Rabu, 08 April 2015

Birth Through Gore - Reign Of Depravity CD 2012

Birth Through Gore - Reign Of Depravity
Sevared Records 2012

01 In the Brim of Decimation 03:16    
02 Derancy Amplification 03:29    
03 Doldrums 04:23    
04 Drop Unregretted into Oblivion 03:35    
05 Redeeming Faults 03:17    
06 Whose Slime Infests 03:23    
07 Simulated Obduracy 03:54    
08 Crepuscular Shadows 03:55

Paschalis Tassioudis - Guitars, Drum programming
Aggelos HSR - Vocals
Nick - Bass

Eksistensi dan Perkembangan Genre Brutal Death Metal tampaknya masih terus menampakkan Urat Nadi Kehidupannya disaat scene Metal mulai digoyahkan Persepsinya oleh Bermunculannya band2 Metal Mainstream Trendy ! Industri Musik Metal semakin Tidak Terkontrol Mutu Integritas " Root "nya dengan menambahkan Kontaminasi Trend global yang semakin " Mencemarkan " konsepsi musik metal yang sebenarnya. pengaruh jaman rupanya mungkin menjadi salah satu seleksi alam yang berbicara terhadap suatu perkembangan dan sepertinya Membuang " Filter " utama Jati diri yang semakin tersamarkan dengan ide2 baru yang keluar dari Tujuannya. memang terlalu panjang dan jauh jika kita Bahas disini, yang pasti Perkembangan Musik Brutal Death Metal tetap lebih baik dan Maju dengan terjadinya semua ini. buktinya setiap hari banyak lahir dan bermunculan Karya2 baru dari seluruh belahan dunia. Sevared records yang masih terkenal sebagai salah satu Label yang menampung Kreasi para New Comers rupanya andilnya sama sekali tidak bisa terlepaskan begitu saja dari Paradigma ini, walau kadang sering cuman disebut sebagai " Batu Loncatan " saja, Peranan Label2 Idealis sepertinya sangat besar Jasanya. Setiap hari Sevared records banyak mengenalkan produk2 dari Band New Comers yang namanya mulai menancapkan taring-nya dikancah Extreme metal. seperti halnya band dengan nama Birth Through Gore yang datang dari scene Metal Greece yang semakin subur menumbuhkan band2 Brutal berpotensinya. dibentuk di daerah Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia pada tahun 2007, dua sahabat karib yang pernah menjadi partner seperjuangan di band metal Evade, Gitaris Paschalis Tassioudis dan Vokalis Aggelos HSR sepakat untuk membentuk ambisi baru dalam bermain musik yang lebih BRUTAL ! dan lahirlah Birth Through Gore ini yang langsung giat menulis lagu baru yang langsung menarik minat Sevared records untuk merilisnya begitu tertarik dengan Konsep musik yang ditawarkannya. The Greeks merge muscular, maniacal riffing patterns with mechanistic beats and voracious, chugging guitar tone as rich as you're like to find elsewhere on the Sevared records roster, and for a debut the production strikes an excellent balance between polish and punishment, one you'd expect from veterans like these who have served their time with various other brutes of the Hellenic underground. dengan Konsep musik yang Mengandalkan Dominasi Kecepatan bermain dan Beat Ngebut ala Hate Eternal, Morbid Angel Hingga Vile, Band ini menggunakan Jasa Drum Machine untuk melancarkan aksi jahatnya menggeber Irama Blastbeat yang mematikan ! karena belum menemukan drummer yang sejalan dengan segala keinginan dasar memainkan musik secepat2nya, menjadi keputusan mutlak digunakannya drum machine. memuat siksaan berat dan mematikan 8 track the devastating compilation of the Drum programming, riffing violence of Paschalis and aural aggression of Aggelos, combined creativity with constant dedicated in stretching our limits of creating music further. More brutal and technical elements shall burst forth !! dengan gaya Riff Konvensional, Birth Through Gore tetap maksimal meleburkan Kemampuan mereka dalam Irama cadas yang serba meledak ledak !! Gitaris Paschalis Tassioudis memang bisa diharapkan banyak melahirkan Track2 Super ngebut dengan Skill Bermain Gitar Speed-nya. sepertinya selama 29:12 waktu yang ada dihabiskan dengan sajian Ledakan beat mematikan. alternate between dense palm muted pistons, ominous lower end Morbid Angel-style octave chords, molten tremolo patterns and even some slightly softer clinical death/thrashing that places the audience straight under the knife. Fans Irama cepat dan Mematikan ?? ada waktunya sekarang untuk menikmati kebengisan  band ini yang barusan mendapatkan Drummer Permanen dengan bergabungnya Michael Karatsiolis, yang namanya lebih dulu dikenal sebagai Drummer Band Grindcore Maut, Into The Gore ! akan semakin menambah daftar panjang kekejaman Birth Through Gore ! I feel like this might be an excellent strategy as they move into the future. But, really, Reign of Depravity delivers precisely what it advertises: a bone splintering exercise in apocryphal violence which honors its influences while keeping current with other European troglodytes who perform in the brutal USDM style.