Rabu, 15 April 2015

Regurgitate Life - The Human Complex CD 2012

Regurgitate Life - The Human Complex
Self-released/independent 2012

01 Intro 01:15    
02 The Human Complex Part 1 02:56    
03 The Human Complex Part 2 03:21    
04 To Incarcerate 06:03    
05 20 Years 04:11    
06 Come Forth the Day 04:11    
07 Patience 04:02    
08 The Tempter 05:58    
09 In the Shadows 01:26    
10 Diminish in the Shadow of the Superior One 05:21    
11 The Living Stillborn Part 1 02:22    
12 The Living Stillborn Part 2 03:48    
13 Conceiving Extinction 03:48   

Sammy Urwin- Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Drum Programming

Seperti masih beberapa anggapan Gw tentang One Man Project Band selalu sering menciptakan Kesan membosankan jika kurang bisa memanajemen musikalitas dengan baik, dan hal ini bisa gw buktikan lagi kalo gw akan sedikit mengurangi statemen seperti itu, karena Gw sadar jika memang masih banyak talenta luar biasa disana, dan One Man project Band bisa gw jadikan sample tepat untuk menggambarkan manajemen Musikalitas yang sebenarnya. Regurgitated Life, band brutal death keren asal UK yang dibentuk oleh Frontman Sammy Urwin dari band Brutal Death seperti Decrepit Womb, Oblivionized, dan Defective Brain adalah masa awal dirinya banyak menimba musikalitas. dan masih mengusung konsep yang ga jauh dengan beberapa band tersebut, Sammy tetap memiliki Ide2 Fresh untuk dituangkan dalam Karya Full album solo pertamanya sejak mulai dikenal lewat Demo 2008 dan Ep " Condemned From The Beginning " tahun 2010, dengan debutan anyar ini Sammy telah banyak mengalami perubahan konsep bermusik yang lebih baik dan matang lagi, bikin kejutan tak terduga nih walau Artwork Kover-nya kurang menyakinkan banget sebagai Album Brutal Death Metal yang keren. dengan beberapa sentuhan kompleks, Sammy semakin mumpuni dalam mengaransemen skill-nya menjadi Komposisi yang asli menendang. pengaruh kuat nama Band Visceral Bleeding, Human Rejection, Spawn Of Possession, Anata hingga Defeated Sanity lebih banyak terasakan dalam struktur musik yang tersaji di 12 lagu mantapnya. dan lihatlah bagaimana seorang Sammy harus bekerja sendirian untuk debut album independen pertama ini, hasil kerja keras yang menciptakan kesan mengagumkan pantas diperoleh sammy di album " The Human Complex ". seperti halnya seorang manusia yang mengalami Kompleksitas dalam kehidupannya, Sammy dengan Regurgitate Life membawa Filosofinya kedalam musiknya menjadi lebih dinamis dengan beberapa sentuhan konsep musik yang berbeda. Setelah memulai dengan sebuah Intro, Sammy memainkan Dobel Skuel track " The Human Complex Part 1 " dan " The Human Complex Part 2 " dengan sangat fantastis serta enerjik ! seperti sebuah pukulan yang telak jika kita terlalu meremehkan One Man project akan menciptakan imej yang membosankan. Bagian pertama memang masih belum menunjukkan Ambisi Sammy yang sebenarnya memainkan musik dan baru terjawab di sekuel ke-2nya, gempuran Brutal Death Metal dengan sentuhan teknikal Riffing dasyat dimuntahkan secara membabi buta lewat fast Blastbeat-nya. Downstroke Pummeling Riffing yang kaya akan Harmonisasi part keren dan modern sangat terasakan sentuhan dan partisi dinamisnya. beberapa Karakter Riff unik juga ga lupa menjadi sebuah bentuk eksperimennya, fast and Cruchy Downstroke ala Origin dipadu dengan Decrepit Birth ! sementara Drum programming dengan sounding yang lebih manusiawi kian menambah poin tersendiri rilisan ini