debut Drummer Revelation replace the initial position Ade "Godex" Men who currently work full focus. Well, strikes are more deadly it will definitely catapult when you hear the track early Powerfully "Savage Revenge" is such a duration of 6:30 minutes into Training Prima for Drummer Revelation for its Power tested with tighter Drum Bang! did not do a lot of Drumming Trick Trick and significant, because here it is demanding its concentration Power stable. Guitarist pummeling riffing concoction Andry Garcia still in control of his songwriting Main. Guitar is just good old-schoolish kind of pounding riffs played real fast and they are really enjoyable even if they are not the main feature of this Material Inside, Then Character Character Vocal Gaber more Vomit Low Growl which i guess is different from the previous, Reviews These vocals while being some of the most aggressive ever Earthly still retain an organic tone. Only some buffeting Groove makes Drummer Revelation should breathe a little sigh of relief, although strikes Twin Pedal still meeting its main concentration. Track Blastbeat cursory definition like to remind era Malignancy Disavowed Era "Perceptive Deception" difference, Drop still add some compositional Lick In The Vein Dying Fetus and Suffocation. And Then "Metamorphosis Hatred", remains Presenting on behalf of the Savage Ritual Blastbeat Intense! although Play Through fast-paced rhythm and Weight, Natural Sounding Drums Studio A4 Typical most I Like here, so that more digitalized stereotypes lost when listening. Part Opening "Ideology torturer" more reminiscent of I with Suffocation Some Phenomenal Track, Track It seems this is more Tacking concentration for some Enjoying Headbanger part with some Breakdown Riff among Intense Blastbeat his roar. Regardless, I think it was exactly Reviews their intention to have the guitar riffing low and subtle in some parts, and in fact, there are many parts that give a very catchy vibe, if you listen closely They throw in a lot of squeals and even sounding sections for variety. Blocking Sound Sounds more balance might be one of the Sound Material Drop here more "Magnificent", and Track Pamungkas is "Morality Moot" which re dimastering of Matter Demo 2011, with Sound Guitar and Vocals different characters, maybe this track would sound so Starting immediately touch soon. Typical deep Growl Era Strong Character length Frank Mullen Era "Effigy Of The Forgotten", which in my opinion is more Powerfully used in New material Drop Maybe. Perfectly Executed Vomit, Perfectly Executed Pile of riffage and Perfectly Executed Attacking! 4 Track Dominate Games Quick Solutions and Meetings will be a separate option for Fans Beat Speeding enhanced by Brutal Minddengan Packaging Professional Duplicating Awesome Artwork Cover and sound production are higher points! here are dealing with medieval torture and music is fucking hyperblasting death metal with Groovy Little sewage Brutality in a whole new way.

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