Rabu, 15 April 2015

Pantera - Piss ' Single 2012

Pantera - Piss ' Single
Rhino Entertainment 2012

01 Piss

Vinnie Paul - Drums
Dimebag Darrell - Guitars
Rex Brown - Bass
Phil Anselmo - Vocals

Kendati menjadi menjadi salah satu Band yang tinggal kenangan besar, ternyata kharisma Nama Pantera tetap berdiri kokoh di jagad metal ! setelah ditinggal tewas tragis frontman gitaris Dimebag Darrell tahun 2004 lalu, hampir 99% dipastikan tidak ada lagi penggantinya dan pantera tidak akan pernah terbentuk kembali. entah apa yang terjadi sebenarnya masalah pelik ini. vokalis Phil Anselmo mungkin terlalu asyik dengan seabrek band proyeknya seperti Arson Anthem, Down, Christ Inversion, Superjoint Ritual, Viking Crown, Body and Blood, Necrophagia, Alice in Chains (live), Eyehategod (live), In Solitude (live), Razor White, Southern Isolation, Enoch, Eibon, Samhain dan masih banyak lagi kesibukannya, lalu Drummer Vinnie Paul dengan band Hellyeah, Damageplan, dan Rebel Meets Rebel sementara bassis Rex Brown di Kill Devil Hill, Crowbar, Down, serta Rebel Meets Rebel, entah eksistensi mereka apa masih tetap dibanyak band tersebut. memang kehilangan salah satu Icon Penting dalam Band yang memberi pengaruh secara Imej dan Musikalitas band itu sendiri sangatlah berat. karena lebih masalah Pertanggungjawaban dihadapan para fans, mungkin itu salah satu alasan Pantera tidak akan pernah terbentuk lagi, kecuali jika Gitaris Dimebag Darrell telah bangkit dari kubur kembali hahahaha ... memorable dan ironis banget kalo kita membicarakan nama besar band ini sebagai salah satu pelopor Groove Metal legendaris berpengaruh bagi perkembangan selanjutnya. setelah tidak ada lagi nafas kehidupannya, beberapa Album Pantera masih beberapa kali dirilis ulang dalam berbagai versi, kemasan dan format. dan yang terbaru adalah Kemasan Boxset " Original Album Series " tahun 2011 dan 2012. nah masih menjawab segala kerinduan para Pantera Diehard fans, rupanya keajaiban pun datang era materi album paling fenomenal mulai menanjak karirnya pantera, " Vulgar Display of Power " Tahun 1992 rupanya akan sedikit dihadirkan kembali nuansanya di tahun 2012 ini. loh koq bisa ???? .. itu adalah pertanyaan yang paling banyak bermunculan sejak Rhino Entertainment memberikan press rilis-nya untuk merilis single Pantera. dan ternyata memang single " piss " ini adalah materi sama yang direkam saat penggarapan materi " Vulgar Display of Power ". karena Track " Piss " ini memang dinyatakan Hilang sejak akan dirilis, dan sebuah keajaiban pun muncul kembali saat teknologi banyak membantu menemukan 1 track yang belum pernah dipublikasikan sama sekali ini ternyata bisa utuh ditampilkan kembali dalam single spesial ini. Oh, look at this, an outtake from Vulgar Display of Power. This surely spread like the smell of rancid shit, which is to be expected, as that's what it is. This is essentially a bunch off "dun dun duh" groove riffs with the breakdown from "Use My Third Arm" used as the verse with the standard Pantera production turned down about five notches. so, If you want to hear Vulgar Display of Power condensed, watered down, and with retarded lyrics, give this a couple spins. If you want intelligent metal that has honesty and musical direction, look elsewhere, probably any '80s thrash outfit. gw memang seperti kembali mendengarkan album masterpiece klasik tersebut. seperti telah menemukan bagian yang hilang, Fans pantera sangat begitu gembira mendengarkan kembali materi klasik terbaik Pantera yang menjadi peninggalan terakhir sebelum ajal menjemput gitaris Dimebag Darrell.  Though, if you liked Vulgar Display of Power or are one of those people who worship everything Pantera has recorded after Power Metal, you'll probably like this song. For me, I'd say that "Piss" is decent at best. There's better Pantera tracks out there, but this one is fresh for everyone. You might as well get SOME enjoyment out of it while you can. My advice to everyone who thinks that this is some sort of ideal to live by is; aspire to more in your life, pick up a guitar and broaden your horizons beyond the rigid, banal orthodoxies established in the 90s, just be somebody for fuck’s sake. PANTERA ... WE ALL MISS YOU BACK AGAIN !!