Rabu, 08 April 2015

Dew-Scented - Icarus CD 2012

Dew-Scented - Icarus
Metal Blade Records 2012

01 Hubris 01:28
02 Sworn to Obey 03:58    
03 Thrown to the Lions 04:31    
04 Storm Within 04:06    
05 Gleaming Like Silver 03:52    
06 By My Own Hand     03:44    
07 The Fall of Man 04:05    
08 Reawakening 04:37    
09 Destined to Collapse 04:42    
10 A Final Procession 04:44    
11 Perpetuated 03:17

Leif Jensen - Vocals
Marvin Vriesde - Guitars
Joost Van Der Graaf - Bass
Koen Herfst - Drums

Terus terang Gw masih sangat mengagumi Kedasyatan album sebelumnya " Invocation " Tahun 2010 yang mengetengahkan permainan Brilian Death/thrash Metal yang memiliki Gaya Dinamis ! Band yang memiliki Sebuah Tradisi Unik dan Khas untuk selalu menggunakan Abjad Huruf " i " pada setiap Title2 albumnya ini mencoba kembali Kedasyatan skill bermusiknya melalui album baru ini sekaligus mencoba kemampuan drummer baru mereka, Koen Herfst dari band I Chaos, Xenobia dan pernah mengisi Drum Penampilan Panggung Epica dan After Forever ini menggantikan Posisi Drummer Marc-Andrée Dieken. Sepertinya album ini menjadi lebih memiliki Sentuhan yang berbeda dengan konsep materi album " Invocation " dimana Banyak Progresi Musik band mulai lebih " terbatas " dengan konsep yang ditawarkan kali ini menjadi lebih " Easy Listening " dan terkesan " Rilex " banget Adrenalin-nya. there is a songwriting approach concerned with how to make thrash songs imaginative and distinct, while maintaining a high level of energy. In other words, there are lots of galloping riffs that are the bread and butter of thrash metal. padahal Konsep Band ini lebih Gw anggap Cerdas dialbum " Invocation " dan beberapa album sebelumnya. seringnya Bongkar pasang Formasi mungkin sedikit menggoyahkan karakter Utama Frontman Vokalis Leif Jensen untuk menjaga Karakter Utama band ini sejak pertama kali dibentuk tahun 1992 di Braunschweig/Walsrode, Lower Saxony, Jerman. Partisi Musik yang memang sebenarnya banyak mengajak ke nuansa bermain Modern Death/Thrash Metal yang Intens ini lebih banyak menawarkan Komposisi yang Easy Going dan tetap Gahar dalam Penyiksaan gendang telinga kita. These riffs are, of course, indicative of the mosh and headbang features of said genre. Essentially, the thrash fanatic will recognize the guitar sound and feel it as comforting and familiar, immediately. dimulai langsung dengan sebuah Track Instrumental " Hubris " selama 1:28 menit ini yang kemudian ditendang dengan Lagu " Sworn Of Obey ", in the sense of a 100% traditional thrash band. Actually, the sound of Dew-Scented incorporates two basic components found in death metal, namely, the growl-scream style of vocals; and the use of blasting speed. In particular, they use well-placed bursts of blasting speed in select parts of their songs. Thus, this is not a total blasting speed attack, but a precision method in songs. The vocals, by the way, are not gruff nor guttural nor anything low ! gempuran Thrash Metal Tradisional dengan Hentakan Mantap Death Metal Riffing yang diramu dengan Modern Sound, tetap menjadikan Karya ini sebagai Masterpiece Album ! gaya Bernyanyi Vokalis Leif Jensen lebih Powerfully dengan Emosional Growling ala band2 Metalcore, As a result, they manage to bridge the gap between thrash and death in a relatively smooth way. It is fast, headbanging, no-nonsense guitar work, with growled vocals that feature the element of brutality. Gaya Riffing Nakal Marvin Vriesde sepertinya menciptakan beberapa Sentuhan Baru Dew-Scented dibanding beberapa konsep sebelumnya, gaya Metallic Hardcore Riffing begitu kental tercium hampir disemua Struktur lagunya sebagai bagian Blending Utama Gaya Tradisional Thrash Riffing, Marvin Vriesde sedikit membawa beberapa Pengaruh gaya bermainnya diband Brutal Severe Torture-nya demi menjaga Karakter Musikalitasnya. " Thrown to the Lions " terus menerjang dengan Gaya Berbisa Death/thrash yang Menawan melalui Beberapa Harmonisasi Riff yang terasa Hitam ! " Storm Within " tetap memiliki Komponen dan Gaya Modern Sound yang Keren abiss !! Interestingly, thinking about it, Dew-Scented is something of a gem. With this sound, this band can appeal to thrash and death metal fans, in a serious way. In substantial forms, they take out the punk/hardcore/silly elements of thrash, and re-energize thrash by with the brutality of death metal. That means, in turn, that unlike some death metal, one can really hear the guitar work, the riffs are very upfront, and make things intelligible to both genres. " Gleaming Like Silver " part awalnya sedikit mengingatkan dengan Gaya Bermain Lamb Of God Banget ! Konsepsioanal Bermain Musik Dew-Scented semakin Liar terpancarkan pada Adrenalin menggeber track ini. dan semakin Bertambah Liar tempo yang dimainkan pada lagu " The Fall of Man " dengan beberapa balutan Melodius Riffing dipart2 awalnya, dan Dennis Schneider dari band Agony and Scream pun menyumbangkan Solo Gitar-nya ditrack ini juga pada track akhir " Perpetuated ". Komposisi Metalcore yang kental pun semakin terasakan disini dilebur dengan kekuatan Dasyat Death Metal Intens, Here they explore a midpaced feel, with uptempo moments, giving the vocalist a chance to be more brutal, where things get a bit more death metal, shall we say ! Kemudian Pada Track " Reawakening ", Dan Swano pun juga turut Menyumbangkan Vokalnya dan bagi Fans Dew-Scented, Album ini tetap menjadi sebuah Pilihan Wajib untuk Masuk daftar koleksi, dengan Konsep Musik Mantap disertai dengan Produksi yang maksimal, Gw percaya ini tetap menjadi sebuah Masterpiece karya berarti Dew-Scented ditengah Perjalanan Karir musik-nya yang semakin kian Produktif dengan segala Pemikiran baru berkat Kerja keras Produser Jörg Uken, pemilik Studio Soundlodge Studio dimana Materi Ini direkam. don’t dismiss this album as just “another thrash” album. It is not. It is substantially different from pure thrash, with more aggression, more heaviness and brutality. Clearly, the band has the objective of balancing the riff-o-rama and clarity of the thrash sound, but with a higher level of energy and aggression found in death metal. Combined with strong songs, the band has succeeded and created a quality album from start to finish.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

