Selasa, 28 April 2015

VA. - Underground Sounds Vol 1 2012

VA. - Underground Sounds Vol 1
Sonic Blast Media 2012

01 Sanity Obscure - Hyperboreas
02 Warclouds - Impetuous Wrath
03 Inverted - 5.56
04 Zushakon - Vortex of devoured souls
05 Angkara - Ambang Kematian (Threshold of Death)
06 Predatory - Butchered Truth
07 Camel Of Doom - The Anger of Anguish
08 Dei Tetra - Viper's Den
09 AUM - Temple
10 Jahiliyyah - Mass of Materia
11 Absence Of The Sacred - Enslave Fire
12 Trendkill Method - We Both Know
13 Rudra - Incredulous Void (Live)

Sepertinya gw dibuat kembali mengingat akan populernya Kompilasi Band2 Asia dalam " Panggilan Pulau Puaka " yang telah beredar beberapa part-nya di era 90-an, sebuah kompilasi yang banyak menitik beratkan pada kontribusi band2 Metal di Asia tenggara dan beberapa band pendukung dari luar Asia, hadirnya kompilasi perdana " Underground Sounds " pada jilid perdana ini mungkin sedikit memiliki kesamaan hal dengan sebelumnya, cuman yang menjadi perbedaan signifikan adalah Hampir semua band2 didalam kompilasi ini adalah Rilisan Label Metal baru yang bermarkas di Singapura, Sonic Blast Media ! dari Genre Death/Thrash/Black Metal lebih mendominasi musikalitas band2 didalamnya mayoritas berasal dari Negara Singapura sendiri yang saat ini sedang berkembang pesat Metal Movementnya, hal ini dibuktikan dengan Hubungan relasi Dekat mereka dengan beberapa Musisi Tangguh Internasional untuk menciptakan Kualitas yang lebih baik lagi alias membuka diri banget. dan hal ini bisa begitu terasakan dari beberapa Progres bermusik band yang semakin terdengar Berbahaya !!! dan pertama kali Gw dikenalkan Kompilasi oleh pemilik label Metal potensial baru asal negeri singa putih ini, Imran Manaff via email. dibentuk oleh Bassis/vokalis band Rudra, K. Kathirasan bersama Imran Manaff yang sebelumnya kita kenal sebagai pemilik Media Metal, Apsara Asia, arts management company dan mantan Gitaris Singapore hardcore/ punk band, Rotten Germs ! rilisan kompilasi berbasis Digital ini memang bebas di Download di Official Website label ini, makanya Gw mempunyai kewajiban untuk Mereview Rilisan untuk kalian semuanya, bahwa Scene Singapore selalu tetap perlu diwaspadai keberadaannya. langsung pada urutan awal dimulai oleh SANITY OBSCURE, Singapore an aggressive hybrid of Thrash and Technical/Progressive Metal yang eksis sejak tahun 2008 ini memperkenalkan materi dari album full pertamanya " Subterranean Constellation " jelas semakin tampil fantastis dengan Excellent Sounding yang Extra menggebrak dan pas banget untuk membuat Warming up pada urutan awal kompilasi. jelas Materinya adalah perkembangan pesat sejak materi Ep pertama mereka " Dethrone the King " Tahun 2008, dengan Extra Dinamis band ini mencoba menuangkan Ide Fresh-nya yang lebih variatif hampir disetiap jengkal Ritme lagu. Sounding Drummer ZY memang menjadi semakin mantap dengan skill-nya, hampir setiap lekuk permainannya adalah talenta matang yang tergali dari Kemajuan pesatnya, sementara Vokalis Kount Cider dengan karakter Harsh Vokill-nya cukup enerjik memberikan sentuhan garang pada Karakternya. a bit of thrash, a bit of death, and a lot of lightweight technical stuff. They accomplish this by mixing start/stop riffing, some dissonant intervals and modal emphasis, and a lot of the other standards of modern "technical" metal. The music is played sharp and tight, as the songs seem either well-rehearsed or precisely edited. terus terang Gw masih terpesona dengan Sound Excellent yang dihasilkan pada album Gress ini hasil garapan Produser dan enjiner Leonard Soosay lalu Pada Proses masteringnya ditangani oleh Colin Marston, Musisi Berbakat yang menjadi Gitaris band Behold the Arctopus, Byla, Indricothere, Krallice dan mengisi Posisi Bass di Band populer Dysrhythmia dan Gorguts ini juga banyak mengerjakan Proses mastering Band diantaranya seperti Atheist, Origin, hingga Behold the Arctopus, pantas memang Kualitas Album Sanity Obscure ini menjadi Masterpiece penting sepanjang karir mereka. fans Berat Sadus, Atheist hingga Carcass pasti akan menikmati sajian Berdarah mereka. From the musicians' perspective, there are tons of interesting things happening all the time. Listening from a step back gives