Jumat, 10 April 2015

Tales Of Evening - Hajléktalan lélek CD 2012

Tales Of Evening - Hajléktalan lélek
Nail Records 2012

01 Intro 01:05    
02 Álmodd újra 04:06    
03 Hajlétalan lélek 04:16    
04 Lázadás 03:56    
05 Az én csodám 04:25    
06 Credo 04:19    
07 Inkább egyedül 03:47    
08 Nem lennék 04:19    
09 Talán holnap 05:07    
10 Reménysziget 04:18    
11 Az én mesém 07:17    
12 Outro 02:20    
13 Az én mesém - acoustic 03:46

Németh András - Bass
Pálosi Róbert - Drums
Ribarics Tamás - Guitars
Ádám Attila - Keyboards
Dudás Ivett - Vocals

Memang ada waktunya tersendiri gw mengalami sebuah titik jenuh jika harus setiap hari terkungkung dengan sajian musik cadas serba keras, pikiran ini seperti terasa tersiksa dengan beat yang bikin irama detak jantung semakin terpacu hehehe, makanya genre musik Gothic, Power, Heavy dan Folk metal adalah salah satu alternative Rasa Boring gw. menikmati sajian Musik Symphonic Power/Gothic Metal bagi gw telah memberikan beberapa Refresh otak yang sangat berarti, apalagi ditemani dengan Secangkir Teh Hangat dan beberapa batang rokok melewati malam sendirian cieeeeee ... terlalu mendramatisir keadaan deh bawaannya hahahaha ... tapi memang sajian perdana Symphonic Power/Gothic Metal bagus asal Hungary ini menjadi pilihan gw ketika mendapatkan CD pertama mereka ini sejak terbentuk 2011, dengan menawarkan beberapa komposisi penyejuk jalan darah ke otak, anti galau, pikiran gw pokoknya kembali fresh aja untuk menemukan ide2 atau melakukan kembali sesuatu menjadi tambah spirit. ihirrrr ! walau sayang banget gw kurang begitu memahami struktur dan bahasa Hungaria memang kadang menghadapkan gw dengan kesulitan memahami Karakter dan Imej band ini sendiri, tantangan memang. tapi cukuplah gw merasakan merdu-nya vokalis cantik Dudás Ivett dengan karakter suara melankolis dan Power-nya ini menjadi Icon penting setiap karakter lagu yang diciptakan, sedikit banyak juga mengingatkan bagaimana gw pernah menikmati lagu2nya Oratory, Ancient Bard, Arkona, Wisdom dan beberapa gaya bermain Stratovarius. komposisi musik yang kerap dipenuhi dengan harmonisasi dan gaya Tradisional Heavy metal bertabur bumbu Melodius yang dimainkan riffing guitar signifikan hampir disetiap lagunya cukup menggambarkan 10 materi berdurasi hampir se-jam ini. dan semuanya ditulis dalam bahasa Hungaria yang disuarakan dengan cukup powerfully oleh Vokalis Dudás Ivett melalui Intonasi serasi dengan pembawaan tema liriknya yang bernuansa Epic. lebih banyak mengajak angan pikiran bawah sadar kita untuk dibawa kedimensi lain tentang indah sebuah kehidupan saja layaknya, Harmonisasi Nada Keyboard dan Riff melodiusnya memang lebih mengenal Feel gw, apalagi pas lagi Moody-nya hehehehe. sepertinya kesegaran baru akan semakin kita rasakan dengan lebih memberi semangat dan attitude positif dalam menjalani kehidupan ini. dan yang sempat menyukai lagu2nya Oratory, band Symphonic Power Metal asal Portugal era album ke-2 mereka " Beyond Earth " atau model Dark Moor hingga Karakter awal Nightwish mungkin akan mulai menyukai konsep band ini. particularly the fast flow since many of the slower tracks have been front loaded. If you can find a used copy of the original song order it would be a better listen than the more recent version, but if you can’t find it then this album still comes highly recommended as an alternative to the more doom and gloom oriented metal out there. The First release of any band is a trial by ordeal, mostly because people tend to associate the extent of the band’s musical evolution with it. In this respect it is safe to say that Tales Of Evening has once again met the challenge and evolved into a more cohesive outfit, despite losing their original lead vocalist.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

There is a separate time i had a saturation point if need every day confined to a full hard rock music store, this thought as felt tormented by the rhythm of the beat that makes the racing heartbeat hehehe, hence the Gothic genre, Power, Heavy and Folk metal is one an alternative sense of Boring gw. enjoy a dish of Music Symphonic Power / Gothic Metal for i have given some brain Refresh means a lot, especially accompanied by a cup of warm tea and a few cigarettes through the night alone cieeeeee ... overly dramatize the situation deh luggage hahahaha ... but indeed serving prime Symphonic Power / Gothic Metal is a good source Hungary gw option when getting their first CD since forming in 2011, by offering some of the composition of the blood-brain conditioning, anti upset, thinking back fresh gw aja anyway to find ide2 or do added back into the spirit of things. ihirrrr! i really love though less so understanding the structure and Hungarian language is sometimes confronted with the difficulty of understanding the character gw The image and the band itself, a challenge indeed. but suffice it i feel its melodic vocalist with a pretty Dudas Ivett melancholy sound character and his power has become an important icon created every character song, a little too reminiscent of how much i have enjoyed lagu2nya Oratory, Ancient Bard, Arkona, Wisdom and multiple play styles Stratovarius. musical compositions were often filled with harmony and style of traditional melodic heavy metal studded spice played guitar riffing quite significantly in almost every song depicts 10 material lasts almost a hour. and everything is written in Hungarian with quite powerfully voiced by singer Dudas Ivett through intonation in harmony with nature themes Epic nuanced lyrics. more wishful invite our subconscious mind to carry kedimensi beautiful about a life just like, harmonizing tones and keyboard riffs are more familiar melodiusnya Feel gw, let alone fit her anymore Moody hehehehe. seem to be getting a new freshness we feel with more encouragement and positive attitude in this life. and who had loved lagu2nya Oratory, Symphonic Power Metal band from Portugal era of their 2nd album "Beyond Earth" or the character models to the early Dark Moor Nightwish might begin to like the concept of this band. the fast flow particularly since many of the slower tracks have been front-loaded. If you can find a used copy of the original song order it would be a better listen than the more recent version, but if you can not find it then this album still comes highly recommended as an alternative to the more doom and gloom metal oriented out there. The First release of any band is a trial by ordeal, mostly Because people growing niche to associate the extent of the band's musical evolution with it. In this respect it is safe to say that Tales Of Evening has once again met the challenge and evolved into a more cohesive outfit, despite losing their original lead vocalist.

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