Rabu, 08 April 2015

Cryptopsy - Cryptopsy CD 2012

Cryptopsy - Cryptopsy
Self-released/independent 2012

01 Two-Pound Torch 05:03    
02 Shag Harbour's Visitors 04:22    
03 Red-Skinned Scapegoat 05:57    
04 Damned Draft Dodgers 03:58    
05 Amputated Enigma 04:02    
06 The Golden Square Mile 03:13    
07 Ominous 03:47    
08 Cleansing the Hosts 04:31

Flo Mounier - Drums, Backing Vocals
Jon Levasseur - Guitars
Christian Donaldson - Guitars
Matt McGachy - Vocals
Olivier Pinard - Bass

Seakan ingin menebus sebuah Kesalahan besar, Debutan paling Gress milik Quebec Hyperblast Technical Brutal Death Metal populer Cryptopsy kembali membuat perhitungan mematikan di album studio penuh ke- 7  pasca mendapat kecaman keras dari banyak Fans atas beberapa perubahan signifikan di album mereka sebelumnya " The Unspoken King " telah banyak bergeser ke karakter Deathcore Modern, sehingga sangat memukul telak fans Mereka yang mendambakan permainan Yang meledak2 dibeberapa album sebelumnya. setelah kontrak mereka di Century Media Records berakhir, akhirnya Cryptopsy memutuskan untuk merilis sendiri Album ke-7 ini dengan kocek sendiri dan Defen Society, yang menjalin kerja bareng dengan Revolution Harmony/Candlelight Records. masih menggandeng kerjasama dengan enjiner Christian Donaldson era penggarapan " The Unspoken King ", Cryptopsy seperti sedang merasa menemukan Sounding Baru dalam tubuh band, Christian Donaldson yang dikenal sebagai Gitaris dari band Industrial/Groove Metal dengan penjualan album terbaiknya, Mythosis yang juga menjadi temen setongkrongan, bagi Cryptopsy lebih bisa mengakomodir kegilaan band sebenarnya selain kini menjadi Gitaris baru ditubuh Cryptopsy. dan 4 tahun menjadi masa penantian panjang bagi Cryptopsy sendiri untuk bisa merilis materi baru ini. dan sebuah angin segar kembali bertiup saat Gitaris berbakat mereka, Jon Levasseur memutuskan untuk kembali dalam tubuh Cryptopsy sejak tahun 2011 lalu, Jon Levasseur yang merupakan salah satu Member orisinil Band ini memutuskan untuk hengkang pasca album live " None So Live " harus meninggalkan Gitaris Alex Auburn sendirian berjuang bersama cryptopsy menyusul cabutnya Alex pasca album " The Unspoken King ", dan keinginan kembali Jon sendiri diprediksi oleh beberapa media akan membawa Pengaruh Lama kembali Kesaktian Cryptopsy era album2 sukses terdahulu. dan mengenalkan Bassis baru Olivier Pinard untuk menempati posisi kosong yang ditinggalkan oleh Éric Langlois sejak tahun 2011 lalu, nama Olivier Pinard dipercaya sanggup menempati posisi bass seperti talentanya telah terasah dibeberapa band ternama seperti Neuraxis, Vengeful, dan Under the Grave. It would be absolute folly to expect a masterful comeback from a band that hasn't really done anything of note for the better part of 15 years. Then again, there are those rare occasions where some chance-driven fool actually ends up laughing at all the doubters and shouts “I told you so” from the mountain top. Cryptopsy's recent and oddly self-titled 7th album is not one of those rare moments, and yet there is still a semblance of bragging rights for those deluded fanatics who stuck with the band through the drivel that surfaced from “Whisper Supremacy”onward. It is a solid, by the numbers return to form that features long-time technician Jon Levasseur returning to the fold and a lot of the rage-infused brutality meshed with occasional quirky, genre-bending interludes that typified “None So Vile” along with it. And yet, much like their wildly lauded and somewhat overrated sophomore album, this is an album that is held back by its own lack of nuance and unfettered fury. sejak melepas lebih dulu track " Two-Pound Torch " dan " Red-Skinned Scapegoat " yang dikenalkan lewat official Youtube Band, Cryptopsy lebih dulu ingin memancing sebuah Respon dari fans akan materi terbarunya ini, banyak kalangan mulai memuji dan tertarik kembali dengan materi ini yang dianggap sebagai kembalinya beberapa karakter lama Cryptopsy era " And Then You'll Beg " dan " Whisper Supremacy " walau masih begitu sulit melepas karakter baru modern yang membelenggu band ini. apalagi karakter Vokalis Matt McGachy dinilai kurang sesuai dengan Typical musik Cryptopsy yang sebenarnya, karena Band ini memang diakui lebih sesuai menggunakan karakter Vokal yang emosional meledak -ledak seperti eranya Lord Worm dan Mike DiSalvo. ok menjawab rasa penasaran Gw tentang album baru ini, gw akan coba bercerita bagaimana perkembangan Band Populer dengan permainan Sadis-nya pada materi kali ini. Track awal " Two-Pound Torch " sepertinya sudah sering gw maenin, sangat mengejutkan memang gaya bermainnya, So now we've got the presumed 180 degree turn back to the group's ubiquitous brutality, which has rubbed off on more bands that you could shake a gore-drizzled spine at. Harried blasting, double bass rolls faster than you'd drop your trousers at a medical exam with Megan Fox, brute grunts that at last imply Matt McGachy is the right man for the job, chugging, squealing, and spurious, acrobatic guitar patterns that zip and zag across the brutal landfill of rhythmic concussion. Typical Musik cryptopsy masih menunjukkan kekuatan kejamnya untuk memainkan part2 cepat yang sinting, walau lebih terasa Bermain Rapi dan ga seliar 4 album fenomenal di album Karir awal