Rabu, 15 April 2015

Absence Of The Sacred - Come Hither O Herald Of Death CD 2012

Absence Of The Sacred - Come Hither O Herald Of Death
Sonic Blast Media 2012

01 Enslave Fire 04:55    
02 Quandary of Flesh 03:49    
03 Oracle 03:58    
04 Veneration Unorthodox 03:09    
05 Perpetual Decline 04:11    
06 The Necropolitan     05:37    
07 Recesses of the Hollow 03:44    
08 Enlightenment Despised 04:27    
09 Dawn of a Dead Aeon 06:19    
10 -  

Mike Kalember - Bass
Darren - Guitars
Mike Priest - Guitars, Vocals
Kevin Talley -  * Add Drums
CJ Kao - * Add Keyboards

Sebagai Drummer Bayaran, Sepertinya Reputasi Kevin Talley mengundang Banyak Mata Musisi Metal Internasional untuk menggunakan Jasanya, dan Kevin sendiri memang melakukannya Tugasnya secara Profesional walau beban berat harus dia pikul menghadapi Beragam Genre Band yang menggunakan Jasa Skill Drumming-nya, sudah bukan catatan usang nama Kevin ini deh hehehehe, nah sepertinya Reputasinya mampu mengundang band Thrash/Death Metal Asal Singapura, yang beberapa member-nya juga ada dari Amrik, well Internasional band lah hahahaha ... digawangi oleh Gitaris vokalis Mike Priest yang pernah memperkuat Black Metal Populer Singapura, Impiety ! The technical death metal feel is much stronger on this record, with its brightly chromatic guitar lines, seemingly higher volumes of notes crammed in. and the highlights are honestly in listening to the sophisticated (more than ever) song structures and myriad influences tapped. " Come Hither O Herald Of Death " menjadi Rilisan full album ke-3 Band ini semakin mengalami Kemajuan yang begitu pesat, apalagi mereka menambah nama Kevin Talley seperti sebuah Hipnotis bagi fans Musik metal untuk segera mendengar sendiri materi barunya. memiliki Atmosfir musik yang begitu terasa gelap, Absence Of The Sacred masih semakin piawai memainkan Elemen2 Melodius in the Vein In Flames, beberapa sentuhan Maut ala Psycroptic, Aborted, hingga Misery Index masih terasa mulus kita rasakan disini. tentu menjadi sesuatu menarik untuk gw ceritakan disini yang dimulai dengan " Enslave Fire ", sambutan menggelegar bristling form of death metal - thrash, black and proggy influences intact. The technical death metal feel is much stronger on this record, with its brightly chromatic guitar lines ! Progresi Riffing Double Mike Kalember dan Priest lumayan semakin menyihir indera dengar Gw dengan Progress permainan Serba Dinamis mengingatkan dengan gaya Obscura serta Gorguts rasanya, sementara Kevin Talley lebih powerfully dengan beberapa Hentakan Drumming cepat dan kurang begitu memainkan karakter Khas-nya, namun Kevin sudah Profesional untuk mengerti Konsep Band Absence Of The Sacred ini. He pretty much ditches some of the higher-register rasps of early days, and pulls out a bawling death growl that supplies the big balls music this melodic and technical needs to properly hit home. dan beberapa sentuhan elemen Keyboard menambah Unik dan Epic Track album ini. yang keren lagu memasuki lagu " Quandary of Flesh ", beberapa gaya Brutal in The Vein Aborted dan Spawn Of Possession mengawali Part awal dengan sangat dinamis, Fast and Powerfully !! employs some blasting and blackened moments squeezed together with chugging sections and leaping, stop-start tech-death moments. gaya bernyanyi Mike Priest lebih banyak mengingatkan dengan karakter vokal Luc Lemay of Gorguts saat ini. yang jelas " Quandary of Flesh " menjadi sebuah track yang harus menguras enerji dan Otak mereka memainkan konsep Musik Teknikal dinamis yang menjadi Tantangan baru seorang Kevin untuk mengimbangi Skill-nya. It leaves fans of the band wondering then what surprises Absence of the Sacred has packed in with their third album. lalu " Oracle ", masih terus tampil mengagumkan beberapa part Pummeling Riffing-nya dengan beberapa solo