Rabu, 08 April 2015

Sexcrement - Sloppy Seconds CD 2012

Sexcrement - Sloppy Seconds
Comatose Music 2012

01 Heard It Through the Rape Vine 03:40    
02 Chemical Handcuffs 03:19    
03 Well Hungover 04:04    
04 Heels Up 02:39    
05 Trucker Bombed 03:32    
06 Assisted Living Lapdance 03:11    
07 Obesetiality 02:23    
08 Ride Johnny Ride 13:07

Devon Hunt - Drums
Evan Duplessis - Guitars
Adam Mason - Vocals
Peter "Blue" Spinazola - Bass

Sepertinya para penjahat metal sadis terbaik scene Massachusetts sedang berkumpul membuat Konspirasi pembunuhan sadisnya dengan Membentuk band ini, catat nama beberapa band yang  menjadi penghuni Base camp band Gokil ini, Terminally Your Aborted Ghost, Composted, Strappado, Mucopus, Goratory, Dysentery, Parasitic Extirpation, Porphyria, Abnormality ampe Neuraxis telah bersama satu kesatuan bertujuan menciptakan terror baru lewat musik Cadas yang mereka tawarkan ini. terbentuk sejak tahun 2005 oleh drummer berbakat Devon Hunt, Gitaris Evan Duplessis dan Vokalis Adam Mason mungkin adalah sosok penting dan berpengaruh dalam perkembangan Death metal di scene Massachusetts ! Prior to listening to Sexcrement's latest album, Sloppy Seconds, I almost garnered the impression that this was going to be another of those silly, glam or hard rock bands, with the tongue-in-cheek band name and album title, and the cover artwork. Finding out that the band in fact played death metal did not change my impression much either, and left me wondering whether to take the band seriously or not, with bands that dealt with humour and perversity often turning out rather mediocre and, erm, sloppy. sejak album pertama " Genitales from the Porno Potty " tahun 2007, Band ini sudah menyebarkan epidemi kekejamannya, walau ga bermain seganas dan secepat beberapa band utama member, band ini lebih menawarkan gaya Death Metal Klasik yang lebih Rock N Roll beat-nya dengan beberapa partisi elemen bermain yang unik, so jangan harap banyak kalo band ini akan lebih tampil membabi buta hehehehe ... The party, drinking and boozing theme lasts throughout the entire album, with spoken segments that are used to open or close tracks, displaying the band's emphasis on fun, all the while playing a seemingly serious form of death metal, complete with the at-times complex chugging riffs and Drumming patterns. lebih menampilkan karakter dan Imej tentang sex dan pembunuhan yang vulgar band ini mulai dikenal discene Internasional dengan konsepnya yang lebih Easy Listening seperti kita mendengarkan gaya slight Swedish death metal sound dan standard part yang masih memainkan beberapa skill tersembunyi Gitaris Evan Duplessis yang kerap menyelipkan pada beberapa aransemennya sehingga komposisinya tidak begitu bikin boring apalagi beberapa balutan Heavy Headbanger lick riff yang ciamik ! dan juga permainan Skill drummer Devon semakin lebih menampilkan permainan yang dinamis disini, attempts to help to inculcate some quirky moments through his drumming style, incorporating cowbells and such to spice up the music on Sloppy Seconds. beberapa ketukan bergaya Funny Grindcore tetap menjadi Ornamen dibeberapa Squel Aransemennya, grindcore-feel with the urgent pace, though moments such as these are rather few with the band choosing to use crushing, chugging riffs for the most part. sehingga gw berani jamin kalau elo dengerin sendiri semua komposisi disini suasana rilex dan Headbang full akan membelenggu otak elo. sebuah kesatuan musik yang kompleks mulai tidak dikerjakan main2 di materi kali ini yang terbilang cukup matang dari beberapa materi sebelumnya jelas membuat tantangan tersendiri Bagi Sexcrement untuk pantang memainkan beat2 yang super cepat. They write simplistic and danceable death metal with lots of bouncing and dense palm mute chugs, bisected by occasional flights of surgical technicality. Their lewd sense of humor is actually somewhat unique. In a realm where bands compete with one another to come up with the most ghastly medical aberrations for song titles. didukung pula dengan kualitas rekaman dan sound yang keren, semakin menambah nilai tersendiri karya ini untuk keren dinikmati setiap saat, Death n Roll Funny Yeahhh !!! 8 lagu asyik berdurasi total 35:55 tetap buat Gw terjaga saat menikmatinya. heard so often in death metal, metalcore, 90s groove/thrash and so forth, no good leads, and nothing to really stand forth from the hordes of more visceral and exciting death metal that one can find on shores domestic and foreign. so tunggu apalagi untuk memanjakan adrenalin elo buat Headbang terus ?? segera cari CD ini sebagai ornamen ritual wajib acara Pesta Miras dan Sex elo hahahahaha ... Overall though, Sexcrement's Sloppy Seconds is certainly a pretty fun record to listen to once in a while for drunk, silly fun, but the band has unfortunately not included particularly memorable moments on the album for one to actively go back to. The lyrical themes of Sloppy Second though, could serve as a good option for those wanting decent death metal without too much seriousness. NASTY PARTY SEX AND DRUNK BEWARE !!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

