Selasa, 28 April 2015

Synesis Absorption - Disgrace of Redemption ' Single 2010

Synesis Absorption - Disgrace of Redemption ' Single
Self-released/independent 2010

01 Disgrace of Redemption 04:09

Miloš Batocanin - Guitars, Backing Vocals
Steve DiGiorgio - Bass
Mike Smith - Drums
Branislav Panic - Vocals, Guitars

Konspirasi Jahat Muncul dari pertemuan talenta antara Senior dan Junior membuat Kolaborasi Fenomenal, inilah SYNESIS ABSORTION ! dimana Pertemuan spesial seperti tidak mengadakan suatu batasan signifikan dalam berekspresi tertanam dalam satu tujuan, Tujuan untuk menciptakan mahakarya dasyat dalam karir bermusik cadas mereka. band yang dibentuk atas dasar memadukan karakter brilian adalah sebuah motivasi utama sejak band ini dibentuk tahun 2009 lebih mencoba memainkan konsep Progressive Death Metal yang intens ! sebelum mencoba gempuran musiknya, ada kalanya gw perkenalkan terlebih dahulu formasi Single ini, sejak tahun 2009, Gitaris Vokalis Branislav Panic dari band berbakat terbaik Serbia Scene, Bane, Goat Eater, Senium, Disdained, Obscured, Sangre Eterna, Infest dan masih banyak lagi tentu membawa reputasi yang ga diragukan lagi skill luar biasanya, bersama sahabatnya, Gitaris Miloš Batocanin yang pernah sepermainannya di Disdained ternyata memiliki Kesamaan misi untuk mulai membentuk Progresi Musik Death Metal baru dari sebelumnya mereka mainkan. dengan menampilkan Musisi lintas negara, semua Obsesi 2 Musisi bertalenta ini kemudian mencoba menghubungi beberapa musisi metal legendaris dan populer di Scene Internasional dan beruntung keinginan mereka mendapat sambutan baik, catat aja mereka itu adalah Bassis Terkenal dengan gaya Fretless sadisnya, Steve DiGiorgio ! yang kepiawaiannya sudah dikenal dibeberapa band terkenal tangguh seperti Anatomy of I, Charred Walls of the Damned, Ephel Duath, Futures End, Johnny Newman, Memorain, ex-Control Denied, ex-Artension, ex-Dragonlord, ex-Faust, ex-Iced Earth, ex-Painmuseum, ex-Sebastian Bach, ex-Testament, ex-Obituary (live), ex-Obscura (live), ex-James Murphy, ex-Death, ex-Dark Hall, ex-Soen, dan ex-Suicide Shift  selain tetap eksis diband Utamanya, Sadus ! lalu drummer Berkulit Dekil Mike Smith Ex. Suffocation melengkapi Posisi Intrumen Pukulan sadisnya, tentunya nama Mike Smith mulai lebih Open Project setelah dirinya keluar dari Suffocation dan sempat terlibat dibeberapa band seperti Iniquitous, Grimm Real, dan ex-Psychometry, semakin membuat Impian menjadi kenyataan saat materi Yang telah tersusun Aransemen Riffing-nya menjadi semakin sempurna dengan Tracking Bass dan Drumming-nya dengan menggandeng Enjiner Stephan Fimmers yang pernah menggarap materinya Necrophagist untuk direkam bersama di Aexxys-Art Studio di daerah Schwandorf, Jerman selama Bulan April 2010. kendati hanya merekam 1 lagu saja, Track " Disgrace of Redemption " mengusik banyak perhatian media untuk mengekspos-nya, termasuk majalah metal terbesar UK, terrorizer pada edisi tahun 2010. sementara menjawab rasa penasaran konsep musik yang dimainkan oleh Synesis Absorption ini, gw boleh bilang adalah Progressive Death Metal yang begitu kompleks Aransemennya, seperti sentuhan Old Opeth, Control Denied dengan Kejamnya grinding Mematikan Suffocation dan sentuhan Solo Brilian Neoclassical ala Necrophagist dan Decrepit Birth Riff dari Gitaris Necrophagist, Sami Raatikainen! struktur musik dewasa dan Brilian abisss !! rupanya aransemen Gitaris Miloš Batocanin ini bener2 tertantang sekali menciptakan sebuah Progresi musik dinamis dengan sesekali mengerahkan konsentrasi lainnya sebagai Backing Growl Vokills. proyek keroyokan ini memang telah menciptakan masterpiece track yang siap menambah perkembangan Death Metal dinamis dan menjadi sebuah ancaman serius untuk karya2 mereka dimasa yang akan datang ! segala kemampuan skill member telah dicurahkan secara total demi membentuk karakter musikalitas terbaiknya. It's perfectly orchestrated and the music is filled with melodic riffs galore. A similar smattering of eclectic