Rabu, 08 April 2015

Insision - 15 Years of Exaggerated Torment CD 2012

Insision - 15 Years of Exaggerated Torment
Sevared Records 2012

CD 1

01 Intro 01:08    
02 Paedophilia Cum Sadissimus 03:18    
03 Meant to Suffer 03:44    
04 Drain Your Soul 03:29    
05 I Am the Worm 04:36    
06 Paedophilia Cum Sadissimus (live) 03:27      
07 Corridors of Blood (live) 03:22    
08 Drain Your Soul (live) 03:50    
09 I Am the Worm (live) 04:23    
10 She Speaks No More (live) 03:48    
11 Hammer Smashed Face (Cannibal Corpse cover) (live) 04:15      
12 Corridors of Blood 03:22    
13 Paedophilia Cum Sadissimus 03:04    
14 The Dead Live On 03:07    
15 She Speaks No More 03:45    
16 Exaggerated Torment 04:12   

CD 2
01 Ex Oblivione 03:18    
02 Impamiiz Graa 02:59    
03 Rewind into Chaos 03:02      
04 Entangled in Thorns 03:13    
05 Intro 00:47
06 Before My Altar 03:26    
07 Sado God 02:38      
08 Trapped Within 03:52    
09 Zombie Ritual (Death cover) 04:11    
10 Outro: The Revelation 01:06    
11 Intro 00:16    
12 Exaggerated Torment 2012 04:16

Insision To Day :
Roger Johansson - Guitars
Carl Birath - Vocals
Marcus Jonsson - Drums
Joel Andersson - Bass

Memang tidak terasa Hampir lebih selama 15 tahun Eksistensi salah satu band Brutal Death Metal kenamaan Swedia Scene dengan Konsep Sound Khas Insision sebagai salah satu " Swedish Death Metal " terbaik yang eksis sejak tahun 1997. masih menyisakan sebagai Member Asli, Frontman gitaris Roger Johansson tetap yang terdepan tetap memberikan Nafas Kehidupan bagi Insision yang kerap Bongkar pasang formasi dalam perjalanan Musikalitas-nya. dan tentunya beberapa Metalhead di Indonesia masih terpesona dengan Karakter Sounding Gitar Roger Johansson pada Ep " The Dead Live On " tahun 1999 dan album Pertama " Beneath the Folds of Flesh " 2002 yang dikenal sebagai karya Terbaik Band ini yang masih begitu Asli jika tetap kita bandingkan dengan Progresi Member Insision berikutnya. double CD Album ini lebih banyak menampikan kembali Karir Awal Insision sejak Merilis Demo dan Ep, sehingga kita bisa rasakan kembali perjalanan musikalitas band ini sehingga dapat berkembang lebih baik saat ini, bagaimana kita bisa merasakan sendiri Debut karya awal Insision masih bergaya Old School Death Metal era 90-an banget dengan pengaruh gaya Massacre, Death dan Obituary. dan yang keren kita mendengarkan kembali materi Live Demo " Live Like a Worm " yang diantaranya juga mencover " Hammer Smashed Face " nya Cannibal Corpse yang rupanya mulai Mempengaruhi Gaya bermain Band ini kedepannya dan terasakan Mulai memasuki Promo Demo tahun 2000 Karakter Insision mulai lebih banyak memasukkan elemen Cannibal Corpse dalam Struktur musiknya, dan semakin lebih Brutal saat memasuki Materi Demo " Revelation of the Sadogod ", dan 1 lagu baru " Exaggerated Torment " yang sebenarnya bukan lagu baru sih, cuman Aransemen dan rekaman ulang dari Materi Ep " The Dead Live On " menjadi lebih menendang lagi Komposisi-nya melalui Formasi Terkini Insision. banyak memang yang dihadirkan disini tentang perkembangan Musikalitas Insision, mungkin beberapa Materi Album lain Masih dimiliki Hak Cipta label lain, sehingga Sevared records hanya merilis beberapa Self released insision yang sudah beberapa diantaranya hilang dari pasaran karena diproduksi secara terbatas. Wajib banget deh Insision Fans Koleksi Perjalanannya ini.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

It does not feel nearly over 15 years of existence of a Brutal Death Metal band famous Swedish Scene with Sound Concepts Typical Insision as one of the "Swedish Death Metal" The best that exists since 1997. The original still remains as a Member, frontman guitarist Roger Johansson remains at the forefront while providing Breath of Life for frequent Insision Bolt-formation in the course of his musicality. and of course some metalhead in Indonesia is still fascinated with the character of Roger Johansson on guitar Sounding Ep "The Dead Live On" in 1999 and the first album "Beneath the Folds of Flesh" 2002 Best known as the work of this band is still very original if we compare it Progression to the next Insision Member. This double CD album displays more back from the Early Career Insision Demo and Release Ep, so that we can feel the band's musical journey back so as to develop better now, how we can feel his own debut early work is still stylish Insision Old School Death Metal era the 90's really a style influence Massacre, Death and Obituary. and that we listen to cool the material back Live Demo "Live Like a Worm" which include also mencover "Hammer Smashed Face" Cannibal Corpse was apparently started to affect the future style of play and the band felt entering Promo Demo Start of 2000 characters Insision start putting more Cannibal Corpse element in the structure of his music, and more and more brutal as he entered the Matter Demo "Revelation of the Sadogod", and a new song "Exaggerated Torment" is actually not new songs heck, cuman Arrangement and re-recordings of material Ep "The Dead Live On "be kicked again its composition through Insision Current Formation. many are presented here about the development of musicality Insision, maybe some other Album Content Copyright still held another label, so that only released a few records Sevared Self insision already released some of them disappear from the market because it produced a limited basis. Fans really deh Insision mandatory collection of this journey.

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