Rabu, 15 April 2015

Dog Faced Corpse - Dog Faced Corpse Demo 2012

Dog Faced Corpse - Dog Faced Corpse Demo 2012
Salute Records 2012

01 The Drill        
02 Broiled        
03 Channel of Decomposed Bodies        
04 Dog Faced Corpse (Bonus track)

Mohammed - Bass
Lateef - Drums
Omar - Guitars
Mahmod - Guitars
Samer - Vocals

Menjadi sesuatu yang menarik dari band asal Baghdad, Iraq ini adalah sebagai Band Death Metal pertama dari Scene Metal Iraq, sebuah Negara yang mungkin tidak terbayang akan perkembangan musik Keras-nya selain kerap berkecamuk Isu Politik memanas dan Peperangannya, ternyata gw harus sadar kalau Negara Penghasil Minyak terbesar yang menjadi rebutan negara2 lain berujung dengan opsi terakhir melakukan perang !, nih coba gw kenalkan band Brutal/Technical Death Metal bagus, DOG FACED CORPSE, yang mencoba menawarkan Perpaduan Gaya Brutal Death dinamis dengan sentuhan elemen Classical Music dan Jazz Fusion menarik perhatian Label Independen asal Swedia yang merupakan sub label dari Pure Black Heart Productions, tertarik dengan materi 4 lagu Mengejutkan dari 5 cowok Muslim metal ini hehehe, ..... Terbentuk pada 1 Agustus 2008 oleh Drummer Lateef ( yang juga maen di band AboOmeN ) sebagai keinginannya menjadi band Death Metal pertama di Negaranya, mencoba memadukan karakter yang dimainkan oleh band pendahulunya Suffocation, Gorgasm, Disgorge, Spawn of Possession, Cynic, Death, Psycroptic, Devourment, Atheist, Cannibal Corpse, Severed Savior, Deeds of Flesh, ampe Defeated Sanity, inilah Persembahan Kejam Sadam Husein lewat Skill bermusiknya hehehe, meski masih memiliki Kualitas Rekaman yang Agak Raw, Gw masih bisa menikmati 4 lagu keren didalamnya diawali oleh " The Drill ", seperti sebuah mata Bor yang akan melubangi tengkorak Kepala, Band ini tampil mengagumkan dengan permainan Musik Yang dinamis, dan sangat tidak disangka2 jika Iraq bakalan punya band metal liar seperti ini. Permainan Drummer Lateef memang menjadi salah satu Mata Penting lahirnya karakter Konvensional Brutal melalui Skill Drummingnya yang Menarik. terdengar sekali jika Lagu2 disini direkam masih menggunakan Tenaga Manusiawi mereka tanpa melalui banyak sentuhan Digitalized, makanya sounding yang dihasilkannya terasa Raw, mirip band Latihan direkam hehehe, lumayan balancing sih Audionya. permainan Duo Gitarisnya, Omar dan Mahmod juga ga bisa diragukan dengan Down Fascinate Pummeling Lick Riffing-nya yang pada track " Broiled " memainkan Gaya Classic dan Fusio Jazz banget sebagai salah satu elemen unik musik Band ini. Hentakan Twin Pedal Drumming Lateef memang rapat dan Mantap abis, sehingga menjadi salah satu Yang menarik Perhatian Gw sejak mendengarkan lagunya. Vokalis Samer sepertinya harus lebih mengasah karakter vokill-nya untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dengan Deep Guttural Growlingnya. but, untuk debutan awal ini, Dog Faced Corpse sudah mencuri perhatian Gw akan konsep musik keren yang dimainkannya, so pasti bakalan gw tunggu debut Full album mereka secara Profesional. dirilis terbatas hanya 100 kopi dengan Pro CD-R Plus pro printed Slim Case Gory Artwork !. Dog Faced Corpse siap mengukir sejarah baru perkembangan Death Metal Scene di Negeri Iraq ! creating extreme music that rapes your ears yet with attitude and elegance pulling influences from whatever sounds intelligent like classical music and jazz fusion and of course still sounding brutal by bringing the sickness of death metal inspired as true and real as the music .. uncovering some of the most disturbing and morbid stories from our hometown during the sectarian clashes, cold blooded murders, mutilations, mayhem and chaos. PREPARE FOR THE SICKNESS !!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Be something of interest of the band from Baghdad, Iraq is the first Death Metal Band Metal Scene Iraq, a country that may not be pictured her Loud music development than often raged Political Issues and The battle heats up, it turns out i should be aware that the State Producer The biggest oil became another bone of contention negara2 culminate with the last option to war!, ya i try to introduce the band Brutal / Technical Death Metal good, DOG Faced CORPSE, which attempts to offer a dynamic mix of styles with a touch of Brutal Death element Classical Music and Jazz Fusion Labels attention Independent from Sweden who is a sub label of Pure Black Heart Productions, attracted by the material of 5 4 songs Shocking Muslim guy this metal hehehe ..... Formed on August 1, 2008 by Drummer Lateef (who was also in the band maen AboOmeN) as his desire to be the first death metal band in the Country, trying to integrate the characters played by his predecessor band Suffocation, Gorgasm, Disgorge, Spawn of Possession, Cynic, Death, Psycroptic, Devourment, Atheist, Cannibal Corpse, Severed Savior, Deeds of Flesh, Defeated Sanity ampe, this is Sadam Husein Cruel Sacrifice by Skill musical hehehe, but still has a bit Recording Quality Raw, Gw can still enjoy the 4 coolest songs in it preceded by "The Drill ", such as a drill that will pierce the eyes of a skull head, band performed admirably with Music The dynamic game, and is not going to disangka2 if Iraq had wild metal band like this. Lateef Drummer Games has become one of the character's birth Conventional Important Skill Drummingnya Brutal through the Points. sounds once if lagu2 recorded here still use them without power Humane many touches digitalized, so the resulting feels Raw sounding, similar exercise band recorded hehehe, not bad balancing the audio anyway. Duo guitarists game, and Omar Mahmod also can not doubt the Lick Down Fascinate pummeling his riffing on the track "Broiled" playing style Classic and Jazz Fusio really as one of the unique elements of the music band. Twin Pedal Drumming the beat is tight and steady Lateef abis, making it one of particular interest since listening to his songs note Gw. Samer vocalist seems to be more honed his character vokill to get maximum results with Deep Guttural Growlingnya. but, for this initial debut, Dog Faced Corpse Gw is stealing the attention of the concept of cool music played, so i definitely going to wait for their debut full album Professionals. limited to only 100 released coffee with Pro CD-R Slim Case Plus pro printed Gory Artwork!. Dog Faced Corpse ready to carve a new history of the development of the Death Metal Scene in the Country of Iraq! creating extreme music that rapes your ears with attitude and elegance yet pulling intelligent Influences from whatever sounds like classical music and jazz fusion and of course still sounding brutal by bringing the sickness of death metal inspired as true and real as the music .. uncovering some of the most disturbing and morbid stories from our hometown during the sectarian clashes, cold blooded murders, mutilations, mayhem and chaos. Prepare for THE SICKNESS!!!

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