Rabu, 08 April 2015

Rage - 21 CD 2012

Rage - 21
Nuclear Blast Records 2012

01 House Wins 01:30    
02 Twenty One 06:16    
03 Forever Dead 06:20    
04 Feel My Pain 05:40    
05 Serial Killer 05:45    
06 Psycho Terror 06:57
07 Destiny 05:13    
08 Death Romantic 05:59    
09 Black and White 05:20    
10 Concrete Wall 03:50
11 Eternally 05:09

Peter "Peavy" Wagner - Vocals, Bass
Victor Smolski - Guitars, Keyboards
André Hilgers - Drums

By my count, 21 is only Rage’s twentieth studio album (unless perhaps they are counting Lingua Mortis, which I could perhaps understand), but you won’t hear me complaining too loudly about it. Press about the album ahead of time hailed it as being the band’s heaviest and most aggressive piece of work to date. Really, we’ve never had a lack of those things from what might be Germany’s most consistent metal band. Regardless of the approach, I expected this to be another quality entry into the group’s catalog. memang terus bertahan dan produktif membakar fans Heavy/Speed/Power Metal mereka sejak terbentuk tahun1986 dengan nama awal sebagai Avenger, band yang sampai saat ini menyisakan Frontman bassis dan Vokalis Peter "Peavy" Wagner saja, tetap terus menunjukkan nafas panjangnya sampai detik ini walau usia seperti biasa tidak menjadi penghalang serius kreatifitas mereka memainkan Musik metal. masih ditemani oleh Gitaris Victor Smolski dan Drummer André Hilgers yang terkenal juga memiliki Talenta dan potensi tidak meragukan bagi Peter untuk tetap menjadikan mereka sebagai bagian utuh dalam formasi RAGE ! semakin Lama karya2 baru band ini semakin menampilkan elemen bermain yang enerjik dengan beberapa sentuhan style dan sound yang modern ! yang tentunya akan sangat berbeda dengan beberapa materi klasik mereka, karena ini memang sudah menjadi dasar hukum alam tentang sebuah perkembangan. dimulai dengan Intro " House Wins " yang sepertinya diambil dari sebuah Scene Film Kolosal yang bernuansa epic. kemudian " Twenty One " mengawali jumpa awal dengan sajian yang mantap dengan beberapa solo Drummer diawal part, setelah itu Gitaris Victor Smolski memainkan Thrash Riffing-nya yang kental barulah teriakan vokalis Peter masih begitu Powerfully berkoar sambil mencabik piranti bass-nya, Irama Heavy/Power Metal-nya rupanya semakin tergerus dengan elemen Modern style yang lebih bergaya Thrash Metal banget di track ini. ditangani oleh 2 produser berpengaruh Victor Smolski dan Charlie Bauerfeind yang sebelumnya juga mengerjakan produksi CD dari band terkenal macam Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray, Helloween, HammerFall, Venom, ampe Saxon tetap membawa Citra tersendiri bagi Rage untuk lebih percaya pada kemampuan 2 orang berpotensi ini. " Forever Dead " mungkin baru inilah kembali mulai terasa gaya khas Heavy/Speed/Power Metal Khas Rage sejak terbentuk lebih termainkan dengan gaya bernyanyi yang Anthemic dan Sing A Long serta gaya bermusik yang enerjik. Aransemen Guitar Riffing-nya memang banyak menawarkan karakter bermain Modern style banget sih semakin menambah berbeda karakter Utama bagi Rage sendiri, tapi bagi Gw tetaplah ciamik untuk dinikmati dari sajian Legend band terbaik Jerman scene ini. This track shocked me considerably, as Peavy cut loose with the first harsh vocals that I’ve heard him spit out. While I find the harsh vocals quite good and instrumental work stellar as usual, the lyricism takes a downhill slide into the mediocrity that Rage resorts to from time to time. " Feel My Pain " sebuah track sebenarnya membawa kita ke era kejayaan rage untuk memainkan kembali gaya Heavy/Power Metal yang terasa Ballad banget dibanding track2 sebelumnya yang Thrash Metal type banget !!, " Feel My Pain " sedikit mengajak kita untuk nostalgia dengan Masa kemegahan musik Heavy Metal Tradisional yang sensasional karakternya. There are a few filler cuts, but then, even their old albums had fillers, so it’s not really a big deal. The lyrics are pretty awful at times, but hey, what do you want? These guys were never really lyrical poets anyway. " Serial Killer " tetap terjaga Kualitas Heavy metal-nya yang terus terkontaminasi dengan gaya Thrash Metal dan post metal intens, tambah semakin menggigit saja kemasannya, dan Vokalis Peter seperti dipaksa untuk menampilkan beberapa Karakter harsh Vokal-nya. is a dark and mean song with an out-and-out harsh screech from Peavy during the verse sections – diabolical! kemudian " Psycho Terror ", has some of the best riffs on the album, mightily headbangable and forceful ! dengan Breakdown Riffing menghentak tak sengaja membuat Gw melakukan Headbang yeahhh !!! dan pada track terakhir ke 11, Rage Membawakan kembali lagu " Eternally " yang sebelumnya pernah dikenalkan di materi Band Proyekan besar artis2 Nuclear Blast records yang tergabung dalam Nuclear Blast Allstars pada album " Into the Light ". lebih terasa nuansa Slowdown ballads song-nya. memang secara keseluruhan materi ini adalah sebuah karya yang luar biasa dengan kemasan yang serba Profesional, sehingga fans Berat Rage akan pasti dimanjakan dengan Album baru ini yang bernuansa Modern Sound dengan sentuhan Kental element Trash Metal ala Testament Banget tetap menjadikan the best Masterpiece from Rage ! Now, of course this isn’t a genre-transcending work, but it reinforces what’s good about Rage and about power metal in general. If you’re tired of all the genre mixing and moving away from metal that a lot of power metal bands are doing, Rage is here to allay your fears and deliver a mighty, spiked-boot foot to your ass in the form of 21. I really hope we get another album or two this strong from this veteran band. Definitely one of the most fun albums I’ve heard this year. There are a few filler cuts, but then, even their old albums had fillers, so it’s not really a big deal. The lyrics are pretty awful at times, but hey, what do you want? These guys were never really lyrical poets anyway.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

