Selasa, 28 April 2015

Orategod - With Love from Sinister CD 2012

Orategod - With Love from Sinister
Charred Remains Records 2012

01 Chamber ov the Veils (In Abiegnis Chamber) 03:20    
02 Hoor Triumvirate 02:57    
03 The Anthem ov Teitan 02:50    
04 Full ov Shade Virtues 03:07    
05 Opening the Portal of Divinity 03:27    
06 Origin ov Charm 02:38    
07 Ohpion Court's 03:09    
08 Celebration ov Tradition 02:53

José Córdova - Drums
Miguel Briones - Guitars
Felipe Riveros - Guitars
Micheal Muñoz - Vocals
Alejandro Alegria - Bass

While borrowing conventions from both popular music and death metal, they defy all of the conventions about how much should sound, with almost endless self-indulgent defiance of conventional styling and taste. Debutan ke-2 Brutal Death Metal Asli Santiago, Chile yang eksis sejak tahun 1999 telah memiliki 3 demo, 1 Ep dan 2 Full album sekarang ini kian semakin mantap aja mengusung gaya bermain tetap in The Vein Morbid Angel dan Deicide ! scene Chile memang sering terlewatkan dari expose scene, padahal negara ini banyak memiliki band2 death metal bagus seperti Cadaverous Incarnate, Totten Korps, Defacing, Urogenital Macrophage, Visceral dan banyak lagi. gw memang sudah mengenal band ini sejak album pertama mereka " Fall Slowly Until the Hell Abyss " tahun 2004, masih tetap konsisten dengan Jalurnya, band ini dimateri ke-2 ini so pasti memperlihatkan kematangan eksistensi musikalitasnya dengan gempuran Dominan Blastbeat dan Dark Harmonizing hampir di semua aransemen musiknya. Oratedgod decided to hang out below said bridge and exact a gruesome toll from all of the audience following in their wake. That this is an immensely influential work goes without saying. ramped up to nigh impossible levels of malevolence through the unflinching occult lyricism. sambutan track pertama adalah " Chamber ov the Veils (In Abiegnis Chamber) " yang dimulai sebuah Intro pemujaan Occultisme lengkap dengan Pertarungan Kolosal Gladiator melawan Singa di Colloseum pula selama 48 detik, mengingatkan memang dengan Gaya Deeds Of Flesh yang juga ikut mempengaruhi gaya bermain band ini, serangan hyperblasting dengan High Tremolo Riffing with Dark Harmonization seperti menjadi ritual utama penciptaan musik band ini. possessed of perfect resonance through its start contrast against the brighter, scintillating evil of the guitar rhythms and just the right amount of reverb. memang Gaya Riffing Guitarnya adalah perpaduan nyata Morbid Angel, Deicide, Nile hingga Deeds Of Flesh banget kerap melakukan Roll Off Styles demi menciptakan struktur harmonisasi. They have absolutely no melody to them, and no sense of direction. Again this is often justified by fans as lending a chaotic quality to the music, but most of the time it is just jarring, robs the song of any catchiness and tends to kill the momentum the song has. konsep musik utamanya memang hanya mengandalkan kecepatan struktur lagu walau tanpa banyak melakukan sentuhan2 Dinamis, seperti Drummer José Córdova lebih menitik beratkan power pukulannya dengan Hentakan hyperblasting, sementara lebih banyak berbicara adalah permainan Duet Gitaris Miguel Briones dan Felipe Riveros. This is the quintessential death metal guitar tone and goes a long way towards setting the mood and feel for the album. It also helps that most riffs are uncomplicated, direct and full of menace. And they are played absolutely flawlessly, in stark contrast to the guitar solos. Coupled with the metronomic and surprisingly varied drum work, you won't find much wrong with the rhythm section on this album. saking cepatnya ritme beat hampir pada setiap lagunya, gw menjadi kurang tertantang dengan aransemen band ini, musiknya memang lebih simple tapi mengena pada Komposisi Riffing yang lebih menghidupkan elemen Style bermusik Orategod. 8 lagu berdurasi total 24:21 lebih hanya menawarkan Intensitas permainan yang cepat dan simple. While the songwriting is still firmly rooted in the thrash foundation, the atmosphere has the essential feel of random bruising in it, and that has only recently been fading from the essence of death metal; once death metal becomes ordered and loses the illogical flow that skips around mutilating verses and cramming incompatible things together by force, it ceases to be death metal. It becomes melodeath, pop, or something fundamentally different, a domesticated housecat instead of a mean feral lynx. Because death metal, by nature, is supposed to be unshackled and cranky. Modern bands do like order, often a bit too much: a funny time signature does not equal chaos, and while the younger generation certainly has more skill, speed and precision, the crawling chaos and primordial maelstrom cannot be indexed, folded and put in a file. Not in an overly atmospheric way, more in a twisted, warped, vicious way, created by the strange sounds of some of the riffs and the atonal solos.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

