Rabu, 08 April 2015

Coldworker - The Doomsayer's Call CD 2012

Coldworker - The Doomsayer's Call
Listenable Records 2012

01 A New Era 03:49    
02 The Reprobate 03:12      
03 The Glass Envelope 03:12      
04 Flesh World 04:38    
05 Murderous 03:11      
06 Pessimist 02:51    
07 Monochrome Existence 04:55    
08 Vacuum Fields 03:14    
09 Living Is Suffering 03:03    
10 The Walls of Eryx     04:20    
11 Violent Society 03:07      
12 Becoming the Stench 02:43      
13 The Phantom Carriage 03:19

Oskar Pålsson - Bass
Joel Fornbrant - Vocals
Daniel Schröder - Guitars
Anders Bertilsson - Guitars
Anders Jakobson - Drums

Coldworker has just enough technical licks and chops to catch the attention of technical grinders who enjoy bands like Gridlink. Coldworker plays American death metal by-way-of Swedish grindcore, of the grade-A variety. is a solid offering of thick and chunky distopian metal. Its a good album that will get your head banging, your fist pumping, and maybe a call for some revolution ringing. Album ke-3 Milik Band Grindcore dengan nuansa yang lebih Dinamis bentukan Drummer Grindcore Freak Nasum, Anders Jakobson ini semakin mantap saja pola Permainan Musiknya. This is the one downfall of the album – the songs are dynamic, and Coldworker play them with a cold and calculated technical excellence with a whirlwind of destruction that results in little memorability. dengan formasi yang tidak banyak melakukan perubahan sehingga struktur musik Coldworker masih tetap terjaga kualitasnya untuk menggempur gaya Full Blasting Death metal dengan Sentuhan Grindcore ala Amerika dan Eropa melalui sentuhan skill member yang dinamis dan modern ! beberapa diantaranya memang mengingatkan gw dengan karakter Misery Index dan tentunya Nasum. dengan menggandeng Dan Swanö untuk proses mixing dan mastering di Unisound Studio, Coldworker berharap banyak album ini akan lebih semakin terdengar matang yang semuanya Proses rekamannya dikerjakan oleh frontman Anders Jakobson sendiri. bagi gw, konsep dialbum ini menjadi lebih terasa matang sekali yang dimulai dengan " A New Era ", struktur musik yang lebih banyak menampilkan sentuhan Teknikal dibeberapa part-nya, walau masih belum terasa gempuran Grinding snare-nya, sebuah Warming Up Track spesial untuk Grindcore freak dengan sentuhan padat elemen death metal. karakter vokalis Joel Fornbrant terasa lebih banget mengingatkan gw akan gaya Growl Throat Jason Netherton-nya Misery Index yang pada track ke-2 " The Reprobate " menyumbangkan Raungan Growlingnya juga. beberapa hentakan Blastbeat grinding terror snare-nya memang masih menyimpan karakter Nasum banget yang tereksplorasi lagi dengan gaya Modern Grindcore Intens dan lebih dimainkan dengan durasi standard bukan singkat, jelas kita akan lebih bisa menikmati bombardir maut Coldworker. The musicianship displayed here is near flawless with each instrument having its moments and being clearly heard. The guitars are able to come up with the riffs that will keep you listening and wanting more without stealing the show. Nothing really extravagant is here because it doesn't need to be, just effective heavy riffs that will crush you into submission and the occasional short solo here and there. duet mantap dan kompak gitaris Daniel Schröder dan Anders Bertilsson saling mengisi Patter Riffing-nya dengan pola Grinding freak dan beberapa solo gitar cantik kerap diluncurkan dibeberapa part refrain-nya. " The Glass Envelope " being the workforce of this band with fast, groovy, and excellent cymbal work. That's why I got into this band in the first place. dengan pukulan yang lebih enerjik mantap, Anders Jakobson lebih banyak menuangkan ide2 segarnya menghajar perangkat drumkit-nya secara membabi buta lagi. sepertinya akan terlalu sulit jika kita mengklaim musik Coldworker saat ini sebagai Grindcore stuff seperti 2 album sebelumnya, karena sentuhan kental Death Metal inovatif kerap menjadi elemen pembangkit powerfully gempuran mematikan coldworker yang semakin kejam ! bahkan " Flesh World " sangat terasa gaya Death Metal yang mengingatkan akan Morbid Angel era " Covenant " albumnya pada beberapa part awalnya. 13 track mantap menggerinda dari sekedar Imej Grindcore band, Coldworker semakin melakukan Transisi Fresh untuk memainkan konsep menendang sekali disini. Though I didn't ultimately find it so compelling as Rotting Paradise from 2008, it's an example of near flawless technical execution, not from the perspective of pure proficiency or wankery, because most of the riffing is appreciably down to earth, but the brick house polish of the rhythmic guitar punch and the ability to shift between grooving, angry mires of psychological death/thrash Riffing and elementary !! jika elo menyukai typical baru Misery Index, gempuran Grinding bombastic Nasum dan Dark Riffing era Morbid Angel " Covenant ", tentunya Blend Mix Style Coldworker di materi ini akan banyak memberi Komposisi lagu Surprise banget ! From the first through the last everything is enjoyable and rarely boring. I'm not that much into deathgrind, but this band is changing my perception of the genre. Albeit not life changing, Coldworker’s deathgrind is continually top notch and intelligent. Maybe it won’t make it to your top ten list for the year, but it will definitely see regular rotation in your CD collection. Recommended!