Rabu, 15 April 2015

Serocs - Oneirology CD 2012

Serocs - Oneirology
Self-released/independent 2012

01 Reckoning 01:18      
02 Cabal 3:34      
03 Metamorphosis 02:25      
04 Changeling 03:44    
05 A Feast for Chalchiuhtotolin 00:51
06 Mictlan Calleth 04:16    
07 13 B'ak'tun 03:48    
08 Emetics 01:13    
09 Oneirology 04:35      
10 To Each His Own 04:09      
11 Unwanted Protection 03:37  

Serocs - Guitars, Bass
Philippe "Pat" Tougas - Lead Guitars
Josh Smith - Vocals

Antonio Freyre atau SEROCS seperti masih belum merasa puas dengan semua Kreatifitas bermain riffing yang sulit dan matematika banget, lewat 2 Ep sebelumnya ( dan Ep " So On and So Forth " Sudah Gw Review di Edisi Sebelumnya. ed ) adalah bentuk serangan mautnya, dan masih menginjak tahun 2012, Serocs mulai mengerjaan materi baru dan sebagian lama yang telah mengalami proses pematangan. dan kali ini di Album full " Oneirology ", Serocs tidak lagi harus sendirian beraksi, dibantu oleh Gitaris yang se-level dengannya, Philippe "Pat" Tougas yang juga maen di band First Fragment, Zealotry, Salvation, Incandescence dan banyak lagi memang lebih memiliki skill dan attitude bermain yang ga jauh dengan karakteristik Serocs sendiri yang akhirnya memang lebih tertarik dengan skill-nya untuk dipadukan pada materi kali ini, selain itu untuk mengurangi beban musikalitasnya, posisi vokal diserahkan kepada Vokalis Josh Smith, dari band brutal Monumental Torment ! yang pasti materi kali ini gw benar2 surprise banget merasakan semakin sintingnya Seroc mengaransemen musik Super Teknikal yang dipenuhi dengan teknik2 Cepat dan dasyat, sebuah kemajuan 3 langkah dari sebelumnya. komposisi musik rumit memang mustahil dicerna dalam waktu sekejab, sehingga memerlukan kejelian yang tinggi untuk bisa gw menggambarkan karakteristik style band ini. banyak banget perpaduan teknik gitar yang diblend disini menjadi sebuah aransemen sophisticated sophomore banget !! Sweep Picking, Pinch Harmonic, Hammer-on, Sliding, Arpeggio hingga Vibrato yang dimainkan dengan teknik lebih cepat lagi tanpa melakukan gaya Palm Mute. Kontrol Rythym memang lebih memberi Jalan bagi Ketukan Drummingnya menemukan matanya untuk berjalan, karena sangat sulit jika tanpa ada hal tersebut, beberapa alternate Picking memang telah menembus segala batasan yang ada demi terciptanya struktur musik semakin mematikan saja, tetap menjadi Kerja keras yang berimbas Positif deh. dan album ini lebih menghadirkan karakter sounding Technical death Metal klasik seperti Era " Nesphite " Nya Demilich, Atheist hingga Death. dan lebih spesial adalah mulai lengkapnya tersusun formasi menjadikan serocs adalah band yang lebih utuh ! selain itu beberapa nama dengan skill killer-nya telah memberi Kontribusi pada materi album full pertama ini, seperti Bassis Death Metal Wieland asal Jerman menulis pada track " Reckoning ", walau ga memainkan instrumen Bass, tapi lebih berkreasi lewat gaya klasik akustik gitar, lalu Bassis Band Technical Death metal sangar Jerman, Defeated Sanity, Jacob Schmidt menulis Konsep Bass-nya di track awal Intro " Changeling ". kemudian Gitaris/vokalis Roman Temin dari band Death Metal Teknical, Zealotry menulis lagu pada track " A Feast for Chalchiuhtotolin " walau lebih semacam Intro Track dengan permainan Keyboard Fusion, Roman turut memberikan kontribusi berarti. Bahkan Gitaris Ed Talorda dari Disgorge ( California ) juga ikut menyumbangkan sedikit permainan Gitarnya di Track " Emetics " lebih bergaya soundcheck Gitar aja :) dan pada track " Oneirology ", Gitaris Blackened Grindcore Absvrdist, Marlon friday turut memberikan beberapa partisi lagunya lebih terasa gelap. Sepertinya materi " Oneirology " ini memang lebih Open Minded dengan kontribusi berbagai genre mengagumkan sehingga menjadikan Rilisan ini memiliki kekuatan lagi selain memang ini adalah Sebuah Album dengan Komposisi Brutal Technical yang Luar Biasa Teknik Chaotic-nya. ada banyak style mengejutkan dimuntahkan disemua aransemennya yang mengandalkan permainan Shredd dan Alternate Picking keren. The music here features no softer moments where they exercise their finer elements. As was noted by a friend of mine, the closest modern day equivalent to this band would be Portal, in the sense that they are able to take the ingredients of death metal, but do something with it that makes them unique and atmospheric. ada banyak yang perlu kita rasakan sinting dibeberapa Progresi bermusiknya, bagaimana kecepatan dalam bermain gitar diatas rata2 menjadi sebuah pedoman nyata bagi Seroc lebih menciptakan Struktur musik yang cadas sebagai bentuk luapan Talenta dan Egois Musisi-nya. fans musik Brutal dengan Riffing Matematika, gw sarankan banget untuk mencoba kegilaan klimaks materi kali ini. then this really isn’t as inaccessible as some make it out to be. Sure, the vocals are incredibly guttural, but they’re not oppressive guttural or painful to listen to. I actually find them to be quite soothing. Musically, this is one of the more adventurous death metal albums, and for its atmosphere alone in every construct and one, which although might not have changed the general consensus to this genre, will remain a pillar of death metal for all time. One would have wanted to listen to what this group could have offered rather than let ones own imagination wearily drift.