Jumat, 10 April 2015

Illdisposed - Sense The Darkness CD 2012

Illdisposed - Sense The Darkness
Massacre Records 2012

01 Sense the Darkness 05:03    
02 We Do this Alone 04:12    
03 The Poison 04:01    
04 Eyes Popping Out 04:03    
05 Another Kingdom Dead 03:48    
06 Time to Dominate 04:26    
07 She's Undressed 04:20    
08 Never Compromise 03:52    
09 War 04:14    
10 Stop Running 04:00    
11 Desire 04:08    
12 I Am Possessed 03:36    
13 Too Blind to See 04:05  

Bo Summer - Vocals
Jakob "Batten" Hansen - Guitars
Thomas "Muskelbux" Jensen - Drums
Jonas "Kloge" Mikkelsen - Bass
Smukke Ken - Guitars

Masih terngiang ( eh kayak lirik lagunya Ikke Nurjanah yaa.. hahahaha .ed ) tentang salah satu band populer dan terkenal Denmark Scene yang awal kemunculannya sempat disebut terkenal karena aksi Vandalis-nya, ILLDISPOSED memang bukan Band yang asing bagi Perkembangan scene metal Internasional era 90-an. dengan materi album Kerennya perdananya " Four Depressive Seasons " Tahun 1993, band asal Aarhus sejak terbentuk tahun 1993 mengusung Konsep Death Metal yang liar dan beberapa sentuhan Brutal Beat sadis, extraordinary deathmetal blasting/grinding In The Vein Cannibal Corpse crap, this is riffs out the wazoo, killer basswork and a superhuman drummer. dan band ini terkenal juga sempat membuat lagu untuk Klub supporter sepak bola lokal daerah bernama Illdisposed BM Dept, mereka dengan judul " Jeg tror jeg vælger humle ". saat ini masih eksis diperkuat oleh Frontman vokalis Bo Summer dan merupakan satu2nya member orisinil yang tersisa dari Illdisposed. memang sejak materi pertama band ini banyak menuai kontroversi hingga nama band ini menjadi Populer sebagai salah satu pengusung genre death metal sangar dan disegani di Denmark Scene. namun seiring banyaknya pergantian Member dan pergeseran konsep musik mulai terjadi era album ke-6 " 1-800 Vindication ", Illdisposed seperti harus kehilangan taring tajam mereka dengan banyaknya Perubahan signifikan pada konsep musik yang lebih dimulai dengan album ke-5 " Kokaiinum ", dengan lebih Memainkan konsep Death Metal yang " Melunak " dengan Industri Musik, sehingga drastis memang band ini banyak ditinggalkan oleh Fans, alhasil memang terlupakan beberapa album selanjutnya yang lebih cenderung membosankan dan " Bukan " Illdisposed banget, walau sekarang band ini lebih memiliki Sounding musik yang lebih baik dan sayang karakter dewasa dalam musikalitas kurang begitu diterima oleh fans yang masih begitu mengagumi 3 album pertama Illdisposed. seperti halnya gw juga menjadi Kurang mengikuti perkembangannya sejak merasa boring mendengar konsep album " 1-800 Vindication " tahun 2004, padahal band ini tetap terus produktif dengan beberapa rilisan terbarunya saat ini, nah " Sense The Darkness " ini adalah debutan paling anyarnya ditahun 2012 yang sebelumnya sudah memuntahkan album " There Is Light (But It's Not for Me) " ditahun 2011 yang kemudian ditahun 2012 diawali dengan album Kompilasi Track terbaik Illdisposed ke-3 " There Is Light (But It's Not for Me) ". dimateri anyar ini, Illdisposed sebenarnya masih tidak jauh memainkan konsep Death Metal dengan sentuhan Kental melodius melalui modern sound ala In Flames, Dark Tranquillity hingga Amorphis, meski kuat elemen Death metal dengan Growl Vokal yang berat, atmosfir musik Illdisposed lebih tersaji gaya melodius-nya. brand of synth-tinged groove-death creates a paradox between a heavy-ass death metal low with an industrial and Gothenburg-influence high. The question is whether they can be united. menggandeng Produser legendaris dan kondang, Tue Madsen, yang kita kenal sebagai gitaris band Groove metal terkenal Denmark Juga, Grope sudah banyak menggarap materi band2 terkenal kelas internasional band. dengan sentuhan gaya modern soundingnya, Tue Madsen memang telah banyak menyulap sound2 Fantastis beberapa band populer macam Dagoba, Aborted, Dark Tranquillity, Gorefest, Heaven Shall Burn, serta