Senin, 06 April 2015

Depraved Murder - Remnants Of Depravity CD 2015

Depraved Murder - Remnants Of Depravity
WAAR Productions CD 2015

01 Remnants Of Depravity 02:04    
02 Perspective Human Tortured 02:25    
03 Intestinal Evisceration 04:20    
04 Neurological Brain Disorders 03:44    
05 Disgenosome 03:53    
06 Torso Rotten Flesh 02:34    
07 Eksekusi Psikopat 03:36    
08 Desolated 02:07

Lucky - Vocal
Ogy - Guitars
Azam - Bass
Yogi - Drums

Ga Nyangka banget perkembangan Death Metal Musikal hari ini makin maju pesat jika Gw sendiri bandingkan pada perkembangan lambat sebelumnya, peran teknologi yang semakin mendukung serta diimbangi Penguasaan skill mumpuni memang melahirkan karya-karya yang lebih fantastis, mungkin jika kalian pernah merasakan perkembangan era sebelumnya, Mungkin pemandangan yang begitu berbeda sekali akan nampak saat ini. Pare adalah sebuah kecamatan di Kabupaten Kediri, Provinsi Jawa Timur yang begitu gw kenal beberapa tahun yang lalu begitu membanggakan memang saat ini telah melahirkan potensi-potensi band berbahaya-nya, setelah kalian mengenal nama seperti Demented Heart, Detested, Departed, Pukat Harimau, etc, kali ini Kenalin Embrio Baru berbahaya-nya, DEPRAVED MURDER yang masih digawangi sekelompok anak muda dengan Tekad serius memainkan Death metal yang serius dan Berbahaya sejak mereka terbentuk tahun 2011 lalu, ya Istilah New Comer akan menjadi anggapan metalhead begitu mendengar nama mereka, Eksistensi yang Masih Fresh tetap mereka buktikan dengan Sebuah karya yang harus diwaspadai saat ini dan Kedepannya. sejak Mengenalkan Promo 2 Lagu pada 2014 lalu via Endless Torture Records, Depraved Murder mengejutkan memang mengusung Warna Brutal Death Metal yang Sadis ! Perpaduan Kompleks Jahat diantara Gorgasm, Suffocation serta Inveracity memang menjadi sebuah Soul kuat tersendiri begitu menikmati komposisi yang mereka tawarkan. Gayuh Bersambut pula kemudian Ketika WAAR Production langsung meminang mereka dalam roster-nya yang alhasil konspirasi-nya adalah full Album " Remnants Of Depravity " menjadi paling ditunggu Brutal Death Metal Freak, have always had and maintained one point since their inception, which was to play original music that mixed every particular death, violence, gore and more rapid and forceful rhythm down tuned section and a distinctive sound ! Ga sabar memang ketika mendapatkan Materi yang siap membantai ini buat Gw play, you've will got plenty of palm muted frenzies and a few well timed breakdowns to help break up the bursting momentum like energy Blastbeat splitting asteroids for space miners Downtune Pummeling into deep and gurgly, borderline squealing without sounding for being so smooooth and heavy as a brick tied a free-for-all bazaar of brutality, it’s very cohesive, Hectic and grinding but cohesive  !