By my count, 21 is only Rage's twentieth studio album (unless perhaps they are counting Lingua Mortis, roomates I could perhaps understand), but you will not hear me complaining too loudly about it. Press about the album ahead of time hailed it as being the band's heaviest and most aggressive piece of work to date. Really, we've never had a lack of those Things from what might be Germany's most consistent metal band. Regardless of the approach, I expected this to be another quality entry into the group's catalog. it continues to survive and productive burning fans Heavy / Speed ??/ Power Metal them since 1986 formed as early as the Avenger, the band until recently leaving Frontman bassist and vocalist Peter "Peavy" Wagner course, still continue to show long breath until this moment though age as usual is not a serious barrier creativity they play metal music. was accompanied by guitarist Victor Smolski and drummer André Hilgers famous also have no doubt the talent and the potential for Peter to keep making them as an integral part in the formation of RAGE! Old karya2 the new band featuring elements play more energetic with a few touches of modern style and sound! that would be very different to some of their classic material, since it is already a natural law basis of a development. Intro starts with "House Wins" that seem drawn from a movie scene Colossal nuanced epic. then "Twenty One" conference started early with a solid dish with some of the solo part at the beginning drummer, then guitarist Victor Smolski play thrash riffing his thick then screams vocalist Peter still so powerfully boasting devices while tearing his bass, rhythm Heavy / Power Metal it seems increasingly eroded by the elements of a more dressy style Modern Thrash Metal is really on track. handled by two influential producer Charlie Bauerfeind Victor Smolski and previously also worked on the production of a CD of the band's well-known range of Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray, Helloween, Hammerfall, Venom, Saxon ampe still carry a separate image for Rage to have more faith in the ability of two people's potential. "Forever Dead" may be new here again began to feel the typical style of Heavy / Speed ??/ Power Metal Rage Typical played since formed more anthemic singing style and Sing A Long and energetic musical style. Arrangement Guitar riffing his character does a lot of offers to play Modern style really does add to the distinct character of its own President for Rage, but for Gw remains ciamik Legend dish to be enjoyed from the best German bands this scene. This track shocked me considerably, as Peavy cut loose with the first harsh vocals that I've heard him spit out. While I find the harsh vocals and instrumental work quite good stellar as usual, the lyricism takes a downhill slide into the mediocrity that Rage resorts to from time to time. "Feel My Pain" a track actually takes us to the era of the triumph of rage to play back style Heavy / Power Metal Ballad feels really compared to the previous Track2 Thrash Metal type really!!, "Feel My Pain" takes us to a little nostalgia with The splendor Traditional Heavy Metal music was sensational character. There are a few filler cuts, but then, even their old albums had fillers, so it's not really a big deal. The lyrics are pretty awful at times, but hey, what do you want? These guys were never really lyrical poets anyway. "Serial Killer" Heavy metal maintained its quality continues to be contaminated with thrash metal style and intense metal post, the packaging just adds more bite, and vocalist Peter as characters are forced to display some of his harsh vocals. is a dark and mean song with an out-and-out harsh screech from Peavy during the verse sections - diabolical! then "Psycho Terror", has some of the best riffs on the album, and Forceful headbangable mightily! Breakdown riffing with stomping accidentally make Gw do Headbang yeahhh!!! and the last track to 11, Rage Bringing back the song "Eternally" which had previously been introduced in the material the band project artis2 Nuclear Blast records incorporated in the Nuclear Blast Allstars on the album "Into the Light". more felt the feel of his song ballads Slowdown. indeed the whole of this material is a remarkable work with professional packaging department, so the weight Rage fans will surely be spoiled with the nuances of this new album Modern Sound with a touch of style Condensed element Trash Metal Testament Banget still makes the best Masterpiece from Rage! Now, of course this is not a genre-transcending work, but it reinforces what's good about Rage and about power metal in general. If you're tired of all the genre mixing and moving away from metal that a lot of power metal bands are doing, Rage is here to Allay your fears and deliver a mighty, spiked-booted foot to your ass in the form of 21. I really hope we get another album or two this strong from this veteran band. Definitely one of the most fun albums I've heard this year. There are a few filler cuts, but then, even their old albums had fillers, so it's not really a big deal. The lyrics are pretty awful at times, but hey, what do you want? These guys were never really lyrical poets anyway.

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