Rabu, 08 April 2015

Winterstorm - Kings Will Fall CD 2012

Winterstorm - Kings Will Fall
Self-released/independent 2012

01 The Legend Reborn (Intro) 02:05    
02 Return To Glory 04:40    
03 The Stormsons 04:24    
04 Sail The Unknown Seas 06:15    
05 In Time We Trust 01:23    
06 Kings Will Fall 04:05    
07 Into The Light 06:02    
08 Stronger 04:52    
09 Fire Of Dreams 05:35    
10 Break The Ice 04:46    
11 Dragonriders 05:17

Peter Cerveny - Bass
Michi - Guitars, Backing Vocals
Armin - Guitars, Backing Vocals
Max - Keyboards
Alexander Schirmer - Vocals
Sebastian "Sebb" Albrecht - Vocals, Drums

Genre Power Metal dengan beberapa sentuhan Gaya Folk Metal adalah sajian yang terasa Fresh dan keren bagi gw saat merasakan pada sebuah titik kejenuhan dengan penat Rutinitas dan mencari sesuatu yang fresh untuk therapy otak mencapai maksimal rasa Fresh hehehehe, sepertinya gw kasih rekomendasi tentang ini, lagu2 Band Asal Bamberg, Bavaria, Jerman WINTERSTORMS mungkin adalah salah satu referensi itu, karena band ini memang menawarkan sesuatu yang bisa menyegarkan kinerja otak kembali normal dengan komposisi musikalnya yang keren. permainan power metal yang masih begitu kental ditrack awal " Return To Glory " setelah dimulai dulu dengan sebuah Intro " The Legend Reborn " Yang bernuansa Epic. di " return To Glory " tampaknya Winterstorm masih begitu kental menawarkan elemen Power metal yang bergaya Epic dan terasa Orchestral balutannya mengingatkan sekali dengan Rhapsody Of Fire banget pada beberapa partnya, kemudian masuk track " The Stormsons " mungkin barulah terasakan elemen Folk Metal yang mengingatkan juga dengan karakternya Ensiferum dan Fintroll yang ditawarkan dengan beat yang lebih menawan lengkap dengan harmonisasi dan bernyanyi athemic Folky banget ! Nuansa Epic Kepahlawanan memang menjadi sebuah ornamen penting enerji Folk Metal dengan bernyanyi bersama sama dalam Nuansa kebersamaan seperti yang digambarkan dengan sebuah pertarungan yang penuh semangat. Well memang kalau menggambarkan Musik folk sendiri tentunya tema2 tentang legenda bangsa Viking dan Scandinavia memang erat terjalin sebuah hubungan yang luar biasa epic kepahlawanannya. " Sail The Unknown Seas " tetap menampilkan elemen Folk yang kental terbalut terus dengan Kekuatan Power metal yang Easy Cathy Listening banget pembawaannya sehingga lagunya memang gampang dicerna oleh suasana yang rilex hehehhee, bagus juga nih aransemen lagunya. Their aim is to enthral their fans with their passionate music. They want to contribute a new sound to the metal scene, which not only inspires inveterate metal fans. It soon became clear that exactly the right people had met after years of experience with other projects to assault the hall of fame of Metal together. selain beberapa sentuhan gaya bermain Ensiferum, Rhapsody Of Fire, mungkin ada beberapa sentuhan yang mengingatkan dengan gaya bermainnya Wintersun, Orden Ogan, Serpent Sin, Blind Guardian hingga Nightwish. dan terasakan beberapa sentuhan era band Circle of Grief adalah merupakan pembawaan karakter Bassis Peter Cerveny dan Drummer Sebastian "Sebb" Albrecht yang tanpa terasa menjadi Injeksi spontan Pengaruh yang bereinkarnasi setelah bubarnya band Circle of Grief tahun 1999 yang kini beberapa karakternya seperti diwariskan pada Winterstorms ini. In the songs of Winterstorm there is always a distinct melody in the foreground, which is reflected in catchy choruses, a variety of instrumental tunes and manifold part singing. Kualitas Vokalis Alexander Schirmer memang menjadi Komponen penting dalam band ini dengan Karakter vokal terbaiknya melalui beberapa Oktaf tinggi yang disempurnakan lagi dengan sentuhan elemen keyboard yang sedikit menggantikan kekuatan Piranti Accordian yang sepertinya menjadi sebuah bagian penting penciptaan Nada Folk yang kental dan tidak terdapat dalam band ini. Track andalan " Kings Will Fall " seperti memang pantaslah mereka jadikan sebagai titel album ke-2 ini, karena memang mengandung intisari semua karakter lirik yang dibawakan pada semua lagunya. Distinctive elements of various styles of Metal are amalgamated and given a new interpretation. Elements of Power, Viking and Folk are combined with elements of the Middle Ages and Epic Metal, which together appear in a new splendour.This makes up an explosive mix, which goes down well with younger and older fans. dengan kualitas rekaman yang perfect, konsep album ke-2 ini memang sangat terbukti matang tercipta sehingga menjadi album Power metal dengan sentuhan Kuat Folk metal yang wajib kalian dengarkan dan koleksi. apalagi buat kalian fans berat Ensiferum, Wintersun, Ordeb Ogan, ampe Blind Guardian. This is really New Folky Masterpiece for you all !!