Kebanyakan mungkin masih beberapa band begitu terkesan dengan konsep Spoken intro sebagai Opening debut Album, seperti hal-nya " Remnants Of Depravity " sendiri melakukan hal yang demikian menambah greget plus penasaran pendengarnya ketika pertama play rilisan biadab ini. Foreplay sejenak dengan Breakdown Part yang lumayan melemaskan otot banget sebelum bergerak liar penuh dengan Provokasi Brutal Death Metal menyiksa ! a lot of the better riffs zip in and out before you really get a chance to let them sink into your mind. OMG ! " Perspective Human Tortured " Penjagal Pertama yang merayakan Kebengisan Konsep Death Metal brutal Depraved Murder ! Aroma anyir darah membusuk menjadi Obsesi Keringat membabi buta-nya. dengan Konsepsi Death Metal yang berat dan cepat, aransemen yang disuguhkan lebih mudah bereinkarnasi dengan Attitude kita keep Headbang ! stands out among the near-constant blasting of the rest of the album. The bass parts are clever and the playing is accomplished when the songs provide a chance for the bass to stand out. dengan typical Sound yang diusung lebih Heavy, sehingga terasa menyesakkan mungkin jika kita terlalu meresapi-nya, karena mereka ingin tetap menghancurkan moshpit Headbang dengan Hentakan yang serba cepat dan Berat ! Deep Gurgling Vocal lebih mengingatkan dengan Frank Mullen Type, The riffs are very forgettable, Heavy Natural Drumming memberi sentuhan konsep akhir yang Berdarah-darah, However, though songwriting is the most important factor in determining an Material quality, to me anyways, it is not the only one. Skill matters too. I have heard all material that would've sounded better were held to mediocrity by inept musicians unable to carry out their own creation in a viable manner. Outro Track " Intestinal Evisceration " terdengar Aksi Canibalisme pemakan Bangkai dengan rakus-nya mengeluarkan suara-suara yang bikin miris, rasanya cukup menjadi ending Brutality Track mengerikan ini. terlebih suguhan " Neurological Brain Disorders " tetap memacu Detak Jantung Gw berdegup kencang ga stabil dengan Intense Blastbeat Mantap-nya, a collage of riffs, blasts, and growls that's remarkably listenable without losing its intensity and Listeners who find brutal death metal distasteful should stay away, because the All Track Here does not transcend the genre, but those of us who enjoy the style ! " Disgenosome " sedikit memberikan Intro Track yang Unik, mengingatkan Track-Track pada Demo awal Rottenomicon, Nuansa Kultus Etnik yang dipadu dengan aksi Pembantaian berdarah berikutnya saat nyawa berakhir pada rantai tajam gergaji mesin, dan Downtune Heavy Sound-nya sejenak banyak memprovokasi kita untuk headbang sebelum menikmati kembali Blastbeat Bombastis ! Penyusunan struktur lagu yang teransemen lebih rapi serta Menggoda banget, membuat kita sejenak seperti masuk dalam Perangkap Hipnotis membunuh Depraved Murder. Pure accelerated death metal arrives, carrying a load of hefty blast beats and high speed picking that somewhat makes one resentful for having gotten themselves into listening to this in the first place. Somewhat complex, yet effective guitar riffs are the hooks without the bait for this entire album, as that’s how it is with most common death metal releases to going straight for the jugular without caring for the appeal of the masses. Jangan pernah lewatkan Gempuran Blastbeat dominan Keren di " Torso Rotten Flesh " serta " Eksekusi Psikopat " lebih menawarkan partisi dari Kekejaman yang tertanam menjadi Obsesi paling membunuh. menggambarkan keseluruhan musiknya adalah sebuah kekejaman Psikopat Death Metal yang telah hilang Naluri manusiawi-nya, sehingga sangat tidak disarankan untuk rilisan ini diperuntukkan bagi mereka yang lemah Mental, karena Materi " Remnants Of Depravity " ini sendiri banyak menyimpan Karakter kejam ! dan akhirnya " Desolated " menjadi Ending track begitu dramatis ketika menyaksikan Para Korban mati mengenaskan berserakan dengan Petikan Akustik clean Gitar memilukan.

Hampir keseluruhan materi album ini adalah Sajian Brutal Death Metal Cepat serta Berat yang masih signifikan dipadu dengan Groovy Beatdown menarik. ditunjang dengan Sound yang terasa meruntuhkan ruang Mendengar Metalhead dengan Guncangan Gempa luar biasa diakhiri dengan Biadab-nya pembantaian, sehingga Kualitas dan kemasan keren Materi Full Album pertama hasil muncratan menantang dari WAAR Production ini gw bilang adalah Jempolan banget ! sehingga Buat kalian fans Fanatis sentuhan Mendarah daging ala Gorgasm, Suffocation serta Inveracity, pada akhirnya Bagi Gw Tanpa Melebih-lebihkan, ini adalah Alternatif baru kalian untuk segera mengganti Playlist Death Metal Brutal kalian yang semakin membosankan. " Remnants Of Depravity " adalah materi Dasyat rapat dengan Intensitas lebih mencongkel Biji peler banget.  the material from slurping your entrails out through a gaping puncture wound and then stomping on them while you Hear a slightly more 'typical' sounding brutal death effort than its predecessor Barbarity !