influences of both a high octane Death Metal persuasion and a slower, rhythmic progressive persuasion trade blows within each song. In many ways this Track could be likened to a modern reinterpretation of In the vein Progressive Death Metal ! pukulan mantap Drummer Mike Smith selalu memberikan sentuhan dasyat dengan extra Powerfully Strikingnya ! The interplay between riffs gets a bit hectic and the jarring switches in feel that tend to be par for the course for most progressive outfits are much more pronounced here than they were even, which included a few songs that were meant for this album and was a bit closer to a straight-line approach to songwriting. sayang cuman 1 lagu aja yang ditawarkan di single ini, namun sayang sekali tahun 2011 salah satu frontman penggagas lahirnya konspirasi musisi Dasyat jahat ini, Branislav Panic memutuskan untuk mengundurkan diri, dan sempat masuk formasi pula mantan Gitaris Death dan Control Denied, Shannon Hamm pasca rilis single pertama ini dan akhirnya tergantikan posisinya oleh Gitaris berbakat Australia, Joe Haley dari band Psycroptic, dan menambah masuknya Vokalis Robbe Kok, Vokalis Death Metal Karismatik asal Netherland, Arsebreed, Disavowed, dan ex-Obsidian,  ini semakin menambah kuat formasi band Lintas negara ini. dan April 2012 lalu, Band ini kembali merilis single ke-2 nya " Forever Untouched ". This isn't the sort of music that one taps his foot to, nor that lends itself to being sung in the shower, but is more of a contemplative experience with a good amount of attitude and aggression. It comes off as a little bit overblown, yet always sounds like a new set of songs each time it plays. It's a fitting conclusion to a career of constant evolution by a prominent figure in metal history who refused to simply discover a niche and then stick to it, and a final testament to a past conscious yet forward-looking musician that played a huge role in expanding the definition of metal. yang pasti bakalan gw nantikan Full album mereka dimasa yang akan datang dengan Komposisi briliannya. Between straight up in-your-fucking-face shredding and slow, melodic leads, the guitar lead work is on par with Jesus, except more divine in nature.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Evil Conspiracy Emerging from a meeting between the Senior and Junior talent makes collaboration Phenomenal, is Synesis ABSORTION! which such special meeting is not held a significant limitation in the expression embedded in a single purpose, aim to create a masterpiece intense in their rock music career. band that was formed on the basis of combining brilliant character is a major motivation since the band was formed in 2009 was to try to play the concept of Progressive Death Metal was intense! before attempting onslaught of music, there are times when i introduce the first single formation, since 2009, guitarist Branislav Panic vocalist of the band's best talent Scene Serbia, Bane, Goat Eater, Senium, Disdained, Obscured, Sangre Eterna, Infest and much more certainly brings reputation ga undoubtedly extraordinary skill, with his best friend, guitarist Miloš Batocanin ever sepermainannya in Disdained appeared to have similarities mission to begin forming new Death Metal Music Progression from their previous play. by featuring musicians across the country, all the obsession with two talented musicians then tried to contact some legendary metal musicians and popular International Scene wishes and lucky they got a good response, they wrote notes it is fretless bassist Famous sadistic style, Steve DiGiorgio! that his talents are well known in several well-known bands such tough Anatomy of I, Charred Walls of the Damned, Ephel Duath, Futures End, Johnny Newman, Memorain, ex-Control Denied, ex-Artension, ex-Dragonlord, ex-Faust, ex-Iced Earth, ex-Painmuseum, ex-Sebastian Bach, ex-Testament, ex-Obituary (live), ex-Obscura (live), ex-James Murphy, ex-Death, ex-Dark Hall, ex-Soen, and ex- Suicide Shift in addition to still exist