masih banyak banget karyanya. seperti banyak rumor beredar, campur tangan sounding Illdisposed mulai banyak terkontaminasi dengan Tue madsen sejak album " 1-800 Vindication ", mesti terdengar sound yang lebih baik, justru menghilangkan gaya raw sound death metal Illdisposed terkesan liar ! namun bagi gw, hal seperti ini adalah manusiawi dan alami terhadap perjalanan musikalitas band. ok langsung balik TKP aja, track " Sense the Darkness " rasanya kurang sesuai jika ditaruh diurutan awal CD ini, dengan konsep yang malah bikin kesan " beda " dari pendengarnya untuk merasakan Konsepsional musikalitas, karena kurang memiliki Karakter yang menggigit walau gaya riffing-nya cukup memiliki struktur keren. Middle Downtempo standard death metal type masih dengan Rajutan Riffing melodius seperti masih menyimpan aroma materi CD " There Is Light (But It's Not for Me) ", Strong and punchy, the synths are used in an orchestral fashion, dancing around the moshpit of headbanging riffs in the center. yang sebenarnya masih unggul tendangan mantapnya ditrack ke-2 " We Do this Alone " yang memiliki Beat Powerfully untuk menggebrak jumpa awal CD baru ini. " We Do this Alone " masih memainkan gaya Death Metal Modern yang enerjik sajian pummeling Drifting riff-nya. " The Poison " meski diawali dengan part yang megah ala In Flames baru, Kembali sentuhan Melodius Riffing ala Dark Tranquillity masih kuat mencekam dibeberapa Lick-nya. is still powerful in both fast and slow sections, and the guitars go from stomping riff to Gothenburg solo with ease, one of the better ones being on all track. dan secara keseluruhan materi yang dihadirkan disini lebih terasa Indah didengerin pas suasana nyantai deh, ga tau jika kalian adalah penggemar musik metal era 2000-an pasti bisa lebih menikmati potensi band veteran Denmark scene ini. menyuguhkan 13 Track dalam durasi total 53:48, Modern Melodic Death Metal style dengan beberapa sentuhan padat gaya Groove metal adalah sajian utama kalian. especially untuk Fans berat materi barunya In Flames, Dark Tranquillity hingga Amorphis bisa gw rekomendasikan album ini buat kalian koleksi. skeptics alike should try this album. The synths certainly do not detract from the powerful death-groove metal on offer, and even enhance it on occasion. This is a return to form, even if the olden days of pure death-groove are gone; a successful anniversary gift.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Still rang (uh Like as lyric Ikke Nurjanah yaa .. hahahaha. Ed) about one of the popular and well-known Danish band the Scene initial appearance was called vandals known for his action, ILLDISPOSED Band is not foreign to the metal scene International Developments age 90 's. Cool debut album with material "Four Depressive Seasons" In 1993, the band from Aarhus since their establishment in 1993 carrying the concept of Death Metal are wild and some touch Brutally Beat sadistic, extraordinary deathmetal blasting / grinding In The Vein Cannibal Corpse crap, this is riffs out the wazoo, basswork and a superhuman killer drummer. and the famous band also had a song for a local football supporters club area called Illdisposed BM Dept., those with the title of "Jeg tror jeg vælger Humle". still exist today strengthened by Frontman and vocalist Bo Summer is satu2nya remaining original member of Illdisposed. indeed since the band's first material much controversy until the band's name became Popular as one of the bearers of the genre, frightening and respected in Denmark Scene. but as the number of changes and shifting musical concepts Member begins the era of album-6 "1-800 Vindication", Illdisposed like to lose their sharp fangs with many significant changes in the concept of a music album starts with the 5 "Kokaiinum", with Playing over the concept of Death Metal are "softened" by the Music Industry, so drastic is the band's much left by fans, eventually was forgotten the next few albums