berbahaya, sentuhan sampling dan beberapa effect sound memperjelas pula Pola unik musik Regurgitate Life ini. " To Incarcerate " memiliki Komposisi Part awal yang megah dan Indah pula sajian Hyperblastbeat terbalut dengan gaya Thrashin riffing dominan pada struktur musik yang rapat pukulan kecepatannya. I Love This Track !!! " 20 Years ", Middle Down part Old School Death metal dengan beberapa karakter Sludging metal lebih terkesan modern memulai pada awal part yang kemudian secara liar menggerinda dengan intensa Fucking Blastbeat. the technically infused brutality of bands like Visceral Bleeding, Anata and Spawn of Possession. A Presence Inexplicable starts with a mighty chugging riff reminiscent of a giant stomping on daisies. It then breaks away to a new palm-muted riff that is tighter than a frightened virgin before a sacrifice. More of this leads way to an epic, sorrowful solo, followed by one of the most orgasmic “breakdowns” I’ve ever heard; It changes to an agonizing slow pace with tortured screams in the background, picks up speed a little, then again at a jogging pace which feels like you are floating in the space between your steps hitting the ground, only to speed up once more to realtime at an adrenaline-inducing pace. Definitely head-bangable, and definitely well thought out, this part gets me so pumped it feels like it’s actually possessing me! " Come Forth the Day " tetap mengagumkan dengan hentakan enerjik blastbeat yang seakan menjadi Mata kaki berlari mendominasi setiap bagiannya. Gaya Growl yang emosional dan enerjik memang menjadi karakter Vokal Sammy untuk bisa membawakannya dengan Instrumen Gitar diatas panggung lebih mendapatkan Feel yang tepat. " Patience " semakin terasa Part2 teknikal Riffing yang Sophisticated ! sementara " The Temper " lebih mengajak kita ke elemen gaya bermainnya Morbid Angel in the vein. showcase more tight little sweeps, pinch harmonics and hooks near the middle. and most likely, will always be the most technical band I have ever heard. Being all over the fretboard. dan entah kenapa Konsep Musik Regurgitate pada 4 Track terakhir lebih banyak menambahkan element Avant Garde dan Ambient walau kerap dipadukan dengan Intense Death Metal, track tersebut melah bikin lelah Feel gw, padahal gw masih mengagumi gaya Cerdas Riffing Gitar Sammy. dan sempat terbayarkan pada Track terakhir " Conceiving Extinction ", Permainan Cadas brutal dan liar terjadi lagi. semuanya dikerjakan sendirian dan kini tinggal waktunya Sammy mendapat sambutan luar biasa atas karya matang perdananya. buat kalian penggemar konsep padat dan Brutal dinamis ala Spawn Of Possession serta Visceral Bleeding pasti akan menyukai rilisan yang satu ini. high quality musicianship, technical guitar, bass, and drum work, competent growling (with some variety in the delivery), riff and tempo changes/diversity ... even a number of good solos are played in this album. The clarity of the production is a relief ... anything more distorted than what they chose to go with would more likely than not cloud the convoluted cranium-crushing attack they so wonderfully employ. There is one thing about this album that I don't much care for, though not necessarily a bad thing, and that would be that there aren't exactly any truely memorable tracks. They all seem to run together, into some sort of giant Technical Death song, one that is overall memorable.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

