Rabu, 08 April 2015

Ex Deo - Caligvla CD 2012

Ex Deo - Caligvla
Napalm Records 2012

01 I, Caligvla 04:49    
02 The Tiberius Cliff (Exile to Capri) 05:38    
03 Per Oculos Aquila 04:20    
04 Pollice Verso (Damnatio Ad Bestia) 05:15    
05 Divide Et Impera 05:01    
06 Burned to Serve as Nocturnal Light 04:35    
07 Teutoburg (Ambush of Varus) 05:16    
08 Along the Appian Way 05:38    
09 Once Were Romans 05:19    
10 Evocatio: the Temple of Castor & Pollux 03:38

Stéphane Barbe - Guitar
Jean-François Dagenais - Guitar
Max Duhamel - Drums
François Mongrain - Bass
Maurizio Iacono - Vocals
Jonathan Lefrancois-Leduc - Keyboards

Menjadi Side Project dari Frontman Canadian Death Metal Populer, Kataklysm, nama Vokalis Maurizio Iacono tentunya sudah ga asing lagi deh di telinga para metalhead, Maurizio Iacono yang pertama kali dikenal sebagai seorang Bassis dan Backing Vokal di Kataklysm era album Menakjubkannya Kataklysm " Temple of Knowledge (Kataklysm Part III) " tahun 1996, yang setelah itu tahun 1998, Maurizio memutuskan menjadi seorang vokalis ketika vokalis Lama Kataklysm yang terkenal dengan erangan Singa mengamuknya, Sylvain Houde. dan sejak tahun 2008, Maurizio yang masih diketahui jadwal sibuknya di Kataklysm yang kini lebih dikenal sebagai Band Melodic Death Metal dan Bukan seperti Konsep Nothern Hyperblast-nya, Maurizio kemudian membuat Side Project Ex Deo ini bersama dengan all Member Kataklysm sekarang. dan Bisa dibilang Proyek band barunya ini banyak membawa pengaruh Konsep Kataklysm sekarang yang mulai " Pelan " dalam Menggeber Beat Death Metal-nya dan lebih cenderung memasukkan banyak elemen Melodic Pada Komponen Riffing-nya. dan seperti Kataklysm sedang sementara berganti nama saja menjadi Ex Deo, band ini mencoba mengusung tema lirik tentang Sejarah dan Mitologi Roma dalam Imej band dan Lirik lagunya. masih digawangi oleh Gitaris dan Produser, Jean-François Dagenais, kemudian Bassis Kataklysm, Stéphane Barbe diband ini malah diposisikan sebagai Gitaris karena Posisi Bass disini diisi oleh François Mongrain dari Band Martyr dan pernah beberapa kali membantu Kataklysm pada beberapa Penampilan panggung, lalu ada Drummer Max Duhamel dan Pemain Keyboard tambahan, Jonathan Lefrancois-Leduc, yang mana adalah Mantan Member band Profugus Mortis dan Blackguard. nah tahu sendiri khan 100% member Kataklysm ada disini hehehe .. dan full album pertama mereka " Romulus " tahun 2009 dirilis oleh Nuclear Blast Records, The album is from then on. composed of songs which take the same usual elements of death metal, adding the same keyboards from atmosphere with some clean spoken passages on occasion. walau ga ada yang baru dan Istimewa dari konsep yang mereka tawarkan, The right kind of drumming is essential here, as it’s used, along with the keyboards, to create the perfect battle atmosphere. The guitar work is overall excellent, contributing much to the whole Roman and warlike ambience from beginning to end, and there’s even a great, Album ini cukup dapat diterima oleh Para fans Kataklysm juga. dan setelah disibukkan dengan jadwal padat Kataklysm dan Ex Deo, tahun 2012 ini Mereka akhirnya dipinang oleh Roster Napalm Records untuk perilisan album ke-2 ini yanng masih diperkuat oleh Formasi pada album pertama. tentunya masih membawa Konsep Tema Lagu tentang Sejarah dan Mitos Roma, Ex Deo akhirnya membawa satu Karakter Utama dalam Album ini " Caligvla / Caligula " sebagai Icon Utama penulisan semua lagu2nya. Gaius Iulius Caesar Germanicus Caligula atau juga dikenal sebagai Gaius Caesar atau Caligula, adalah seorang Kaisar Romawi yang mulai naik takhta pada tahun 37 sampai dibunuh seorang serdadu pada tahun 41 dan pada Masa pemerintahannya yang pendek ditandai dengan kekejamannya yang luar biasa. namun Sayangnya masa pemerintahannya juga salah satu masa pemerintahan yang kurang didokumentasikan. dan nama Caligula sendiri dari bahasa Latin caligae memiliki arti sebagai " Sandal Prajurit ". bagi gw pertama kali melihat rilisan terbaru ini adalah Artwork Kover menarik karya seniman asal Greece yang juga member band terkenal negeri itu, Septic Flesh, Spiros "Seth" Antoniou yang menggambarkan Seorang Caligula yang menaiki Kuda Kesayangannya yang Konon sering dimenemaninya Tidur dan dibuatkan Kamar khusus hadeww .... dimulai dengan sebuah Intro selama 30 detik, sudah tercium Nuansa Epic Heroic-nya, apalagi Vokalis Maurizio Memulainya dengan teriakan2 pemberi semangat para Prajurit dimedan peperangan, masih ga begitu jauh dengan Konsep Album pertama. Terdengar sekali Vokalis Maurizio begitu menjiwai pembawaannya sebagai seorang Caligula Metal. sayatan Keyboard Synthesizer semakin menambah megah dan Kelam Nuansa yang tercipta hampir