It seems like criminals sadistic best metal scene Massachusetts were gathered to make sadistic murder Conspiracy to Establish a band, record the names of several bands who become residents Base band camp this Harleys, terminally Your Aborted Ghost, Composted, Strappado, Mucopus, Goratory, Dysentery, Parasitic Extirpation, Porphyria, Abnormality ampe Neuraxis have been together a whole aims to create a new terror through the Rocks music they offer this. formed in 2005 by a talented drummer Devon Hunt, guitarist and vocalist Evan Duplessis Adam Mason is probably an important and influential figure in the development of the death metal scene in Massachusetts! Prior to listening to Sexcrement's latest album, Sloppy Seconds, I almost garnered the impression that this was going to be another of those silly, glam or hard rock bands, with the tongue-in-cheek band name and album title, and the cover artwork . Finding out that the band played death metal in fact did not change my impression much either, and left me wondering Whether to take the band seriously or not, with bands that dealt with humor and perversity Often turning out rather mediocre and, erm, sloppy. since the first album "Genitales from the Porno Potty" In 2007, the band has been spreading epidemic of cruelty, although ga play fierce and fast as some of the main band members, the band has more to offer style Death Metal Classic Rock N Roll over beat her with multiple partitions play a unique element, so do not expect much if the band will be performing blindly hehehehe ... The party, drinking and boozing theme lasts throughout the entire album, with spoken segments that are used to open or close tracks, displaying the band's emphasis on fun, all the while playing a seemingly serious form of death metal, complete with the at-times Drumming chugging riffs and complex patterns. The image displays the character and more about sex and murder vulgar band began with a concept known as International discene more Easy Listening as we listened to the slight style Swedish death metal sound and standard parts are still playing some hidden skill Guitarist Evan Duplessis who often slipped on some aransemennya so that the composition is not so boring especially some bandages make Headbanger Heavy riffs ciamik lick! Skill games and drummer Devon increasingly more dynamic game show here, Attempts to help to inculcate some quirky moments through his drumming style, incorporating cowbells and such to spice up the music on Sloppy Seconds. Funny Grindcore some beats style remains the ornaments in several Squel arrangements, grindcore-feel with the urgent pace, though moments such as these are rather few with the band choosing to use crushing, chugging riffs for the most part. so i can assure you that elo listen to yourself all the compositions here and the atmosphere Rilex Headbang full brain would handcuff elo. a complex musical entity from not worked this time main2 in material that is quite mature than some of the previous material makes clear challenge for Sexcrement to play beat2 abstinence is super fast. They write simplistic and danceable death metal with lots of bounce and dense palm muted chugs, bisected by occasional flights of surgical technicality. Lewd Their sense of humor is actually somewhat unique. In a realm where bands Compete with one another to come up with the most ghastly medical aberrations for song titles. supported also by the quality of the recording and sound cool, further adds to their value this work for just enjoyed every moment, Death n Roll Funny Yeahhh!!! 8 tracks 35:55 ??total duration remains engrossed for Gw awake while enjoying it. so Often heard in death metal, metalcore, 90s groove / thrash and so forth, no good leads, and nothing to really stand forth from the hordes of more visceral and exciting death metal that one can find on domestic and foreign shores. so what are you waiting for to pamper adrenaline elo Headbang continue?? soon find this CD as a mandatory ritual ornaments Alcohol and Sex Party event elo hahahahaha ... Overall though, Sexcrement's Sloppy Seconds is certainly a pretty fun record to listen to once in a while for drunk, silly fun, but the band has unfortunately not included particularly memorable moments on the album for one to actively go back to. The lyrical themes of Sloppy Second though, could serve as a good option for those wanting decent death metal without too much seriousness. NASTY DRUNK PARTY SEX AND BEWARE!!!

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