the big picture that the music isn't at all interesting. selanjutnya WARCLOUDS, yang awalnya bermarkas di Curitiba, Brazil dan kemudian saat ini telah Hijrah ke London, UK ini menawarkan Pure Death Metal yang pertama kali ngetop di era-90an, With the tempo not obsessively fast and enough variation of riffs, the songs also tend to gather other styles of metal as well, with the growling deep vocals. dari materi album Pertama " A Disturbing Presence " tahun 2011 dirilis secara Independen, masih dikerjakan sebagai One Man Project oleh Bruno Schmidt untuk semua urusan Vocals, Guitars, Bass, dan Drum Programming-nya, memang hasil soundingnya bisa Gw tebak dari awal. kini menjadi lebih makin mantap lagi dengan kehadiran Gitaris Manos Pefkos dan bassis Romanos Skiadas walau sayang, band ini masih belum menemukan drummer permanen dalam formasinya. perpaduan antara Cannibal Corpse, Death, Massacre hingga Sinister awal akan sangat terasakan sekali pada struktur musiknya. the programmed drums do end up sounding slightly synthetic and artificial at times, and the bass drums do get somewhat overpowering as well as the album progressed, and like most records with programmed drums, this is one of the main drawbacks of the album. The transitions between brutality and melody at times can be rather sudden as well, like on I Stare to See, and ends up sounding like just a couple of random ideas being thrown together. melangkah lagi kita akan ketemu dengan Brutal Death Band Treviso, Veneto, Italia, INVERTED yang menggerinda kemudian dengan Hyperblaster Bastard beat-nya " 5.56 " dari materi album pertamanya " Point Of Crossing " tahun 2011 yang dirilis oleh label asal Perancis, Nihil Interit Records, meski materinya sudah direkam sejak tahun 2010, bagi band yang eksis sejak tahun 2007 dengan nama awal sebagai Cyanide Christ ini tidak ada kata terlambat untuk menebarkan virus kebencian hitam mereka. sajian ganas dan buas Grinding Brutal Inverted ini lebih banyak mengingatkan gw akan kekejamannya Severe Torture, Prostitute Disfigurement dan Wargore ! Band ini pernah mendampingi perjalanan Tour Impiety saat melibas Tour Eropa tahun 2011, komposisi musik yang cepat dan cadas memang menjadi karakteristik Gebrakan sadis Inverted! setelah jalan jalan sebentar di Eropa, kayaknya Gw mesti kembali lagi ke Singapura, saat Gw harus mendengarkan Sajian Penuh kegelapan dari band ZUSHAKON, Scandinavian black metal bands in the Vein Bathory, Mayhem, Hades, Darkthrone, Dissection dan Absu akan lebih menawarkan elemen kegelapan yang digeber dengan ritme tempo serba cepat dan beberapa Middle Gloomy Part masih menjadi Ornamen berikutnya. track " Vortex of devoured souls " dicomot dari Album Kompilasi 2 Ep rilisan mereka " World Ablaze " Ep yang khabarnya ga pernah dirilis dan Ep " Chaosophist " tahun 2007. band yang baru saja menarik Bassis vokalis Rudra, Kathir ini semakin yakin akan kembali memainkan Akar musik Epic Pagan Black Metal setelah banyak mendapat respon positif diberbagai negara setelah merilis Full album pertama " Zushakon " pada Bulan Juni 2012 lalu via label Asal Negeri Jiran, Malasya, RDL Distro yang memastering kembali album Kompilasi " World Ablaze " dengan tambahan 2 lagu baru sebagai materi didalamnya. dan menarik perhatian gw adalah Logo band ini mirip2 banget dengan Logonya Mayhem ! setelah itu Gw bakalan nyebrang dikit lewat Kepulauan Batam, Riau untuk singgah sebentar mendengarkan materi selanjutnya dari Band Black Metal Indonesia, ANGKARA dengan Track " Ambang Kematian (Threshold of death) ", meluncur dengan Ritme Beat serba cepat ! terbentuk sejak tahun 2008 dengan nama Scream of My Shadow. memainkan Konsep Death/Thrash dengan Pengaruh kuat Era Budaya Kuno Pertengahan dan sentuhan Arabian Styles, Atmosfir band ini lebih mengarah ke elemen kental Black Metal Band ! yang jelas Trio Band Asal Jakarta ini memiliki Komposisi musik yang dasyat, especially dengan permainan Gitaris Haidar Syakir yang kerap menanamkan Sentuhan2 Dinamis pada Pola Riffing-nya. walau sayang belum memiliki Materi Full album, gw yakin akan Talenta band ini ga bisa dianggap enteng atau sebelah mata. en kayaknya gw mesti kembali lagi ke Singapura untuk mendengarkan " Butchered Truth " nya PREDATORY, old school death metal dari band asal Woodlands yang eksis sejak tahun 2002. karakter Modern Sound-nya memang hampir melenyapkan kesan Old School Death Metal-nya, partisi musiknya sih lebih kerap menciptakan elemen Adrenalin buat Headbanging terus ! sentuhan Kreator dan Sepultura lama akan sangat terasa pada aransemen musiknya yang kadang memainkan beberapa Catchy Riffing dan solo Gitar ciamik ini. dan selanjutnya mungkin band yang akan menyita durasi waktu selama 13:26 menit dengan Konsep Doom Metal kental elemen death metal, stoner rock, ambient and 70's psychedelic dan progressive rock.