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Coldworker has just enough technical licks and chops to catch the attention of technical grinders who enjoy bands like Gridlink. Coldworker plays American death metal by-way-of Swedish grindcore, of the grade-A variety. is a solid offering of thick and chunky metal distopian. Its a good album that will get your head banging, your fist pumping, and maybe a call for revolution some ringing. 3rd Album Owned Grindcore band with a more dynamic feel formations Drummer Freak Grindcore Nasum, Anders Jakobson is more stable only music game pattern. This is the one downfall of the album - the songs are dynamic, and Coldworker play them with a cold and calculated technical excellence with a whirlwind of destruction that results in little memorability. formation that does not make many changes in their structure Coldworker music still maintained its quality for attacking style Full Blasting Death Metal with Grindcore touch with American and European members of dynamic skill touches and modern! some of which is reminiscent of the character Misery Index gw and certainly Nasum. by collaborating with Dan Swanö for the mixing and mastering in Unisound Studio, Coldworker expect a lot of this album will be more mature sound that the recording process is all done by frontman Anders Jakobson himself. for I, the concept has become more pronounced dialbum mature once that starts with "A New Era", the musical structure more Technical touch displays in some part of her, even though they are not yet felt the onslaught of grinding his snare, a Warming Up Track specials to Grindcore freak with a touch dense death metal elements. vocalist Joel Fornbrant character feels very reminiscent of the style of Growl Throat gw Jason Netherton his Misery Index on the second track "The Reprobate" roar Growlingnya donate too. some jerk Blastbeat grinding his snare terror is still keeping the character of Nasum really are explored further in the style of Modern Grindcore Intense and more playable with standard duration is not short, obviously we will be better able to enjoy Coldworker deadly bombardment. The musicianship displayed here is near flawless with each instrument having its moments and Cleary being heard. The guitars are Able to come up with the riffs that will keep you listening and wanting more without stealing the show. Nothing really extravagant is here Because it does not need to be, just effective heavy riffs that will crush you into submission and the occasional short solos here and there. steady and compact duo guitarist Anders Bertilsson Daniel Schröder and co-exist with his riffing Patter Grinding freak patterns and some beautiful guitar solos are often launched in several parts refrains. "The Glass Envelope" being the workforce of this band with fast, groovy, and excellent cymbal work. That's why I got into this band in the first place. with a more energetic blow steady, Anders Jakobson more ideas pouring the fresh beat his drumkit blindly anymore. seem to be too difficult if we claim Coldworker music today as Grindcore stuff like 2 previous albums, because the touch of Death Metal viscous innovative element is often a deadly barrage fired powerfully coldworker increasingly cruel! even "Flesh World" Death Metal exquisite style reminiscent of the era Morbid Angel "Covenant" album in some parts first. 13 tracks steady grind than The image Grindcore band, the more did transition Fresh Coldworker to play the concept of kicking all here. Though I did not ultimately find it so compelling as Rotting Paradise from 2008, it's an example of near flawless technical execution, not from the perspective of pure proficiency or wankery, Because most of the riffing is appreciably down to earth, but the brick house polish of the rhythmic guitar punch and the ability to shift between grooving, angry mires of psychological death / thrash riffing and elementary!! if elo like typical new Misery Index, and the onslaught of Grinding Bombastic Nasum Dark riffing era Morbid Angel "Covenant", surely Blend Mix Style Coldworker in this material will be a lot to give composition Surprise song really! From the first through the last everything is enjoyable and rarely boring. I'm not that much into deathgrind, but this band is changing my perception of the genre. Albeit not life changing, continually Coldworker's deathgrind is top notch and intelligent. Maybe it will not make it to your top ten list for the year, but it will definitely see regular rotation in your CD collection. Recommended!

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