Rabu, 08 April 2015

Sangria - Fleshback CD 2012

Sangria - Fleshback
Anaites Records 2012

01 Absortion After Expectoration 04:33      
02 Purulent Vaginal Discharge 04:07    
03 Coprophilic Tendencies 04:42    
04 Insanity In The Underworld 00:39    
05 Wrintings In Red 04:13    
06 Sodomizing Decapitated Children´s Corpses 03:38      
07 My Pleasure (...is You Mutilation) 03:48    
08 When Satan Rules His World (Deicide cover) 02:56    
09 Abigor (Cryptopsy cover) 06:47

Rafael Vargas - Vocals
Diego Perin - Guitars
Ernani Savaris - Guitars
Daniel Dall'agnese - Bass
Aécio Podre Anticristo - Drums

Melihat dari nama Simple dan kurang Gahar tentunya elo akan merasa terkejut kalo band ini memainkan konsep Brutal Death Metal yang lumayan sadis untuk dinikmati buat kalian pecinta gempuran Dasyat Cryptopsy era album " Blasphemy Made Flesh ", Yup Band asal Bento Goncalves, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil yang sudah eksis sejak tahun 1999 saat ini menampilkan generasi Ke-2nya, karena memang generasi pertama sama sekali sudah tidak terdapat pada formasi kali ini selain hanya menampilkan bassis Daniel Dall'agnese dan Drummer Aécio Valenti sebagai penghuni lawas walau bukan generasi pertamanya. memang dalam perjalanan karir band ini kurang begitu Produktif dikarenakan kesibukan pada beberapa band utama membernya, sejak rilisan pertama Ep " Sangria " tahun 2002, band ini harus menunggu selama 10 tahun untuk melepas full album pertama ini. mengusung 9 lagu termasuk 2 cover version song wajib dan anthemic bagi mereka disetiap penampilan panggungnya, Sangria tentu memiliki Alasan sendiri kalau 2 karisma lagu " Abigor " nya Cryptopsy dan " When Satan Rules His World " nya Deicide telah menjadi Kiblat dan Semangat bermusik mereka, sehingga tidak heran banget kalau sosok 2 band sadis tersebut banyak mempengaruhi Sangria secara Musikalitas untuk menggeber musik yang cadas dan cepat. melalui jangka waktu yang lama, tentunya 7 lagu disini telah melalui proses pematangan yang mantap, langsung dimulai dengan " Absortion After Expectoration ", Sangria langsung menerjangnya dengan blastbeat part dengan gaya Riffing dan Harmonisasi yang Konvensional dimainkan oleh Cryptopsy, sepintas memang tidak memiliki Struktur musik yang Jelas, Sangria seperti membabi buta menggerinda dengan fast part. Permainan Drummer Aécio Podre Anticristo terdengar Cukup Chaotic Gayanya mengimbangi Gaya Liar Gitarisnya yang selalu menciptakan Riffing Liar, sentuhan Karakter lama Cryptosy dibeberapa materi lawasnya cukup menjadi referensi band ini menciptakan Komposisi musik yang serba kejam dan cepat. beberapa gaya Riffing ala Deicide juga cukup terasakan dibeberapa Lick dan Thunder Pummeling-nya yang digeber dengan kocokan serba cepat dan dasyat ! dan bayangin saja kalau Sangria sama sekali ga memberi kesempatan kita untuk bernafas lega saat menikmati Track lagunya selain disuguhkan dengan part2 super cepat-nya. sehingga ini menjadi sebuah siksaan berat bagi Penderita lemah syahwat hahaha ... " Purulent Vaginal Discharge " semakin terus menyerang dengan kejam ! terdengar juga konsep rekaman yang masih murni menggunakan Power Human sangat terasa sekali gw menikmati Skill band ini sebenarnya tanpa harus melihat penampilan panggung mereka. fast Hammer on Riffing roll digeber dengan kocokan yang serba cepat dan menciptakan Harmonisasi2 gelap hampir disetiap gaya lick Riff gitarnya. " Insanity In The Underworld " adalah Track yang berdurasi singkat yang memakan waktu 39 detik namun dimainkan dengan sangat Brutal dan dasyat aja !! dan tentunya " When Satan Rules His World " nya Deicide dimainkan dengan sangat apik komposisinya dalam karakter bermain Sangria ! apalagi " Abigor " nya Cryptopsy, hmmmm menjadi lebih sebuah komposisi yang buas dan liar saja aransemennya. jadi wajib juga nih gw rekomendasikan band ini buat elo coba kegilaannya. selamat datang di era kebiadaban manusia yang semakin Gila dengan kekuasaannya. More Faster than faster delicious !!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Judging from the name Simple and less Gahar elo certainly be surprised if the band played the concept of Brutal Death Metal that pretty sadistic to enjoy for your lover terrible onslaught era Cryptopsy album "Blasphemy Made Flesh", Yup Band from Bento Goncalves, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, which has existed since 1999 is currently showing The 2nya generation, because it is the first generation was not available at all on the formation this time other than just show the bassist and drummer Daniel Dall'agnese Aécio Valenti as the older inhabitants although not the first generation. indeed in the band's career was less productive due to busy on some major band members, since the first release Ep "Sangria" In 2002, the band had to wait for 10 years for this first full album release. carrying 9 songs including 2 cover versions mandatory and anthemic song for them at each stage appearances, Sangria certainly has its own reason if 2 charisma song "Abigor" his Cryptopsy and "When Satan Rules His World" it has become the Qiblah Deicide and their musical passion, so no wonder really that sadistic figure 2 band is influenced Sangria musicality to menggeber rock music and fast. through a long period of time, of course, 7 songs here have gone through a steady process of maturation, immediately started with "After Absortion Expectoration" Sangria once rushed to blastbeat part riffing style and harmonization Conventional played by Cryptopsy, at first glance does not have the structure of music Obviously, such Sangria blindly grinding with fast parts. Drummer Games Aécio Podre Anticristo sounded just Chaotic Wild Style The style is offset guitarist who always create riffing Liar, touch Cryptosy several characters long enough to be a reference material lawasnya band created music composition cruel and fast-paced. Deicide some style riffing style is also quite felt in several Lick and Thunder pummeling her with a whisk lauched a fast paced and enormously! and imagine it if at all ga Sangria gives us a chance to breathe easily while enjoying the song Track part2 than presented with its super fast. so that it becomes an ordeal for impotence sufferers hahaha ... "Purulent Vaginal Discharge" increasingly continue to attack with ruthless! the concept sounds too pristine recordings using Human Power is felt once i actually enjoy this band Skill without having to see their stage performances. Hammer on roll fast riffing lauched with a whisk fast-paced and creates dark Harmonisasi2 almost every style of guitar licks Riff. "Insanity In The Underworld" is a short duration track that takes 39 seconds, but played very brutal and terrible aja! and of course "When Satan Rules His World" Deicide his compositions played very nicely in character playing Sangria! let alone "Abigor" her Cryptopsy, hmmmm become a savage and wild composition alone aransemennya. so shall also ya i recommend this band for trying elo madness. welcome to the era of human barbarity Mad with power. Faster than faster more delicious!

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