Sabtu, 04 April 2015

Dehuman - Graveyard of Eden CD 2015

Dehuman - Graveyard of Eden
Kaotoxin Records CD 2015

01 Sepulcher of Malevolence 05:42    
02 Crypts of Blood 03:25    
03 Obedience to Pestilence 04:24    
04 Invocation of Sublime Death 05:04    
05 Temple of Lust and Fire 06:00    
06 Cerebro Veneficium 04:03    
07 Ov Madness 03:33    
08 Goddess of Sins 07:32

Andrea Vissol - Bass, Vocals
Matthias Boulougouris - Guitars
Raphaël Sellekaerts - Guitars
Laye "Les Sludgy" Louhenapessy - Drums

Mendengarkan Kegilaan Technical Death Metal asal Brussels, Belgia ini begitu mengingatkan Gw dengan Era " The Erosion of Sanity " nya Gorguts lebih dengan sentuhan Beat yang cepat lagi, the new decade began when technical death metal was completely developed as subgenre of the subgenre itself, mostly about 90's was the year a bunch of records of that superior complexity came out again ! Well Memang Typical serta Sound-nya lebih banyak mengarah ke elemen tersebut, sehingga menjadi sajian yang asyik untuk mengenang kembali Era Keemasan Death Metal Dinamis ditahun 90-an sekali. Karakter Growl Vocalis/Bassis Andrea Vissol mengingatkan dengan style nya Luc Lemay Gorguts Era " The Erosion of Sanity ". Sedikit membedakan mungkin adanya ketukan Blastbeat Snare sana sini lebih menambah Unsur Brutalisme yang memicu beberapa Ledakan Hebat beat. The tremendous diversity of structures, severe tempo changes and advanced arrangements are a vital part of the band’s methodology, which constructs epic songs as the title-track, offering a stunning display of abilities and creativity. The variations of riffs are nearly countless, so insatiable, the elaborated progression and versatility of the instrumental basis simply exquisite, revealing a truly musically superior effort from great musicians at their best. " Graveyard of Eden " sendiri adalah bentuk karakter kuat bagi DEHUMAN sejak materi awal " Black Throne of All Creation ", dengan sound yang lebih Berat menghantam, struktur Teknikal-nya begitu menawan meski karakter Era " The Erosion of Sanity " nya Gorguts kemudian menjadi bentuk dramatis-nya ketika band lebih sulit sepenuhnya menghindari pengaruh tersebut, mungkin Track seperti " Obedience to Pestilence " memang secara nyata membuktikan, jika kita seperti sedang mendengar kembali " Hideous Infirmity " nya Gorguts dalam bentuk yang lebih cepat dan Berat lagi. the ideas and possibilities to reasonably combine dexterous arrangements with unadulterated speed & aggression – conceiving well-constructed competent music, making it difficult without denying the original essence of this subgenre. Unlike most of their peers, they concentrate almost exclusively on velocity, adding just a few heavy sequences but generally playing it fast and so energetic instead with competent rhythms performed with extreme detail and grace. Beberapa style musikal-nya gw masih menangkap Bentuk khas tersendiri dari European Death Metal sehingga hal ini akan sedikit menjauhkan asumsi yang berlebihan akan stigma copycat, " Graveyard of Eden " a shifts of complete heterogeneity, always refusing to repeat the same lines without inventiveness Maybe pickin’ parts are the only intolerable handicap, occasionally too concise and noisy, using the archetypical dive-bombs track, dengan Track " Invocation of Sublime Death " kalian akan menemukan perbedaan tersebut, mungkin juga " Cerebro Veneficium ". " Graveyard of Eden " adalah Kolektif Idealis Musisi Dehuman mencoba melepas bentuk Death Metal yang tidak bergaya Modern, membawa kembali Karakter Death Metal era 90-an. This is hands down, one of the most profoundly beautiful and haunting things I've ever heard the move away from Burns and Morrisound did this album a huge favour. I don't dislike the classic Floridian death metal sound, in fact I love it, but this album wouldn't be as good if it sounded like another Morrisound job. The production is clear while retaining the right amount of grit, it has qualities that I'd describe at both warm and bright and it sounds unlike any other death metal album I can think, yeachh... is accessible enough to any extreme metal fan on the surface, and which reveals its captivating intricacies over time !

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Google Translate Use)

Listening Madness Technical Death Metal origin Brussels, Belgium is so reminiscent of Gw by Era "The Erosion of Sanity" with a touch of his Gorguts more rapid Beat again, the new decade Began when technical death metal was completely developed as a subgenre of the subgenre itself, mostly about the 90's was the year a bunch of records of that superior complexity Came out again! Well Indeed Typical and its sound more leads to the elements, so that it becomes a dish that is fun to think back to the Golden Age of Death Metal Dynamic year-90s once. Growl character vocalist / bassist Andrea Vissol reminded by his style Luc Lemay Gorguts Era "The Erosion of Sanity". Little to distinguish possible existence Blastbeat Snare beats here and there more to add elements brutality which triggered some Great Explosion beat. The tremendous diversity of structures, severe tempo changes and advanced arrangements are a vital part of the band's methodology, the which constructs epic songs as the title-track, offering a stunning display of abilities and creativity. The variations of the riffs are nearly countless, so Insatiable, the elaborated progression and versatility of the instrumental base simply exquisite, revealing a truly musically superior effort from great musicians at their best. "Graveyard of Eden" itself is a form of strong character for DEHUMAN since early material "Black Throne of All Creation", with a sound that is more weight hit, Technical structure of his character so charming despite Era "The Erosion of Sanity" Gorguts his later into the form His dramatic when the band is more difficult to completely avoid the influence, perhaps Track as "Obedience to Pestilence" real indeed prove, if we like being heard back "Hideous Infirmity" it Gorguts in the form of faster and more weight. the ideas and possibilities to combine reasonably dexterous arrangements with unadulterated speed and aggression - conceiving a well-constructed competent music, making it difficult, without denying the original essence of this subgenre. Unlike most of Reviews their peers, they concentrate almost Exclusively on velocity, adding just a few heavy Generally sequences but playing it fast and so energetic instead with competent rhythms performed with extreme detail and grace. Some of his musical style I still captures the distinctive Forms of European death metal so it will be a little distanced excessive assumption of stigma copycat, "Graveyard of Eden" a complete shifts of heterogeneity, always refusing to repeat the same lines without the inventiveness Maybe pickin 'parts are the only Intolerable handicap, occasionally too Concise and noisy, using the archetypical dive-bombs track, the track "Invocation of Sublime Death" you will find the difference, may also "Cerebral Veneficium". "Graveyard of Eden" is Idealists Musicians Collective Dehuman try removing that does not form a Death Metal Modern style, bringing back the character of Death Metal 90s. This is hands down, one of the most profoundly beautiful and haunting things I've ever heard the move away from Burns and Morrisound did this album a huge favor. I do not dislike the classic Floridian death metal sound, in fact I love it, but this album would not be as good if it sounded like another Morrisound job. The production is clear while retaining the right amount of grit, it has qualities that I'd describe at both warm and bright and it sounds unlike any other death metal album I can think, yeachh ... is accessible enough to any extreme metal fan on the surface, and the which reveals its captivating intricacies over time!

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