Rabu, 15 April 2015

Sinister - The Carnage Ending CD 2012

Sinister - The Carnage Ending
Massacre Records 2012

01 Gates of Bloodshed (intro) 01:22    
02 Unheavenly Domain 03:26    
03 Transylvania (City of the Damned) 05:12    
04 My Casual Enemy 05:01    
05 Crown of Thorns 05:17    
06 The Carnage Ending 05:26    
07 Oath of Rebirth 04:06    
08 Regarding the Imagery 03:41    
09 Defamatory Content 04:41    
10 Blood Ecstasy 04:33    
11 The Final Destroyer 05:22

Aad Kloosterwaard - Vocals
Mathijs Brussaard - Bass
Dennis Hartog - Bass, Guitars
Toep Duin - Drums
Bastiaan Brussaard - Guitars

Mengalami Progresi Musikal yang Begitu Signifikan, salah satu Pioner Death Metal Negeri Kincir Angin Netherland yang eksis sejak Tahun 1988 rupanya begitu terasakan sejak Band yang sukses dengan gempuran Death Metal di era-90an lewat album2 keren seperti " Cross the Styx, Diabolical Summoning, Hate, Bastard Saints, Aggressive Measures dan Creative Killings " ini harus merasakan perjalanan pahit sejak membubarkan diri pasca album " Savage or Grace " Tahun 2003, yang menjadi sebuah kegagalan Konsep sejak Band ini memutuskan menggunakan Vokalis Cewek baru yang ternyata menimbulkan berbagai Kritikan atas perubahan mendasar pada Konsep Musik Khas Sinister. Vokalis cewek cakep Rachel Van Mastrigt-Heyzer kurang dapat memberikan sentuhan berarti terhadap Musikalitas Sinister pada beberapa Materi baru di " Savage or Grace ", made some damn good albums such as Cross the Styx and Diabolical Summoning. If anything, those two albums alone made this band worth something. Their music has always stayed true to the death metal tradition, however never quite achieving the level of excellence that many other bands of the time did achieve. akhirnya Band ini memutuskan untuk ga eksis alias bubar jalan pasca album ini dirilis, Saat itu Frontman Drummer Aad Kloosterwaard dan bassis Alex Paul membentuk band baru dengan nama No Face Slave, yang konsep musiknya pun ga jauh dengan Sinister sebelumnya, yang kemudian No Face Slave ini menjadi cikal bakal terbentuknya kembali Sinister Pada Tahun 2005 ! dan Untuk pertama kalinya Sinister pun melakukan Perubahan Frontal Formasinya, Drummer Aad Kloosterwaard memutuskan untuk berdiri dibalik Posisi Vokal, sementara posisinya diserahkan kepada Drummer Paul Beltman yang reputasi permainannya sudah terbukti dasyat dibeberapa band seperti Blastcorps, Judgement Day, Passion, Scrotum, Fondlecorpse, dan Supreme Pain. dan 1 tahun kemudian materi2 yang telah dimatangkan dalam formasi band No Face Slave, digunakan untuk materi album Kembalinya Sinister " Afterburner " yang dilepas oleh Nuclear Blast Records, secara mengejutkan bagi Fans Sinister untuk menerima Perubahan Frontal Formasi baru Sinister lebih berani melakukan spekulasi, akhirnya Konsep dengan formasi baru dapat seketika diterima, gaya growling Aad Kloosterwaard rupanya sedikit banyak mengembalikan reputasi Sinister yang telah hilang, dan Konsepsional Beat musik semakin cepat serta Padat ! The drums are clicky as fuck, and the guitar just sounds neutered. There is no life to either of them whatsoever, especially compared to the really good sound each had on an album like Diabolical Summoning. This is the guitar sound that most mainstream death metal albums seem to be moving towards, and frankly, it’s sickening !! walau sering mengalami bongkar pasang Formasi yang terjadi dalam tubuh Sinister, frontman Aad Kloosterwaard rasanya harus tetap dapat mempertahankan eksistensi band. meskipun ada banyak yang berubah, Aad Kloosterwaard tetap yakin Sinister masih tetap akan tegar berdiri dengan komposisi musik yang semakin Brutal ! ditahun 2012 ini Sinister kembali menjawab pertanyaan fans akan materi barunya yang tertuang dalam album full ke-10 " The Carnage Ending ", Aad Kloosterwaard siap menampilkan Formasi Paling Gress-nya berbeda 99.99 % dengan formasi Album sebelumnya " Legacy of Ashes " tahun 2010, Menyisakan Dirinya sebagai Frontman, Aad Merekrut Pemain baru dari Gitaris Bastiaan Brussaard dari band Absurd Universe, Gitaris Dennis Hartog juga dari band Absurd Universe serta Putrefied, bassis Mathijs Brussaard serta Drummer Toep Duin yang sepak terjang garangnya gw kenal waktu memperkuat Formasi Band Supreme Pain, Blastcorps, Melechesh,Cardinal, Unlord serta Absurd Universe. Adapun hasil dari formasi ini langsung gw buktikan sendiri pada track awal " Unheavenly Domain " setelah didahului oleh sebuah intro selama 01:22, " Unheavenly Domain ", langsung menawarkan permainan yang cepat dan brutal