Rabu, 08 April 2015

Avoidant - Morphology EP 2012

Avoidant - Morphology
Self-released/independent ' Ep 2012

01 Beyond the Veil of Enigma 03:30    
02 Dimensional Passage. The Birth of a New Empire 05:16    
03 The Iconoclast Solution 04:07    
04 Negative Acceleration (The Hypothetical Problem) 03:56

Andres Rodas Arce - Bass
Daniel Y. Ibárcena - Drums
Giomar Carrasco Salazar - Guitars
Daniel R. Ibárcena - Lead Guitars
Giancarlo Melgar - Vocals

This is one of my better finds, an almost completely unknown Peruvian tech-death band called Avoidant is Really Amazing Blasted Dynamic Atttack !! ... adalah gebrakan mantap dan nyata dari band berbakat new comer dengan talenta yang siap membuka mata kita lebih jauh tentang perkembangan metal Internasional, negara Peru memang tidak terlalu banyak memunculkan Band2 potensial dengan segala permainan yang dinamis, akan terusik anggapan tersebut dengan sepak terjang dasyat Avoidant yang baru terbentuk tahun 2010 langsung kemudian melempar demo " Eye-solated Breed " tahun 2011 telah mendapat respon yang bagus dengan typical musiknya yang Bergaya Technical Death Metal enerjik ! Frontman Gitaris Daniel R. Ibárcena yang bareng Saudaranya juga Drummer Daniel Y. Ibárcena sama2 memulai karir bermusiknya di band Progressive Death Metal, Dehumanizer. 2 bersaudara Ibárcena ini memang memiliki skill dan talenta yang luar biasa untuk terus mengkomposisi gaya bermusik yang bagus di proyek barunya ini setelah banyak menimba talentanya di Dehumanizer. memang sejak perilisan demo " Eye-solated Breed " nama Avoidant cukup mengusik perhatian Gw sampai dirilisnya Mini Ep " Morphology " yang bisa didapatkan secara Gratis download di Official Facebook mereka. dengan typical bermain gitar yang banyak dipengaruhi oleh gaya bermain The Faceless, Decrepit Birth Hingga Necrophagist, Avoidant memang memiliki ambisi membuat Track2 teknikal yang lebih baik dari segala keinginan mereka sendiri. gebrakan lagu pertama " Beyond the Veil of Enigma " menawarkan langsung sebuah komposisi Kompleks dengan segala permainan yang dinamis ! especially gaya Sophomore Killer Riffing Daniel R. Ibárcena paling menarik perhatian gw dengan beberapa lick Konvensional dan teknik2 mengejutkan bersama gitaris Giomar Carrasco Salazar seperti menjadi sebuah sinergi yang mantap abis !! sementara permainan Drummer Daniel Y. Ibárcena kerap menawarkan ketukan Hypersnare Devastation yang enerjik serta Powerfully pukulannya, lalu beberapa gaya Avant Garde teknikal Metal ala Gorguts dan Augury memang menjadi sebuah komponen eksperimen mereka sejak materi Demo sebelumnya, dan memang sepertinya Avoidant seperti melakukan sebuah terobosan gaya bermusik secara dewasa sekali disini. " Dimensional Passage. The Birth of a New Empire " terasa beberapa sentuhan elemen Fleshgod Apocalypse dan Obscura cukup apik termainkan pada track ini. dan rasakan sendiri beberapa gaya riffing metallic yang dinamis dengan tempo drumming beat-nya yang juga tidak bisa melepaskan karakter Decrepit Birth era " Dimishing .. " banget. didukung dengan Kualitas rekaman yang Clean dan clear, amazing banget komposisi yang diperdengarkan disini memang asli benar2 menyiksa !! ... lalu " The Iconoclast Solution " terus melaju dengan gaya Riffing yang cepat dan Konvensional Slicing Pummeling dan beberapa hammerstroking yang memang mengingatkan beberapa gayanya The Faceless dan Necrophagist terasa disini. dan cukup 4 lagu yang diakhiri oleh track " Negative Acceleration (The Hypothetical Problem) ", Avoidant memang menawarkan komposisi musik death Metal yang serba Kompleks dengan pertarungan antara jemari dan Ego demi menciptakan sebuah aransemen yang dasyat seperti ini, walau tersajikan dengan 4 lagu saja, gw sudah bisa merasakan potensi band ini selanjutnya siap melejit dengan Talenta luar biasa untuk masa yang akan datang. fans Musik yang Teknikal dan Kompleks, sepertinya Avoidant menjadi rekomendasi baru untuk kalian nantikan karya2 selanjutnya. dan mumpung Ep ini gratis, silahkan kalian download Ep nya dengan mengunjungi Official Facebook mereka sebelum kena Banned Hosting-nya yang sekarang terkenal cepat melakukan Banned Download Link akibat dari Sweeping FBI beberapa bulan lalu.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