-nya, yup ada CAMEL OF DOOM dengan lagu " The Anger of Anguish ", band asal Huddersfield, UK yang eksis sejak tahun 2000 oleh frontman Kris Clayton membentuk band ini saat usianya masih 13 Tahun !, sudah memiliki 3 Ep, 2 Demo dan 1 Full album, Camel Of Doom saat ini sedang mempersiapkan album full ke-2 nya " Psychodramas ", Camel of Doom is as heavy as it is trippy, as melodic as it is dissonant and as beautiful as it is twisted. tapi sayang banget Gw bukan penikmat Genre seperti ini, en ga tau kalau buat kalian fans Skin Chamber, solid piece of stoner doom metal, but unlike other bands, fails to be worth more than a couple listens unless one is, as the subgenre's name suggests, a stoner. For the name alone, though, I recommend picking this up if you ever happen to see a copy of it, unlikely though that may be. dan ini dia yang Gw tunggu untuk menjawab rasa penasaran gw dengan penampilan sangar Thailand Black Metal Band DEI TETRA dengan track " Viper's Den " yang dicomot dari materi Demo ke-3 " Godless Rituals " tahun 2010 yang dirilis dalam format CD terbatas 66 Copy dan 100 Copy format kaset, band asli Bangkok Thailand yang eksis sejak tahun 2008 di komandani oleh Female Vokal sangar Asithara Dei Tetra ! Recommended for fans of old school black metal bands like Satanic Warmaster dan Sargeist gw jamin akan menyukai permainan Hitam kelam. menyuguhkan gempuran Hyperblaster snare yang hampir mendominasi semua elemen lagu digeber dalam durasi 6 menit ! wow estetika angka 6 memang selalu Memberkati band ini hehehehe. Morph & Manifest, the guitars and Drumming tend to get pretty messy towards the end of the song. fans berat musiknya Dark Funeral, Marduk, Emperor, Satanic Warmaster dan Sargeist, gw percayakan kekelaman musik mereka tetap dengan irama menghujat hitamnya. raw, fast and aggressive black metal. kelar digempur dengan irama serba grinding, sepertinya Kompilasi ini masih ga bakalan memberi ampun dengan tetap menyuguhkan genre black Metal dari band selanjutnya, saat giliran AUM, Trio Blacker asal Hongkong ini lebih semakin menawarkan gempuran yang kian dasyat dengan komposisi Black metal kejamnya Marduk, Dark Funeral hingga Mayhem tetap membuat mantra jahat-nya. sayang Level Tracknya " Temple " dari Ep " Of Pestilence " lebih terdengar " mendem " level sound dibanding track sebelumnya, padahal Komposisi musiknya keren lohhh, wah kelupaan di mixing kali nih hehehehehe .... kemudian ada JAHILIYYAH, Black/Death Metal asal Dhaka, Bangladesh, sebuah scene yang memang jarang kita dengarkan perkembangan Extreme Music-nya sejauh ini. betapa terkejutnya saat mereka memainkan Track " Mass of Materia " dari Ep " Aiyyame Jahiliyyah " tahun 2011 dengan Sounding Mengagumkannya,  duo Metalhead Berbakat, Mephistopheles dan Loki Nihilluminatus yang mengkomposisi 5 lagu didalam ep ini memang ga bisa diremehkan, walau Digital Soundingnya masih begitu kuat melekat, Komposisi Musik yang cepat dan Melodius ini kerap menyuguhkan elemen kegelapan abadi. with their overwhelming stage presence and managing to perform their music impeccably with astonishing yet effortless efficiency. begitu mempesona setelah dirilis secara Independen Pada 8 Januari 2011 akhirnya menarik minat label asal Thailand, through Glory Records dalam format CD, lalu Eternal Transmigration Records merilis dalam format kaset terbatas 233 kopi dan akhirnya label asal Malasya, Malaysia the Darkness Productions kembali lagi merilisnya dalam format CD terbatas 66 Kopi. eastern modalities to create a ritualistic and simultaneously apocalyptic sound. kelar itu, band yang gw tunggu2 penampilan dasyat