diband Primarily, Sadus! and drummer Mike Smith filthy crusted Ex. Suffocation complement position Instruments sadistic blow, of course, the name of Mike Smith began more Open Project after her exit from Suffocation and was involved in several bands such as Iniquitous, Grimm Real, and the ex-psychometry, making the dream come true when the material Yang has arranged his riffing Arrangement becomes more perfect with Tracking Bass and Drumming her by holding Engineer Stephan Fimmers ever worked on the material to be recorded together Necrophagist Aexxys-Art Studio in the Schwandorf, Germany during the month of April 2010. despite only recording one track only, Track "Disgrace of Redemption" disturbing expose a lot of media attention for her, including most UK metal magazine, Terrorizer in the edition of 2010. while answering the curiosity of music played by the concept of Synesis Absorption is, i must say is a Progressive Death Metal is so complex arrangements, such as a touch of Old Opeth, Control Denied by grinding Cruelly Off Solo touch Brilliant Suffocation and Necrophagist Neoclassical style and Decrepit Birth of Riff Guitarist Necrophagist, Sami Raatikainen! adult musical structure and Brilliant abisss!! Guitarist Miloš Batocanin arrangement apparently was once challenged bener2 creating a dynamic musical progression with occasional exert more concentration as Growl Backing Vokills. keroyokan project has indeed created a masterpiece of tracks that are ready to add the dynamic development of Death Metal and become a serious threat to their karya2 the future! all members have the ability skill is totally devoted to shaping the character best musicality. It's perfectly orchestrated and the music is filled with melodic riffs galore. A smattering of eclectic Similar Influences of both a high-octane Death Metal persuasion and a slower, rhythmic progressive persuasion trade blows within each song. In many ways this track could be likened to a modern reinterpretation of In the vein Progressive Death Metal! blow steadily Drummer Mike Smith always provide the extra touches powerfully Strikingnya terrible! The interplay between riffs gets a bit hectic and the jarring switches in feel that growing niche to be par for the course for most progressive outfits are much more pronounced here than they were even, roomates included a few songs that were meant for this album and was a bit closer to a straight-line approach to songwriting. dear cuman 1 song aja offered in single, but unfortunately in 2011 the birth of one of the initiators frontman musician terrible evil conspiracy, Branislav Panic decided to resign, and had entered the formations also former guitarist Death and Control Denied, Shannon Hamm post-release This first single position and eventually replaced by talented Australian guitarist, Joe Haley of Psycroptic band, and adds the entry vocalist Robbe Kok, Death Metal Vocalist Charismatic origin Netherland, Arsebreed, disavowed, and ex-Obsidian, is the formation of the band adds a strong cross country . and last April 2012, the band re-released her 2nd single "Forever Untouched". This is not the sort of music that taps his foot to one, nor that lends itself to being sung in the shower, but is more of a Contemplative experience with a good amount of attitude and aggression. It comes off as a little bit overblown, yet always sounds like a new set of songs each time it plays. It's a fitting conclusion to a career of constant evolution by a prominent figure in metal history who refused to simply discover a niche and then stick to it, and a final testament to a past conscious yet forward-looking musician that played a huge role in expanding the definition of metal. i certainly going forward full album in the future with a brilliant composition. Between straight up in-your-fucking-face shredding and slow, melodic leads, the lead guitar work is on par with Jesus, except more divine in nature.

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