Jumat, 03 April 2015

Deivos - Theodicy CD 2015

Deivos - Theodicy
Selfmadegod Records CD 2015

01 Theodicy 06:59    
02 El Shaddai 07:15    
03 Ochlocracy 06:22    
04 Mandatory Mayhem 06:53    
05 Amor Sui 07:39    
06 Parasite 03:47

Housed a myriad Explosive Death Metal Acts trenchant in some of the most brutal, Hammering trends the 21st century has yet to offer, displaying skill, technicality and pulverization ! Sejak 2 Albumnya " Gospel of Maggots " dan " Demiurge of the Void " di Unique Leader Records melejitkan reputasi mereka sebagai Band Technical Death Metal Cepat asal Polandia, nama DEIVOS memang masih diperhitungkan eksistensi-nya sebagai Pengusung Sophisticate Death Metal yang Brilian ! penuh dengan Lick serta Skill diatas rata2, Hampir dipastikan band bentukan sejak tahun 1997 yang saat ini memiliki 4 CD dan 1 EP ini tetap menjadi bayangan serius Polandia Scene. this effort shows all signs that it will appeal to the follower of the heavily structured, acrobatic USDM scene currently exploding from the west coast. Karena Kontrak Deivos di Unique Leader Records telah selesai kini Menjadi rumah baru mereka adalah Selfmadegod Records, label satu Kampung halaman Polandia lebih menjadi jembatan sukses karir baru mereka tetap mengusung Konsepsional Musik Fantastis-nya. memadukan kuat Gaya Modern dengan Old School Death Metal menjadi karakter Kuat dibalik penulisannya, dengan Warna Kental Poland Style-nya In The Vein Vader, Behemoth serta Lost Soul memang begitu terasa menghanyutkan Obsesi Deivos lebih Berbahaya ! Nomor Unggulan " Theodicy " telah membawa Mood serta Emosional Band seperti menjadi Muara Utama Konsep Death Metal teknikal Fresh dialbum ini. The styles between  are clearly comparable, though this album ultimately seems simultaneously faster and less schizoid. Still, the production is pretty clear, callous and calculated like much of the modern tech death internationally, and the performances are spine wrenching ! Kombinasi Technical Riffing serta Calculated Drumming Skill-nya mungkin bagi Gw banyak menghinotis setiap Konsentrasi yang memecah Kesunyian. Lick-lick musik Mengejutkan telah menjadi Satu Kesatuan terkuat dalam Penyusunan sakti hampir disetiap materi yang dimainkan secara enerjik pastinya. there are none exempt from the Poles' brutal athletics and the pure bludgeoning of 'Angelfuck's' delivery, save for where they incorporate brief seconds of ambient or industrial effects, seperti kebanyakan Komentator menyebutkan setiap materi Deivos adalah perpaduan dari Akselerasi Maksimal Para Musisi-nya untuk tetap merangkai Art Music seperti tanpa memiliki Batas. di album baru ini Deivos hanya menyuguhkan 6 Track yang rata2 Durasi lagunya lumayan panjang untuk kita nikmati kegilaannya. durasi total 38 menit bener2 sangat Menguras Pemikiran dan emosi kita sangat Mendengarkannya. " El Shaddai " mulai lebih banyak menunjukkan Konsepsi Skill yang ditata tanpa banyak melakukan pengulangan Refrain part yang Berarti, sehingga ini nyata sekali kalo Penggarapan Musisi Deivos adalah diatas rata-rata. this seems like an education in increased violence and fortitude. I found most of the songs here more forcefully impressive than memorable, so I won't give it the highest honors, but I seriously have no doubt that the intended audience will have a 'blast'. The album is so frenetic and heavy that I found most of my muscle groups ached after listening to it, and I could clearly see spirals through my double vision, like having a mule kick me square on the bridge above my nose. " Amor Sui " kayaknya juga menjadi Suguhan yang ga kalah Rumit sajiannya, meski masih bisa kita cerna setiap Harmonisasi-nya, namun Kadang Surprizing Part-nya menjadi lebih Satyr ! Kalau menikmati Komposisi penuh Hitungan serius dan matang, rasanya memang kita sering hanyut terbawa arus kuat sebuah Masterpiece yang membayar peluh keringat serta memeras pikiran ini acungan Syalut aja. and some serious ass provided you're one to drool all over this musical niche in particular, and it's definitely still undiluted Polish death metal with its roots in the best !

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Google Translate Use)

Housed a myriad of Death Metal Explosive Acts trenchant in some of the most brutal, Hammering the 21st century trends has yet to offer, displaying skill, technicality and pulverization! Since the second album "Gospel of Maggots" and "Demiurge of the Void" on Unique Leader Records unleash their reputation as a Technical Death Metal band from Poland Quick, name DEIVOS is still reckoned its existence as Bearers Sophisticate Death Metal Brilliant! Lick full and Skill above rata2, almost certainly the band formed in 1997, which currently has four CDs and one EP this remains a serious shadow of the Polish scene. this effort shows all signs that it will appeal to the followers of the heavily structured, acrobatic scene USDM currently exploding from the west coast. Because the contract Deivos on Unique Leader Records has finished now become their new home is Selfmadegod Records, the label of the Hometown Polish into their new careers successful bridge still carries his Fantastic Music conceptional. Strong combines modern style with Old School Death Metal become Strong character behind the writing, the color of his Condensed Polish Style In The Vein Vader, Behemoth and Lost Soul is so pronounced sweep Dangerous Obsession Deivos more! Featured number "Theodicy" has brought Mood and Emotional Bands like into Muara Main Concept Technical Death Metal Fresh dialbum this. The styles between Cleary are comparable, though this album seems simultaneously Ultimately faster and less schizoid. Still, the production is pretty clear, Callous and calculated like much of the modern tech-death internationally, and the performances are spine wrenching! Technical Combination riffing and Drumming Calculated Skill its possible for Gw many menghinotis any concentration that breaks silence. Surprisingly licks music has become one of the strongest in the preparation of powerful Unity almost every material which played an energetic course. there are none exempt from the Poles' brutal athletics and the pure bludgeoning of 'Angelfuck's' delivery, save for where they incorporate brief seconds of ambient or industrial effects, like most commentators mention any material Deivos is a blend of Acceleration Maximum Musicians her to keep stringing Art Music like without having limits. The new album is Deivos only serve 6 rata2 Track Length songs rather long for us to enjoy his insanity. total duration of 38 minutes Really very draining Thoughts and emotions are very Listening. "El Shaddai" began more shows Conception Skill arranged without much repetition Refrain part that means, so this is a real one if Cultivation Musicians Deivos is above average. this seems like an education in Increased violence and fortitude. I found most of the songs here more forcefully impressive than memorable, so I will not give it the highest honors, but I seriously have no doubt that the intended audience will have a 'blast'. The album is so frenetic and heavy that I found most of my muscle groups ached after listening to it, and I could see spirals Clearly through my double vision, like having a mule kick me square on the bridge above my nose. "Amor Sui" I think also be lost ga Treat Complicated grain, although still could we ingest every Harmonization her, but sometimes Surprizing Part of her became more Satyr! If you enjoy the full composition Count of serious and mature, it is we often swept away by strong currents of a Masterpiece that pays blood sweat and squeeze mind thumbs Syalut wrote. and some serious ass-provided you're one to drool all over this musical niche in particular, and it's definitely still undiluted Polish death metal with its roots in the best!

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