Jumat, 03 April 2015

Skinless - Only the Ruthless Remain CD 2015

Skinless - Only the Ruthless Remain
Relapse Records CD 2015

01 Serpenticide 04:40    
02 Only the Ruthless Remain 03:52    
03 Skinless 04:46    
04 Flamethrower 03:33    
05 The Beast Smells Blood 04:56    
06 Funeral Curse 04:08    
07 Barbaric Proclivity 04:48

Sherwood Webber - Vocals
Noah Carpenter - Guitars
Dave Matthews - Guitars
Joe Keyser - Bass
Bob Beaulac - Drums 

Finally ! ... One Most New York Death Metal Pioneer Has Back in Over Eight Years and Their Most Brutal and Skull-Crushing Offering to act !!! tahun 2015 ini menjadi Tahun yang begitu berkesan saat New York Brutal Death Metal bentukan sejak 1992 ini menampilkan lagi formasi 2 Album Lawas-nya yang diyakini sebagai Formasi dengan Karakter Asli Skinless Sendiri yang mendadak harus hilang memasuki Album Ke-3 " From Sacrifice to Survival " dengan keluarnya Drummer Bob Beaulac kemudian gantian album ke-4 " Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead " vocalis Sherwood Webber Harus Absen, Namun Akhirnya Frontman Noah Carpenter masih tetap bertahan dengan Kembalinya Member lawas seperti Drummer Bob Beaulac. Meski melalui Proses yang panjang pula dan Vakum Hampir 8 Tahun sejak materi terakhir " Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead " yang kemudian pada April 2011 Skinless sempat Memberitakan " Berakhir " karir mereka, namun Beruntung Akhirnya Agustus 2013 Skinless Menyatakan diri untuk berkumpul kembali dengan menambah 1 gitaris baru, Dave Matthews (Incontinence, ex-Armor Column, ex-Held Under, Dryheave, Hellbent) diyakini menambah Karakteristik Skinless makin mengganyang kali ini. Only stopping occasionally to reload ammunition In effect giving the drums some time to shine with fills and double bass work before coming back full strength to kill the listener with more bludgeoning riffs of death ! dan inilah 8 tahun penantian mereka untuk dapat mempersembahkan " Only Th? Ruthl?ss R?main " sebagai The New Masterpiece karir Skinless tetap mengusung warna Death Metal Agresif era " Progression Towards Evil " dengan Jilatan Tajam " Foreshadowing Our Demise ", namun apa yang ditawarkan kali ini lebih dengan Komposisi yang Fresh dari Sound serta Musikal-nya. Tension builds and is released at the correct intervals, vocals verbose Powerfully with riffs are solid in every department, and drums are tasteful and as technical as needed by the rest of the music The band has a great dynamic altogether on this release! and " Serpenticide " akan menjawab part awal Penasaran para Skinless Fans tentunya. Seperti Peluru lepas kendali, Striking beat awal sudah penuh dengan Hentakan Cepat ! The most important part of this album is its consistency. Every track has at least one excellent riff that's guaranteed to induce headbanging in all but the quadriplegic, and beyond that have an array of nearly as good ones which maintain interest throughout the song. beberapa Addition Trick Vokal-nya lebih Terasa Operatic Unik Mengingatkan sedikit dengan Karakternya Fleshgod Apocalypse, Tapi asli, Enerji Vokal Sherwood Webber masih Bener2 " Klasik " Pattern serta Sound-nya. Hal menarik kemudian adalah Lick riffing Noah Carpenter & Dave Matthews adalah pertemuan Idealis yang Gw rasa Mendasar Obsesi-nya untuk menempatkan Sentuhan yang Lebih Dynamic, Crunchy serta Cool Breakdown ! yaa...selain Sabetan Death Metal yang Menyerang, beberapa tempo Breakdown Dinamis siap Menggoyang banget masih dengan sentuhan Kuat New York Sound yang kental terasa pada materi " Progression Towards Evil " serta beberapa Demo awalnya. Despite the mediocrity behind the music, it's definitely brutal and very enjoyable to listen There's a fine line between a good growl and an overdone growl ! Aransemen Mengerikan lagi adalah " Only the Ruthless Remain ", sudah sejak part awal sudah membakar Lebur Suasana ketika menikmatinya. it's just really fucking awesome headbanging to an earthquake-like groove amidst all the blistering high-pitched speed sections. Sedikit mengendurkan Otot yang kaku akibat Sambutan liar 2 track awalnya " Skinless " track lebih menyajikan Middle Headbang part yang Kontruktif. beberapa Gaya Blastbeat diimbangi dengan Pummeling Riffing yang Asyik kerap menghantui banget rasanya, apalagi Groove Blizzard Heavy Downtune Sound riffing-nya asli keren, The riffs on here are almost always hard and slamming, they are allowed to rumble and reverb to their full effect ! sajian cepat berikutnya " Flamethrower " lebih didominasi dengan Fast Tempo typical-nya. Mesti Part yang cepat terasa begitu menguasai, Skinless mampu menampilkan karakter NYDM secara Konkrit hampir disetiap Aransemennya, The band maintains a careful balance between fast-paced blasting and tremolo riffing and grooving NYDM breakdowns that come in at just the right moment. tetap terus menghajar dengan lagi lagi Struktur musik yang begitu liar, " The Beast Smells Blood " seakan menjadi Eksekutor track selanjutnya. dan 2 Closing Track yang tidak pernah berhenti menghancurkan memang menjadi Yang paling klimak dengan Gaya yang lebih kerasa Dinamis. The sense of pacing on this album is almost remarkable and though all the songs have the Near same general ingredients, they're arranged with a great sense of timing that keeps what in all probability should be unboring and trite music exciting and interesting despite an entirely unoriginal aesthetic. " Only the Ruthless Remain " tetap mengusung Cita rasa Kental Skinless yang masih menopang kuat karir musikal-nya. dengan Produksi Sound yang Nyata Memanggang dan typical Drum Sound yang lebih alami seorang Bob Beaulac dengan skill Terampil-nya, " Only the Ruthless Remain " telah menjadi album berkekuatan Hebat NYDM yang kalian cari selama ini. All the brutal cliches are here from ridiculous amounts of "chug" in the riffs to pinch harmonic laden breakdowns, but the execution is excellent and it is all expertly weaved together into catchy songs.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Google Translate Use)

