Sabtu, 11 April 2015

Rehearse - Chaos Reign CD EP 2013

Rehearse - Chaos Reign
Uprising Music Society EP 2013

01 Bloody Mess 03:01    
02 My Hammer, Your Face 03:30    
03 I Am Genocide 03:43    
04 Beyond Vengeance 05:41

Stereotype Kita dengan Band cadas asal Negeri Jiran, Malasya kerap terpatahkan dengan Asumsi Melodic & Black Metal Stuff selama ini, well kayaknya perlahan coba gw tepis dengan Geliat Death Metal Movement-nya, mungkin nama REHEARSE kurang begitu populer untuk kita sebutkan, dari Serdang / Selangor ini mungkin akan menjadi Playlist baru kalian penikmat Komposisi yang jauh dari kesan monoton, bagaimana Rehearse ini lebih coba memadukan warna baru dengan metal, hardcore, rock, hingga jazz yang terdengar unik memang, bagaimana gw mendengar Daath, Vital Remain digabungkan dengan Old School Dinamis ala Death, rasanya ini menjadi hiburan menarik saat mendengarkannya. Technical Riffing-nya cukup menyita kuping gw saat mengkonsumsi-nya, penuh dengan Lick yang Gelap dan menantang, sayang karakter Multiple Vokal-nya seharusnya ga menunggunakan Typical Deep Windgrowl, Low grunted Vocal-nya lebih keren menghiasi komposisi-nya. They really add a depth to the atmosphere that many bands couldn't touch with Some songs are more traditionally oriented, such as subterfuge and ovum. Yuk kita coba mendengarkan " Bloody Mess " sebagai track pertamanya, penampilan Blastbeat ringan menawan cukup menjadi Dominasi yang kemudian disusul dengan Groovy Riff in The Vein Waking The Cadaver cukup untuk menggoyang leher kepala kita stay headbang ! would be more enjoyable than hearing this bowel movement again, and that’s total honesty. Memang agak garuk-garuk kepala jika mendengar apa yang mereka mainkan disini, meski tidak dengan part musik yang rumit, Setiap Aransemennya lebih catchy untuk dinikmati, Death metal touches have been forced unwillingly into a melting pot of nu-metal and electronica among other lame things. " My Hammer, Your Face " rasanya lebih menantang komposisi-nya kali, dengan Sentuhan Death Metal extreme yang terbalut dengan harmonisasi yang Hitam dengan Raungan Screamin Insane, mencoba mengingatkan dengan gaya Vital Remains era " Icons of Evil ", kemudian pada Chorus Part-nya sentuhan Jazzy sederhana mencoba memberikan sentuhan Unik, sehingga Track ini bagi gw sangat menarik sajiannya. modernize, incorporating an even more exaggerated style where elements of Techical death metal found themselves merged with an even longer version of the already epic songwriting that this band has long exemplified of notes and occasional incoherence. berbeda lagi sentuhannya pada Track " I Am Genocide ", lebih catchy Riffing dengan Multiple Vocal Dominan menjadi part yang berisik mengisi, to wander about in no discernible order, often times hitting a very cliche sounding melodic passage, but never really managing to make anything stick. berbeda lagi dengan " Beyond Vengeance ", kita seperti kembali ke Alur Karakter Track Pertama " Bloody Mess ", dimana Olah riffing-nya seperti terpanggang kembali Obsesi-nya, massively impressive yet quite forgettable ! Memang secara keseluruhan Materi EP ini akan banyak membawa Karakteristik tersendiri, dimana hampir track-nya di komposisi masing-masing dengan racikan berbeda, sebagai Langkah pencarian Konsep yang lebih tepat bagi band kedepannya. every song is based off the exact same handful of notes, leaving no track with any sort of personality. All imagination is sucked dry by the machine-press songwriting, totally overmixed production, and absolute lack with immediate string bounces being used to provide the illusion of variation.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Google Translate Use)

Stereotype We are the original Extreme band the neighbor country, Malaysia is often broken by Assumption Melodic & Black Metal Stuff for this, well I think slowly try gw tepis by wriggling his Death Metal Movement, perhaps less popular name rehearse for us mention, from Serdang / Selangor This might be your new playlist audience composition far from being monotonous, how this Rehearse more try new colors combine with metal, hardcore, rock, to jazz that sounds unique indeed, how do i hear Daath, Remain Vital Dynamic coupled with Old School style Death, it's become interesting when listening entertainment. Technical riffing his ear consuming enough gw when consuming her, full of the Dark Lick and challenging, dear Multiple Vocal his character should ga menunggunakan Typical Deep Windgrowl, Low grunted his more cool Vocal adorn her compositions. They really add a depth to the atmosphere that many bands could not touch with Some songs are more traditionally oriented, Reviews such as subterfuge and ova. Let us try to listen to the "Bloody Mess" as the first track, the appearance of light Blastbeat be captivating enough dominance was followed by Groovy riffs in the vein Waking the cadaver enough to shake our heads stay neck headbang! would be more enjoyable than hearing this bowel movement again, and that's total honesty. It is rather scratch their heads when they hear what they play here, although not with elaborate musical parts, each more catchy arrangements to be enjoyed, Death metal touches have been forced unwillingly into a melting pot of nu-metal and electronica Among other lame things . "My Hammer, Your Face" feels more challenging compositions of his time, with a touch of extreme death metal clad with harmonization Screamin Insane Black with a roar, trying to remind the style of the era Vital Remains "Icons of Evil", then on his Part Chorus Jazzy touch of simple try to provide unique touch, making this Track for I very attractive grain. modernize, incorporating an even more exaggerated style where elements of death metal Techical found Themselves merged with an even longer version of the already epic songwriting that this band has long exemplified of notes and occasional Incoherence. different again touch on the track "I Am Genocide", more catchy riffing with Multiple Vocal Dominant become part noisy filling, to wander about in no discernible order, Often times hitting a very cliche sounding melodic passage, but never really managing to the make anything stick . different again with "Beyond Vengeance", we like back to Flow Character First Track "Bloody Mess", where his Sports riffing like parched back his obsession, a massively impressive yet quite forgettable! Indeed, the overall material EP will be a lot to bring its own characteristics, which almost track in the composition of each with different blends, as a step search more precise concept for the band in the future. every song is based off the exact same handful of notes, leaving no tracks with any sort of personality. All imagination is sucked dry by the machine-press songwriting, totally overmixed production, and absolute lack bounces with immediate string being used to provide the illusion of variation.

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