kerennya, ABSENCE OF THE SACRED dengan " Enslave Fire " dari full album ke-3 nya " Come hither O’ Herald of Death " yang menghebohkan dengan menampilkan drummer populer Kevin Talley ( Ex. Dying Fetus, Ex. Misery Index, etc ) menambah poin dan Kualitas Plus untuk rilisan paling matang dan mantap sepanjang karir band. one of the leading forces in the Asian Metal scene ini semakin memiliki materi paling berbahayanya disini, sangat sayang bila elo Lewatin debutan mempesonanya ini. infuses elements from various sub-genres of Extreme Metal into a flowing yet twisted technical attack on the senses. selanjutnya salah satu Roster Sonic Blast Media, TRENDKILL METHOD, Melodic groove metal Catchy Keren asal Riga, Latvia yang eksis sejak 2004 dengan nama Gust of Anger. " We Both Know " dicomot dari materi album ke-2 " Affective Arousal " via Sonic Blast Media memberikan kemasan Typical Musik Metal menarik yang Easy Listening ala Pantera, Machine Head, Grope hingga Exhorder. Affective Arousal is certainly a good sophomore effort by Trendkill Method, and although the band sure doesn't manage to kill any trends with this album, the high energy music throughout is sure to leave fans of groove metal with a sore in their neck yet breaking into their usual aggressive style without any awkwardness at all ! Track akhir ditutup oleh legend in the Asian Metal scene, RUDRA yang semakin Konsis memainkan Black/Death Metal dinamis penuh dengan Lick2 kejutan tak terduga, permainan Drum enerijik Shiva ! band yang eksis sejak 1992 ini terhitung sukses secara finansial lewat materi album " Brahmavidya: Primordial I " yang mendapat respon fantantis sejak dirilis. pada kompilasi ini Rudra membawakan Track Yang direkam diatas panggung disalah satu penampilan terbaik mereka " Incredulous Void " yang khabarnya akan dirilis Sebagai " official bootleg, Rudra Live ". memang populeritas band ini sampai ke Scene Indonesia yang mengakui Kehebatan talenta member-nya yang luar biasa memainkan elemen leluhur Budaya dan Agama dalam sajian musik Cadas ! I honestly would have never suspected that beneath this highly conformist society (at least, it appears that way to the observer) could lurk such an impressive band. sungguh sebuah Kompilasi Kompleks metal yang banyak menawarkan kedasyatan serangan beberapa Band metal asia Tenggara ini patut banget kalian Koleksi, selain menawarkan kualitas musik yang bagus, kompilasi ini tetap akan menjadi Referensi Khusus buat kita lebih banyak mengenal band2 berbahaya dimasa yang akan datang. karena tersedia secara Gratis, Langsung aja disedottttttt coy !!! hahahahahahahaha

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Looks like i made popular compilation will recall Band2 Asia in the "Wake Island gnome" that have been circulating some of his part in the era of the 90s, a lot of compilation focuses on the contribution band2 Metal in Southeast Asia and some band supporters from outside Asia, presence debut compilation "Underground Sounds" on this first volume may have little in common with the previous case, cuman the significant difference is almost all band2 in this compilation is a new Metal Releases Label based in Singapore, Sonic Blast Media! of Genre Death / Thrash / Black Metal musicality band2 dominate the majority coming from inside of Singapore itself is currently growing rapidly Metal Movementnya, this is evidenced by their close relationship relationship with several musicians Tough International to create a better quality aka open self really. and it can not be felt from several Progress musical band ever sounded Dangerous!!! and was first introduced Gw label Metal Compilation by potential new owners of the country of origin is a white lion, Imran Manaff via email. formed by bassist / vocalist for the band Rudra, K. Kathirasan with Imran Manaff previously known as the owner of Media Metal, Apsara Asia, arts management company and former guitarist Singapore hardcore / punk band, Rotten germs! Digital-based compilation release is indeed free download on the label's Official Website, so Gw Reviewing have an obligation to release for you all, that the Singapore Scene always need to be aware of its existence remains. directly at the beginning of the