IN ENGLISH (Use Google Translate)
No Any Expect more development of Death Metal Musical increasingly thriving today if I own compare to the previous slowly development, the role of technology is increasingly supporting and offset Mastery skill qualified indeed delivered the papers are more fantastic, maybe if you ever feel the development of an earlier era, Maybe so very different views will appear at this time. Pare is a district in Kediri, East Java province so i know a few years ago so proud indeed has now spawned dangerous potential of his band, after you get to know names like Demented Heart, detested, Departed, seines Tiger, etc , this time kenalin New Embryo its dangerous, DEPRAVED MURDER still fronted of young band with serious determination plays Death metal and dangerous since they formed in 2011 and, yes Glossary New Comer would be presumption metalhead so hear their name, the existence of Fresh still remains to prove with a work to be aware of current and future. since Introduce Promo 2 songs in 2014 and then via Endless Torture Records, Murder Depraved surprising indeed carried Color sadistic Brutal Death Metal! Evil complex blend between Gorgasm, Suffocation and Inveracity indeed be a powerful Soul separately so enjoy compositions they offer. Gayuh intercepted later when Waar Productions also directly propose them in its roster as a result of his conspiracy is a full album "Remnants Of Depravity" became the most awaited Brutal Death Metal Freak, have always had and maintained a one point since Reviews their inception, which was to play original music that mixed every particular death, violence, gore and more rapid and forceful rhythm section down tuned and a distinctive sound! Ga patient did when getting ready to slaughter this material for Gw play, you've got plenty of palm will muted frenzies and a few well timed breakdowns to help break up the momentum bursting energy like splitting Blastbeat asteroids for space miners Downtune pummeling into the deep and gurgly, squealing without sounding borderline for being so smooooth and heavy as a brick tied a free-for-all bazaars of Brutality, it's very cohesive, Hectic and grinding but cohesive! Most probably still some bands are so impressed with the concept of Spoken intro as Opening debut album, like his thing "Remnants Of Depravity" themselves do such things add restrain plus curious listeners when the first play of this barbaric release. Foreplay for a moment with a hefty Breakdown Part relaxes muscles before moving wildly really full of provocation Brutal Death Metal torture! A lot of the better riffs zip in and out before you really get a chance to let them sink into your mind. OMG! "Tortured Human Perspective" First Butcher who celebrate Death Metal brutal cruelty concept Depraved Murder! Rancid aroma of rotting blood becomes obsession Sweat her blindly. the conception of Death Metal heavy and fast, easy arrangement presented reincarnated with Attitude we keep headbang! stands out Among the near-constant blasting of the rest of the album. The bass parts are clever and the playing is accomplished when the songs provide a chance for the bass to stand out. with typical sound that carried over Heavy, thus stifling possible if we too impregnating her, because they want to keep destroying the moshpit headbang with the beat of the fast-paced and weight! Deep Vocal gurgling more reminiscent of the Frank Mullen Type, The riffs are very forgettable, Heavy Natural Drumming give a touch of the final draft of the Bloody, However, though songwriting is the most important factor in early Determining Material quality, to me anyways, it is not the only one. Skill matters too. I have heard all the material that would've sounded better were held to mediocrity by Inept musicians Unable to carry out their own creation in a viable manner. Outro track "Intestinal Evisceration" sounds Action Canibalisme carrion eaters with his greedy noises that makes sad, it feels quite be ending this terrible Track Brutality. first treat "Neurological Brain Disorders" fixed spur Heartbeats I pounding is not stable with Intense Blastbeat Steady her, a collage of riffs, blasts, and growls that's remarkably listenable without losing its intensity and Listeners WHO find brutal death metal Distasteful should stay away , Because The All Track Here does not transcend the genre, but WHO Reviews those of us enjoy the style! "Disgenosome" little give Intro Track Unique, reminding Track-Track at the beginning Demo Rottenomicon, Ethnic cult shades combined with the action of the next bloody massacre when their lives ended in a sharp chain chainsaw, and his Downtune Heavy Sound moment many provoke us to headbang before enjoying back Blastbeat bombastic! Structuring song teransemen neater and Tempting really, makes us a moment like included in the Trap Hypnosis kill Depraved Murder. Pure accelerated death metal arrives, carrying a load of Hefty blast beats and high speed picking that one makes somewhat resentful for having gotten Themselves into listening to this in the first place. Somewhat complex, yet effective guitar riffs are the hooks without the temple for this entire album, as that's how it is with most common death metal releases to going straight for the jugular without caring for the appeal of the masses. Never miss strikes Blastbeat Cool dominant in "Torso Rotten Flesh" and "Execution Psychopaths" more offers partitions of Cruelty obsession embedded into the killing. describe the whole musical is a Psychopath cruelty Death Metal that has lost its human Instinct, so it is not recommended for this release is intended for those who are weak Mental, because Matter "Remnants Of Depravity" itself many save Character cruel! and finally "desolated" became Ending track so dramatic when witnessing the tragic death toll excerpt strewn with clean Acoustic Guitar heartbreaking. Almost all the material of this album is Serving Fast and Brutal Death Metal is still a significant weight combined with Groovy Beatdown interesting. supported by sound that feels undermine Metalhead Listening space with tremendous earthquake shocks ended with his Barbaric slaughter, so the quality and cool packaging material first full-length album muncratan challenging results of this Production Waar is Topnotch i say really! For you fans of fanatic so ingrained style touch Gorgasm, Suffocation and Inveracity, eventually For Gw Without Exaggeration, this is your new alternative to replace Playlist Brutal Death Metal guys are getting boring. "Remnants Of Depravity" is a terrible material meeting with more intensity Prying Seeds cock really. the material from slurping your entrails out through a gaping puncture wound and then stomping on them while you Hear a slightly more 'typical' brutal death sounding effort than its predecessor Barbarity!

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1 komentar:

Jadi penasaran...beli cdnya ahh...

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