Sabtu, 11 April 2015

Spilish - Promo 2013

Spilish - Promo 2013
Self Released CD-R 2013

01 4 Sehat 5 Sekarat
02 Otak Kiri Rusak
03 Prajurit Sinting

Menyebut nama band Brutal Death Metal asal Tangerang ini mungkin Asumsi kita akan mengarah kepada Kesan Porn Band mulanya, kayaknya salah jika kita terlalu dini dengan Judge, SPILISH memang band yang mengusung warna Brutal Death/Grind dengan sentuhan yang begitu Old School banget, its memorable concept from 1990 style, dengan Rekaman yang mengingatkan dengan era Keemasan K Studio Sound pada era 2000 an awal, jika sound ini begitu mudah dideteksi, sehingga menjadi sebuah kemiripan yang tidak terelakkan. Tidak banyak mendapat sentuhan yang Digitally banget, sehingga apa yang kita dengar di Promo ini tentu akan menjadi pemandangan kita sendiri saat menikmati Performance stage mereka. masih berangkat dari karakter Familiar pendahulu mereka seperti Cannibal Corpse, Napalm Death, Suffocation serta Dying Fetus menjadi Konsep yang begitu Dominan rasanya. Ketukan Drum yang Lebih Natural, Catchy Riff serta Low Growl adalah Racikan Simple dalam Promo ini. dengan Mengganti Semboyan 4 Sehat 5 Sempurna menjadi " 4 Sehat 5 Sekarat " adalah bentuk Kebencian mereka terhadap Ketimpangan dalam Kehidupan sosial disekitar mereka cukup menjadi Penyeimbang antara emosi dan enerji mereka tercurahkan lewat Aransemen Death/Grind yang Berat ! And I can think of nothing more extreme than slamming on the breaks and taking grind directly into mid-tempo death metal. Sayang Menurut Gw Pribadi Karakter Vocalis pepeng harus lebih diasah kembali untuk menggunakan Typical Vocal yang lebih " Heavy" lagi dan harus perlahan melepas Asumsi Gaya Vocal " Sedot " yang kayaknya udah ga kompatible dengan Aransemen konsep band, Mungkin Emosional Growl yang Lebih " Lepas " bakal menambah Kengerian tersendiri disini, Yeach ... makes things fitting and exciting !!! " Otak Kiri Rusak " adalah gempuran setingkat lebih cepat untuk konsepsional Track yang ingin bermain secepat-cepat-nya begitu Juga " Prajurit Sinting " secara rancak memberikan Atmosfir berisik ruang dengar kita. Sebuah Perjalanan panjang bagi band untuk lebih berkembang lagi, dengan eksistensi yang mereka miliki, gw yakin akan ada Stuff berbahaya dari Band ini Nantinya.  there's a lot more room for the compositions to breathe and explore themselves via intricate death/grind riffing and frequent rhythm and tempo changes Very catchy, fast with up tempo and truly evil riffage.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Google Translate Use)

The name of Brutal Death Metal band from Tangerang this assumption may lead to the impression we would Porn band initially, seems wrong if we are too early to Judge, SPILISH is a band that carries the colors Brutal Death / Grind with touches so Old School buildup, its memorable concept from 1990 style, with footage that reminds the Golden era of K Studio Sound in the early 2000's era, if the sound is so easily detected, so it becomes an inevitable resemblance. Not much gets touch Digitally really, so what we hear in this promotion will certainly be our own scenery while enjoying their Performance stage. they departed from their predecessors Familiar characters such as Cannibal Corpse, Napalm Death, Suffocation and Dying Fetus become so dominant concept tastes. Drum beats are More Natural, Catchy riffs and Low Growl is Simple Mixing in this promo. the motto Changing 4 Sehat 5 Sempurna become "4 Sehat 5 Sekarat " is a form of Their hatred of inequality in the social life around them quite a Balancing between emotion and energy they tercurahkan through Arrangement Death / Grind the weight! And I can think of nothing more extreme than slamming on the breaks and taking grind Directly into a mid-tempo death metal. Unfortunately According Personal Gw Pepeng Character vocalist should be geared back to using the Typical Vocal more "Heavy" again and had to slowly release Assumption Vocal Style "Suck" which seems already Arrangement no compatible with the concept of the band, which might Emotional Growl More "Off" will adds its own horror here, Yeach ... makes things fitting and exciting !!! "Otak Kiri Rusak" is the onslaught of faster for conceptual level track you want to play as soon as it is so fast Also "Prajurit Sinting" is smart provide noisy atmosphere of the room to hear us. A long journey for the band to grow even more, the existence of which they have, I'm sure there will be a dangerous Stuff the future of this band. there's a lot more room for Compositions to breathe and explore Themselves via intricate death / grind riffing and frequent rhythm and tempo changes Very catchy, fast with up tempo and truly evil riffage.

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