This is one of my better finds, an almost completely unknown Peruvian tech-death band called Avoidant is blasted Dynamic Atttack Really Amazing! ... is a real buzz from the band steady and talented new comer to the talent that is ready to open our eyes more on the development of International metal, country Peru is not too much potential with all Band2 bring a dynamic game, these assumptions will be disturbed by the terrible lunge new Avoidant formed in 2010 immediately after throwing demo "Eye-solated Breed" in 2011 has received a good response with the typical music that Stylish Technical Death Metal energetic! Guitarist frontman Daniel R. Ibárcena with my brother who is also drummer Daniel Y. Ibárcena sames start a musical career at Progressive Death Metal band, Dehumanizer. 2 brothers Ibárcena does have skill and exceptional talent to keep on composing great musical style in his new project after a lot of talent to draw on the Dehumanizer. indeed since the release of the demo "Eye-solated Breed" quite disturbing Avoidant name me attention until the release of Mini Ep "Morphology" which can be obtained by free download on their Facebook Official. with typical guitar playing is heavily influenced by the style of play of The Faceless, Decrepit Birth To Necrophagist, Avoidant does have ambitions to make Tracks technically better than their own desires. The first breakthrough song "Beyond the Veil of Enigma" offers direct a complex composition with all the dynamic game! Killer riffing style especially Sophomore Daniel R. Ibárcena most conspicuous gw with a few licks of Conventional and teknik2 surprise with guitarist Giomar Carrasco Salazar as being a solid synergy abis!! while the game Drummer Daniel Y. Ibárcena often Hypersnare Devastation offers an energetic beats and powerfully shot, then some technical Avant Garde style ala Metal Gorguts and Augury has become a component of their experiments from the previous demo material, and it seems like doing a breakthrough Avoidant musical styles are all here today. "Dimensional Passage.'s The Birth of a New Empire" was a couple of touches and elements Fleshgod Apocalypse termainkan Obscura quite nicely on this track. and experience yourself some dynamic metallic riffing style with drumming tempo beat her also can not break character Decrepit Birth era "Dimishing .." really. Recording quality is supported by the Clean and clear, very amazing composition that is played here is genuine rights torture! ... and "The iconoclast Solution" drove fast riffing style and Conventional Slicing hammerstroking pummeling and some that are reminiscent of some of his style of The Faceless and Necrophagist feels here. and just 4 songs that end by the track "Negative Acceleration (The Hypothetical Problem)", Avoidant does offer music composition paced Death Metal Complexes with the fight between her and the Ego in order to create an arrangement that terrible as this, though tersajikan with 4 songs, i can already feel the potential of the band is now ready skyrocketed with exceptional talent for the future. Music fans and Technical Complex, Avoidant seems to be a new recommendation for your next creations forward. and mumpung Ep is free, leaving you to download his EP by visiting their Official Facebook before it got Banned Hosting now famous quickly perform Banned Download Link result of the sweeping FBI several months ago.

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