As I still some assumptions about the One Man Band Project are creating impressions always boring if less able to manage well musically, and this can i prove it again if i would slightly reduce such statements, because Gw aware if it is still a lot of outstanding talent there , and One Man Band project can i make a sample to describe the management of real musicality. Regurgitated Life, the band's native UK brutal death just formed by frontman Sammy Urwin from bands like Brutal Death Decrepit Womb, Oblivionized, and Defective Brain was the beginning of her many musical draw. and still brought the concept of the ga away with some of the band, Sammy still has to be poured in Ide2 Fresh Work Full first solo album since the start of 2008 and is known for her demo EP 'Condemned From The Beginning "in 2010, with this new debutant Sammy has undergone many changes in musical concepts better and more mature, makes an unexpected surprise ya Coverage Artwork although its less convinced really as Brutal Death Metal Album of cool. complex with a few touches, Sammy increasingly competent in his arranging skills to kick the original composition. strong influence Band name Visceral Bleeding, Human Rejection, Spawn Of Possession, Defeated Sanity Anata to be felt more in the structure of the music presented in 12 solid tracks. and see how a Sammy must work alone for this first independent debut album, the hard work that creates the impression of awesome content sammy obtained in the album "The Human Complex". like a man who had complexity in life, Sammy Regurgitate Life brings philosophy into his music becomes more dynamic with a few touches of different musical concepts. After starting with an intro, Sammy plays Double Skuel track "The Human Complex Part 1" and "The Human Complex Part 2" with very fantastic and energetic! such a crushing blow if we are grossly underestimating One Man project will create a dull image. The first part is still not showing the actual ambition Sammy plays music and just missed out on the sequel to 2nya, strikes Brutal Death Metal with a touch of technical riffing spewed terrible blindly passing it Blastbeat fast. Downstroke pummeling riffing that is rich Harmonization part felt cool and very modern touch and dynamic partitioning. some unique character Riff also ga forget to be a form of experiment, fast and cruchy Origin downstroke style combined with Decrepit Birth! while the drum programming with a more human sounding increasingly add separate points this release dangerous, touch sampling and sound effects clarify some unique patterns also Regurgitate Life's music. "To Incarcerate" has the composition of the initial Part majestic and beautiful presentation too wrapped Hyperblastbeat Thrashin riffing style dominant in dense musical structures punch speed. I Love This Track!!! "20 Years", Middle Down Old School Death metal part with a few characters seem more modern metal Sludging start at the beginning and then a wild part grinding with intensa Fucking Blastbeat. the technically infused Brutality of bands like Visceral Bleeding, Spawn of Possession and Anata. A Presence Inexplicable starts with a mighty chugging riffs Reminiscent of a giant stomping on daisies. It then breaks away to a new palm-muted riffs that is tighter than a virgin Frightened before a sacrifice. More of this leads way to an epic, sorrowful solo, Followed by one of the most orgasmic "breakdowns" I've ever heard; It changes to an agonizing slow pace with tortured screams in the background, picks up speed a little, then again at a jogging pace roomates feels like you are floating in the space between your steps hitting the ground, only to speed up once more to realtime at an adrenaline-inducing pace. Definitely a head-bangable, and definitely well thought out, this part gets me so pumped it feels like it's actually possessing me! "Come Forth the Day" awesome stay with the beat of energetic blastbeat's legs that seemed to be running dominate every part. Growl style emotional and energetic vocals Sammy is a character to be able to bring her guitar on stage with instruments Feel better get right. "Patience" is increasingly felt that Sophisticated Part2 technical riffing! while "The Temper" invites us over to play Morbid Angel style elements in the vein. showcase more sweeps little tight, pinch harmonics and hooks near the middle. and most Likely, will always be the most technical band I have ever heard. Being all over the fretboard. and somehow Concept Music Regurgitate on 4 Track last more added element Ambient Avant Garde and although often combined with Intense Death Metal, tracks are melah make gw Feel tired, but I still admire the style of guitar riffing Smart Sammy. and was paid on the last track "Conceiving Extinction", Rocks brutal and wild game going again. everything is done and now lives alone time Sammy extraordinary acclaim over his first mature works. make you a fan of the concept of solid and dynamic Brutal ala Spawn Of Possession and Visceral Bleeding release will definitely love this one. high quality musicianship, technical guitar, bass, and drum work, competent growling (with some variety in the delivery), riffs and tempo changes / diversity ... even a number of good solos are played in this album. The clarity of the production is a relief ... anything more distorted than what they chose to go with would more than Likely not cloud the convoluted cranium-crushing attack so wonderfully they employ. There is one thing about this album that I do not much care for, though not necessarily a bad thing, and that would be that there are not exactly any truely memorable tracks. They all seem to run together, into some sort of giant Technical Death song, one that is memorable overall.

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