Rabu, 08 April 2015

Collision - A Healthy Dose Of Death CD 2012

Collision - A Healthy Dose Of Death
Hammerheart Records 2012

01 Screamer 01:52    
02 Going Nuts With Splattered Guts 02:07    
03 Fucked Up and Wasted 01:15    
04 Rock Around the Chopping Block 02:48    
05 Charming Chicks With a Crucifix 02:21    
06 My Super Sweet Stalker 02:22    
07 Machine Girl 01:38    
08 Feast on Filth 01:37    
09 Sick Love Story 01:49    
10 Christ Candy 02:52    
11 Zombified 00:53    
12 Dose of Death 02:43    
13 The Violence of the Lambs 02:30

Boris Janssen - Bass
Job - Drums
Luc van Rens - Guitars
Wouter Wagemans - Vocals
Björn Hylkema - Vocals

GRINDaaaarrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..... Frenzied, thrashing, hardcorized grindcore with a metallic edge. Absolutely frantic, pulverizing mangling. And vocal wise we have one insanely desperate screaming dude, one a bit more hardcore screaming and some occasional growls. !! sejak pertama kali mengenal band Grindcore Bastard asal Horst-Lottum, Limburg, Netherland bentukan sejak tahun 2000 oleh Vokalis Björn Hylkema yang mengenalkan Full album pertama mereka yang dasyat " Romantic Display of Love " tahun 2003, gw langsung tertarik sekali dengan konsep grindcore yang mereka mainkan lebih banyak mengingatkan Gw akan keganasan Phobia, Nasum, Pig Destroyer, F.U.B.A.R ampe Brutal Truth, Fast, Roll on and Fascinating Progress devastate Grindcore Beat memang menjadi Amunisi Powerfully dan yang pasti selalu blasting live shows, full of energy and aggression !!!! memang konsep crustgrind yang mereka usung dengan durasi singkat ini menjadi salah satu genre yang gw sukai pas lagi banyak fikiran karena niscaya Gw percaya kalau sugesti therapy yang ditawarkan genre ini bisa sedikit meredakan ketengangan Otak, Not Believe?? try Don't Tragist At Home hahahaha ... tetap memuntahkan segala kebencian yang meluap adalah salah satu attitude penting bagaimana bad ini kerap menciptakan beat2 yang meledak ledak dan menghancurkan, coz that is Grinding Style Ethos ! lirik2 ringan tentang Fenomena dan refleksi Otak kanan mereka dalam merespon apa yang ada disekitar mereka cukuplah menjadi cambuk yang luar biasa bikin Komposisi yang mereka ciptakan menjadi sesuatu yang full enerjik ! sejak materi album ke-2 " Roadkiller " tahun 2006, Collision ga terlalu banyak produktif menciptakan materi baru selain Split kemudian dengan band Dr Doom tahun 2008, kemudian band ini merilis Album Kompilasi grinding Track terbaik mereka sepanjang karir-nya dengan " Decade of Disgust " Tahun 2010, dan Momen yang lumayan tepat untuk mengenalkan kekejaman mereka berikutnya dengan full album ke-3 " A Healthy Dose Of Death " ditahun 2012 ini, Collision masih memiliki Ambisi dan Hasrat untuk menebarkan segala kebencian melalui Grinding Beat mematikannya !! dan setelah dipinang oleh label besar kenamaan senegara mereka, Hammerheart Records, rupanya menjadi Jalan lebar dan Mulus mereka untuk menancapkan taring-nya di Kancah musik cadas Internasional. Hammerheart Records memang dikenal sebagai label dengan band2 Netherland yang memiliki reputasi bagus dengan menjadi salah satu veteran label untuk musik keras ini yang sebelumnya punya nama sebagai Karmageddon Media dan terhitung pernah merilis stuff milik Dimmu Borgir, Sinister, Old Man Child, Necronomicon, Sadus dan masih banyak lagi. dan kembali lagi pada album " A Healthy Dose Of Death " Collision yang menawarkan Konsep Ngebut dan singkat dalam 13 lagu yang ga sampai menghabiskan durasi setengah jam ini, telinga kita siap dibikin panas dan berdengung dengan fast Grinding insane style mereka. Angry grindcore with a punk attitude!, Yup beberapa Attitude beatpunk menyelusup dalam komposisi musik yang ditawarkan ga melulu dengan serangan Grinding saja, bahkan beberapa Gaya Thrash, Death dan Hardcore seperti sudah menjadi Ornamen solid penciptaan lagu2 Collision disini yang dari track awal ampe akhir selalu menawarkan nomor2 super keras dan cepatnya. bayangkan saja jika Track pertama " Screamer " Collision langsung dengan kejam menghajar dengan Fastest grinding Punk yang Agresif dan enerjik pembawaannya. lalu " My Super Sweet Stalker " yang part awalnya sedikit mengajak ke Nuansa Headbang dengan Style Thrash Metal Riffing yang Coolnya. begitu juga dengan Track " Christ Candy ", Collision masih menawarkan Thrash Headbang Part di awal aransemennya. benar2 Irama detak jantung gw ga stabil dengan beat kejam musik mereka yang asli ga kenal ampun sedikitpun ini, untuk fans Grinding Part dengan Durasi pendek dan Bengis ala Nasum, Boycott, Pig Destroyer, Gride, Brutal Truth ampe Phobia, gw jamin 666% akan menyukai materi Baru Collision ini. The outcome is a slick-riffed, fast paced grind album with an utterly desperate feeling to it. The result actually reminds me of a faster and a tad more metallic Grinding beat. And there are some really cool lyrics here dealing with neo nazis, goth kids, over population etc. 666% TOTALLY GRINDING DEVASTATION !!!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

GRINDaaaarrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..... Frenzied, thrashing, hardcorized grindcore with a metallic edge. Absolutely frantic, pulverizing mangling. And vocal wise we have one dude screaming insanely desperate, one a bit more hardcore screaming and some occasional growls. !! since it was first known Grindcore band Bastard origin-Lottum Horst, Limburg, Netherland formed in 2000 by singer Björn Hylkema who introduced their first full album that terrible "Romantic Display of Love" in 2003, i was immediately attracted to the concept once they play grindcore Gw be more reminiscent of malignancy Phobia, Nasum, Pig Destroyer, Brutal Truth ampe FUBAR, Fast, Roll on and Fascinating Progress devastate Grindcore Beat is a powerfully Ammunition and certainly always blasting live shows, full of energy and aggression!!!! indeed the concept crustgrind their stretcher with a short duration is to be one genre that i like a lot of thought fit again because inevitably I suggestion therapy believe that this genre has to offer can slightly ease tensions Brains, Not Believe?? Do not try Tragist At Home ... hahahaha still spew all the hatred that overflowed is one important how bad this attitude often creates beats an explosive and devastating, coz that is Grinding Style Ethos! lyrics phenomena and reflection of light on their right brain in response to what is around them is enough to make a tremendous whip composition they created into something full energetic! material since the 2nd album "Roadkiller" in 2006, Collision ga too much productive than creating new material with the band Split then Dr. Doom in 2008, the band released a compilation album Track grinding their best throughout his career with the "Decade of Disgust" in 2010, and a fairly precise moment to introduce their next atrocity with 3rd full album "A Healthy Dose Of Death" in 2012, the Collision still have the ambition and desire to spread hatred through Grinding Beat all turn it off! and after the groom by their countrymen celebrated the label, Hammerheart Records, seems to be wide and smooth their path to sink his fangs in International rock music scene. Hammerheart Records label is known as the Netherland band2 that has a good reputation to be one of the veteran label for loud music that previously had the name as Karmageddon Media and counted once owned by Dimmu Borgir released stuff, Sinister, Old Man's Child, Necronomicon, Sadus and still much more. and back again on the album "A Healthy Dose Of Death" Collision offering concepts and briefly speeding in 13 songs to spend half an hour's duration, our ears are ready contrived hot and buzzing with insane fast Grinding their style. Angry grindcore with a punk attitude!, Yup some beatpunk Attitude infiltrated the musical compositions are offered solely with the attack Grinding, even some style Thrash, Death and Hardcore as already a solid Ornaments songs Collision creation of the tracks here are beginning until end always offer numbers super hard and fast. just imagine if the first track "Screamer" Collision cruelly struck directly by grinding Fastest Punk Aggressive and energetic demeanor. and "My Super Sweet Stalker" a few invites to the first part Nuance Style Headbang with a Cool thrash metal riffing. as well as the Track "Christ Candy", still offers Thrash Headbang Collision Part in early aransemennya. benar2 heart rhythm stable gw ga cruelly beat their original music ga slightest mercy, for fans Grinding Part with short duration and the Vile ala Nasum, Boycott, Pig Destroyer, Snake, Brutal Truth, till Phobia, i guarantee you will love the 666% New material's Collision. The outcome is a slick-riffed, fast paced grind album with an utterly desperate feeling to it. The result actually reminds me of a faster and a tad more metallic grinding beat. And there are some really cool lyrics here dealing with neo nazis, goth kids, over population etc.. 666% TOTALLY GRINDING DEVASTATION!!!! 

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