Rabu, 15 April 2015

Back Door To Asylum - Akathisia CD 2012

Back Door To Asylum - Akathisia
Amputated Vein Records 2012

01 Snuffed Out 01:58
02 Entozoic 03:26    
03 Feral Instinct 03:03    
04 Shut Her Down 03:04    
05 Graves of the Fathers (Cryptopsy cover) 04:10    
06 Rabid Dogs & Hungry Jackals 04:09    
07 Detachment 01:35    
08 Embrace the Pain 03:36    
09 Restless 05:12    
10 Humanenness Expired 03:22

Anton Zhikharev - Bass
Vladislav Nikolaev - Drums
Evgeniy Tkachev - Vocals
Vyacheslav Chepelev - Guitars
Andrey Rybakov - Guitars

Russian Scene semakin mengerikan aja !!, setiap hari kerap didominasi dengan lahir-nya band Brutal Killer dari negara ini, genre Slamming Brutal Death Metal adalah yang paling dominan berkembang, puluhan bahkan ratusan Band2 bagus terlahir disini, nah kali ini gw mo kenalin lagi nama baru yang siap the next populer dimasa depan hahahaha, BACK DOOR TO ASYLUM tentunya sebuah nama yang rada asing ditelinga kalian khan? atau mungkin udah denger namanya tapi belum ngerti bagaimana konsep musik yang mereka tawarkan? nah kebetulan banget gw punya CD perdana mereka ini buat gw berbagi Informasi aja hehehe ... dan sekedar tambahan kecil aja untuk menjadi catatan tentang band yang menampilkan Frontman bassis Anton Zhikharev pernah memperkuat barisan slamming Death Metal populer Russia scene, Abominable Putridity dan Drummer Vladislav Nikolaev kita kenal sebagai drummer band brutal Guttural Decay, rasanya cukup untuk ngasih referensi tersendiri bagaimana konsep musik yang mereka mainkan di band bentukan tahun 2007 ini. debutan pertama ini adalah sebuah perkenalan awal mereka sejak bergabung dengan Label asal Jepang, Amputated Vein Records yang sudah tertarik dengan beberapa lagunya. dan inilah " Akathisia " sebagai bukti eksistensi mereka dimulai di Jagad metal cadas ini. track pertama " Entozoic " setelah Intro langsung menggebrak dengan konsep musik yang mengejutkan, Brutal technical Death Metal Intense ! perpaduan kejam antara Nile, Immolation, Suffocation, Aborted, Decapitated, Cryptopsy,Gorguts,Cephalic Carnage, Gorgasm, hingga Disgorge mereka blend menjadi sebuah komposisi yang tetap menarik. Chaotic Blaster nuansa aransemen lagunya, Down Tremolo Picking Up Pummeling Riffing yang provokatif bagi beat Drummingnya tetap tampil liar dengan segala skill-nya. semakin menarik sekali gaya harmonisasi Excellent Riffing-nya di part awal track " Feral Instinct ", Fucking Intense memorable ! dengan komposisi yang mulai terasa panas setelah warming up track sebelumnya, Back Door To Asylum kian terdengar liar, memang beberapa struktur typical musik dan soundingnya lebih banyak mengingatkan dengan karakter in the vein-nya Cephalic Carnage banget, mulai dari Sound Snare drum dan Riffing-nya. Teknikal riffing mantap dimainkan kompak oleh duo gitarisnya saling mengisi beberapa Pattern riffing gitar. Gaya vokalis Evgeniy Tkachev juga lebih mengingatkan dengan growling-nya Leonard "Lenzig" Leal -nya Cephalic Carnage banget !. beberapa struktur musikal mencoba menyentuh gaya Chaotic style Cryptopsy era " None So Vile ", dinamis dan komplek banget komponen musik yang disuguhkan disini. dan sebagai salah satu bentuk penghormatan kepada salah satu inspirator besar band ini, Track Fenomenal " Graves of the Fathers " nya Cryptopsy, akhirnya diaransemen kembali pada track ke-5, walau masih membawa sentuhan Cephalic Carnage banget, sehingga Totalitas dan gaya liar track ini kurang terasakan pada greget-nya, walau memang secara konsepsional sudah cukup garang dibawakan kembali, atau dengan kata lainnya adalah Cryptopsy song dengan Karakter Kuat Cephalic Carnage, itulah yang bisa gw kasih gambarannya hehehehe ....  Totally real Amazing Track here ! menawarkan 9 lagu dengan komposisi musik yang sadis dan keren bisa elo rasakan sendiri disini, karena gw sempat kekurangan kata2 untuk bisa menggambarkannya, yang jelas fans berat Gaya Teknikal Cephalic Carnage dan sedikit Karakter liar Cryptopsy bisa kalian temukan jawabannya didebutan perdana band ini, walau secara materi ga Orisinil, namun cukup mengesankan sekali dengan skill dan talenta yang mereka tawarkan disini. the songs are composed of essentially nothing but constant twists and turns with no real coherency, and it gets tiring after a while, but that's why the album is less than half an hour long anyway. There's little to say about this music; if you've heard other spastic death/grind, you've essentially heard this. If you like the style, you'll like this. It's nothing amazing but it's worthwhile enough to warrant a look from brutal/tech death fans. It's moderately interesting and well executed, which is good enough for me. TRY TO KILL !!