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Antonio Freyre or SEROCS like are still not satisfied with all the creativity play hard riffing and math really, passing two previous Ep (and Ep "So On and So Forth" It Gw Review in Previous Edition. Ed) is a form of attack killer, and still from the year 2012, starting Serocs mengerjaan new material and some old that have undergone a process of maturation. and this time in full Album "Oneirology", Serocs no longer have to act alone, aided by guitarist a level with him, Philippe "Pat" Tougas also maen in the band First Fragment, Zealotry, Salvation, Incandescence and much more is more has skill and attitude plays a far ga Serocs own characteristics which ultimately is more interested in his skills to integrate the material this time, in addition to reducing the burden musikalitasnya, lead vocals left to vocalist Josh Smith, from the band's brutal Monumental Torment! exact material this time I really felt the surprise benar2 crazy Seroc Super Technical arranges music that is filled with teknik2 Quick and terrible, an improvement from the previous 3 steps. complex musical composition is impossible to digest in an instant, so it requires a high foresight to be able to describe the characteristics gw style band. loads of guitar techniques blend diblend here to be a sophisticated arrangement sophomore really!! Sweep Picking, Pinch Harmonic, Hammer-on, Sliding, Arpeggio is played until vibrato technique faster without performing style Palm Mute. Rythym control is more giving way to knock Drummingnya find her to walk, because it is very difficult if without it, some alternate Picking it has crossed all limits exist for the creation of musical structure more deadly course, remains the hard work deh positive impact. and the album is sounding character presenting classics like Technical Death Metal Era "Nesphite" His Demilich, Atheist to Death. and more specials are starting to make serocs complete formation is composed of a whole band! other than that some of the names with his killer skills have given contributions to this first full album of material, such as Death Metal Bassist from Germany Wieland wrote the track "Reckoning", although Bass ga play instruments, but more creative through classical style acoustic guitar, and bassist Technical Death Metal Band grim Germany, Defeated Sanity, Jacob Schmidt wrote his concept of Bass in the beginning intro track "Changeling". then guitarist / vocalist Roman Temin of Death Metal band Teknical, Zealotry wrote the song on the track "A Feast for Chalchiuhtotolin" even more a sort of a game Keyboard Intro Track Fusion, Roman contributed significant. Even Guitarist Ed Talorda of Disgorge (California) also contributed a little game of His guitar on Track "Emetics" more stylish guitar soundcheck wrote :) and the track "Oneirology" Blackened Grindcore Guitarist Absvrdist, Marlon friday also gave some more songs partition was dark. Looks like material "Oneirology" is indeed more Open Minded by the contribution of various genres of awesome that makes this release has more power than it is a composition of the album with The Outstanding Technical Brutal Chaotic his technique. there are many styles aransemennya surprise spewed in all the game relies Shredd and Alternate Picking cool. The music here features no softer moments where they exercise their finer elements. As was Noted by a friend of mine, the closest modern day equivalent to this band would be Portal, in the sense that they are Able to take the ingredients of death metal, but do something with it that makes them unique and atmospheric. there is a lot that we need to feel in some crazy musical progressions, how to play guitar on the speed in rata2 be a real guideline for creating structures Seroc more rock music as a form of overflowing talent and his Musicians Selfish. Brutal with music fans riffing Mathematics, i would suggest to try the craziness climax really matter this time. then this really is not as inaccessible as some make it out to be. Sure, the vocals are incredibly guttural, but they're not oppressive guttural or painful to listen to. I actually find them to be quite soothing. Musically, this is one of the more adventurous death metal albums, and for its atmosphere alone and one in every construct, although roomates might not have changed the general consensus to this genre, will REMAIN a pillar of death metal for all time. One would have wanted to listen to what this group could have offered rather than let ones own imagination drift wearily.

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