Sabtu, 11 April 2015

Fadihat - Promotional Song 2015

Fadihat - Promotional Song 2015
Dead Rebel Records CD-R 2015

01 Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy 02:46    
02 Dyspeptic Symptoms Cannibalistic Of Cadaveriphysm 03:05

Alfan Afero - Vocals
Herry Tapox - Guitars
Indrabasicker - Bass
Iboy Coolant - Drums

Awesome on New Material inside !!! well ini adalah ungkapan pertama kali keluar dari mulut Gw ketika mendengar materi Gress ditahun 2015 ini dengan hadir-nya 2 manusia baru telah membawa Perubahan signifikan yang powerfully pada konseptual Brutal Death Metal FADIHAT, Yess, have done well at getting back to the band's roots with being insanely catchy and memorably technical. The fact that the record as a whole sounds massive in terms of production makes it better. If this sounded exactly like the band's debut, it probably wouldn't have come out quite as good. Masuknya Drummer Iboy Coolant serta Vocalis Alfan Afero telah menyuntikkan nafas segar untuk Fadihat ! seperti mendapat enerji baru, frontman Gitaris Herry Tapox semakin terbakar membara Sentuhan mantap riffing-nya yang masih terjaga konsep asli-nya sejak Band ini dia bentuk. meski hanya 2 track saja disajikan disini, gw udah sedikit menebak progres musikal band jelas lebih Straight forward mengusung Gaya Brutal Death Metal yang Ciamik As Cool ! apalagi kemasan sound rekamannya juga tidak mengecewakan hasil garapan Ampuh Putra Rusak dengan A4 Studio yang beberapa waktu lalu Gw rekomendasikan Hasil maksimal-nya. bring even the most ardent fan to their knees as they’re whipped into a frenzy with that absolutely frantic groove gets thrown into the mix barely Maximum into the offering result. Masuknya Vocalis Alfan Afero mencoba menawarkan Lirik yang terasa Gory dengan beberapa Istilah medikal yang melekat dalam penulisan lirik-nya, yang menjadi Catatan penting untuk Promo ini adalah tentu Sound Fadihat masih tetap Terjaga dibeberapa Album-nya, meski Materi kali ini memiliki beat serta Intensitas yang lebih meledak-ledak rasa-nya dimulai oleh " Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy ", secara cepat menyuguhkan ketukan HyperblastSnaring Iboy yang masih mantap abis pukulan sadis-nya, tetap Natural & Heavily sesuai Powerfully-nya, sementara komposisi Riffing Herry Tapox masih mengatuk Emosional dengan Typical yang berubah ubah, dari Pummeling, Harmonizing, hingga Grooving secara Prosedural sangat menghentak setiap lick-nya dan Penampilan vocalis Alfan dengan Emosional Low growl-nya kian melengkapi Esensi " Brutalisme " konsep Band Up Level ! blistering drum patterns rife with rolling double bass kicks, powerfully down-tuned guitars with riffs designed to steamroll the listener, and violent frenetic pacing that just goes over the edge so often it’s insane and the demented, growling vocals meshing perfectly to end the beating on a high-note, Well Kombinasi yang gw cari sekali ini. Sentuhan pengaruh kuat yang begitu melekat dari Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation hingga Dying Fetus bakalan lebih kalian temukan disini. " Dyspeptic Symptoms Cannibalistic Of Cadaveriphysm ", makin bertenaga untuk menggilas biji peler dengan Kontraksi Death Metal Catchy Penuh dengan luapan Skill Emosional Musisi-nya seperti telah menjadi Senyawa hebat bagaimana Fadihat intens meramu Sentuhan Musik yang sanggup memenjarakan Obsesi kita untuk keep Headbang diantara Brutality Beat-nya. Gw rasa materi Gress ini seperti setingkat lebih liar jika coba gw bandingkan dengan materi " Addicted to Kill " tahun 2012 lalu, Overall Injeksi darah segar 2 manusia baru rupanya lebih membawa Progres berarti bagi Fadihat tetap melancarkan Agresifitas biadab-nya. Sehingga pertanyaan kemudian adalah ... Segera ga sabaran menunggu full album berikut-nya dech. At whatever tempo, the riffs are always war-like, rolling across the land like mid-tempo tanks or flying like fighter jets, acrobatic, avian swirls of fret-work soaring high above the bulldozing low-end reverberations. Whatever it happening, though, Fadihat keep have the unending ability to headbang firmly in Our mindset. 

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Google Translate Use)

Awesome on New Materials inside !!! well this is the expression of the first out of the mouth of I when hearing the New material in 2015 is to present its two new man has brought significant change powerfully on conceptual Brutal Death Metal disgrace, Yess, have done well at getting back to the band's roots with being insanely catchy and memorably technical. The fact that the record as a whole sounds massive in terms of production makes it better. If this sounded exactly like the band's debut, it probably would not have come out quite as good. Influx Drummer and vocalist Alfan Iboy Coolant Afero has injected fresh breath for shame! like getting a new energy, frontman guitarist Herrera Tapox getting burned burning touch of his steady riffing is still maintained its original concept since this band he formed. although only two tracks have been presented here, I've a little guessing musical progress more clearly bands Straight forward carrying Brutal Death Metal Style Nice As Cool! especially packaging sound recordings are also not disappointing results of arable Powerful Men Damaged by A4 Studio that some time ago its recommended maximum results. bring even the most ardent fan to Reviews their knees as they're whipped into a frenzy with that absolutely frantic groove gets thrown into the mix Maximum barely into the offering result. The entry of vocalist Alfan Afero try to offer lyrics that feels Gory with some medical terms inherent in the writing of his lyrics, which became an important note for this promotion is certainly Sound Awake disgrace still some of his album, although this time the material has a beat and intensity more explosive taste of his starts by "Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy", quickly deliver knock HyperblastSnaring Iboy are still steady abis blows his sadistic, fixed Natural & Heavily according Powerfully her, while the composition riffing still mengatuk Emotional Tapox Herrera with the Typical fluctuations, from the pummeling, harmonizing, to Grooving in the Procedural very upbeat every lick her and look Alfan vocalist with his growl Low Emotional increasingly complement Essence "brutality" concept Band Level Up! blistering drum patterns Rife with rolling double bass kicks, powerfully down-tuned guitars with riffs designed to steamroll the listener, and violent frenetic pacing that just goes over the edge so Often it's insane and the demented, growling vocals meshing perfectly to end the beating on a high-note, Well i find all combinations of these. Touch that is so inherent strong influence of Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation by Dying Fetus you going to be found here. "Cannibalistic Dyspeptic Symptoms Of Cadaveriphysm", more powerful to grind seeds with contractions Cock Death Metal Catchy Full of Skill Emotional outbursts Musicians its like has been a great Compounds how intense shame Touch Music mix that could imprison our obsession to keep headbang between Brutality Beat- her. I guess this material as a level New wild if i try to compare with the material "Addicted to Kill" in 2012 and then, overalls injection of fresh blood 2 new man seems to be more meaningful to the disgrace brought Progress remains launched his savage aggressiveness. So the question then is ... Soon ga impatient waiting for their next full album dech. At whatever tempo, the riffs are always war-like, rolling across the land like a mid-tempo like tanks or fighter jets flying, acrobatic, avian swirls of fret-work, soaring high above the bulldozing low-end reverberations. Whatever it happening, though, shame keep Unending have the ability to headbang firmly in Our mindset.

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