mereka, kali ini cukuplah band ini lebih tampil eksotis mematikan lewat permainan yang tetap mengagumkan ini. I'd say Cryptopsy has awoken from any and all perceived delusions of its direction. And yet, there are certainly spikes of melodic death metal screaming through the maddening mesh that hint the band haven't yet abandoned the notion of feeling out parallel sub-genres. Dense, post-death grooves permeate the accelerated bursts and old school tremolo riffs throughout the album, and there's a jarring precision to the band's alternating tempos which shows a lot of elbow grease went into the album's composition. gaya Riffing Jon tetap membawa pengaruh kuat akan beberapa elemen cryptopsy setelah mendapat Kontaminasi Akut perubahan style, dengan extra Pummeling Chugging Riffing menawan, Jon tetap menjadi kekuatan Hidup Cryptopsy yang sebenarnya. permanaian Fenomenal Flo Mounier ?? Don't Worry Guys !! Flo tetap yang berada dibarisan terdepan kegilaan Cryptopsy deh hehehehe ... Karakter Vokal Matt McGachy harus lebih berjuang keras dengan deep Growl yang depth-nya menciptakan Pattern Lagu cepat, sehingga extra tenaga Powerfully sangat diperlukan untuk semua ini. The bass pops along with such a fervor that it often impersonates some brutal funk. There are points at which Flo Mounier's battery is so lockstep conjugal with the patterns of Christian Donaldson and (the returning) Jon Levasseur that the sheer force of their combined delivery feels like a hundred Lilliputian hammers cracking my cranium simultaneously. kemudian " Shag Harbour's Visitors " yang dimulai dengan solo bass yang death funk banget selanjutnya siksaan maha dasyat kembali terjadi, seperti sebuah Reunian Jon dengan ide2 Fresh-nya balik di Kolaborasikan kembali dengan Skill Flo, beberapa gaya Riffing Konvensional tetap menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi Musikalitas Cryptopsy. pada track ini masih memungkin aransemen Cryptopsy terasa memancing kembali kekejaman mereka yang sebenarnya. embellish the carnage with radioactive leads and atmospheres. Plenty of pummeling variation throughout its compact Devastation ! Most were intense and well managed against the extreme gees of the band's typical celerity, and fit like a glove to the record's huge, polished and punishing production. It's a modern tech-death explosion, with a contemporary gloss to its mix, but you can hear everything equally and that's all I can really ask for. " Red-Skinned Scapegoat " semakin liar dan Brutal strukturnya, Powerfully Track yang memang masih belum bisa mengembalikan beberapa citra karakter era album paling dasyat " None So Vile " itu, namun setidaknya Cryptopsy masih tetap tampil ampuh ! " Damned Draft Dodgers " lumayan ada beberapa part yang mengingatkan kembali era keganasan Cryptospy yang sempat hilang era album " The Unspoken King ". tetap bekerja keras dengan ide2 segar-nya, Flo tetap dapat memanajemen segala kemampuan teman2nya agar tidak terlalu jauh dan lepas dari jalan utama mereka sebagai Karakter Cryptopsy Style ! " Amputated Enigma " tetap dasyat menyiksa ! trade off impious mechanical grooves with unbridled, cathartic velocity and Technicality ! " The Golden Square Mile " kendati pada part awal memainkan beberapa Konsep Yang terasa Groove banget, Cryptopsy tetap menempatkan sentuhan klasik yang teratur dengan segala Totalitasnya menggeber irama musik cadas ! dan karakter seperti lagu " Ominious " adalah sebuah Konsep yang sangat dirindukan oleh Fans untuk Cryptopsy sebagai Death Metal band terkejam ! terkesan kadang Memiliki konsep yang rumit, namun gw masih percaya sekali kalau Band ini masih tetap manusiawi untuk semua kegilaannya. One could all but argue that Cryptopsy suffers from being just too damned good at what they do and often sacrifice songwriting in the name of wowing the onlookers. dan " Cleansing the Hosts " pun segera mengakhiri kekejaman Cryptopsy selama 34:53 melalui 8 Fresh material sebagai upaya penebusan Rasa bersalah mereka yang termaafkan di album ini pasca mengecewakan era album " The Unspoken King ". inilah untuk kesekian kalinya Cryptopsy memadukan karakter Baru dan lama dalam formasi yang dibawa oleh masing2 member, sebuah bentuk kesatuan talenta berbahaya semakin dikumpulkan menjadi satu disini tetap menjadi citra dan Idealogi bagi band yang pernah dijuluki " Band Tercepat didunia " pada awal kemunculannya tahun tahun 1992 di Montreal, Quebec, melahirkan konsep yang membawa pengaruh segar bagi perkembangan Brutal Death Metal selanjutnya menjadi semakin tampil cepat dan liar. album ini cukup menjawab kekecewaan era album sebelumnya dech, bagaimana kita akan kembali disuguhkan dengan beberapa menu berdarah-darahnya. You'll rarely wish to sit still here, so intense are the performances of the musicians and mechanistic their sadism, but despite this a lot of the rhythm guitar patterns and fluttering arpeggios do feel like a mere run through the motions of the niche they helped birth. I doubt I'll think back on this in six months' time. For now, it's fast. Fun. Furious. A partial update to None So Vile, if not an upgrade or maybe there will be a similarly well polished gem out of the same mold coming down the pike. The potential is here, but it has yet to be seized upon.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

