Rabu, 08 April 2015

Necrotted - Anchors Apart CD 2012

Necrotted - Anchors Apart
Supreme Chaos Records 2012

01 Welcome to the Tempest 01:55    
02 This Blustery Ocean 03:05    
03 Topple the Titans 02:55    
04 While We Sleep 03:07    
05 Doombringer 03:02    
06 The Betrayal 04:00    
07 Charon 02:59    
08 Inhale the Wrath of Peleus' Son 04:00    
09 A Curse Upon My Unholy Vacary 03:25    
10 Forsaken Returnee 03:19

Fabian Fink - Bass
Markus Braun - Drums
Philipp Fink - Guitars
Tobias Sturm - Guitars
Michael Heim - Vocals

Jerman memang tetap menjadi Scene yang Besar terhadap perkembangan Genre Death Metal-nya, tentu banyak band2 Death Metal terbaik lahir dari sini. makanya gw banyak sekali mengulas band death Metal new comer yang belum begitu dikenal namanya di Scene Indonesia tentunya, makanya kali ini menjadi sebuah kesempatan bagus aja memperkenalkan lebih banyak band2 Death Metal berpotensi yang siap Melaju kencang dimasa yang akan datang. so kali ini kasih kesempatan Gw mengenalkan band Brutal Death Metal dengan sentuhan kental elemen Deathcore yang banyak meracuni band asal Abtsgmünd, Baden-Württemberg, jerman yang mulai Eksis sejak tahun 2008 ini, 5 anak muda berbakat dan konsis menggeber dentuman keras brutal death metal dengan sentuhan Modern style ala Deathcore band yang juga dipenuhi dengan part2 Gitar yang Melodius, NECROTTED mungkin bisa elo coba sendiri kemampuannya di Full album pertama ini sejak mereka pertama mengenalkan debutannya melalui Ep " Kingdom of Hades " tahun 2010 lalu cukup diterima hangat di Publik Metal. " Welcome to the Tempest " seperti biasa wajib menjadi Part Intro untuk mengundang rasa penasaran pendengarnya saat pertama mendengar debutan album baru, yang pada menit ke 01:37 sudah dikenalkan sedikit Opening Part yang mega dasyat dengan Slamming Breakdown Part ala Whitechapel yang mantap punya melalui Gebrakannya menyusul " This Blustery Ocean " yang langsung menyerang dengan Intense Fast Blast Beat Mantap dan kemudian Breakdown part menjadi ornamen wajib disela2 jeda yang ada sekedar mengajak kita untuk Headbang ! dan beberapa Melodic Riffing part juga ga ketinggalan menjadi elemen wajib band ini. Raungan mantap dan berat Vokalis Michael Heim rupanya banyak menyita konsentrasi Gw saat terlena untuk menikmati permainan atraktif nan mantap drummer Markus Braun. meskipun tergolong muda belia, gw masih terpana dengan Skill dan talenta mereka mengkomposisi lagu menjadi lebih menarik dengan beberapa sentuhan, well sebenarnya bagi gw, band ini lebih pantas memainkan Konsep Deathcore brutal, walau sentuhan death metal yang melodiusnya sangat menyengat pada beberapa kali part-nya. " Topple the Titans " jangan pernah Lewatkan track anthemic banget bagi mereka untuk dimainkan pada beberapa panggung, karena memang member lain secara bersamaan kerap melakukan backing Vokal. gempuran cepat drummer Markus semakin intens aja menyerang dengan beberapa blastbeat mantap ! permainan Riffing Guitar-nya disini memang kerap mengandalkan Gaya Rythym saja selain beberapa balutan melodic part-nya. lalu " While We Sleep " menampilkan Raungan Vokalis Phillip Mazal disini sebagai Additional Guest Vokal dari Vokalis band Death metal setongkrongan mereka, Hackneyed ! yup bassis Fabian Fink juga dikenal kerap membantu Mengisi Posisi Bass dibeberapa panggung band Hackneyed. A dangerous mixture out of brutal death metal and modern metalcore - this is probably the closest description for the musical style of Necrotted. Sweeping, melodic guitar riffs come upon stomping breakdowns and dashing blast attacks and are rounded off by the deep, guttural vocals. With this ass-kicking sound and their amazing live performance, the five guys delight the audience on every occasion. They celebrate their ritual like they never did anything else before. memang sangat terasakan sekali dalam 9 track disini yang cukup elo dengerin selama durasi 31:47 menit ! so tetap kasih kesempatan untuk band Muda berbakat ini lebih menampilkan permainan Dasyatnya dimasa yang akan datang. mungkin buat yang sempat menyukai gaya bermain Hackneyed, Carnifex, Whitechapel atau Impending Doom, gw sarankan untuk mencoba produk muda berbahaya Jerman scene ini ! Brutal Death Metal Meets and Conspiracy to Devastate with Breakdown Deathcore elements !!