melalui gempuran Hyperblaster Toep Duin, yang kemudian disambut oleh Middown tempo headbang sadis karakteristik Sinister dibeberapa Album lawasnya. the hallmark blasting and punching brutality they've celebrated from their early 90s classics, but with a notable element of thrashing abandon in the riffs that dominated efforts like 1998's Aggressive Measures. lalu " Transylvania (City of the Damned ", tetap menawarkan manuver Komposisi Death Metal yang begitu Intens dengan Dark Harmonization Riffing, beberapa sentuhan karakter Thrash memang masih begitu melekat kuat, Breakdown Amazing Part ditambah dengan aransemen mantap, Sinister semakin terus melaju dengan kekejamannya ! few more primal, groove oriented tracks with some savage mute storms that fall somewhere between Slayer and Vader Touch. twin pedal rapat Toep Duin lebih banyak menciptakan beberapa karakter blastbeat cepat yang mengingatkan gw dengan karakteristik Vader banget ! apalagi beberapa solo Gitar Harmonius in the Vein Morbid Angel tetap memberikan sentuhan Hitam setiap Aransemen lagunya. is yet another example of why the band has become synonymous with reliability, an unending titan of forceful butchery that is almost always guaranteed to deliver a reasonable and focused effort, even through what seems to be an ever shifting roster of musicians. kemudian beberapa riffing part kuat gayanya Cannibal Corpse lumayan terasakan dipart awal track selanjutnya " My Casual Enemy " yang kemudian masih dipadukan dengan sentuhan mantap Blastbeater In The vein Vader secara lebih signifikan gw gambarkan pada materi baru ini. " Crown of Thorns " lebih mencoba tampil slowly Beatdown diawal part-nya sebelum disambung dengan sajian mengejutkan selanjutnya. Any riffs that could have been considered good are completely marred by this disgusting guitar sound. Of course, this album has no dynamic range whatsoever and is clipped to hell, as is the general trend for modern music, but even that is taken to an extreme here. I honestly can’t believe that there are people out there who not only tolerate this sterile sound, but actually enjoy it. lalu " The Carnage Ending " seperti sudah sesuai untuk menjadi Track andalan album ini, begitu menggebrak awal lagu, Sinister Sudah memainkan Fast Hyperblaster tetap mengarah ke struktur musikal Vader banget yang kemudian coba dipadukan dengan beberapa karakter Cannibal Corpse Riffing dan Sinister sendiri era album " Aggressive Measures ", sayang memang Aad sebagai Frontman kurang dapat menampilkan kembali karakteristik dasyat Sinister era " Cross the Styx " atau " Hate " album. The drums are clicky as fuck, and the guitar just sounds neutered. There is no life to either of them whatsoever. sedikit menyisakan kesempatan untuk melakukan Headbang Party bisa terasakan pada Track " Oath of Rebirth ", meski lama2 lebih menciptakan kesan Boring, Track ini lumayan sedikit melakukan pendinginan setelah serangan Hyperblaster beat sebelumnya. dan benar dugaan gw kalo lagu selanjutnya " Regarding the Imagery " bakalan lebih menampilkan pola musik yang terasa Cepat ! Sure, there are some nice riffs here and there. These are the kinds of riffs that Sinister has always used. But here, they sound a bit more bland than usual. lalu " Defamatory Content " masih terus menyajikan gempuran beat musik yang cepat dan Liar sebagai bentuk sinergi Riffing yang cepat dan gelap. suasana kembali fresh kembali kala " Blood Ecstasy " lebih memancing Adrenalin Headbang gw kembali seperti track " Oath of Rebirth " dan beberapa Riffing Khas Karakter Cannibal Corpse kental terasakan kembali pada track Pamungkas ini yang akhirnya di Sudahi oleh sebuah Outro Epic Horror ! tetap menggandeng Produser Jörg Uken dan pemilik studio rekaman Soundlodge Studio, dimana Sinister masih menggarap materi barunya ini, sekaligus tetap menggunakan Artwork Keren karya Vocalis Monstrosity, Mike Hrubovcak untuk menghiasi Artwork Cover. meskipun tidak ada yang terlalu Istimewa gw ungkapkan ditulisan album gress Sinister ini, Rilisan ini tetap menampilkan eksistensi Band untuk keep Play Brutal Music !! dan banyak menjadi perhatian gw adalah betapa hilangnya banyak karakter Sinister yang terkubur bersama formasi dasyat terdahulu menjadi beban berat Frontman Aad bisa kembali menampilkan Karakteristik Sinister sesungguhnya. Kualitas Produksi Sound profesional mungkin akan sedikit memanjana death Metal Fans apalagi Buat Kalian Fans Berat Vader, Cannibal Corpse hingga Monstrosity dibeberapa album terakhir. Overall, what we have here is a really boring, inoffensive album with a few good riffs scattered throughout and some shit-tastic, sterile, and loud production. There really isn’t much more to be said about the music at all. No punches are pulled here, it's just tough as nails death metal without indulgent virtuosic tendencies or pedestrian wanking, and likely worth hearing if you're a fan of the band's last decade of material, or their related projects like Infinited Hate, Houwitser or Supreme Pain.