As if to make up for a big mistake, most Gress Debutant Quebec belongs Hyperblast Technical Brutal Death Metal Cryptopsy popular re-make calculations off in full studio album to-7 post got a lot of criticism from fans for some significant changes in their previous album "The unspoken King" has shifted to much deathcore Modern character, so it is a lethal blow to fans who crave the game Those Who meledak2 several previous albums. after their contract expired at Century Media Records, Cryptopsy finally decided to release their own album to-7 with own pocket and Defen Society, which has worked together with the Revolution Harmony / Candlelight Records. still holding cooperation with Christian Donaldson engineers cultivation era "The unspoken King", Cryptopsy feel like I'm finding new Sounding the body band, Christian Donaldson known as guitarist of the band Industrial / Groove Metal with a best of album sales, who is also a friend Mythosis setongkrongan, for Cryptopsy can accommodate more than the actual band madness has now become the new body Cryptopsy guitarist. and 4 years of a long waiting period for Cryptopsy own to be released new material. and a fresh breeze blew back when they were gifted guitarist Jon Levasseur decided to return the body Cryptopsy since 2011 last year, Jon Levasseur which is one of the original Band Members decided to leave after the live album "None So Live" had to leave guitarist Alex Auburn alone following a fight with Cryptopsy cabutnya Alex after the album "The unspoken King", and wishes himself back Jon predicted by some media will take effect Lama returned Miracle Albums2 era Cryptopsy previous success. and introducing new bassist Olivier Pinard to occupy the vacant position left by Éric Langlois since 2011, the name of Olivier Pinard bass position can be trusted as his talents have been honed in several renowned bands like Neuraxis, Vengeful, and Under the Grave. It would be absolute folly to expect a Masterful comeback from a band that has not really done anything of note for the better part of 15 years. Then again, there are those rare occasions where some chance-driven fool actually ends up laughing at all the doubters and shouts "I told you so" from the mountain top. Cryptopsy's recent and oddly self-titled 7th album is not one of those rare moments, and yet there is still a semblance of bragging rights for those deluded fanatics who stuck with the band through the drivel that surfaced from "Whisper Supremacy" onward. It is a solid, by the numbers return to form that features long-time technician Jon Levasseur returning to the fold and a lot of the rage-infused Brutality meshed with occasional quirky, genre-bending that typified Interludes "None So Vile" along with it. And yet, much like their Wildly overrated and somewhat lauded sophomore album, this is an album that is held back by its own lack of NUANCE and unfettered fury. since the first release track "Two-Pound Torch" and "Red-Skinned Scapegoat" was introduced through official Youtube Band, Cryptopsy first want to provoke a response from the fans will this new material, many people began to praise and drawn back to this material that considered a return of some old characters Cryptopsy era "And Then You'll Beg" and "Whisper Supremacy" even though they are so difficult to remove the shackles of modern new character band. Vocalist Matt McGachy character especially valued less in accordance with the actual Typical Cryptopsy music, because this band is admittedly more appropriate to use the character an emotional vocal outbursts like the era of Lord Worm and Mike DiSalvo. ok answer Gw curiosity about the new album, i will try to tell you how the development Band Popular with his sadistic games at the material time. Track the beginning of "Two-Pound Torch" seems to have been often gw maenin, very surprising indeed playing style, So now we've got the Presumed 180 degree turn back to the group's ubiquitous Brutality, roomates has rubbed off on more bands that you could shake a gore-drizzled spine at. Harried blasting, double bass rolls faster than you'd drop your trousers at a medical exam with Megan Fox, brute grunts at last imply that Matt McGachy is the right man for the job, chugging, squealing, and spurious, acrobatic guitar patterns that zip and zag across the brutal landfill of rhythmic concussion. Typical Music Cryptopsy still showing strength cruel to play fast part2 crazy, even more pronounced and Rapi Playing wild ga 4 phenomenal album at the beginning of their career album, this time is sufficient band more exotic look deadly passing game is still awesome. I'd say Cryptopsy has awoken from any and all perceived delusions of its direction. And yet, there are certainly spikes of melodic death metal screaming