Sabtu, 04 April 2015

Shattered - New Atlantis 2015

Shattered - New Atlantis
Self Released 2015

01 Bipolar Disorder
02 Ignite The Dawnshard
03 Into The Shattering
04 Despise The Living
05 Ancient
06 The Fall Of Hyperion
07 Trapped In Everlasting Dreams
08 The Grid
09 The Orbits Around
10 Into Archadia
11 As Atlas Reached The Stars
12 Nereids
13 From Distant Shores
14 Amnesia

Michael Bachmann - Vocals
Florian Wehner - Guitar
Johannes "Laudi" Laudenbach - Guitar / Backing Vocals
Julian Welsch - Bass Guitar
Jonas Pfeiffer - Drums

Kesan Teduh dan Nyaman dalam Hingar bingar Pusaran Death Metal yang cepat dengan Sentuhan Lembut struktur Teknikal, membuat esensi tersendiri saat kita benar-benar dapat menikmati-nya. the music conventional for technical death metal in Particularly regards to the cold, mechanical production, are not yet a full head above their competition at this point steps up to the plate and delivers a calibre of songwriting that justifies their technical abilities. Surprizing Juga saat menikmati debutan full album brilian band asal Würzburg, Jerman SHATTERED " New Atlantis " menjadi Penantian menggembirakan album ini segera dirilis dan dinikmati Komposisi Rapi-nya. Makasih untuk Gitaris Florian yang mengirimkan materi ini ke Redaksi LIC beberapa waktu lalu. Perkembangan Genre Technical Death Metal dengan sentuhan lembut Progressive art serta Balutan Elemen yang Melodius menjadi yang paling menyedot konsentrasi ketika kita Merasakan sendiri Talenta-talenta hebat Seperti Necrophagist dan Obscura menjadi Pioner berpengaruh bagi Generasi selanjutnya. dengan Bimbingan khusus Gitaris Berbakat seperti Christian Münzner (Alkaloid, Christian Muenzner, Spawn of Possession, Starchild (live), Stormwarrior (live), ex-Daemon's Gate, ex-Märchenwald, ex-Civilization One, ex-Defeated Sanity, ex-Hatred, ex-Majesty, ex-Necrophagist, ex-Paradox, ex-Nightrage (live), ex-Metalforce) rupanya telah banyak memberikan sentuhan berarti bagi Shattered saat mengerjakan Materi " New Atlantis " dengan sentuhan sempurna Akhir dari Enjiner Handal Stefano Morabito (Eyeconoclast, ex-Chthonian Nemeton, ex-Rust of Reason, Ex. Hour Of Penance) nyata memang jadikan ini sebuah Masterpiece perdana Shattered, en Gw harap Teknikal fans berat Necrophagist & Obscura sebenarnya ga akan melewatkan " New Atlantis " menjadi Playlist wajib kalian. Awesome style that so far hasn't been topped by any other band I've heard. well tanpa harus membandingkan Karya ini dengan 2 Band Populer yang Gw sebutkan, " New Atlantis " Considering the Material on this album Production was perfect Obviously the most Technical, Melodic, Phenomenal Moments on this record and the songs are Memorable enough to Warrant a Recommendation ! dimulai dengan Excellent Partition Track " Bipolar Disorder ", yang saat ini sedang gencar mereka Publikasikan diberbagai Media. suguhan Technical Riffing dengan Nuansa melodius yang Kental adalah yang paling Dominan menyita Konsentrasi, didukung dengan sound yang sangat matang, Aggressive, Modern, Brutal and Technical Death Metal with Melodic and Progressive influences. Duet cerdas Gitaris Florian serta Johannes asli menguras perhatian, begitu juga skill Bassis Julian Welsch, yang ke-3 Manusia ini adalah Konseptor utama dibalik Penulisan track-track hebat di album perdana ini. everything is very sloppily done, as if they only wrote this to show everyone how fucking awesome they are. The vocals are forced death growls and weak highs, and the guitar solos are just sweep picked passages without real purpose. While I usually appreciate the Musician being higher in the mix, here is too high, to the point that distracts from what is really going on. setiap Part musiknya meski terdengar memiliki struktur yang rumit namun setiap susunan Musikalnya asli telah tertata dengan Rapi, so take advantage of it prog-death metalheads ! " Ignite The Dawnshard " meski terkontaminasi dengan tempo yang cepat, setiap sentuhan cantik Riffing-nya tetap masih mengendalikan kegilaan track, karena instrumen Petik menjadi yang begitu mendominasi sehingga para pendengar akan dihipnotis terus menerus dengan Semua skill-nya. This is in fact a very melodic album with bits that are not heavy at all. In today's death metal scene the sheer inclusion of melody can almost be deemed a progressive element since it so uncommon among modern death shredders. The fusion between beauty and brutality in this release is very interesting and I found it captivated me as much during my first listen as it has during my last. " Into The Shattering " masih membakar emosional kita lagi-lagi dengan Matematik Riffing yang Melodius-nya. Sepertinya mendengarkan secara keseluruhan materi disini adalah hal yang Mengejutkan dan Memberi Pengalaman keren bagaimana menikmati sebuah Kelembutan Nada dengan Gempuran Blastbeat Snare drum yang melahirkan asumsi umum jika Materi Shattered terdengar cepat dan Brutal karakter-nya. Pada Track " Nereids ", Gitaris Christian Münzner ikutan memberi Kontribusi dengan Sengatan Solo Gitar Mautnya, Are technical without being obnoxiously flashy with endless solos One gripe however is that the riffs often follow the same picking rhythm, which, despite the riffs being different notes. Total 14 Track Menyejukkan Hati yang tersusun dengan durasi Total 45 Menitan. Lirik Lagu yang lebih dimensional dari pemikiran ilmiah memang menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi Gw untuk cepat mencerna-nya, Aransemen dan Sound yang Perfect, Ga salah memang jika selanjutnya akan Banyak Technical Fans akan memperhitungkan nama mereka suatu hari. Especially Banget yang sangat menyukai perpaduan konsep Jenius dari The Faceless, Decrepit Birth, Psycroptic, Beyond Creation, Fallujah, Spawn of Possession, Necrophagist dan Obscura. It is quite well-balanced and very professional sounding, with nothing coming to attention to gripe about. I recommend this album for the more open-minded listeners out there who don’t care that an album isn’t heavy. It’s about the quality of the songwriting and musicianship anyway, and Shattered pulled it off on this very listenable album.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Google Translate Use)