sequence started by Sanity Obscure, Singapore an aggressive hybrid of thrash and Technical / Progressive Metal that existed since 2008 was introduced material from her first full album "Subterranean Constellation" said the show was fantastic with excellent Sounding the Extra pound and fits really to Warming up in order to make the beginning of the compilation. The material is clearly a rapid development since their first EP material "Dethrone the King" in 2008, the band was trying to Extra Dynamic Fresh Ideas pour her more varied almost every inch of the rhythm track. Sounding Drummer ZY it becomes more stable with his skills, almost every curve of the game is mature talent unearthed from the rapid progress, while vocalist Kount Cider Harsh Vokill character is quite energetic and a touch belligerent in character. a bit of thrash, a bit of death, and a lot of lightweight technical stuff. They Accomplish this by mixing start / stop riffing, some dissonant intervals and capital emphasis, and a lot of the other standards of modern "technical" metal. The music is played sharp and tight, as the songs seem either well-rehearsed or precisely edited. Gw frankly still fascinated with Excellent Sound produced on the album is the result Gress arable producers and engineers and the Leonard Soosay masteringnya process handled by Colin Marston, the Talented Musicians guitarist Behold the Arctopus, Byla, Indricothere, Krallice and fill positions at Bass popular band Gorguts dysrhythmia and was also a lot of work on mastering processes such as Atheist Band, Origin, until Behold the Arctopus, content is quality Sanity Obscure album is a Masterpiece important throughout their career. Serious fans Sadus, Atheist to Carcass will surely enjoy their Bloody dish. From the musicians' perspective, there are tons of interesting Things happening all the time. Listening from a step back gives the big picture that the music is not at all interesting. The next WARCLOUDS, which was originally based in Curitiba, Brazil, and then when it has Hijrah to London, UK offers a Pure Death Metal that was first popular in the era of 90s, not obsessively With the tempo fast and enough variation of riffs, the songs also growing niche to gather other styles of metal as well, with the deep growling vocals. First album of material "A Disturbing Presence" in 2011 released an Independent, still working as a One Man Project by Bruno Schmidt for all matters Vocals, Guitars, Bass, and Drum Programming it, it could result Gw soundingnya guess from the beginning. now become more stable again with the presence of guitarist and bassist Romanos Manos Pefkos Skiadas though unfortunately, the band still has not found a permanent drummer in the formation. mix of Cannibal Corpse, Death, Massacre until early Sinister will be felt once the structure of the music. the programmed drums do end up sounding slightly synthetic and artificial at times, and the bass drums do get somewhat overpowering as well as the album progressed, and like most records with programmed drums, this is one of the main drawbacks of the album. The transitions between Brutality and melody at times can be rather sudden as well, like on I Stare to See, and ends up sounding like just a couple of random ideas being thrown together. another step we are going to meet with the Brutal Death Band Treviso, Veneto, Italy, INVERTED a grind then beat her Hyperblaster Bastard "5:56" from his first album material "Point Of Crossing" in 2011, released by the French label, Zero Interit Records, although the material has been recorded since 2010, the band exists since 2007 as early as Cyanide Christ is never too late to spread the virus in their black hatred. serving ferocious and savage Inverted Brutal Grinding is more reminiscent gw be cruelty Severe Torture, Prostitute Disfigurement and Wargore! The band never accompany your journey Impiety when bulldoze the European Tour in 2011, the composition of rock music, fast and has become a characteristic of sadistic Inverted Breakthrough! after a short streets in Europe, I think Gw should return to Singapore, while Gw must listen to the darkness of the band Full Serving ZUSHAKON, Scandinavian black metal