were more likely to be boring and "not" Illdisposed really, although now the band has more music Sounding more kind and affectionate character musically mature in less accepted by the fans who are so admired Illdisposed first 3 albums. I also like to be less following its development since felt boring to hear the concept album "1-800 Vindication" in 2004, but the band still continues productive with some new releases today, nah "Sense The Darkness" is the most anyarnya debutant in 2012 that previously been spewing album "There Is Light (But It's Not for Me)" in 2011 and then in 2012 started with the best track compilation album Illdisposed to-3 'There Is Light (But It's Not for Me) ". This new dimateri, Illdisposed is still not much play with the concept of death metal with a touch of modern melodic sound Condensed ala In Flames, Dark Tranquillity by Amorphis, despite strong elements of death metal with Growl Vocals heavy, atmospheric music presented Illdisposed over his melodic style. brand of synth-tinged groove-a death creates the paradox between a heavy-ass death metal with an industrial low-influence high and Gothenburg. The question is Whether they can be united. Producers took legendary and famous, Tue Madsen, who we know as the guitarist of the famous Danish metal band Groove Also, Grope is a lot of material to work on band2 internationally renowned band class. with a touch of modern style soundingnya, Tue Madsen did have a lot of juggling several popular bands sound2 Fantastic range of Dagoba, Aborted, Dark Tranquillity, Gorefest, Heaven Shall Burn, and many really works. like a lot of rumors circulating, Illdisposed sounding interference from many contaminated with Tue Madsen from the album "1-800 Vindication", must sound sound better, it eliminates the raw style of death metal sound Illdisposed wildly impressed! but for gw, something like this is human and natural to the band's musical journey. ok immediately behind the scene wrote, track "Sense the Darkness" seems less appropriate when placed diurutan earlier this CD, with the concept even make an impression "different" from the audience to feel the musicality conceptual, because lacks character despite bite riffing style is quite has a cool structure. Middle Downtempo standard death metal type still with Knitted riffing melodic as still keeps the scent material CD "There Is Light (But It's Not for Me)", Strong and punchy, the synths are used in an orchestral fashion, dancing around the moshpit of headbanging riffs in the center. which is still superior to ditrack solid kick-2 "We Do this Alone" that has hit the news Beat powerfully to the beginning of this new CD. "We Do this Alone" is still playing style Death Metal Modern drifting energetic presentation pummeling riff. "The Poison" even begins with a magnificent part new style of In Flames, melodic riffing Return touches ala Dark Tranquillity are still strong in some gripping Lick it. is still powerful in both fast and slow sections, and the guitars go from stomping riff to Gothenburg solo with ease, one of the better ones being on all tracks. and overall the material presented here is more fitting atmosphere was wonderful didengerin nyantai me, do not know if you are a fan of metal music era of the 2000s surely they can enjoy the potential of the band's veteran Danish scene. Track 13 presents the total duration of 53:48, Modern Melodic Death Metal style with some touches of solid metal Groove style is your main dish. especially for new material weight Fans In Flames, Dark Tranquillity to Amorphis can i recommend this album for your collection. skeptics alike should try this album. The synths certainly do not detract from the powerful death-groove metal on offer, and even enhance it on occasion. This is a return to form, even if the olden days of pure death-groove are gone: a successful anniversary gift.

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