Rabu, 08 April 2015

Inanimate Existence - Liberation Through Hearing CD 2012

Inanimate Existence - Liberation Through Hearing
Unique Leader Records 2012

01 Dharmakaya 04:01    
02 Forest of Illusion 04:33    
03 Transcendent Absorption 02:40    
04 Paths to Enlightenment 04:01    
05 Morphogenesis 03:28    
06 A Myriad of Visions 05:12    
07 The Discarnate Self Paradox 04:51    
08 Sulphuric Eurphoria 04:03    
09 Iguanid Labyrinth 03:55    
10 Cosmic Consciousness 01:41      
11 Psychonautic Trance 01:36      
12 Within Lucid Dreams 03:09    
13The End of Duality 02:54    
14 Morphic Fields 03:00    
15 Illuminating the Darkness of Ignorance 01:13    
16 Awaken 03:00   

Mitch Yoesle - Bass
Ron Casey - Drums, Bongos
Ian Rittmaster - Guitars
Joel Guernsey - Guitars
Cameron Porras - Vocals, Acoustic Guitars

Tidak banyak yang tahu tentang Band Technical Brutal Death Metal Asal Bay Area, California Amrik yang masih Hijau ini, coz baru terbentuk pada 2010 lalu sebagai Proyek session Serius 5 anak muda Bertalenta dan Berpotensi berbahaya melalui skill-nya di masa yang akan datang. menampilkan Drummer berbakat Ron Casey yang sudah kita kenal kedasyatan Bermain Drum di band Brutal sadis seperti Being Killed, Brain Drill, Flesh Consumed, dan Vaginal Discharge, ada Vokalis Cameron Porras dari band Flesh Consumed, Vaginal Discharge, dan mantan Colonize the Rotting, yang lalu mengajak 2 Gitaris Joel Guernsey dan Ian Rittmaster serta Bassis Mitch Yoesle lalu membentuk INANIMATE EXISTENCE ! dari beberapa Press yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak Unique Leader records yang sangat tertarik dengan Bakat Killer yang mereka miliki, " Inanimate Existence spawns a fusion of classically influenced compositions and modern death metal, creating a truly UNIQUE sound. The bands style brings an onslaught of crushing, true death metal, while pushing the musical envelope with their other-worldly compositions and painstaking writing ". sehingga Gw juga menjadi rada penasaran lagi setelah mendengar 1 lagu mereka " Morphogenesis " yang di Publikasikan lewat YouTube sebelumnya. sebuah permainan Technical Brutal Death Metal yang mengingatkan dengan gaya Kejam Decrepit Birth Era " polarity " sekali dengan gaya bernyanyi Parau ala Immolation, band ini memang mencoba menciptakan Komponen bermain yang gelap dan Etnis sesuai dengan Konsep lirik yang mereka usung tentang Filosofi dan Metafisika, sehingga pada album ini akan banyak Nuansa2 Ganjil serba Hitam pada setiap Alunannya. dan memang hampir dipastikan setiap keputusan yang diambil oleh Unique Leader Records selalu didasarkan dengan Rencana Matang jika band ini memiliki Potensi Berbahaya kedepannya sehingga Label Paling Brutal dengan Rilisan berkualitas ini langsung Menggandeng mereka dalam Roster-nya walau Namanya belum terlalu di kenal dikancah metal. dan 17 Juli 2012 adalah Awal karir pertama mereka menjajah Extreme Metal Internasional dengan Konsep unik yang mereka suguhkan dalam album " Liberation Through Hearing " yang ditangani oleh Produser Zack Ohren, yang dikenal juga menjadi Produser album band Populer seperti All Shall Perish, Brain Drill, Carnifex, Cattle Decapitation, Decrepit Birth, Immolation, Flesh Consumed, Light This City, Severed Savior, Warbringer hingga album " Blood Oath "nya Suffocation, sehingga dapat dipastikan lagi Rilisan ini dapat dipertanggung jawabkan Kualitas-nya ! menyuguhkan 16 Track yang termasuk didalamnya ada 7 Instrumental track bergaya Timur tengah, Egyptian, Klasik serta Orchestral. pertama dimulai dengan " Dharmakaya ", sebuah Filosofi Hindustan pun terselip dalam Aransemen Track ini selama Part awal 58 Detik sebelum kita merasakan Sentuhan Technical Brutal Death Metal Dasyat-nya yang memang langsung mengingatkan sekali dengan sentuhan gaya bermain Decrepit Birth Era " Polarity " banget, Riffing Matematika disuguhkan dengan Nuansa yang rancak dengan perpaduan Skill Drumming yang Njlimet pula. sepertinya Drummer Ron Casey lebih mendapat tantangan baru untuk lebih menciptakan Struktur bermain yang tertata ketimbang sebelumnya yang mengandalkan kecepatan saja, memang disini Ron harus dapat mengimbangi Teknikal Progresif Riffing duo Gitarisnya yang bermain gila gilaan ! sementara Dark Deep Growl Cameron Porras terasa lebih mengingatkan sentuhan gelap Ros Dolan-nya Immolation. Aransemen musiknya memang Dasyat dan tidak melakukan sebuah Pengulangan part ! semakin lebih menyiksa kembali dengan Lagu " Forest of Illusion ", digeber dengan tempo yang lebih cepat lagi dari sebelumnya, ini menjadi sebuah perpaduan gaya Antara Decrepit Birth dengan Gorod, Amazing !! " Transcendent Absorption " pun semakin memanaskan skill mereka untuk tampil lebih cepat lagi, sebuah track yang memerlukan sebuah kejelian yang tinggi untuk dapat mencerna apa yang ditawarkan pada track ini. kemudian " Paths to Enlightenment " kita akan mendengarkan gaya akustik Gitar Vokalis Cameron Porras yang mencoba memainkan Petikan Gitar kegelapan dengan sentuhan Klasik yang kental ! kemudian " Morphogenesis " sudah tidak dapat disangsikan lagi Skill berbahaya mereka pertama kali dikenalkan pada