Rabu, 08 April 2015

Sentenced to Dissection - Between the Worlds CD 2012

Sentenced to Dissection - Between the Worlds
Self-released/independent EP 2012

01 Destruction Of The World
02 Remember The Future
03 Astral Projection
04 Curse of Hourglass (Ft. Sergei Raev)
05 Recreate Of The Earth

Sergey - Vocals
Stanislav - Vocals
Vova - Guitar
Max - Bass
Drums - Makar

Russian scene selain dikenal memiliki Stok Band2 Slamming Brutal Death Metal yang Kejam, Konsep seperti ini rupanya lagi digandrungi oleh metalhead disana, terlebih lagi untuk genre Deathcore yang siap berkembang subur dengan karakter Death metal tersebut, dan hampir memiliki pengaruh yang kuat untuk menyelusup dalam segala karakter Death Metal. seperti halnya band asal Moscow, Sentenced To Dissection ini yang mencoba menggabungkan beberapa karakter berbahaya yang dibawa oleh Beneath the Massacre, Ion Dissonance, Origin, Brain Drill, Despised Icon, Disgorge, All Shall Perish, Genocide of Prescription, Nile, Meshuggah, The Faceless, Abominable Putridity, Necrophagist, Decrepit Birth, Disfiguring the Goddess, Fleshgod Apocalypse, serta Hour of Penance sangat cukup terasa didalam aransemen 4 lagu Ep rilisan Independen ini. menggunakan peranan 2 Vokalis sekaligus rupanya bagi band ini cukup menciptakan karakter Vokal yang mengerikan ! Deep Gurgling Vokill dan Screaming Insane berebut pattern vokal lagu, sehingga Susunan Pattern Vokal departemen-nya terasa Full raungan Growling kejam. dan yang menarik perhatian gw adalah Konsep Brutal Technical death metal-nya yang keren dengan balutan sound Tajam dan padat ! I know you’re capable of creating mind-blowing tech-death extravaganzas ! Simak pertama " Destruction Of The World " yang berdurasi sekitar 1 menit rupanya mereka jadikan sebuah Warm up dan Opening Track dan rasanya sudah banyak mewakili karakter Band ini yang memang memadukan elemen Slamming Brutal Death metal kejam dengan Dentuman Slamdown Deathcore ditaburi dengan bumbu riffing bergaya Teknikal abis !! Gesekan Konvensional Gitaris Vova rupanya telah memberi banyak sentuhan Teknikal Gitar dengan beberapa Riffing matematika-nya. resulting in a series of bands that could be wonderful tech-death but instead squeal and breakdown like there’s no tomorrow in between constant weedily deedling that makes haters cream themselves for reinforcing their caricature of the genre. dan konsep musik dinamis memang menjadi sebuah Tantangan bagi talenta skill mereka yang sebenarnya tercipta susunan konsep musik serba dasyat apalagi didukung dengan rekaman clean yang powerfully banget ! so the fact that they revel in creating such an uninspired hybrid makes me seriously question their logic, or lack thereof. Here’s a crazy idea; Russia is also one of the best Slam regions in the entire world. " Remember The Future " memang pantas mereka jadikan sebagai Track andalan di Ep perdana ini, semua kemampuan dan talenta member band ini sangat dikerahkan sepenuhnya pada lagu ini. Sentenced To Dissection is almost the complete reverse of that; while they certainly have the technical chops necessary to play some really amazing stuff, they waste their potential on exploring every atrocious element of Deathcore. " Astral Projection " semakin memamerkan Typical2 elemen yang Teknikal sekali disini, yang pasti tetap menyolok banget adalah pola bermain cerdas gitaris Vova yang kerap melakukan slicing Hammer Stroke Pummeling Fast Harmonization Riffing Extended !, pukukan Hypersnare Drumming yang serba cepat beberapa diantaranya mamainkan dribble snare yang mengingatkan gw dengan teknik yang pertama kali dikenalkan oleh Devourment. " Curse of Hourglass " terus menggerus indera dengar kita dengan kekejaman Hypersnare dan Teknikal Riffing meledak ledak ! dan cukup memainkan 5 lagu Cadas nan Kejam, band ini siap berkompetisi dalam Industri Musik Keras dengan talenta luar biasa yang mereka miliki. As it stands, this release suffers from the exact same problem all weedily-deedily tech-core suffers from; not only does every track sound almost exactly the same but any conviction, interest or actual involvement goes right out the window with the mixture of talent and utter shit. walau terkadang lama kelamaan Konsep Deathcore rada bikin suasana Boring, tapi dengan sentuhan yang lebih kental gaya Breakdown slamming Death Metal dan Teknikal Riffing, rasanya akan mengaburkan kesan Monoton pada Imej Deathcore band. Target are pushing the boundaries of creativity and progress in their respective niches of Death Metal and you’re still fapping some nirvana of technical excellence, you’re holding back the genre. You’re perpetuating the idea that following is better than leading, that innovation is a dirty word. That’s the greatest offense of your music and indeed the music of every band that can be just as easily switched out in your place. For shame Slamming Breakcore Detested. TRY OR DIE !!