Finally! ... One Most New York Death Metal Pioneer Has Eight Years Back in Over and Their Most Brutal and Skull-Crushing Offering to act !!! 2015 became the year so memorable as the New York Brutal Death Metal formation since 1992, showing again the formation of his second album which is believed to last as Original Character Formation by Self skinless should disappear suddenly entered the 3rd album "From Sacrifice to Survival" with drummer Bob Beaulac exit then turn to the 4th album "Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead" vocalist Sherwood Webber Should Absent, however Finally Frontman Noah Carpenter was still retained by the return of the old Member as drummer Bob Beaulac. Although through the lengthy process anyway and Vacuum Almost 8 years since the last material "Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead" and then in April 2011 skinless had Proclaiming "Ends" of their careers, but Lucky Finally, in August 2013 skinless Declare yourself to regroup by adding 1 new guitarist, Dave Matthews (Incontinence, ex-Armor Column, ex-Held Under, Dryheave, hellbent) is believed to be adding more and more skinless Characteristics devour this time. Only stopping occasionally to reload ammunition In effect giving the drums some time to shine with fills and double bass work before coming back full strength to kill the listener with more bludgeoning riffs of death! and this is their 8-year wait to be able to present "Only Th? Ruthl? ss R? play" as The New Masterpiece career skinless still carry the color Death Metal Aggressive era "Progression Towards Evil" by licking Sharp "foreshadowing Our Demise", but what is offered this time more with the Fresh Composition of Sound and Musical her. Tension builds and is released at the correct intervals, vocals verbose Powerfully with riffs are solid in every department, and drums are tasteful and as technical as needed by the rest of the music the band has a great dynamic Altogether on this release! and "Serpenticide" will answer the initial part of the skinless Curious Fans of course. Like a bullet out of control, Striking initial beat is full with Fast pounding! The most important part of this album is its consistency. Every track has at least one excellent riff that's guaranteed to induce headbanging in all but the quadriplegic, and beyond that have an array of nearly as good ones roomates maintain interest throughout the song. Addition Trick Vocal some of his more Feel Unique Operatic Reminds bit with character Fleshgod Apocalypse, but the original, Vocal Energy Sherwood Webber still bener2 "Classic" Pattern and its Sound. It is interesting then riffing Lick Noah Carpenter and Dave Matthews are meeting Idealists who Gw his obsession Fundamental sense to put the touch of a More Dynamic, Crunchy and Cool Breakdown! yaa ... besides Sharp Death Metal Attack, some tempo Breakdown Dynamic ready shake really still with a touch of New York Sound Strong thick felt in the matter "Progression Towards Evil" as well as some of the first demo. Despite the mediocrity behind the music, it's definitely a brutal and very enjoyable to listen There's a fine line between a good growl and an overdone growl! Terrible arrangement again is "Only the Ruthless Remain", has been since the early part already burned Melting atmosphere while enjoying it. it's just really fucking awesome headbanging to an earthquake-like groove amidst all the high-pitched blistering speed sections. Slightly loosen stiff muscles due to wild welcome two tracks originally "skinless" more tracks serving the Middle headbang constructive part. some style Blastbeat offset by pummeling Fun riffing that often haunt really nice, especially Groove Blizzard Heavy riffing Downtune its original Sound Cool, The riffs on here are almost always hard and slamming, they are allowed to rumble and reverb to Reviews their full effect! next quick dish "Flamethrower" Fast Tempo is dominated by its typical. Part must fast was once mastered, Skinless capable of displaying characters in Concrete NYDM almost every arrangements, the bands maintains a careful balance between fast-paced Blasting and tremolo riffing and grooving NYDM breakdowns that come in at just the right moment. continue to beat with again another musical structure so wild, "The Beast Smells Blood" seemed to be the Executor of the next track. and 2 Closing Track who never stops destroying indeed be most climax with a more fixed and dynamic style. The sense of pacing on this album is almost remarkable and though all the songs have the same general Near ingredients, they're arranged with a great sense of timing that keeps what in all probability should be unboring and trite music exciting and interesting despite an entirely unoriginal aesthetic. "Only the Ruthless Remain" still carry the flavor Condensed skinless which still sustains its strong musical career. with Real Sound Production Baking and typical Drum Sound more natural a Skilled Bob Beaulac with his skill, "Only the Ruthless Remain" has become a powerful album that you NYDM Terrific looking for. All the brutal cliches are here from Ridiculous Amounts of "Chug" in the riffs to pinch harmonic laden breakdowns, but the execution is excellent and it is all expertly weaved together into catchy songs.

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