Rabu, 08 April 2015

Loudness - 2-0-1-2 CD 2012

Loudness - 2-0-1-2
Tokuma Japan 2012

01 The Stronger 04:19    
02 2012~End of the Age 04:59    
03 Break New Ground 05:07    
04 Driving Force 04:54      
05 Behind the Scene 05:31    
06 Bang'em Dead 04:07      
07 The Voice of Metal 04:12    
08 Who the Hell Cares 05:50    
09 Spirit from the East 02:17    
10 Memento Mori 04:38    
11 Out of the Space 01:51  

Masayoshi Yamashita - Bass
Akira Takasaki - Guitars
Minoru Niihara - Vocals
Masayuki "Ampan" Suzuki - Drums

Japan has a knack for producing quality bands, taking every sub-genre of metal to their extremes, yet not sound overly cheesy. Loudness brings to rabid fans of Japanese metal their 28th full length album studio album, and their second release after original drummer (and founding member) Higuchi's demise. kendati masih menyisakan 3 anggota asli, Japanesse Rock/Metal Legendaris ini tetap produktif dengan karya2nya yang kini telah memasuki rekaman album studio yang ke 27, sebuah Prestasi yang luar biasa sejak band ini terbentuk tahun 1980, bayangkan saja kalau hampir setiap tahunnya band ini selalu merilis albumnya. setelah merilis trilogi album kompilasi terbaiknya, akhirnya label Tokuma Japan merilis album terbarunya. seperti tidak pernah ingin berhenti berkarya, Loudness masih tetap dalam stigma, METAL TILL DEATH !!! dan usia tidak menjadi penghalang bagi Loudness untuk berkarya mengingat banget kalo usia 3 member asli band ini sudah ga muda alias sudah kakek kakek hahahaha, However, it is also good to hear that they have not completely ditched their original style of traditional heavy metal, giving old and new fans of the band something to crave for. " The Stronger " meluncur pertama kali dengan Kekuatan Khas Loudness seperti era album sebelumnya " Eve to Dawn " atau " King Of Pain ", memainkan Traditional Heavy Metal dengan karakter Khas Loudness dan Sound yang mulai Terkontaminasi dengan Modern Style. masih lancar memainkan Speed Licking Riff Gitar yang menawan, gitaris Akira Takasaki memang lebih dapat menguasai Karakter Liar-nya, apalagi tarikan vokalis Minoru Niihara ga kendor sedikitpun powerfully-nya, bahkan lebih dengan High Pitch power vokal yang enerjik pula, salut deh !! dan permainan Member yang terhitung paling muda di tubuh band ini, drummer Masayuki Suzuki masih melakukan Tugasnya dengan sangat baik menggebuk perangkat drum-nya secara Powerfully !! track awal ini masih menyimpan kekuatan dasyat Loudness sebagai Band Heavy Metal legendaris terbesar yang pernah dimiliki oleh Negeri Sakura ini. kemudian track andalan " 2012~End of the Age ", Loudness masih terus memainkan gaya Speed Metal dengan sentuhan kuat Tradisional Heavy metal yang pernah dipopulerkan oleh Ronnie James Dio serta Black Sabbath, " 2012~End of the Age " masih membawa tema lagu masih tentang Isu Kiamat dunia menurut ramalan suku bangsa Maya, yang Dalam kalender bangsa Maya, diramalkan bahwa pada periode 1992-2012 bumi akan dimurnikan, selanjutnya peradaban manusia sekarang ini akan berakhir dan mulai memasuki peradaban baru. Dalam sejarah peradaban kuno dunia, bangsa Maya bagaikan turun dari langit, mengalami zaman yang cemerlang, kemudian lenyap secara misterius. Mereka menguasai pengetahuan tentang ilmu falak yang khusus dan mendalam, sistem penanggalan yang sempurna, penghitungan perbintangan yang rumit serta metode pemikiran abstrak yang tinggi. Kesempurnaan dan akurasi dari pada penanggalannya membuat orang takjub! dan hal Fenomenal ini sempat menarik dan membuat heboh dunia, bahkan Timbul adanya Pro dan Kontra, Mungkin sudah diatur, bahwa kalender Maya tidak hilang dan sejarah manusia, dan harus diuraikan dengan kode oleh manusia sekarang. Namun ia tetap saja harus dilihat, apakah umat manusia yang terpesona oleh konsepsinya yang trerbentuk sesudah kelahiran dapat menembus batas-batas untuk mengingatkan dan memahami kebenaran yang melampoi sistim pengetahuan kita. dan begitu menghayati pembawaan attitute-nya, Track ini dimainkan dengan sangat enerjik pula. " Break New Ground " juga menjadi Track keren yang