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Experiencing Significant Progression Characters that soon, one of the pioneers of Death Metal State Windmills Netherland that existed since the year 1988 so apparently felt since the band's success with the onslaught of Death Metal in the era of 90s through Albums2 cool like "Cross the Styx, Diabolical Summoning, Hate, Bastard Saints, Aggressive Measures and Creative Killings "should feel bitter journey since disbanded after the album" Savage or Grace "in 2003, which became a fiasco concept since the band decided to use a new girl singer that actually causes a variety of changes in fundamental criticism on the Concept Typical Sinister Music. Vocalist Rachel Van Mastrigt saucy girl-Heyzer less able to provide meaningful touch to the musicality Sinister on some new material in "Savage or Grace", made some damn good albums such as Cross the Styx and Diabolical Summoning. If anything, those two albums alone made this band worth something. Their music has always stayed true to the death metal tradition, however never quite Achieving the level of excellence that many other bands of the time did Achieve. The band eventually decided to disband the alias ga exist after the album was released, It Aad Kloosterwaard Frontman Drummer and bassist Alex Paul formed a new band called No Face Slave, the concept of the music even further by Sinister previous ga, then No. Slave's Face be a forerunner to the formation back Sinister In 2005! For the first time, and also made changes Frontal Sinister formation, drummer Aad Kloosterwaard decided to stand behind the position of vocals, while the position given to drummer Paul Beltman the reputation of the game has proven enormously in several bands such as Blastcorps, Judgement Day, Passion, scrotum, Fondlecorpse, and the Supreme Pain. and 1 year later materi2 that has matured in the formation of the band No Face Slave, the material used for the return of Sinister album "Afterburner" which was released by Nuclear Blast Records, a surprise for the fans to accept changes Frontal Sinister new formation Sinister bolder speculation, finally Concept with the new formation can be instantly acceptable, Aad Kloosterwaard growling style seems a bit much to restore the reputation of Sinister has been lost, and conceptual Beat music faster and Solid! The drums are clicky as fuck, and the guitar just sounds neutered. There is no life whatsoever to either of them, especially Compared to the really good sound each had on an album like Diabolical Summoning. This is the guitar sound that most mainstream death metal albums seem to be moving towards, and frankly, it's sickening! despite frequent disassembly formation that occurs in the body Sinister, frontman Aad Kloosterwaard feels should still be able to maintain the existence of the band. though nothing much has changed, Aad Kloosterwaard remain confident Sinister still going strong standing with the musical composition Brutal! Sinister back in 2012 this will answer fans new material contained in an album full to-10 "The Carnage Ending", Aad Kloosterwaard ready to show its formation Most Gress different formation with 99.99% the previous album "Legacy of Ashes" in 2010, Leaving himself as a frontman, Aad Recruiting new player of guitarist Bastiaan Brussaard Absurd Universe of the band, guitarist Dennis Hartog also of the band Absurd Universe and Putrefied, bassist and drummer Toep Mathijs Brussaard Duin fierce lunge i know a band Supreme Pain strengthen Formation, Blastcorps, Melechesh, Cardinal, Unlord and Absurd Universe. The direct result of this formation i see for yourself at the beginning track "Unheavenly Domain" after preceded by an intro for 01:22, "Unheavenly Domain" Direct offers fast and brutal game through the onslaught Hyperblaster Toep Duin, who then greeted by Middown tempo headbang sadistic several characteristics Sinister Album lawasnya. The hallmark blasting and punching Brutality they've celebrated classics from their early 90s, but with a notable element of abandon