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Russian scene than is known to have stock Bands Brutal Death Metal slamming Cruel, this concept seems more loved by metalhead there, especially prepared for the deathcore genre flourished with the character of Death metal, and almost had a strong influence to infiltrate in every character Death Metal. as well as the band from Moscow, Sentenced To Dissection is trying to incorporate some malicious code carried by Beneath the Massacre, Ion dissonance, Origin, Brain Drill, Despised Icon, Disgorge, All Shall Perish, Genocide of Prescription, Nile, Meshuggah, The Faceless , Abominable Putridity, Necrophagist, Decrepit Birth, disfiguring scars the Goddess, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Hour of Penance, and very reasonably feels Ep 4 songs in arrangements this independent release. use as well as the role of second vocalist for the band apparently enough to create characters Vocals were awful! Deep gurgling Vokill and Screaming Insane scramble pattern vocal track, so the composition of his department Vocal Pattern Full feels Growling vicious roar. and that attracts attention is the concept gw Technical Brutal death metal its sound cool by dressing sharp and solid! I know you're capable of creating mind-blowing tech-death extravaganzas! First Listen "Destruction Of The World" that lasted about 1 minute apparently they make an Opening Track Warm up and and it has a lot of character representing this band combines elements that are slamming Brutal Death metal with a bang brutal deathcore Slamdown riffing style sprinkled with seasoning Technicality  !! Conventional friction Guitarist Vova has apparently been given a lot of touches Technical riffing guitar with some of his math. resulting in a series of bands that could be wonderful tech-death and breakdown but instead squeal like there's no tomorrow in between constant weedily deedling cream that makes haters Themselves for reinforcing their caricature of the genre. and the concept of dynamic music has become a challenge for their true talent skill composition created especially enormously versatile musical concept is supported by a powerfully clean record really! so the fact that they revel in creating such an uninspired hybrid makes me seriously question their logic, or lack thereof. Here's a crazy idea; Russia is also one of the best Slam regions in the entire world. "Remember The Future" they deserve to make as a mainstay in Ep Track this first, all the skills and talents of the band members is deployed entirely on this song. Sentenced To Dissection is almost the complete reverse of that; while they certainly have the technical chops Necessary to play some really amazing stuff, they waste their potential on exploring every element of deathcore atrocious. "Astral Projection" is getting showcased Typicals Technical elements are all here, which is very definitely remain striking pattern Vova play smart guitarist who often make slicing Hammer Stroke Fast Harmonization pummeling riffing Extended!, Pukukan Hypersnare Drumming fast paced dribble mamainkan snare some of which are reminiscent gw with a technique first introduced by Devourment. "Curse of the Hourglass" continue to erode our sense of hearing with cruelty and Technical Hypersnare explosive riffing! and fairly played 5 songs nan Cruel Rocks, the band was ready to compete in the Music Industry Loud with extraordinary talent they have. As it stands, this release suffers from the exact same problem all weedily-core tech-deedily suffers from; not only does every track sound almost exactly the same but any conviction, interest or actual involvement goes right out the window with the mixture of talent and utter shit. although over time the concept of deathcore sometimes make the atmosphere rada Boring, but with a touch more viscous force slamming Breakdown and Technical Death Metal riffing, it will obscure the impression Monotony The image deathcore band. Target are pushing the boundaries of creativity and progress in their respective niches of Death Metal and you're still fapping some nirvana of technical excellence, you're holding back the genre. You're perpetuating the idea that leading is better than following, that innovation is a dirty word. That's the greatest offense of your music and indeed the music of every band that can be just as Easily switched out in your place. For shame slamming Breakcore Detested. TRY OR DIE!

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