tampil dengan Middle Headbang part tetap menampilkan semangat bermain yang powerfully pula, At times, the instrumental breaks into a full thrash metal frenzy, such as on Hell Fire, where the riffs and the intense speed and energy bring immediately. begitu pula dengan " Behind the Scene " Permainan Riffing Akira semakin lebih menyentuh dengan gaya Thrash Riffing yang menampar komposisi menarik. bahkan " Bang 'em Dead ", permainan Drummer Masayuki "Ampan" Suzuki semakin memamerkan skill dan Power-nya yang prima mengolah skill dasyatnya di track ini. dan menghormati sosok seorang Almarhum Ronnie James Dio, vokalis legendaris yang pernah memperkuat legendaris band seperti Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Rainbow, The Vegas King dan Dio selain beberapa Proyek solonya, Ronnie James dio yang wafat pada tahun 2010 menjadi icon Penting Musik Metal sepanjang masa. Loudness pada track ke-7 menulis " The Voice of Metal " sebagai Lagu Penghormatan untuk sosok-nya " “Stand up and shout” The Master of the moon said / In the end, your legacies are never dead / Sing me a song You’re a singer of eternity / So long, the king of metal infinity / Forever your sprit never dies… " dengan aransemen yang Middle Picth Part yang memang lebih bergaya Band Terakhir Ronnie James Dio saat bersama DIO atau Heaven and Hell. dan memang secara musikalitas Loudness sendiri banyak terpengaruh oleh kharisma musikal Ronnie James Dio, spesial juga untuk karakter Vokal Minoru Niihara sekarang ini. kemudian juga ada 2 track instrumental " Spirit from the East " dan " Out of the Space " lebih bergaya beberapa etnis khas japanesse, disini menjadi Ruang terbuka untuk member Loudness menampilkan lagi skill " asli " mereka dengan kombinasi permainan yang Progresive. " Memento Mori " menjadi penutup hidangan album baru ini tersaji dengan cukup apik, terdengar sekali bassis Masayoshi Yamashita banyak melakukan Skill Punched Bass skill-nya yang menonjol diaransemen lagunya. masih memainkan kekuatan yang sama, Loudness dialbum ini tetap menyajikan yang terbaik untuk fans mereka. It seems that Loudness, with their newer albums have decided to shift their focus into high speed and high intensity heavy metal, with this album containing perhaps some of the fastest materials ever released by them. sebuah karya produktif bagi Loudness fans untuk menjadi bagian koleksi panjang karir musik mereka yang inovatif menembus segala batasan.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Japan has a Knack for producing quality bands, taking every sub-genre of metal to their extremes, yet not sound overly cheesy. Loudness brings to Rabid fans of Japanese metal album their 28th full length studio album, and their second release after original drummer (and founding member) Higuchi's Demise. although still leaves three original members, Japanesse Rock / Metal Legendary remain productive karya2nya has now entered the studio to record album 27, a remarkable achievement since the band formed in 1980, just imagine if almost every year this band has always released album. after the release of his best compilation album trilogy, finally label Tokuma Japan released a new album. like do not ever want to stop working, Loudness still remain in the stigma, TILL DEATH METAL!!! and age is not a barrier for Loudness to work really remember if the 3 original band members are young ga alias grandfather grandfather hahahaha, However, it is also good to hear that they have not completely ditched their original style of traditional heavy metal, giving old and new fans of the band something to crave for. "The Stronger" by first sliding Loudness Typical power as the previous album era "Eve to Dawn" or "King Of Pain", playing Traditional Heavy Metal with Loudness and Sound Typical character that started Contaminated with Modern Style. still smooth guitar riff plays Speed ??Licking charming, guitarist Akira Takasaki is more able to control his wild character, let alone pull vocalist Minoru Niihara ga powerfully his slightest slack, even with High Pitch energetic vocal power