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Germany is still a great scene that the development of the genre of Death Metal, Death Metal of course a lot of the best band2 born here. gw why a lot of death metal bands this new comer who has not been so well-known name in the Scene Indonesia of course, so this time be a good opportunity to introduce more band2 wrote Death Metal potentially ready Drove faster in the future. so this time you introduce the opportunity Gw Brutal Death Metal band with a touch of creamy element that many poison deathcore band from Abtsgmünd, Baden-Württemberg, the German who started Existed since the year 2008, 5 young talented and consistent menggeber loud bang brutal death metal with a touch of Modern style ala deathcore band is also filled with melodic guitar part2, elo NECROTTED might try it yourself abilities in this first full album since they were first introduced through Ep debut "Kingdom of Hades" in 2010 and received warm enough in Public Metal. "Welcome to the Tempest," as required to be Part Intro to invite the curiosity of the audience when I first heard the new debut album, which at minute 01:37've introduced a few mega Opening Part slamming Breakdown Part terrible with a steady style Whitechapel got through Gebrakannya following "This Blustery Ocean" that directly attacked by Intense Fast Blast Beat Steady and later became part Breakdown ornaments disela2 mandatory pause there simply invites us to Headbang! Melodic riffing and some parts also do not miss a mandatory element of the band. Steady and heavy roar Vocalist Michael Heim apparently Gw time consuming concentration complacent nan attractive game to enjoy steady drummer Markus Braun. although quite young too, I'm still stunned by Skill and talent they composed the song becomes more interesting with a few touches, well actually for I, the band played a more appropriate concept brutal deathcore, death metal even touch melodiusnya was overpowering on some part of his time . "Topple the Titans" Never Miss anthemic track really for them to play at some stage, because other members are often simultaneously perform backing vocals. rapid onslaught of increasingly intense drummer Markus wrote blastbeat attack with some solid! Guitar riffing his game here was often rely Style Rythym just wrapped melodic than some of his parts. and "While We Sleep" featuring vocalist Phillip roar Mazal herein as Additional Guest vocals from Death metal band vocalist setongkrongan them, Hackneyed! yup bassist Fabian Fink also known often help filling positions in several stage band Hackneyed Bass. A dangerous mixture out of brutal death metal and metalcore modern - this is probably the closest description for the musical style of Necrotted. Sweeping, melodic guitar riffs come upon stomping breakdowns and blast dashing attacks and are rounded off by the deep, guttural vocals. With this ass-kicking sound and their amazing live performance, the five guys delight the audience on every occasion. They celebrate their rituals like they never did anything else before. indeed felt once in nine tracks here are quite elo listen for the duration of 31:47 minutes! so still love the chance for this talented young band over dasyatnya game show in the future. maybe for like the style of play that had Hackneyed, Carnifex, Whitechapel or Impending Doom, i would suggest to try the dangerous young German product this scene! Brutal Death Metal Meets and Conspiracy to Devastate with Breakdown deathcore elements!!!

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