lagu ini. Swept Sliding Guitar bergaya Super Shredd tentu sangat mempesona setiap Fans Teknikal Riffing ! " A Myriad of Visions " hingga " Iguanid Labyrinth " kita akan terus bisa merasakan Skill Powerfully band ini memainkan Konsep musik Super Dinamis nan Brutal ini sebelum menikmati 7 Instrumental Track yang mengeksplorasikan Talenta mereka lebih bergaya Progresive style, bener2 masterpiece luar biasa nih, dan elo harus merasakan sendiri kedasyatannya ! fans fanatik Decrepit Birth, Gorod, Obscura, Necrophagist ampe Cryptopsy, BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Not much is know about the Brutal Technical Death Metal Band Origin Bay Area, California Amrik is still green, the new coz formed in 2010 and then as Project 5 session Seriously talented young people and Potentially dangerous through his skill in the future. talent show Drummer Ron Casey that we already know kedasyatan Drum Playing in bands such as Brutal sadistic Being Killed, Brain Drill, Flesh Consumed, and Vaginal Discharge, No Cameron Porras Vocalist of the band Flesh Consumed, Vaginal Discharge, and Colonize the former Rotting, which then Guernsey took second guitarist Joel and Ian and bassist Mitch Yoesle Rittmaster and form INANIMATE existence! of several issued by the Press Unique Leader records are very interested in Killer talent they have, "Inanimate Existence spawns a fusion of modern and classically influenced death metal Compositions, creating a truly UNIQUE sound. The bands style brings an onslaught of crushing, true death metal, while pushing the musical envelope with other-worldly Their Compositions and painstaking writing ". so that is also a curious again after hearing their first song "Morphogenesis" is in the Publish via YouTube before. a game of Technical Brutal Death Metal in a style reminiscent of Cruel Decrepit Birth Era "polarity" was the husky singing style ala Immolation, this band is trying to create a component playing a dark and Ethnicity in accordance with their stretcher lyrical concept of philosophy and metaphysics, so that the This album will be a lot Feel Black Odd-round on every Atmospheric. and indeed almost certainly any decision taken by Unique Leader Records has always been based in Matang Plan if this band has potential for the future so dangerous Label Most Brutal with this quality release directly Roster Holding them in his name was not even in the familiar arena metal too. and July 17, 2012 is the beginning of their first career colonize International Extreme Metal with the unique concept of what they contributed in the album "Liberation Through Hearing" are handled by Zack Ohren Producer, also known as a Top Producer of the band's albums like All Shall perish, Brain Drill, Carnifex , Cattle decapitation, Decrepit Birth, Immolation, Flesh Consumed, Light This City, Severed Savior, Warbringer up album "Blood Oath" Suffocation her, so it can be confirmed again this release can be responsible for its quality! Track 16 is present there are 7 including the Middle East-style instrumental track, Egyptian, Classical and orchestral. The first starts with "Dharma", a philosophy of Hindustan was tucked in the Arrangement Track this Part during the initial 58 seconds before we feel the touch of Technical Brutal Death Metal are indeed terrible it immediately reminded once with a touch of style of play Decrepit Birth Era "Polarity" really, riffing Shades of mathematics presented with a smart blend of Skill Drumming with too unfocused. Drummer Ron Casey seemed more have created new challenges for the more orderly structure than the previous play that relies on speed alone, here is Ron should be able to compensate for the Progressive Technical riffing guitarist duo who play crazy madness! Cameron's Dark Deep Growl while Porras was more reminiscent of a dark touch of her Ros Dolan Immolation. Arrangements of the music was terrible and did not do a repetition of part! more and more excruciating back with song "Forest of Illusion", lauched with a faster tempo than before, this becomes a blend of style with Gorod Between Decrepit Birth, Amazing! "Absorption transcendent" even more heat to show their skills more quickly, a track that requires a high foresight to be able to digest what is offered on this track. and "Paths to Enlightenment" we will listen to the style of acoustic guitar vocalist Cameron Porras trying to play an excerpt of the darkness with a touch of classical guitar is thick! then "Morphogenesis" could no longer doubt their dangerous skill was first introduced to this song. Swept-style Sliding Guitar Super Shredd certainly very charming per Fans Technical riffing! "A Myriad of Visions" to "Iguanid Labyrinth" we will continue to be felt Skill Powerfully concept of music this band plays Super Dynamic nan Brutal before enjoying Instrumental Track 7 that explored their talents more progressive style style, ya bener2 incredible masterpiece, and elo should feel yourself kedasyatannya! Decrepit Birth fanatical fans, Gorod, Obscura, ampe Necrophagist Cryptopsy, BUY OR DIE!!!

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