disetiap lagunya. beberapa Spoken Intro dari Film Caligula juga menjadi beberapa Sampling Track terdengar diantara lagunya. Beat Musiknya memang Simple dan Middle serasa terus mengajak Kita untuk headbang dengan Semangat yang berapi api bak Seorang Prajurit berani mati dimedan Pertempuran aja kayaknya hehehehe.... permainan Gitaris Jean-François Dagenais lebih terasa simple dengan menekankan ritme yang melodius sebagai kekuatan utama Ex Deo. Nuansa Heroik yang Kontemporer dengan gaya Orchestral dan Folky pada beberapa sentuhan Harmonisasi Nada yang diciptakan dengan Nuansa yang benar benar gelap selain Pembangkit Adrenalin. The use of keyboards to create an historic atmosphere is not quite the novel concept, but here a form of 'epic death metal' has been created which suits the conceptual material. Big riffs and big tones glaring from the synths, like the midday sun off the tips of Imperial spears as the legions march toward their next conquest. The title track leads off the album, an immersive and primitive bludgeon that introduces the listener immediately to just how this album is going to play out. " The Tiberius Cliff (Exile to Capri) " masih memamerkan Kemegahan Keyboarding Orchestral yang Kolosal sekali sentuhannya. Sounding Ex Deo sama persis dengan beberapa Sounding Kataklysm di album sekarang, yang jelas gw tetap mengagumi Sound Seorang Gitaris dan Enjiner Handal seperti Jean-François Dagenais ini, sounds sufficiently bombastic !! dan pesan Gw yang paling penting disini, Jangan Harap lebih kalau Ex Deo bakalan Menggeber Blastbeat Part seperti di Kataklysm, karena selain Nuansa Headbang Hymne, Ex Deo Seperti menjadi Soundtrack Kolosal beraroma Metal lengkap dengan penjiwaan yang Mantap disetiap aransemennya. bak sebuah Lirik lagu yang Hidup menceritakan setiap lekuk Sejarah dan Mitos romawi hidup lagi dalam Musik Ex. Deo. Selain Raungan Growling Maurizio, elo juga bisa mendengarkan beberapa Guest Vokal cewek dari Mariangela Demurtas -nya Tristania, Stefan Fiori-nya Graveworm dan Spiros Antoniou-nya Septic Flesh, selain itu Gitaris Francesco Artusato-nya All Shall Perish juga menyumbangkan sayatan Solo Gitarnya disini. Walau sama sekali tidak ada yang terlalu Istimewa disini, Rilisan ini sepertinya cocok sekali menjadi Alternatif kejenuhan kita dengan Death Metal yang meledak-ledak, karena memang Komposisi 9 lagu baru disini yang berdurasi 49:29 lebih bernuansa " Menenangkan diri " ini bisa menjadi pilihan yang tepat. apalagi Kualitas dan produksi album ini memang tidak diragukan lagi Profesionalnya. The feeling the album leaves after a spin is basically one of inconsistence even if it generally is of decent quality. There are definite and incredibly good highlights, and unremarkable middle ground and a few extremely boring moments. This is basically a good reflection of Kataklysm’s career, which contains both excellent music and some lame crap.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Being Canadian Side Project of Death Metal Frontman Popular, Kataklysm, Vocalist Maurizio Iacono name of course, already familiar in the ears of the metalhead, Maurizio Iacono was first known as the bassist and backing vocals in the era Kataklysm Kataklysm incredible album "Temple of Knowledge ( Kataklysm Part III) "in 1996, which after 1998, Maurizio decided to become a singer when longtime Kataklysm vocalist known for his moans Lions crushing, Sylvain Houde. and since 2008, which is still unknown Maurizio busy schedule in Kataklysm is now better known as Melodic Death Metal band and not like the concept of Nothern Hyperblast, Maurizio then make a Side Project Ex Deo along with all Member Kataklysm now. You could say the project and this new band Kataklysm concept of an impact now that start "Slow" in Played his Beat Death Metal and more likely to incorporate many elements of Melodic riffing At its components. and like Kataklysm temporarily renamed it to Ex Deo, the band tried to carry the lyrical themes of history and mythology of Rome in The image band and song lyrics. is fronted by guitarist and producer, Jean-François Dagenais, then bassist Kataklysm, Stéphane Barbe diband is actually positioned as a Bass Guitarist for position is filled here by François Mongrain of Martyr Band and had a couple of times to help Kataklysm look at some stage, and there is Drummer Max Duhamel and additional keyboard player, Jonathan Lefrancois-Leduc, which is a Former Member Profugus band Mortis and Blackguard. know yourself khan 100% member Kataklysm here hehehe .. and their first full album "Romulus" was released in 2009 by Nuclear Blast Records, the album is from then on. composed of songs roomates take the same usual elements of