bands in the Vein Bathory, Mayhem, Hades, Darkthrone, Dissection and Absu will be offering the element of darkness lauched with the fast-paced tempo rhythms and some Middle Gloomy Ornaments Part still be next. track "Vortex of devoured souls" picked from Ep Albums release their second compilation "World Ablaze" Ep which khabarnya ga ever released and Ep "Chaosophist" in 2007. band just pulled bassist vocalist Rudra, Kathir is increasingly confident will again play roots music Epic Pagan Black Metal after a lot of positive response in many countries after the release of the first full album "Zushakon" in June 2012 last month via label Origin neighbor country, Malasya, RDL Distro back memastering Compilation album "World Ablaze" with the addition of two new songs as material therein. and draw attention to the band's logo gw is really with the logo mirip2 Mayhem! after that Gw going to cross a little over Batam Island, Riau for the next brief stop listening material from the band Black Metal Indonesia, greedy with Track "Death Threshold (Threshold of death)", sliding with the fast-paced rhythm Beat! established since 2008 under the name of My Shadow Scream. The concept plays Death / Thrash with a strong influence of Medieval Era Ancient Culture and a touch of Arabian Styles, Atmospheric band leads to strong elements of Black Metal Band! clear Trio Band Origin Jakarta has a terrible music composition, especially with games Haidar Shakir guitarist who often embed Sentuhan2 Dynamic Pattern riffing on it. although unfortunately not have a material Full album, i sure would Talents band can not be taken lightly or underestimated. en I think i have to go back to Singapore to listen to "Butchered Truth" his predatory, old school death metal band from Woodlands of which existed since 2002. Modern Sound of his character is almost obliterate the impression of Old School Death Metal him, his music still more frequent partitions creating Adrenalin elements for continued headbanging! Kreator and Sepultura long touch will be felt in his music arranger who sometimes play some Catchy guitar riffing and solos ciamik this. and then maybe the band will spend the duration of time for 13:26 minutes with Concept Doom Metal viscous elements of death metal, stoner rock, ambient and 70's psychedelic and progressive rock. it, yup no CAMEL OF DOOM with the song "The Anger of Anguish" , band from Huddersfield, UK which existed since 2000 by frontman Kris Clayton formed the band when he was 13 Years!, already have 3 Ep, 2 and 1 Full Demo album, Camel Of Doom is currently preparing a full album to her-2 "Psychodramas", Camel of Doom is as heavy as it is trippy, as melodic as it is dissonant and as beautiful as it is twisted. but really love Gw not connoisseurs of genre like this, en do not know if you make your fans Skin Chamber, solid piece of stoner doom metal, but unlike other bands, fails to be worth more than a couple listens unless one is, as the subgenre's name suggests , a stoner. For the name alone, though, I recommend picking this up if you ever happen to see a copy of it, unlikely though that may be. and it is he who Gw waiting to answer the curiosity gw with the appearance of frightening Thailand Black Metal Band DEI TETRA with the track "Viper's Den" were picked from materials Demo to-3 'Godless Rituals "in 2010, which was released in CD format limited to 66 Copy and 100 Copy cassette format, Bangkok Thailand original band that exists since 2008 in the Female Vocal commanded by grim Asithara Dei Tetra! Recommended for fans of old school black metal bands like Sargeist Satanic Warmaster and i guarantee you will love the game Black dark. presenting Hyperblaster snare strikes that nearly dominated all elements of the song lauched in duration 6 minutes! wow aesthetics number 6 is always bless this band hehehehe. Morph & Manifest, the guitars and Drumming growing niche to get pretty messy towards the end of the song. big fan of his music Dark Funeral, Marduk, Emperor, and Sargeist Satanic Warmaster, gw gloom entrusted with the rhythm of their music remains blasphemous black. raw, fast and aggressive black metal. battered finished with a round grinding rhythms, it looks