through the maddening mesh hint that the band have not yet abandoned the notion of feeling out parallel sub-genres. Dense, post-death permeate the accelerated bursts grooves and old school tremolo riffs throughout the album, and there's a jarring precision to the band's alternating tempos roomates shows a lot of elbow grease went into the album's composition. Jon riffing style still carries the strong influence of some elements of Cryptopsy after receiving Contamination Acute changes in style, with extra pummeling riffing Chugging charming, Jon remains a force Cryptopsy real life. Phenomenal permanaian Flo Mounier?? Do not Worry Guys! Flo is still the leading dibarisan madness Cryptopsy deh hehehehe ... Character Vocal Matt McGachy must be struggling with deep growls with his depth creates Pattern tracks quickly, so powerfully extra power is needed for all of this. The bass pops along with such a Fervor that it impersonates Often some brutal funk. There are points at roomates Flo Mounier's battery is so lockstep with the patterns of conjugal Christian Donaldson and (the returning) Jon Levasseur that the sheer force of their combined delivery feels like a hundred Lilliputian Hammers simultaneously cracking my cranium. then "Shag Harbour's Visitors" which begins with a bass solo that death funk really further torment mighty terrible happening again, like a reunion Jon with ide2 Fresh her back in Collaborate back with Skill Flo, several styles of riffing Conventional remains the main attraction for the musically Cryptopsy. is still on track arrangement allows Cryptopsy was fishing back their true cruelty. embellish the carnage with radioactive leads and atmospheres. Plenty of pummeling variation throughout its compact Devastation! Most were intense and well managed against the extreme gees of the band's typical celerity, and fit like a glove to the record's huge, polished and punishing production. It's a modern tech-death explosion, with a contemporary gloss to its mix, but you can hear everything Equally and that's all I can really ask for. "Red-Skinned Scapegoat" increasingly wild and Brutal structure, powerfully Track which are still not able to restore some of the image of the character most terrible era album "None So Vile", but at least they still look powerful Cryptopsy! "Damned Draft Dodgers' okay there are some parts that recall the era Cryptospy malignancy that had lost era album" The unspoken King ". keep working hard with his fresh ide2, Flo can still manage all abilities teman2nya that is not too far off from the main road and they are as characters Cryptopsy Style! "Amputated Enigma" still terrible torture! trade off impious mechanical grooves with Unbridled, cathartic velocity and Technicality! "The Golden Square Mile" in spite of the early part played some Groove Concept That feels really, Cryptopsy keep putting classic touch regularly with all its totality menggeber rhythm rock music! and characters such as the song "Ominious" is a concept sorely missed by the Fans for the death metal band Cryptopsy cruelest! Having impressed sometimes tricky concept, but I still strongly believe that this band is still human nature to all his madness. One could argue that all but Cryptopsy suffers from being just too damned good at what they do and sacrifice songwriting Often in the name of wowing the onlookers. and "Cleansing the Hosts" immediately end the atrocities Cryptopsy for 34:53 through 8 Fresh material as a means of redemption of their guilt forgiven on this album after a disappointing era album "The unspoken King". Cryptopsy is once again combines new and old characters in formation brought by masing2 member, a more dangerous form of unified talent gathered together here continues to be the image and Idealogi the band once dubbed "the world's Fastest Band" at the beginning of its appearance in 1992 in Montreal, Quebec, which gave birth to the concept of bringing fresh influences to the development of Brutal Death Metal performing further into the fast and wild. This album just answer disappointment previous album era Dech, how we will come back with some menu served bloody-blood. You'll rarely wish to sit still here, so intense are the performances of the musicians and their mechanistic SADISM, but despite this a lot of the rhythm guitar patterns and fluttering arpeggios do feel like a mere run through the motions of the niche they helped birth. I doubt I'll think back on this in six months' time. For now, it's fast. Fun. Furious. A partial update to None So Vile, if not an upgrade or maybe there will be a similarly well polished gem out of the same mold coming down the pike. The potential is here, but it has yet to be Seized upon.

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