death metal, adding keyboards from the same atmosphere with some clean spoken passages on occasion. although there is a new and Special of the concept that they offer, the right kind of drumming is essential here, as it's used, along with the keyboards, to create the perfect battle atmosphere. The guitar work is excellent overall, contributing much to the whole Roman and warlike ambience from beginning to end, and there's even a great, this album is quite acceptable by Kataklysm fans too. and after occupied with busy schedules Kataklysm and Ex Deo, in 2012 they finally spoken for by Roster Napalm Records for the release of the 2nd album is still reinforced by the formation on the first album. certainly still carry concept theme song on the History and Myth Roma, Ex Deo finally took the Main Character in the album "Caligvla / Caligula" as the Main Icon writing all Songs. Gaius Caesar Germanicus Caligula Iulius or also known as Gaius Caesar or Caligula, a Roman Emperor who began to ascend the throne in 37 and killed a soldier in the year 41 and the short period of his reign was marked by extraordinary cruelty. Unfortunately his reign but also one of the less documented reign. and Caligula own name from the Latin caligae has a meaning as "Shoes Soldiers". the first time i saw this latest release is exciting Coverage Artwork artist from Greece who works well-known member of the country band, Septic Flesh, Spiros "Seth" Antoniou depicting A Caligula who boarded his favorite horse that is said often dimenemaninya Sleep and made a special room hadeww .... begins with a 30-second intro, Nuance has wafted its Heroic Epic, especially with Screams Vocalist Maurizio BEGIN encouragement Warriors on the field of battle, still ga so far with the first concept album. Vocalist Maurizio heard once that animates his nature as a Caligula Metal. Keyboard Synthesizer incision adds to the magnificent and Dark shades are created almost every song. some of Spoken Intro Movie Caligula also be heard among some Track Sampling song. Beat music is Simple and Middle seemed to continue to invite You to headbang with a fiery spirit flames like A soldier on the field of battle aja daredevil think hehehehe .... Skill play Guitarist Jean-François Dagenais feels more simple to emphasize the melodic rhythm as the main force Ex Deo. Shades of the Contemporary Heroic Orchestral and folky style touches on some harmonization tone created with a true dark shades besides Generating Adrenaline. The use of keyboards to create an historic atmosphere is not quite the novel concept, but here a form of 'epic death metal' has been created roomates suits the conceptual material. Big riffs and big glaring tones from the synths, like the midday sun off the tips of spears as the Imperial legions march toward their next conquest. The title track leads off the album, an immersive and primitive bludgeon that introduces the listener immediately to just how this album is going to play out. "The Tiberius Cliff (Exile to Capri)" still displaying the Colossal Orchestral Grandeur once keyboarding touch. Sounding Ex Deo exactly the same with a few Sounding Kataklysm album now, which obviously i still admire Guitarist and Sound Engineer A Reliable as Jean-François Dagenais, the sounds sufficiently Bombastic! I and the most important message here, do more that just going menggeber Ex Deo Part Blastbeat like Kataklysm, because in addition to Nuance Headbang Hymn, Ex Deo Such a Colossal scented Metal soundtrack complete with a steady inspiration every aransemennya. like the lyrics of the song tell every curve Living History and Myth in Music Roman Ex live again. Deo. Besides roar Growling Maurizio, elo can also listen to some Guest Vocals Mariangela Demurtas girl from her Tristania, Stefan Fiori his Graveworm and his Spiros Antoniou Septic Flesh, besides Guitarist Francesco Artusato All Shall Perish he also donated Solo incision His guitar here. While absolutely nothing is too Exceptional herein, this release seems to be a perfect alternative to the saturation of our Death Metal explosive, because the composition of the nine new songs here that lasted more nuanced 49:29 "Calm yourself" can be a appropriate. let alone the quality and production of the album is undoubtedly professional. The feeling the album leaves after a spin is basically one of inconsistence even if it generally is of decent quality. There are definite highlights and incredibly good, and unremarkable middle ground and a few extremely boring moments. This is basically a good reflection of Kataklysm's career, roomates contains both excellent music and some lame crap.

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