Rabu, 08 April 2015

Masachist - Scorned CD 2012

Masachist - Scorned
Selfmadegod Records 2012

01 Drilling the Nerves 05:48      
02 The Process of Elimination 03:06      
03 Straight and Narrow Path 04:54      
04 Manifesto (100% D.M.K.M.) 04:21    
05 Higher Authority 03:49    
06 Opposing Normality 04:01    
07 Liberation 03:59    
08 Liberation part II 01:21    
09 Inner Void 07:36

Heinrich - Bass
Dariusz "Daray" Brzozowski - Drums
Thrufel - Guitar, Vocals
Aro - Guitar
Wojciech "Sauron"/"Pig" Wasowicz - Vocals

Setelah tampil memukau dengan CD pertama " Death March Fury " tahun 2009 lalu, Band Brutal Death Metal garang asal Polandia yang eksis sejak 2005 langsung meroket karirnya sebagai salah satu band berbahaya dari scene Polandia. dengan Typical musik yang Killer, Member band ini juga diperkuat oleh beberapa nama Sadis di Jagad metal Internasional, tentunya nama Drummer Dariusz "Daray" Brzozowski yang pernah memperkuat formasi Vader dan membantu beberapa penampilan panggung Dimmu Borgir, juga adalah mantan drummer beberapa band sadis di Polandia. kemudian ada Vokalis Wojciech "Sauron"/"Pig" Wasowicz yang pernah memperkuat Decapitated, kini aktif di Anal Stench, lalu juga ada Gitaris Thrufel yang mantan member Yattering & Azarath serta Bassis Heinrich yang juga pernah menjadi member di Decapitated dan Unsun, rasanya sudah cukup menambah Poin plus tersendiri band ini untuk dikatakan BERBAHAYA !!! sejak album pertama yang dimulai perkenalan mereka sebelumnya lewat demo tahun 2007, Masachist sudah menjadi bahan perbincangan serius beberapa awak media metal yang memuji kedasyatan konsep musiknya. dan setelah disibukkan dengan berbagai proyek band lainnya akhirnya band ini berhasil menyelesaikan dan merilis materi barunya di tahun 2012 ini, sebuah materi yang lumayan menjadi penantian panjang yang sudah melewati proses matang tentunya. " Drilling the Nerves " langsung membuka Penjagalan Awal dengan siksaan Death Metal kejam plus Sound Death Metal Killer yang Heavy as fuck, Masachist seperti membuat sebuah Pemanasan dengan simple part yang tetap mantap bawaannya dari ketukan drummer berbakat Daray yang dasyat !! masih belum begitu terasa sajian gaya Brutal beat-nya, selain hentakan Twi Pedal rapat dan Breakdown part tajam menghantam. First of all, tempo wise this is like the slowest of all songs from this band, which I have heard so far and while the previous album also had a slower track ! " The Process of Elimination " dan mulailah aroma kekejaman Masachist dimulai, Blastbeat Snare yang mantap memang mengingatkan dengan karakter Dave Culross, aransemen musik yang brutal dan liarnya mengingatkan akan kekejaman Vader melawan Decapitated, dan bisa dibayangkan beberapa karakter kejam band2 seperti Suffocation, Morbid Angel, Decapitated, Yattering ampe Cannibal Corpse diramu menjadi komposisi paling berdarah disini, is fast and brutal, as it should really be, in the good Suffocation style, so it’s definitely better than the nerve drilling fucked up !! progresi musiknya memang kerap  tampil dinamis dengan beberapa lick permainan yang Keren dan matang ! cukup mendengar karakter sounding band ini saja, kita pasti akan merasa terjangan angin Topan menghampiri disamping kita. Growling Deep Sadis vokalis Wojciech "Sauron"/"Pig" Wasowicz memang No Comment banget ! " Straight and Narrow Path " Hmm, that’s something what I not necessarily expected from Masachist – to get so much slower stuff – but it isn’t something, what I would dislike, if only the quality was there. Of the songs, which I just mentioned, “Straight and Narrow Path” is definitely the best one so far, it is really good, but I must say it also surprises with some more untypical parts… Really, Masachist has developed their style, into more challenging one and away from the so typical death metal slaughter. And it does take some listens, before you may get used. lalu " Manifesto (100% D.M.K.M.) " semakin ga kenal ampun telinga gw di siksa dengan sounding dasyat dan mantap !!! This is really Fast Fucking Blastbeat  !! begitu juga dengan " Opposing Normality " meluncur dengan dentuman blastbeat dan twin pedal extra rapat nan mantap seakan ga memberi ruang gw untuk bernafas lega sedikitpun, Kualitas Prima Drummer Daray memang Powerfully dan Excellent Skill !! lalu " Liberation " terjangan badai Maut ala Vader dan Behemoth seperti ingin meluluh lantakkan segala yang ada dengan Kemarahan talenta band ini, while their sophomore Scorned might not seem like the most striking or unique in the field, it's unarguably a balanced, dynamic, atmospheric and effective dose of punishment from another act of near limitless capacity. beberapa gaya Riffing dengan teknik yang unik beberapa kali gw jumpai di sini, pantas juga kalau gw sebut band ini memainkan sesuatu yang teknikal abis !! dan mengakhiri kekejamannya, di akhir track " Inner Void ", Masachist seperti mengulang kembali part awal " Drilling the Nerves ". sungguh ini sebuah karya yang luar biasa dengan kemasan profesional dan Killer sound didukung dengan talenta member band ini yang tidak bisa diragukan lagi. dan tentunya adalah sebuah Kerja keras berbakat dari Seorang Gitaris Thrufel yang 99% menulis semua materi musiknya disini. sangat gw rekomendasikan buat death metal freak yang demen dengan Sound Killer tentunya !! They know when to erupt into fits of concussive clamor, and they know when to restrain themselves and let a riff settle, and they're not afraid to break up the morass of meticulous hostility with some simple, atmospheric ebullitions. There are leads present, but they're often quick and to the point, never flagellating themselves at the listener's expense. torches anything in earshot with forty minutes of crushing, mangled death metal over nine anthems of revulsion. BUY OR KILLED !!!!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

