Rabu, 08 April 2015

Massacre - Condemned to the Shadows EP 2012

Massacre - Condemned to the Shadows
Century Media Records 2012

01 Back from Beyond 04:35    
02 Succumb to Rapture 03:28

Rick Rozz - Guitars
Terry Butler - Bass
Mike Mazzonetto - Drums
Edwin Webb - Vocals

Sejak memutuskan untuk kembali menghidupkan MASSACRE, Gitaris Rick Rozz yang sempat tidak terlibat dalam Reunian Penampilan Vokalis Kam lee di A Day of Death Festival di Williamsville, NY pada 16 Juli 2011 serta The-Re-Animated Tour tahun 2008 karena ada sesuatu hal, yang kemudian Kam lee memilih tidak sejalan dengan Rick sendiri untuk memulai kembali menulis materi Baru setelah Rich memutuskan untuk kembali dalam Massacre, sehingga tahun 2011 Rick yang Mengajak kembali Bassis Terry Butler bersedia memperkuat kembali dan menambah 2 Member baru dalam Tubuh Massacre, Vokalis Edwin Webb dari band Eulogy, Diabolic serta Contorted cukup dikenal oleh Publik metal Amrik bersedia menggantikan Posisi Kam Lee dan menambah masuknya drummer Mike Mazzonetto dari Band Pain Principle, yang kembalinya Massacre ini langsung direspon oleh Century Media yang tertarik merilis 2 Lagu baru Massacre yang masih identik dengan Titel Track Fenomenal mereka dari album " From Beyond ", simak saja 2 Lagu " Back from Beyond " dan " Succumb to Rapture " yang dihadirkan dengan Konsep bermain yang masih Death Metal Khas Massacre, dan konsep Sound-nya bukan seperti yang kita rasakan era album " From Beyond ", karena sound 2 lagu ini lebih mengingatkan Era Materi Ep " Inhuman Condition " sekali, dengan Komposisi yang masih kental gaya Era Death Metal album Death " Scream Bloody Gore, Leprosy dan Obituary " Slowly We Rot " banget. dan jika elo masih merasa kagum dengan Gaya Sounding Gitar Rick era " From Beyond ", so jangan harap Banyak akan kembali ditampilkan disini, coz karakter sound Rick sendiri banyak mengalami Perubahan ke Gaya Yang lebih Modern dan sedikit mengingatkan juga dengan Karakter sound Obituary sekarang. Raungan Vokills Edwin Webb lumayan menggantikan Imej Kam Lee, dengan kata lain Rick mencoba Membangun kembali Imej Massacre tanpa kehadiran sosok Kam Lee. the riffs and song structures were never quite so creepy or memorable ! dan Gaya solo Gitar Rick Tentu tidak hilang sepenuhnya untuk menggeber Nada2 Panjang dan Tinggi seperti yang kita kenal sejak Dahulu-nya. dan permainan Drummer Mike Mazzonetto tidak banyak mengecewakan dengan karakter yang dibawanya, Mike Mazzonetto masih tetap seorang drummer yang Powerfully bagi Konsep Musikalitas Massacre sendiri. dan mungkin menjadi sedikit perhatian gw adalah beberapa Gaya breakdown intens Massacre kali ini lebih memainkan Konsep Groovy seperti yang dimainkan oleh Dying Fetus, memang Mengejutkan sekali deh dan tentunya bikin gw senang saja dengan Konsep ini hehehehehe sehingga jadi tambah ga sabar aja untuk menantikan Full album baru mereka nih ! Assuming the band's recording a new full-length in the near future, they'll have more breadth and variation to work with, but these 8 minutes were not wholly satisfactory. Not bad, though, not at all. They've got the acting down, they simply need a better script.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Since decided to re-animate Massacre, guitarist Rick Rozz who was not involved in the lee Thurs Reunian Vocalist look at A Day of Death Festival in Williamsville, NY on July 16, 2011, and The-Re-Animated Tour in 2008 because there was something, which then Thurs lee is not in line with Rick chose himself to resume writing new material after Rich decided to go back in the Massacre, so that in 2011 the Bring back Rick bassist Terry Butler willing to strengthen the back and adding two new Member in the Body Massacre, Edwin Webb Vocalist of the band Eulogy , Diabolic and Contorted well known by the public are willing to replace the position of metal Amrik Thurs Lee and adding the inclusion of Band drummer Mike Mazzonetto Pain Principle, the return of the Massacre is a direct response by Century Media who are interested in releasing two new songs Massacre is still synonymous with their Phenomenal Track Titles from the album "From Beyond", consider just 2 song "Back from Beyond" and "Succumb to Rapture" is presented with the concept of play that is still typical Death Metal Massacre, and his concept of sound is not as we perceive the era of the album "From Beyond" , because the sound is more reminiscent of two song EP Material Era "Inhuman Condition" once, with a composition that is viscous force Era Death Death Metal album "Scream Bloody Gore, Leprosy and Obituary" Slowly We Rot "really. and if elo still amazed by the Sounding Rick era guitar style "From Beyond", so do not expect many will re-appear here, coz its own sound character Rick undergone many changes to the style of the more modern and a little too reminiscent of the characters sound Obituary now. roar Vokills Edwin Webb quite replace The image Thurs Lee, in other words, Rick tried to Rebuild the Massacre Images of Lee's absence figures Thurs. the riffs and song structures were never quite so creepy or memorable! and style guitar solo Rick certainly did not disappear completely for playing tunes Length and Height as we know from Formerly it. and games Drummer Mike Mazzonetto not disappoint with a lot of character brought, Mike Mazzonetto was still a drummer who Powerfully for Massacre own musical concept. and may be a bit of attention I was some intense style breakdown Massacre more playing time this concept such as Groovy played by Dying Fetus, it surprisingly turns out deh and certainly make I was happy with the concept hehehehehe so become more ga patient wrote to await the full new album ya! Assuming the band's recording a new full-length in the near future, They ' ll have more breadth and variation to work with, but these eight minutes were not Wholly satisfactory. Not bad, though, not at all. they've got the acting down, They simply need a better script.

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