While borrowing conventions from both popular music and death metal, they Defy all of the conventions about how much should sound, with almost endless self-indulgent defiance of conventional styling and taste. Debutante to-2 Brutal Death Metal Original Santiago, Chile which exists since 1999 have had 3 demos, 1 EP and 2 full album is now becoming more stable playing style still carries wrote in The Vein Morbid Angel and Deicide! Chile is often overlooked scene of expose scene, but this country has many great death metal band2 like Cadaverous Incarnate, Totten Korps, defacing, Urogenital macrophage, Visceral and more. i was already familiar with the band since their first album "Fall Slowly Until The Hell Abyss" in 2004, remained consistent with the Track, the band dimateri to-2 so definitely shows maturity existence musikalitasnya the onslaught Dominant Blastbeat and Dark Harmonizing almost all music arranger. Decided to hang out Oratedgod below said bridge and exact a toll Gruesome from all of the audience following in their wake. That this is an immensely Influential work goes without saying. ramped up to nigh impossible levels of occult malevolence through the unflinching lyricism. welcome first track is "Chamber ov the Veils (In Abiegnis Chamber)" which started a cult Occultisme intro complete with colossal battle against the Lions in the Colosseum Gladiator did for 48 seconds, with a style reminiscent indeed Deeds Of Flesh, which also affect the style of play the band , hyperblasting attack with High Tremolo riffing with Dark Harmonization as a major ritual creation of the band's music. Possessed of perfect resonance through its contrast against the brighter start, scintillating evil of the guitar rhythms and just the right amount of reverb. indeed Guitarnya riffing style is a real blend of Morbid Angel, Deicide, Deeds Of Flesh Nile up very often do Roll Off Styles to create a harmonized structure. They have absolutely no melody to them, and no sense of direction. Again this is Often justified by fans as lending a chaotic quality to the music, but most of the time it is just jarring, robs the song of any catchiness and tends to kill the momentum of the song has. The main concept of the music is just rely on speed song structure though without much sentuhan2 Dynamic, such as Drummer José Córdova focuses hyperblasting power punches with the beat, while most of the talking is a game Duet Guitarist Miguel Briones and Felipe Riveros. This is the quintessential death metal guitar tone and goes a long way towards setting the mood and feel for the album. It also helps that most riffs are uncomplicated, direct and full of menace. And they are played absolutely flawlessly, in stark contrast to the guitar solos. Coupled with the metronomic and surprisingly varied drum work, you will not find much wrong with the rhythm section on this album. the speed of the rhythm of the beat in almost every song, i become less challenged by the band's arranger, his music is more simple but effective riffing on the composition of a musical turn Orategod Style elements. 8 tracks 24:21 total duration over intensity of the game only offers a fast and simple. While the songwriting is still firmly rooted in the foundation of thrash, the atmosphere has the essential feel of random bruising in it, and that has only recently been fading from the essence of death metal; Becomes death metal once ordered and loses the illogical flow that skips around mutilating verses and Things incompatible cramming together by force, it ceases to be death metal. It Becomes melodeath, pop, or something fundamentally different, a housecat Domesticated instead of a mean feral lynx. Because death metal, by nature, is supposed to be unshackled and cranky. Modern bands do like order, Often a bit too much: a funny time signature does not equal chaos, and while the younger generation certainly has more skill, speed and precision, the crawling chaos and primordial Maelstrom can not be indexed, folded and put in a files. Not in an overly atmospheric way, more in a twisted, warped, vicious way, created by the strange sounds of some of the riffs and the atonal solos.

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