like this compilation still going ga pardon while presenting the Black Metal genre from the next band, while AUM turn, Trio Blacker from Hong Kong is more increasingly offer an increasingly terrible onslaught with Black metal composition cruel Marduk, Dark Funeral Mayhem to keep his evil spells. dear Level Tracknya "Temple" from Ep "Of Pestilence" better sounding "mendem" sound level compared to the previous track, but lohhh cool music composition, mixing well forgetfulness at times ya hehehehehe .... then there Jahiliyyah, Black / Death Metal origin of Dhaka, Bangladesh, a scene which is rare to hear of his progress Extreme Music so far. how surprised when they played the track "Mass of Materia" from the EP "Aiyyame Jahiliyyah" in 2011 with Sounding great is, Metalhead Talented duo, Mephistopheles and Loki Nihilluminatus who composed 5 songs in this ep really can not be underestimated, even though the Digital Soundingnya still so strongly attached , Composition, fast and melodic music is often present element of perpetual darkness. stage with their overwhelming presence and managing to perform their music with astonishing impeccably yet effortless efficiency. so dazzling after being released by the Independent On January 8, 2011 ultimately attracting label from Thailand, through Glory Records in CD format, and Eternal Transmigration Records released the 233 tape format limited to coffee and finally Malasya origin label, Malaysia The Darkness Productions again released in the format CD limited to 66 Coffee. eastern modalities to create a ritualistic and simultaneously apocalyptic sound. finished, the band looks terrible i tunggu2 cool, Absence OF THE SACRED with "Enslave Fire" from the third full album of his "Come Hither O 'Herald of Death" is horrendous by displaying popular drummer Kevin Talley (Dying Fetus ex., Ex. Misery Index, etc) to add points and Quality Plus to release the mature and steady throughout the band's career. one of the leading forces in the Asian Metal scene is the most dangerous of the material here, very affectionate when elo coz this dazzling debut. infuses elements from various sub-genres of Extreme Metal twisted into a flowing yet technical attack on the senses. The next one Roster Sonic Blast Media, TRENDKILL METHOD, Cool Catchy Melodic metal groove origin Riga, Latvia that existed since 2004 under the name Gust of Anger. "We Both Know" material picked from the 2nd album "Affective Arousal" via Sonic Blast Media provides packaging attractive Typical Metal Music Easy Listening ala Pantera, Machine Head, Grope to Exhorder. Affective Arousal is certainly a good sophomore effort by Trendkill Method, and although the band sure does manage to kill any trends with this album, the high energy music throughout is sure to leave fans of groove metal with a late afternoon in their neck breaking yet into their usual aggressive style without any awkwardness at all! Track is closed by a legend in the Asian Metal scene, Rudra increasingly consistent play Black / Death Metal Lick2 dynamically filled with unexpected surprises, Drum games enerijik Shiva! band exists since 1992 is relatively successful financially through the material album "Brahmavidya: Primordial I" that gets fantantis response since its release. This compilation brings Rudra on Track A recorded on stage at one of their best performances "Incredulous Void" which will be released khabarnya As the "official bootleg, Rudra Live". indeed populeritas band to Indonesia to recognize greatness Scene talents of its members exceptional play ancestor element Culture and Religion in music offerings Rocks! I honestly would have never suspected that beneath this highly conformist society (at least, It appears that way to the observer) could lurk such an impressive band. Compiling such a metal complex which offers many kedasyatan attack several Southeast Asian metal band really worth your collection, in addition to offering good quality music, this compilation will remain Special Reference made us more familiar band2 dangerous in the future. because the Internet is available, immediately wrote disedottttttt coy!!! hahahahahahahaha

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