Calm and Comfortable impression in Frenetic Fast Death Metal Swirl with Soft Touch Technical structure, making its own essence when we can really enjoy it. the music conventional for technical death metal Particularly in regards to the cold, mechanical production, are not yet a full head above the competition at this point Reviews their steps up to the plate and delivers a caliber of songwriting that justifies Reviews their technical abilities. Also Surprizing while enjoying a brilliant debut full-length album the band from Wurzburg, Germany Shattered "New Atlantis" into Penantian encouraging this album soon to be released and enjoyed his Neat composition. Thanks to guitarist Florian who send these materials to the Editor LIC some time ago. The development of Technical Death Metal genre with a gentle touch of art and Wrap Progressive melodic element to be the most suck concentration when our own Feeling great talents like Necrophagist and Obscura be Pioner influential for the next generation. with guidance specifically Guitarist Talented like Christian Münzner (Alkaloids, Christian Muenzner, Spawn of Possession, Starchild (live), Stormwarrior (live), ex-Daemon's Gate, ex-Marchenwald, ex-Civilization One, ex-Defeated Sanity, ex-Hatred , ex-Majesty, ex-Necrophagist, ex-Paradox, ex-Nightrage (live), ex-Metalforce) apparently has provided means for Shattered touch when working on material "New Atlantis" with the perfect touch End of Engineer Reliable Stefano Morabito (Eyeconoclast , ex-chthonian Nemeton, ex-Rust of Reason, Ex. Hour Of Penance) real indeed make this a prime Masterpiece Shattered, and I please Technical fan of Necrophagist and Obscura actually it will not miss the "New Atlantis" into your mandatory Playlist. Awesome style that so far has not been topped by any other band I've heard. well without having to compare this work with 2 Band Popular mentioned that I, "New Atlantis" Considering the material on this album was perfect Production Obviously the most Technical, Melodic, Phenomenal Moments on this record and the songs are Memorable enough to warrant a Recommendation! begins with Excellent Partition Track "Bipolar Disorder", which is currently being intensively them Publish in various media. Technical treats the melodic riffing with Nuance is the most dominant Condensed seized concentration, supported by a very mature sound, Aggressive, Modern, Brutal and Technical Death Metal with Melodic and Progressive influences. Duet guitarist Florian intelligent and original Johannes drain the attention, as well as skill bassist Julian Welsch, the 3rd Man is the main drafter behind the writing of great tracks on this debut album. everything is very sloppily done, as if they only wrote this to show everyone how fucking awesome they are. The vocals are forced death growls and weak highs, and the guitar solos are just sweep picked passages without any real purpose. While I usually appreciate the Musician being higher in the mix, here is too high, to the point that distracts from what is really going on. Part of his music though every sound has a complicated structure but each original musical composition has been arranged with Neat, so take advantage of it prog-death metalheads! "Ignite The Dawnshard" although contaminated with fast tempo, every touch of his beautiful riffing still control the madness tracks, because the instrument Pick become so dominating that the listeners will be hypnotized continuously with all his skills. This is in fact a very melodic album with bits that are not heavy at all. In today's death metal scene the sheer inclusion of melody can almost be deemed a progressive element since it is so uncommon Among modern death shredders. The fusion between beauty and Brutality in this release is very interesting and I found it captivated me as much during my first listen as it has during my last. "Into The Shattering" still burn our emotional again with the melodic riffing Mathematical her. Looks like listening to the whole matter here is the surprising and cool Giving Experience how to enjoy a softness tone with Blastbeat Snare drum strikes that gave birth to the common assumption if the Content Shattered swift and brutal sound of his character. On Track "Nereids", guitarist Christian Münzner followup provide Contributions to the sting of his Death Guitar Solo, Are technical without being obnoxiously flashy with endless solos One gripe however is that the riffs Often picking follow the same rhythm, which, despite the riffs being different notes. Total 14 Track Soothing Liver composed with total 45-min duration. Song Lyrics more dimensional than scientific thinking is a challenge for Gw to quickly digest it, Arrangement and the Perfect Sound, Ga wrong indeed if the next will Lots Technical Fans will take into account their names one day. Especially Banget very like a concept genius of The Faceless, Decrepit Birth, Psycroptic, Beyond Creation, Fallujah, Spawn of Possession, Necrophagist and Obscura. It is quite well-balanced and very professional sounding, with nothing coming to attention to gripe about. I recommend this album for the more open-minded listeners out there WHO do not care that an album is not heavy. It's about the quality of the songwriting and musicianship anyway, and Shattered pulled it off on this very listenable album.

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