Selasa, 28 April 2015

Atheos - The Human Burden CD 2013

Atheos - The Human Burden
Underground Movement 2013

01 Ominous Adversary 05:46    
02 Shroud Of Primacy 03:10    
03 The Human Burden 06:15    
04 Throes Of Devotion 04:06    
05 The Language Of The Martyrs 07:13    
06 Beneath The Names 04:43    
07 Towers Entombed 07:17

Wayne Walsh - Drums
John Byrne - Guitars
Alan McCormack - Vocals
Stas Nepomnaschiy - Bass
Greg Kaczmarek - Guitars

Death metal with technical, melodic, and brutal elements !! itu adalah kalimat pertama yang Bisa Gw Ungkapkan saat pertama kali mendengarkan konsep musik Band asal Mullingar, Ireland yang eksis dari tahun 2005 memang patut diwaspadai musikalitasnya, berbahaya !! dengan materi Ep Pertama " The Death of Utopia " tahun 2009, cukuplah bagi mereka memperkenalkan diri dikancah extreme metal. musiknya sendiri adalah perpaduan antara Konsep In The Vein Death, Pestilence, Nile, Immolation, Cynic dengan sentuhan padat yang mengingatkan gw akan Arsis ! en bisa elo banyangin sendiri khan, bagaimana indahnya Melodic Riffing digabungkan dengan Technical Death Metal Sophisticate?? jawaban mengejutkan memang tengah gw rasakan pada hampir semua struktur musik Atheos ini memang benar2 Keren !! track awal " Ominous Adversary " yang dimulai dengan Intro Akustik Guitar Epic selama 45 detik menjadi opening track yang mengejutkan dengan sayatan melodic riffing dipadu dengan Intense Pummeling Technical Bastard Beat ! memang langsung mengingatkan konsep yang pernah ditawarkan oleh Virginia Beach Technical Melodic Death Metal, Arsis !, Atheos sendiri lebih mencoba menggali pengaruh2 Old School Death Metal Dinamis dari Death serta Pestilence. simak permainan Oke dari Duet Gitaris John Byrne dan Greg Kaczmarek lebih banyak melahirkan partisi musik yang terasa variatif hampir disetiap gerakannya, dan semakin disempurnakan oleh permainan drummer Wayne Walsh telah memberikan sentuhan yang serasi. The songwriting highlights the use of hooks, melodic and rhythmic, all over the place. Catchy parts recur and will be remembered before the section is over, and certainly before the song is over. The album is pretty much aggressive throughout, but it manages some sense of dynamics within there, with emotive vocals and the drums and guitars sometimes leaving a bit of space to breathe in the production, and at other times getting close to being a wall of sound, especially when the drums are going heavy on the cymbals. The rhythmic work is impressive in its own right. The drummer utilizes basic blasts and double bass patterns, but continually mixes them up with syncopated patterns and fills or alternate beats that pair up perfectly with the guitars. The fills themselves are very nice, and the placement is masterful, using them not only at the ends of a line or section, but often in the middle or at the beginning, which adds another sense of dynamics and variation. The guitar work is very conscious of the drumming. lalu " Shroud Of Primacy " semakin lebih mengingatkan sekali lagi dengan Arsis banget, walau beberapa sentuhannya lebih mengajak ke Nuansa Death banget !, having two parts that change between lead and rhythm type parts, syncopate and align precisely, and go between thick power chord riffs and thinner leads that shine rather than bludgeon. The vocals are another tool used to insert rhythmic hooks, providing entirely different rhythmic patterns from the instruments, something uncommon in bands where an instrumentalist handles vocals The focus is shifted between melody and harmony very actively, rather than letting one be the focal point of entire sections or songs. part2 melodius indah dan Unik semakin ditampilkan oleh Duo Gitarisnya yang saling mengisi jeda ruang menjadi sebuah sinergi skill masing2. Most of the riffs and lines manage to blend multiple techniques seamlessly, making the music much more interesting and less bland. kemudian " The Human Burden " kembali seperti track pertama memainkan Akustik Gitar lanjutan diawal partnya. lagi2 indera Dengar gw tersita oleh beberapa Picking Guitar Dengan gaya Arphegio dan Sliding Bar mengagumkan. The music is simplifies at times, and the brilliance of the musicians is a tool used to craft complex music. The most impressive quality of the technicality on this album is that it is never the focal point, other than in a few guitar solos. " Throes Of Devotion " menendang dengan Fast Part yang semakin Sophomore Melodic Tradition Riff Amazing ! The guitars crunch, the vocals bite, and the drum sound is great and captures both the hard-hitting and slightly dynamic nature of the drumming. Haduhh Gw sampai kehabisan kata untuk menggambarkan Bagaimana Konsep Keren yang mereka hadirkan disini sebagai bentuk karya matang menjadi peluang album menjadi Masterpiece Technical Melodic Death Metal excellent ! didukung dengan skill dan talenta yang brilian, gw sangat yakin akan kesuksesan Materi Band ini dimasa yang akan datang dalam Kompetisi ketat jagad metal. apalagi materi Full album pertama ini akan memberikan Kontribusi penting bagi perkembangan scene metal. walau sempat harus kehilangan Gitaris berbakat John Sullivan yang banyak memberi Suntikan darah nyata bagi band, namun kehadiran penggantinya, Greg Kaczmarek tetap dapat memberi Sentuhan Dinamis. mastery is utmost satisfactory, and his playing is left to be heard raw in this release of phenomena. In terms of sound, I would classify Arsis as an admixture of different death metal styles, with melodic and technical parts in various combinations. However, the vocals are raspy black-metal style, so that will throw you for a loop. But, you can pretty much consider this a death-metal release!