in the thrashing riffs that dominated efforts like 1998's Aggressive Measures. and "Transylvania (City of the Damned", still offers maneuverability composition is so intense Death Metal with Dark Harmonization riffing, some touch of character Thrash is still so strongly attached, Amazing Breakdown Part coupled with solid arrangements, Sinister increasingly kept going with cruelty! few more primal, groove-oriented tracks with some mute savage storms that fall somewhere between Slayer and Vader Touch. Toep meeting Duin twin pedal more rapidly create multiple characters blastbeat gw with characteristics reminiscent of Vader really! especially some guitar solos in the vein Harmonius Morbid Angel still provide a touch of Black every Arrangement song. is yet another example of why the band has Become synonymous with reliability, an Unending titan of Forceful butchery that is almost always guaranteed to deliver a reasonable and focused effort, even through what seems to be an ever shifting roster of musicians. then some powerful riffing style Cannibal Corpse part felt pretty dipart early next track "My Casual Enemy" which later was combined with a steady touch Blastbeater Vader In The vein significantly more i draw on this new material. "Crown of Thorns" trying to appear more slowly Beatdown early part of his pre-spliced ??with a dish the next surprise. Any riffs that could have been Considered good are completely marred by this disgusting guitar sound. Of course, this album has no dynamic range whatsoever and is clipped to hell, as is the general trend for modern music, but even that is taken to an extreme here. I honestly can not believe that there are people out there who not only tolerate this sterile sound, but actually enjoy it. ago "The Carnage Ending" as Track is suitable to be a mainstay of this album, so kicked off the beginning of the song, Sinister been playing Fast Hyperblaster still leads to musical structure Vader really are and then try to integrate with multiple characters Cannibal Corpse and Sinister own era riffing album "Aggressive Measures", unfortunately it Aad as Frontman less to show return characteristics Sinister terrible era "Cross the Styx" or "Hate" album. The drums are clicky as fuck, and the guitar just sounds neutered. There is no life to either of them whatsoever. leaving little opportunity to Headbang Party could be felt on the Track "Oath of Rebirth", although lama2 further create the impression Boring, Track is pretty little to cool down after the attack Hyperblaster previous beat., and correct alleged gw if the next song "Regarding the Imagery" show a pattern going over the music that feels Faster ! Sure, there are some nice riffs here and there. These are the kinds of riffs that Sinister has always used. But here, they sound a bit more bland than usual. then "Defamatory Content" is still present onslaught of fast beat music and Wild as a form of synergy fast riffing and dark. atmosphere back fresh again when "Blood Ecstasy" over fishing Adrenalin Headbang gw back like track "Oath of Rebirth" and some riffing Typical Character Cannibal Corpse thick felt back on track this Pamungkas finally Enough by an Epic Outro Horror! still holding Producer Jörg Uken and recording studio owner Soundlodge Studio, where Sinister is still working on his new material, while still using Cool Artwork Vocalis work Monstrosity, Mike Hrubovcak to decorate Cover Artwork. although nothing too Outstanding gw revealed ditulisan album Sinister gress, the release is still showing the existence of the band to keep Play Brutal Music! gw and a lot of concern is how the loss of a lot of character formation Sinister were buried with terrible past is a heavy burden frontman Aad can re-display the characteristics of the real Sinister. Quality Production professional sound may be a little memanjana Death Metal Fans especially Make You Serious Fans Vader, Cannibal Corpse to Monstrosity last several albums. Overall, what we have here is a really boring, inoffensive album with a few good riffs scattered throughout and some shit-tastic, sterile, and loud production. There really is not much more to be said about the music at all. No punches are pulled here, it's just tough as nails death metal without virtuosic tendencies or pedestrian indulgent wanking, and Likely worth hearing if you ' re a fan of the band's last decade of the material, or their related projects like Infinited Hate, Houwitser or Supreme Pain.

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