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Existence and Development of Brutal Death Metal genre still seem to manifest His life while Nadi Vein Metal scene began to be shaken by the emergence band2 perception Metal Mainstream Trendy! Industrial Music Metal increasingly No Controlled Quality Integrity "Root" it by adding a global trend that more and more contamination "pollute" the actual conception of metal music. age effect seems likely to be one that speaks to the natural selection of a development and seems Throw "Filter" main identity is increasingly obscured by new ide2 out of the goal. indeed far too long and if we Discuss here, certainly Brutal Death Metal Music Development stick better and Forward with the occurrence of all of these. evidence every day many new born and popping Karya2 from all over the world. Sevared records are still known as one of the Label Creator who holds the New comers apparently did not run things just liberated from this paradigm, although sometimes cuman often referred to as "Stepping Stone" alone, Role Label2 Idealists seem very great merit. Every day many records Sevared introduce produk2 of Band New comers whose names began making his fangs Extreme metal arena. bands with names like Birth Through Gore coming from Greece Metal scene grow increasingly fertile band2 Brutal berpotensinya. formed in the area of ??Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia in 2007, two best friends who had been a partner in arms in Evade metal band, guitarist and singer Paschalis Tassioudis Aggelos HSR agreed to form a new ambition in playing music more BRUTAL! Birth Through Gore was born and this is directly vigorous writing new songs that instantly attracted to release records Sevared so interested in music concept offers. The Greeks merge muscular, Maniacal riffing patterns with mechanistic beats and voracious, chugging guitar tone as rich as you're like to find elsewhere on the roster Sevared records, and for a debut of the production strikes an excellent balance between polish and punishment, one you 'd expect from veterans like these who have served their time with various other brutes of the Hellenic underground. Relying on the concept of the music playing and Domination Beat Speeding Speed ??ala Hate Eternal, Morbid Angel To Vile, Band Drum Machine uses the service to unleash his evil actions menggeber Blastbeat deadly rhythm! because they have not found a drummer that is consistent with all the basic desire secepat2nya playing music, a drum machine uses absolute discretion. load ordeal and the devastating deadly eight track compilation of the drum programming, riffing violence of Paschalis and aural aggression of Aggelos, combined with constant dedicated creativity in stretching our limits of creating music further. More brutal and technical elements shall burst forth! Conventional style Riff, Birth Through Gore kept up immersed in their ability to rock a versatile rhythm explosive! Guitarist Paschalis Tassioudis can indeed expect many birth Track2 Super Skill speeding with his Guitar Playing Speed. 29:12 looks like during the time there was spent with a dish beat deadly explosion. alternate between dense palm muted pistons, lower end Ominous Morbid Angel-style octave chords, molten tremolo patterns and even some slightly softer clinical death / thrashing that places the audience straight under the knife. Fans quickly and Deadly Rhythm?? There was time now to enjoy the cruelty of this band just getting by joining Permanent Drummer Michael Karatsiolis, whose name was first known as the Drummer Band Grindcore Death, Into The Gore! will further add to the long list of atrocities Birth Through Gore! I feel like this might be an excellent strategy as they move into the future. But, really, Reign of Depravity delivers precisely what it advertises: a bone splintering exercise in violence Apocryphal honors its Influences roomates while keeping current with other European troglodytes who perform in the brutal USDM style.

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