gitar cantik, winds spastically and technically into life before the melodic thrash comes back in with the numerous sweet bass spots that are littered throughout. " Veneration Unorthodox " tetap mempesona skill Kevin memainkan Mantap Fast Drumming-nya lengkap dengan Beberapa Variasi Skill Fantastis-nya, sementara Gitaris Darren lebih coba memberi sinergi mantap melalui sentuhan Teknikal Riffing Progressive-nya. often unleashing face-ripping guitar solos that still manage to retain that sense of melody that is characteristic of past Absence of the Sacred releases. a smorgasbord of mechanically efficient footwork from Talley and Priest and Chua's harmonized, passionate guitars !! lalu " Perpetual Decline ", band ini semakin lebih terus memamerkan Gaya Aransemen musik dinamis nan mengerikannya dan disambut dengan Kerja keras Kevin menciptakan Lick drum yang fantastis ! sepertinya band ini ga rugi jika harus membayar Mahal jasa Drumming-nya hahaha .... technically superb and outrageously catchy Schuldiner-inspired extreme metal mavens. This is their best record yet. This should be a mandatory purchase for anyone pretty much sick of the melodic metal peddled in the west, or tired of hollow and directionless tech-death. " The Necropolitan " seperti tidak pernah kehabisan ide Fresh untuk memainkan Part2 Dinamis yang merupakan Perpaduan gaya Obscura dan Kalmah mungkin pada beberapa Gaya Melodius riffing-nya. " Recesses of the Hollow " pun semakin lebih cepat sambutan Struktur riffing yang otomatis memancing Keganasan Blastbeat Kevin tetap Konsisten ! begitu juga dengan " Dawn of a Dead Aeon ", Absence Of The Sacred semakin Liar dan cepat mengingatkan beberapa Part awalnya dengan Morbid Angel in The Vein ! apalagi " Dawn of a Dead Aeon " emosional Ultimatum Melodic Riffing semakin banyak tertuang dalam sayatan Dark Harmonization-nya. meanwhile sounds better than ever, with its blissful classic metal section, thrashing melodies and epic end. managed to incorporate elements from other genres in their songwriting as well, such as the almost jazz-sounding section towards the end. ini benar2 membuktikan sebuah Tulisan tentang " are undoubtedly on their way to the peaks of the genre as one of the best units to rise from Asia who are capable of conjuring neck breaking Melodic Death Metal coalesced with immense doses of technicality ! ", karena memang begitu banyak Konsep mengagumkan yang gw tangkap dimateri kali ini. the album takes off and the listener falls into a frenzy of lightning-fast riffs, intense musical arrangements and brutal growls. Era of the Apostate, the album, is a tale and a warning, a revelation and a mystery, a bold confrontation and a screeching proclamation all at once. pengerjaan album ini sendiri pada proses mixing-nya di tangani oleh Bassis Mike Kalember yang kemudian dimastering oleh 2 bersaudara Slawek dan Wojtek Wieslawski di Hertz Studio, Polandia cukup menciptakan sebuah masterpiece album terbaik sepanjang Karir Absence Of The Sacred ! dirilis oleh Label Baru yang bermarkas di Singapura, Sonic Blast Media ingin lebih memberi jalan terang dan mulus bagi Karir Absence Of The Sacred dikancah extreme metal Internasional ! Every part of this album seems to have been set to reach it's optimum potential. Nothing has been left to chance and each tempo change, each vocal and each melody has, in my opinion, been meticulously planned to give the listener the best listening experience possible. The band's shift to more technical territories could easily alienate fans of the band who have had more affinity with the more melodic and more straightforward past material of the band, but after numerous listens, Come Hither O Herald of Death could possibly start growing on the listener. BUY OR KILLED !!!!!!!!!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