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Genre Power Metal with some touch of style Folk Metal is a dish that tasted Fresh and cool for when i feel at a saturation point with the tired routines and looking for something fresh to the brain therapy achieve maximum flavor Fresh hehehehe, i like you on about this, songs Band Originally Bamberg, Bavaria, Germany WINTERSTORMS is probably one of the references, because the band does offer something that can refresh the brain's performance back to normal with a cool musical composition. game of power metal is still so strong initial ditrack "Return To Glory" after starting first with an Intro "The Legend Reborn" The nuances Epic. in "return To Glory" was so thick it seems Winterstorm offer a stylish element metal Power Epic Orchestral bandages and was reminded once with Rhapsody Of Fire really on some part is, then go track "The Stormsons" may then be felt Folk Metal elements that remind also with Ensiferum character and Fintroll offered with a more captivating beat complete with harmonizing and singing folky athemic really! Nuance Epic Hero has become an important energy Folk Metal ornament with Nuance sing along together in unity as represented by a vigorous fight. Well indeed that describes itself must themes folk music legend of the Vikings and Scandinavia is closely interwoven a wonderful relationship heroic epic. "Sail The Unknown Seas" still showing a strong element wrapped Folk continues with Power metal Power Easy Listening Cathy demeanor that song is very easily digested by hehehhee Rilex atmosphere, nice too ya song arranger. Their aim is to Enthral their passionate fans with their music. They want to Contribute a new sound to the metal scene, not only inspires inveterate roomates metal fans. It soon Became clear that exactly the right people had met after years of experience with other projects to assault the hall of fame of metal together. besides some touch style of play Ensiferum, Rhapsody Of Fire, maybe there are some touches reminiscent of the style of play Wintersun, Orden Ogan, Serpent Sin, Blind Guardian to Nightwish. and felt some touch era band Circle of Grief is an innate character of Peter Cerveny Bassist and Drummer Sebastian "Sebb" Albrecht which imperceptibly into spontaneous Injection influence reincarnated after the demise of the band Circle of Grief in 1999 which has now passed on some character like this Winterstorms. In the songs of Winterstorm there is always a distinct melody in the foreground, roomates is reflected in catchy choruses, a variety of instrumental tunes and manifold part singing. Vocalist Alexander Schirmer quality has become an important component in this band with the best vocal character through several octaves higher refined with a slight touch of the keyboard element replaces Accordian power tool that seems to be an important part of creating a strong tone of Folk and not in this band. Track mainstay "Kings Will Fall" as indeed they are appropriate to use as the title of the 2nd album, because it contains the essence of all the characters the lyrics are sung in all the songs. Distinctive elements of various styles of metal are Amalgamated and given a new interpretation. Elements of Power, Viking and Folk are combined with elements of the Middle Ages and Epic Metal, roomates Appear together in a new splendour.This makes up an explosive mix, roomates goes down well with younger and older fans. with a perfect recording quality, the 2nd album concept is indeed very evident that created a mature album with a touch Strong Power metal Folk metal that must listen to you and collection. especially for you die-hard fans Ensiferum, Wintersun, Ordeb Ogan, ampe Blind Guardian. This is really New folky masterpiece for you all!...

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