After a fascinating look at the first CD "Death March Fury" in 2009, Brutal Death Metal band from Poland that existed fierce since 2005, his career took off as a dangerous band of the Polish scene. Typical music with a Killer, Member band also reinforced by several names in the Universe Sadistic International metal, of course, the name of drummer Dariusz "Daray" Brzozowski who played for the formation Vader and helping several stage performances Dimmu Borgir, also is a former drummer for several bands sadistic in Poland . then there is the vocalist Wojciech "Sauron" / "Pig" Wasowicz ever strengthening Decapitated, now active in Anal Stench, there is also a guitarist and a former member Yattering Thrufel & Azarath and bassist Heinrich who had also been a member of Decapitated and Unsun, it is sufficient adds its own plus points of this band to say DANGEROUS!!! since the first album that started their introductions before passing a demo in 2007, has become the subject of conversation Masachist seriously some media crews who praised kedasyatan metal musical concepts. and after busy with various other bands projects the band finally managed to finish and release new material in 2012, a hefty material into long waits that have matured through the process of course. "Drilling the Nerves" directly open Slaughter Beginning with cruel tortures Death Metal Death Metal Killer Sound plus the Heavy as fuck, Masachist like making a simple heating with a fixed part of the innate steady beats talented drummer Daray were terrible! still not so pronounced grain Brutally beat his style, in addition to meeting and beat Twi Pedal Breakdown parts sharp hit. First of all, timing wise this is like the slowest of all songs from this band, roomates I have heard so far and while the previous album also had a slower track! "The Process of Elimination" and start to smell Masachist cruelty begins, Blastbeat steady Snare is reminiscent of the character of Dave Culross, musical arrangements and wild brutal reminder of the atrocities against Vader Decapitated, and you can imagine some cruel characters band2 like Suffocation, Morbid Angel, Decapitated, Cannibal Corpse Yattering ampe mixed into the composition of the bloodiest here, is fast and brutal, as it should really be, in the good Suffocation style, so it's definitely better than the nerve drilling fucked up! progression of his music is often performed dynamically with some cool licks and mature game! enough to hear the characters sounding band, we will definitely feel the brunt of Typhoon came beside us. Growling Deep Sadistic vocalist Wojciech "Sauron" / "Pig" No Comment Wasowicz is really! "Straight and Narrow Path" Hmm, that's something not necessarily what I expected from Masachist - to get so much slower stuff - but it is not something, what I would dislike, if only the quality was there. Of the songs, roomates I just Mentioned, "Straight and Narrow Path" is definitely the best one so far, it is really good, but I must say it also surprises with some more untypical parts ... Really, Masachist has developed their style, into more challenging one and away from the so typical death metal slaughter. And it does take some listens, before you may get used. and "Manifesto (100% DMKM)" the merciless ear I'm tormented with terrible sounding and steady!!! This is really fucking Blastbeat Fast! as well as the "Opposing Normality" glide blastbeat boom and twin pedal steady extra meeting if gw ga give room to breathe at all, Prime Quality drummer Daray is powerfully and Excellent Skill!! and "Liberation" storm Death ala Vader and Behemoth like to devastating devastated all things by Anger talent this band, while their sophomore scorned might not seem like the most striking or unique in the field, it's unarguably a balanced, dynamic, atmospheric and effective dose of punishment from another act of near limitless capacity. some riffing style with a unique technique several times I have encountered here, content even when i call the band played something technical abis! and end the cruelty, at the end of the track "Inner Void", Masachist as repeated early part "Drilling the Nerves". it is an outstanding work with professional packaging and Killer sound supported by talented members of this band can not be doubted. and of course is a hard work of the talented guitarist Thrufel A 99% write music all the material here. so i recommend for a death metal freak with Sound Killer Amendment of course! They know when to erupt into fits of concussive clamor, and they know when to restrain a riff Themselves and let settle, and they're not afraid to break up the morass of meticulous hostility with some simple, atmospheric ebullitions. There are leads present, but they're Often quick and to the point, never flagellating Themselves at the listener's expense. torches anything in earshot with forty minutes of crushing, mangled death metal anthems of revulsion over nine. BUY OR Killed!!!!!

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