I Frankly still admired Stormly previous album "Invocation" 2010 Brilliant game that explores the Death / Thrash Metal with Dynamic Style! The band has a unique tradition and typical to always use the Alphabet letter "i" on any album this title2 try again Stormy musical skills through the new album is once again trying their new drummer capabilities, Koen Herfst of band I Chaos, and never fill Drum Xenobia Appearance Stage Epica and After Forever This position replaces drummer Marc-Andree Dieken. This album seems to become more in touch with different material concept album "Invocation" where many Progression Music band started over "unlimited" concept offered by this time become more "Easy Listening" and impressed "Rilex" The adrenaline really his. there is a songwriting approach concerned with how to make thrash songs imaginative and distinct, while maintaining a high level of energy. In other words, there are lots of galloping riffs that are the bread and butter of thrash metal. The concept of this band but more I consider Intelligent dialbum "Invocation" and some of the earlier albums. often Unloading plug formation may be a bit shaken Main character Frontman Vocalist Leif Jensen to keep the Main Character since the band first formed in 1992 in Braunschweig / Walsrode, Lower Saxony, Germany. Music partitions that are actually a lot of invites to the nuances of playing Modern Death / Thrash Metal that is more intense compositions offer the Easy Going and Torture remains Gahar in our eardrums. These riffs are, of course, indicative of the mosh and headbang features of said genre. Essentially, the thrash fanatics will recognize the guitar sound and feel it as comforting and familiar, immediately. begins immediately with an Instrumental Track "Hubris" during the 1:28 minute then kicked the song "Sworn Of Obey", in the sense of a 100% traditional thrash band. Actually, the sound of Dew-Scented incorporates two basic components found in death metal, namely, the growl-scream style of vocals; and the use of blasting speed. In particular, they use well-placed bursts of blasting speed in select parts of their songs. Thus, this is not a total blasting speed attack, but a precision method in songs. The vocals, by the way, are not Gruff nor low guttural nor anything! Thrash Metal Traditional onslaught with steady beat of Death Metal riffing mixed with Modern Sound, still make this work as a Masterpiece Album! Vocalist Leif Jensen singing style more powerfully with Emotional Growling band2 metalcore style, As a result, they manage to bridge the gap between thrash and death in a relatively smooth way. It is fast, headbanging, no-nonsense guitar work, with growled vocals that feature the element of Brutality. Naughty Marvin Vriesde riffing style seems to create some new touches Dew-Scented than some previous concepts, Metallic Hardcore style riffing so thick smell almost all the song structure as part of Blending Traditional Home Style Thrash riffing, Marvin Vriesde little to bring some influence style of play diband Severe Brutal Torture in order to maintain its character Musikalitasnya. "Thrown to the Lions' keeps crashing with style Venomous Death / thrash through some charming riff feels Harmonization Black! "Storm Within" has fixed component and a Cool Style Modern Sound abiss!! Interestingly, thinking about it, Dew-Scented is something of a gem. With this sound, this band can appeal to thrash and death metal fans, in a serious way. In substantial forms, they take out the punk / hardcore / silly elements of thrash, thrash and re-energize by with the Brutality of death metal. That means, in turn, that unlike some death metal, one can really hear the guitar work, the riffs are very upfront, and make-Things intelligible to both genres. "Gleaming Like Silver" part was initially a bit reminiscent of the style of play Lamb Of God Banget! Konsepsioanal Playing Music Dew-Scented the Wild terpancarkan on Adrenalin menggeber this track. Growing Wild tempo and getting played on the song "The Fall of Man" with some melodic riffing dipart2 bandage first, and Dennis Schneider of the band Agony and Scream was donating her Guitar Solo ditrack also the final track "Perpetuated". Metalcore is thick composition was more felt here merged with terrible force Intense Death Metal, Here they explore a midpaced feel, with uptempo moments, giving the vocalist a chance to be more brutal, where Things get a bit more death metal, shall we say! Then On Track "Reawakening", Dan Swanö was also contributed her vocals and the Fans Donate Dew-Scented, this album remains a compulsory choice for the Log list collection, the Concept Music Production Steady accompanied by a maximum, I believe this remains a Masterpiece Dew-Scented work means the trip amid his musical career getting increasingly productive with all the hard work thanks to new thinking Producer Jörg Uken, owner of Studio Soundlodge Studio where the material is recorded. do Dismiss this album as just "another thrash" album. It is not. It is substantially different from pure thrash, with more aggression, more heaviness and Brutality. Clearly, the band has the objective of balancing the riff-o-rama and clarity of the thrash sound, but with a higher level of energy and aggression found in death metal. Combined with strong songs, the band has Succeeded and created a quality album from start to finish.

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