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Death metal with technical, melodic, and brutal elements! it was the first sentence that could Gw Speak when you first listen to music concepts Band from Mullingar, Ireland that existed from 2005 it should be wary musikalitasnya, dangerous! with the material first Ep "The Death of Utopia" in 2009, it is enough for them to introduce themselves dikancah extreme metal. the music itself is a blend of Concept In The Vein Death, Pestilence, Nile, Immolation, Cynic with a solid touch that reminds i will Arsis! en could elo banyangin own khan, how beautiful Melodic riffing combined with Technical Death Metal Sophisticate?? surprising answer is the middle i felt in almost all musical structure is indeed benar2 Atheos AWESOME! initial track "Ominous Adversary" which begins with the Intro Acoustic Guitar Epic for 45 seconds into the opening track with a surprisingly melodic riffing incision combined with Intense pummeling Technical Bastard Beat! was immediately reminded concept ever offered by Virginia Beach Technical Melodic Death Metal, Arsis!, Atheos themselves over trying to dig pengaruh2 Old School Death Metal Dynamic of Death and Pestilence. Okay see game of Duet Guitarist John Byrne and Greg Kaczmarek partitions produce more varied music that feels almost every movement, and further enhanced by the game's drummer Wayne Walsh has a touch of the match. The songwriting highlights the use of hooks, melodic and rhythmic, all over the place. Catchy parts recur and will be remembered before the section is over, and certainly before the song is over. The album is pretty much aggressive throughout, but it manages some sense of dynamics within there, with emotive vocals and the drums and the guitars sometimes leaving a bit of space to breathe in the production, and at other times getting close to being a wall of sound , especially when the drums are going heavy on the cymbals. The rhythmic work is impressive in its own right. The drummer Utilizes basic blasts and double bass patterns, but continually mixes them up with syncopated patterns and fills or alternate beats that pair up perfectly with the guitars. The fills Themselves are very nice, and the placement is Masterful, using them not only at the ends of a line or section, but Often in the middle or at the beginning, roomates adds another sense of dynamics and variation. The guitar work is very conscious of the drumming. and "Shroud Of Primacy" getting even reminded once again with Arsis really, though some urge to touch more nuance Death really!, having two parts that change between lead and rhythm parts type, syncopate and align precisely, and go between thick power chord riffs and thinner leads that shine rather than bludgeon. The vocals are another tool used to insert rhythmic hooks, providing entirely different rhythmic patterns from the instruments, something uncommon in bands where an instrumentalist handles vocals The focus is shifted between melody and harmony very actively, rather than letting one be the focal point of entire sections or songs. part2 beautiful and unique melodic increasingly displayed by a Duo guitarists complementary gap space into a synergy skill masing2. Most of the riffs and lines manage to seamlessly blend multiple techniques, making the music much more interesting and less bland. then "The Human Burden" again as the first track plays acoustic guitar part is up early. Listen gw lagi2 senses consumed by some Picking Guitar With style and Sliding Bar Arphegio awesome. The music is simplifies at times, and the brilliance of the musicians is a tool used to craft complex music. The most impressive quality of the technicality on this album is that it is never the focal point, other than in a few guitar solos. "Throes Of Devotion" kicking Part Fast growing Sophomore Melodic Tradition Riff Amazing! The guitars crunch, the vocals bite, and the drum sound is great and captures both the hard-hitting and slightly dynamic nature of the drumming. Haduhh Gw to run out of words to describe How cool concept they present here as a form of work to be done into opportunities album Technical Melodic Death Metal Masterpiece excellent! supported by the skills and talents of the brilliant, i was sure of the success of this band material in the future in a tight competition metal universe. especially the first full album of material will provide an important contribution to the development of the metal scene. although could have lost a talented guitarist John Sullivan who gave much real blood injections for the band, but the presence of his successor, Greg Kaczmarek can still Touch Dynamic. mastery is utmost satisfactory, and his playing is left to be heard in this release of raw phenomena. In terms of sound, I would classify as an Admixture of Arsis different styles death metal, with melodic and technical parts in various combinations. However, the vocals are Raspy black-metal style, so that will throw you for a loop. But, you can pretty much consider this a death-metal release!

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