anyway, salute deh! Member and games that count in the body of the young band, drummer Masayuki Suzuki still doing his job very well beat his drum device is powerfully!! These early tracks still have terrible power of Heavy Metal Band Loudness as legendary largest ever held by the State Sakura. then track mainstay "2012 ~ End of the Age", Loudness still continue to play Speed ??Metal style with a strong touch of traditional heavy metal that once popularized by Ronnie James Dio and Black Sabbath, "2012 ~ End of the Age" still carries the theme song is still on Issues Doomsday world according to Maya prophecy tribes, which the Mayan calendar, predicted that in the period 1992-2012 the earth will be purified, then human civilization will come to an end now and start entering a new civilization. In the history of the world's ancient civilizations, like the Mayans come down from heaven, having a brilliant time, then mysteriously disappeared. They master the knowledge of astronomy special and deep, perfect dating system, an elaborate astronomical calculations and methods of high abstract thinking. Perfection and accuracy of the The times make people wonder! Phenomenal and this could attract the world and make a scene, even the Pros and Cons arises, might have been set up, that the Mayan calendar is not lost and human history, and with a code to be deciphered by humans now. But he remains to be seen, whether human beings are fascinated by trerbentuk conception after birth can penetrate the boundaries to remind and understand the truth of our knowledge melampoi system. and so appreciate the nature of his attitute, Track is played with a very energetic too. "Break New Ground" is also a cool track that appears to Middle Headbang permanent part displays a powerfully playful spirit anyway, At times, the instrumental breaks into a full thrash metal frenzy, such as on Hell Fire, where the riffs and the intense speed and bring energy immediately. as well as "Behind the Scene" riffing Games Akira getting more touches with the slap style of thrash riffing interesting composition. even "Bang 'em Dead", the game Drummer Masayuki "Ampan" Suzuki increasingly showcased his skill and power of the prime processing dasyatnya skills on this track. and respect for the figure of the late Ronnie James Dio, legendary vocalist who played for legendary bands such as Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Rainbow, The King and Dio Vegas besides some of his solo project, Ronnie James dio who died in the year 2010 to Essential Music Metal icon of all time . Loudness-7 on track for writing "The Voice of Metal" as a tribute song for her figure "" Stand up and shout "The Master of the moon said / In the end, your legacies are never dead / Sing me a song You ' re a singer of eternity / So long, the king of metal infinity / Forever your sprit never dies ... "with the Middle picth Part arrangements that are more stylish Last Band Ronnie James Dio while with DIO or Heaven and Hell. Loudness musicality and indeed themselves much affected by musical charisma of Ronnie James Dio, also special for vocal character Minoru Niihara today. then there are also 2 instrumental track "Spirit from the East" and "Out of the Space" is more typical Japanesse some ethnic style, here is a space open to members Loudness display more skill "original" them with a combination of the Progressive games. "Memento Mori" a new album cover dish was presented with a fairly slick, there was once a bassist Masayoshi Yamashita Skill Punched Bass did a lot of his skills that stand arranged song. still plays the same power, Loudness dialbum this still presents the best for their fans. It seems that Loudness, with their newer albums have Decided to shift their focus into high speed and high intensity heavy metal, perhaps with this album containing some of the fastest materials ever released by them. a productive work for Loudness fans to be part of a long collection of their innovative musical career through all boundaries.

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