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Despite being the band became one of the great memories that stay, apparently charisma name Pantera still standing strong in the world of metal! after the tragic death left frontman guitarist Dimebag Darrell in 2004, almost 99% sure there is no substitute and pantera will never reformed. who knows what happened exactly this complicated issue. vocalist Phil Anselmo may be too preoccupied with the multitude of projects such as band Arson Anthem, Down, Christ Inversion, Superjoint Ritual, Viking Crown, Body and Blood, Necrophagia, Alice in Chains (live), Eyehategod (live), In Solitude (live), Razor White, Southern Isolation, Enoch, Eibon, Samhain and much more busy, and drummer Vinnie Paul with the band Hellyeah, Damageplan, and Rebel Meets Rebel while bassist Rex Brown, Kill Devil Hill, Crowbar, Down, and Rebel Meets Rebel, whether the existence of them what is still in many parts of the band. Icon is missing one important in influencing the band and the musical band The image itself is very heavy. for more accountability issues in front of the fans, maybe that's one reason Pantera will never form again, unless the guitarist Dimebag Darrell has risen from the grave again hahahaha ... memorable and very ironic if we talk about the band's name as one of the pioneers of the legendary Groove Metal influential for subsequent developments. after no more breath of life, some Pantera album was re-released several times in various versions, packaging and format. and most recently the Packaging Boxset "Original Album Series" in 2011 and 2012. nah still answer any homesickness Pantera Diehard fans, apparently miracle came the era of the most phenomenal album material pantera career began to climb, "Vulgar Display of Power" of 1992 seems to be little nuances presented back in 2012. loh koq be???? .. it is a question of the most emerging since Rhino Entertainment provides its press release for the release of the single Pantera. and it was the single "piss" is the same material that was recorded when the cultivation of the material "Vulgar Display of Power". by Track "Piss" is indeed expressed Missing since be released, and a miracle had resurfaced as technology helped find one track that has not been published at all this turns out to be fully displayed again in this special single. Oh, look at this, an outtake from Vulgar Display of Power. This surely spread like the smell of rancid shit, roomates is to be expected, as that's what it is. This is Essentially a bunch off "dun dun duh" groove riffs with the breakdown from "Use My Third Arm" used as the verse with the standard production Pantera turned down about five notches. so, If you want to hear Vulgar Display of Power condensed, watered down, and with retarded lyrics, give this a couple spins. If you want intelligent metal that has honesty and musical direction, look elsewhere, probably any '80s thrash outfit. i really like the back listening to the album a classic masterpiece. like to have found the missing piece, Fans pantera so so excited to listen to the best classic material back the Pantera legacy before his death last guitarist Dimebag Darrell. Though, if you liked Vulgar Display of Power or are one of those people who worship everything Pantera has recorded after Power Metal, you'll probably like this song. For me, I'd say that "Piss" is decent at best. There's better Pantera tracks out there, but this one is fresh for everyone. You might as well get SOME enjoyment out of it while you can. My advice to everyone who thinks that this is some sort of ideal to live by is; aspire to more in your life, pick up a guitar and broaden your horizons beyond the rigid, banal orthodoxies established in the 90s, just be somebody for fuck's sake . PANTERA ... WE ALL MISS YOU BACK AGAIN!!!

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