As Drummer Payments, Kevin Talley's reputation seems to invite Many Eyes Metal Musicians International to use its services, and Kevin himself had done a professional job even though he had to bear a heavy burden faced Diverse Genre Skill Band Drumming using his services, had no record of outdated names Kevin hehehehe it deh, nah reputation seems able to invite the band Thrash / Death Metal Origin Singapore, which some of its members also of the United States, the band is well International hahahaha ... fronted by vocalist guitarist Mike Priest who played for Black Metal Popular Singapore, Impiety! The technical death metal feel is much Stronger on this record, with its brightly chromatic guitar lines, seemingly higher volumes of notes crammed in. and the highlights are honestly in listening to the sophisticated (more than ever) song structures and myriad Influences tapped. "Come Hither O Herald Of Death" to release the third full album the band has experienced such rapid progress, especially when they add the name of Kevin Talley as a Hypnosis for metal music fans to instantly hear their own new material. has a musical atmosphere that feels dark, Absence Of The Sacred still getting good at playing Elemen2 melodic in the Vein In Flames, a few touches ala Psycroptic Death, Aborted, Misery Index up still feels smooth we feel here. would be something interesting to tell here i started with "Enslave Fire", a thunderous welcome bristling form of death metal - thrash, black and proggy Influences intact. The technical death metal feel is much Stronger on this record, with its brightly chromatic guitar lines! Progression Double riffing Mike Kalember and Priest passable bewitch the senses of hearing Gw with Dynamic Progress Rumble game reminiscent of the style of Gorguts Obscura and taste, while Kevin Talley more powerfully with some Drumming beat faster and less so playing his typical character, but Kevin had Professionals for understand the concept of Absence Of The Sacred Band was. He pretty much ditches some of the higher-register rasps of early days, and pulls out a bawling death growl that supplies the big balls music this melodic and technical needs to properly hit home. and some keyboard elements add unique touches and Epic Track album. cool song into the song "Quandary of Flesh", some styles Brutal in The Vein Aborted and Spawn Of Possession Part initiated early with a very dynamic, Fast and powerfully! employs some blasting and blackened moments Squeezed together with chugging sections and leaping, stop-start tech-death moments. Mike Priest singing style more reminiscent of the vocals Luc Lemay of Gorguts today. clear "Quandary of Flesh" into a track that should be drained of energy and they played Brain Music Technical dynamic concept that became a new challenge Kevin to compensate for his Skill. It leaves fans of the band then wondering what surprises Absence of the Sacred has packed in with their third album. and "Oracle", still continued to perform some awesome riffing part pummeling her with some beautiful guitar solos, and technically winds spastically into life before the melodic thrash comes back in with the numerous sweet bass spots that are littered throughout. "Veneration Unorthodox" remains enchanting skill Kevin played his Steady Fast Drumming complete with some of his Fantastic Variations Skill, while guitarist Darren try to give more steady synergies through Progressive riffing Technical touch her. Often unleashing face-ripping guitar solos that still manage to retain that sense of melody that is characteristic of past Absence of the Sacred releases. a smorgasbord of Mechanically efficient footwork from Talley and Priest and Chua's harmonized, passionate guitars! and "Perpetual Decline", the band continues to exhibit increasingly more dynamic style of music Arrangement nan greeted with a gruesome and hard work Kevin created a fantastic drum Lick! This band seems ga have to pay damages if his Drumming services Mahal hahaha .... Outrageously catchy and technically superb Schuldiner-inspired extreme metal mavens. This is their best record yet. This should be a mandatory purchase for anyone pretty much sick of the melodic metal peddled in the west, or tired of hollow and directionless tech-death. "The Necropolitan" like never run out of ideas to play Part2 Dynamic Fresh which is a combination of style and Kalmah Obscura possible on some of his style of melodic riffing. "Recesses of the Hollow" are increasingly faster automated welcome riffing structure fishing remains consistent ferocity Blastbeat Kevin! as well as the "Dawn of a Dead Aeon", Absence Of The Sacred and the Wild quickly reminded multiple Part beginning with Morbid Angel in The Vein! let alone "Dawn of a Dead Aeon" emotional Ultimatum Melodic riffing increasingly embodied in his incision Dark Harmonization. meanwhile sounds better than ever, with its blissful classic metal section, thrashing melodies and epic end. managed to incorporate elements from other genres in their songwriting as well, such as the almost jazz-sounding section towards the end. This benar2 prove an article about "Undoubtedly are on their way to the peaks of the genre as one of the best units to rise from Asia who are capable of conjuring neck breaking Melodic Death Metal coalesced with immense doses of technicality", because it is so many marvelous concept dimateri i catch this time. The album takes off and the listener falls into a frenzy of lightning-fast riffs, intense musical arrangements and brutal growls. Era of the Apostate, the album, is a tale and a warning, a revelation and a mystery, a bold proclamation Confrontation and a screeching all at once. the album itself on its mixing process handled by bassist Mike Kalember then dimastering by 2 brothers Slawek and Wojtek Wieslawski at Hertz Studio, Poland enough to create a masterpiece of the best albums throughout Career Absence Of The Sacred! released by a new label based in Singapore, Sonic Blast Media gave way to more light and smooth for Career Absence Of The Sacred International extreme metal arena! Every part of this album seems to have been set to reach it's optimum potential. Nothing has been left to chance and each tempo change, each vocal melody and each has, in my opinion, been meticulously planned to give the listener the best listening experience possible. The band's shift to more technical territories could Easily alienate fans of the band who have had more affinity with the more melodic and more straightforward past material of the band, but after numerous listens, Come Hither O Herald of Death could possibly start growing on the listener . BUY OR Killed!!!!!!!!!!

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