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Russian Scene increasingly awful ONLY!!, Every day is often dominated by the birth of his band Brutal Killer of the country, slamming Brutal Death Metal genre is the most dominant growing, tens or even hundreds of good Band2 born here, well this time I mo kenalin more names ready for the next new popular future hahahaha, BACK DOOR TO Asylum certainly a name that foreign rada your ears, right? or maybe already heard his name but have not understood how the concept of the music they have to offer? nah i had really happened to their debut CD was created to share information gw aja hehehe ... and a little extra just wrote it to be a record of the band featuring frontman bassist Anton's line Zhikharev ever popular Russia slamming Death Metal scene, Abominable Putridity and Drummer Vladislav Nikolaev known as drummer for brutal Guttural Decay, was nice enough to give us a separate reference how the concept of music they play in the band's formation in 2007. This is the first debutant their initial introduction since joining the label from Japan, Amputated Vein Records that have been interested in some of his songs. and this is the "Reporting of akathisia" as proof of their existence in the Universe begins this rock metal. The first track "Entozoic" after the intro music kicked off with a shocking concept, technical Brutal Death Metal Intense! cruel blend between the Nile, Immolation, Suffocation, Aborted, Decapitated, Cryptopsy, Gorguts, Cephalic Carnage, Gorgasm, to Disgorge they blend into a composition that remains attractive. Chaotic arrangement of the song feel Blaster, Down Tremolo Picking Up pummeling riffing provocative to beat Drummingnya still look wild with all his skills. the more interesting style of harmonizing its excellent riffing in the early part track "Feral Instinct", Fucking Intense memorable! whose composition is starting to feel the heat after warming up previous track, Back Door To Asylum sounded increasingly wild, indeed some music and soundingnya typical structure more reminiscent of a character in the vein of his Cephalic Carnage really, from Sound Snare drums and riffing his . Technical steady riffing guitarists played by the duo compact complement some guitar riffing Pattern. Evgeniy Tkachev vocalist style also reminded by his growling Leonard "Lenzig" Leal its Cephalic Carnage really!. some try to touch style musical structure Chaotic style era Cryptopsy "None So Vile", very dynamic and complex components of the music presented here. and as a form of tribute to one of the band's inspiration, Track Phenomenal "Graves of the Fathers" her Cryptopsy, finally arranged back on the track to-5, while still bringing a touch of Cephalic Carnage's so, so that the totality and wild style track is less felt to restrain her, although conceptually it brought back vivid enough, or in other word is Cryptopsy song with Strong Character Cephalic Carnage, that is what can i love the picture hehehehe .... Totally real Amazing Track here! offers 9 songs with musical compositions and cool sadist could elo feel alone here, because I had to be able to describe kata2 deficiency, which is obviously a big fan of Cephalic Carnage Technical Style and slightly wild character Cryptopsy can you find the answer didebutan band's debut, although the material Original ga, but pretty impressive all the skills and talents they have to offer here. The songs are composed of Essentially nothing but constant twists and turns with no real coherency, and it gets tiring after a while, but that's why the album is less than half an hour long anyway. There's little to say about this music; if you've heard of other spastic death / grind, Essentially you've heard this. If you like the style, you'll like this. It's nothing amazing but it's worthwhile enough to warrant a look from brutal / tech death fans. It's moderately interesting and well executed, roomates is good enough for me. TRY TO KILL!!!

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