Sabtu, 11 April 2015

Chasing Wells - Die Die Beautiful EP 2014

Chasing Wells - Die Die Beautiful
Self Release EP 2014

01 Intro So Let We Go
02 Losing You Part 2 (Our Song Third Year Redemption)
03 Betrayal From Promises
04 Gaza We Will Come
05 Have You Choose Your Side (Remember Who We Are ' Demo)
06 Losing You (Remember Who We Are ' Demo)
07 I Will Forget (Remember Who We Are ' Demo)

" Falling rise together, never ever surrender, stand strong together, stand strong forever " sepertinya menjadi Spirit tersendiri memang bagi Kuala Lumpur Melodic Metalcore ini, CHASING WELLS ! setelah mengenalkan Demo " Remember Who We Are " lewat Situs Reverbnation tahun 2012, Band ini Kembali melempar EP pertamanya " Die Die Beautiful " yang sebagian materi-nya ditambahkan Demo tersebut menjadi Rilisan Fisik pertama Band sejak terbentuk Tahun 2012. Mungkin jujur saja kalo Gw masih terlalu terlambat untuk mengikuti perkembangan Genre Metalcore dari Negeri ini, sehingga mungkin nama Mereka hampir tidak gw tahu eksistensi-nya. menjadi saat yang tepat memang untuk gw kulik EP menarik Pertama Chasing Wells yang menjadi perpaduan Karakter antara  Unearth, As I Lay Dying, All That Remain, serta Parkway Drive cukup memberi Hiburan menarik tersendiri bagi Gw apalagi Melodic Metalcore Fans. The vocals on this track aren't as good, with weird breaks in-between shouts that don't quite fit. The guitars are cool, but everything else is a little below my expectations. Ya meski komposisi musik yang ditawarkan band ini lebih menghanyutkan dengan Lick Melodic Riffing-nya, namun pada Sesi Vokal bagi gw masih harus di Kembangkan lebih maksimal dengan karakter yang Powerfully ! " Intro So Let We Go " menjadi Foreplay yang hangat sebelum Moshpit area pecah teraduk oleh Bising Melodic Metalcore dengan Hentakan Kuat Breakdown Beat diantaranya. All contains a focus on the environment, which is a nice change in pace from the usual metalcore genre subject matter. " Losing You Part 2 (Our Song Third Year Redemption) " penampilan Menarik mencoba mengusik dengan karakter Kuat Melodius dengan terjangan Kuat Metalcore Anthemic Style. The band will then proceed to repeat the riff for 2 bars. Then the riff will be repeated two more times but with the vocals jumping in the second time around. Then the bridge to the chorus comes or maybe you get a chugging riff played for two bars to announce the coming of a breakdown. Sajian Solo Melodius-nya lebih menembus Insting sekali, terkemas lebih Maksimal bersama Instrumen lainnya. " Betrayal From Promises " semakin Membungkam Naluri dengan sentuhan melodius yang makin kental lagi, the melody and flow of the songs and guitar parts carries the band through and maintains their status as one of the premier metalcore bands of today. Spoken Intro " Gaza We Will Come " rasanya memberi Attitude tersendiri hingga Kita menikmati Sajian Track ini begitu Mendalam dengan The True Melodic Metalcore yang lebih Agresif Esensi-nya, Nice Track the ability to pull of some kick ass thrash riffs and grooves but these are set against saccharine sweet melodies and come too far apart to save the Track seems slightly less reliance on telegraphed breakdowns which will upset the Hot Topic crowd ! 3 Track selanjutnya adalah dari materi Demo Sebelumnya, dengan karakter Vokal yang jauh lebih berbeda dengan sekarang, more Emotional Type kental sentuhan Kuat Parkway Drive, meski Beberapa Karakter Shriek Vokalnya disini lebih Harsh, tapi sayang Beberapa Clean Vokal-nya malah bikin " Kacau " karakter Musik yang sudah tertata lebih garang. Mungkin secara keseluruhan Chasing Wells Punya karakter Musik yang Asyik, namun untuk beberapa Vocal Duties-nya masih perlu adanya pengembangan maksimal untuk Musikal Perfect band. throwing out phrases like ‘one dimensional’ and ‘derivative’ while disappearing into the latest obscure release. In reality, while hardly reinventing the wheel, no one can hold a candle anywhere near them. They’re just better than everyone else, and after all, Falling rise together, never ever surrender, stand strong together, stand strong forever !!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Google Translate Use)

"Falling rise together, never ever surrender, stand strong together, stand strong forever" seems to be a separate Spirit does for Kuala Lumpur's Melodic metalcore, chasing Wells! after introducing Demo "Remember Who We Are" through Reverbnation site in 2012, this band Back throws his first EP "Die Die Beautiful" that most of his material is added Demo became the first physical release since the band formed in 2012. It may be honest if Gw still too late to follow the development of the metalcore genre of this State, so perhaps the name they hardly i know its existence. be a good time is to draw gw kulik First EP Chasing Wells who become characters blend between Unearth, As I Lay Dying, All That Remain, and Parkway Drive Entertainment interesting enough to give pleasure for Gw especially Melodic metalcore fans. The vocals on this track are not as good, with weird breaks in-between shouts that do not quite fit. The guitars are cool, but everything else is a little below my expectations. Yes, although the composition of music offered the band a more immersive with melodic riffing Lick her, but at the Vocal Session for I still have more leverage in Develop Powerfully with character! "Intro So Let We Go" became warm foreplay before rupture area moshpit stirred by Noisy Melodic metalcore with Beat Breakdown Strong beat them. All contains a focus on the environment, the which is a nice change in pace from the usual metalcore genre subject matter. "Losing You Part 2 (Our Song Third Year Redemption)" Attractive appearance of trying to disturb the character of the brunt Strong Strong melodic metalcore anthemic style. The band will then proceed to repeat the riff for 2 bars. Then the riff will be repeated two more times but with the vocals jumping in the second time around. Then the bridge to the chorus comes or maybe you get a chugging riff played for two bars to announce the coming of a breakdown. Serving Solo his melodic instincts once more penetrating, more packed together Maximum other instruments. "Betrayal From Promises" increasingly Silence Instinct with increasingly strong melodic touch again, the melody and flow of the songs and guitar parts carries the band through and maintains Reviews their status as one of the premier metalcore bands of today. Spoken Intro "Gaza We Will Come" Attitude own tastes give up We enjoy this track so Deep Dish with The True Melodic metalcore more Aggressive its essence, Nice Track the ability to pull of some kick ass thrash riffs and grooves but These are set against saccharine sweet melodies and come too far apart to save the track seems slightly less reliance on breakdowns telegraphed the which will upset the Hot Topic crowd! 3 is the next track of the material Demo Previously, the vocal character much different from now, more viscous touch Strong Emotional Type Parkway Drive, although some characters Harsh Shriek more vocal here, but unfortunately some of its Clean Vocal even make "Chaotic" character The music has been arranged more ferocious. Perhaps overall Chasing Wells Have Fun music character, but for some of his Duties Vocal still need the maximum development for Perfect Musical band. throwing out phrases like 'one-dimensional' and 'derivative' while disappearing into the latest release obscure. In reality, while hardly reinventing the wheel, no one can hold a candle anywhere near them. They're just better than everyone else, and after all, Falling rise together, never ever surrender, stand strong together, stand strong forever !!!

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