Rabu, 04 November 2015

(Psychoparalysis) - Human Disposition CD 2013

(Psychoparalysis) - Human Disposition
BWK Records CD 2013

01 Throne of Mammon 01:08    
02 The Numbers Become My Enemies 04:09    
03 Fail to See 04:24    
04 Relinquish 05:21    
05 Looking Back to Tomorrow 06:46    
06 Human Disposition 00:40    
07 Truth Altered 05:20    
08 Beyond Iris 07:46    
09 Loss of Time 03:10    
10 The End Results in Violence 05:34

Otto Trygg - Bass, Back. Vocals
Mika Sallamaa - Drums
Bhaadi Partanen - Guitars
Anssi Kantola - Vocals, Guitars

(Psychoparalysis) plays dynamic death metal, a unique mixture of crushing riffs, enchanting melodies and pure death metal groove. Our songs are composed to satisfy personal feelings and inspirations while bands like Death and Bolt Thrower echoed in the depths of the mind. The outcome has been often compared to such bands as early Amorphis and Edge of Sanity. Dimateri Full Album pertama Band asal Uusimaa, Finlandia ini semakin matang menyuguhkan Aransemen Progressive Death Metal nya dengan gaya Swedish Sound Era Afflicted " Prodigal Sun " dengan sentuhan Old School Death Metal dinamis gaya Death tanpa banyak meninggalkan Gaya Kuat Bolt Thrower-nya. walk a fine line between innovative and pretentious. Fortunately, they manage to stay on the path, and the release doesn't lapse into childish avant-garde embarrassment. The music fits the style, and the level of difficulty they've chosen suits the band very well. cukup berkibar dengan 3 demo awal merasakan sendiri betapa kompetisi hari ini tetap tidak menggoyahkan eksistensi dan idealis mereka mengusung warna Death Metal ! "Spirit, Flesh, Passion, Awareness .... dengan permainan bermusik yang Variatif serta Sound Raw Gothenburg Sound lebih tersaji dengan Karakter modern. banyak melakukan lick2 menarik pada setiap sentuhan Lead Guitar bergaya Melodius masih menjadi Ciri Khas Band2 Daratan Finlandia, check Track pertama  " The Numbers Become My Enemies " setelah dimulai dengan Opening Instrumental Track. Karakter Vokal Anssi Kantola disini memang mengingatkan banget gaya bernyanyi Joakim Bröms -nya Afflicted era " Prodigal Sun " dengan beberapa sentuhan Avant Garde yang atmospheric membalut banyak lick bermusik-nya. The band has obviously not been aiming for maximum heaviness, but for a "progressive" sound as a part of the sub-genre's trappings. And with the medium tempo as far as death metal goes, barked rather than truly growled vocals, and the guitars centering on finesse more than steamrolling, the balance is there. meski terdengar simple strukturnya, namun masih kerap meninggalkan karakter bermusik yang bagus. sentuhan Klasik Riffing Chuck of Death hingga Cynic memang juga jadi Target Utama lain Band ini bersemangat menciptakan aransemen demi aransemennya. Technical yet melodic Swedish death metal emphasizing progressive rock influences in composition and instrumental interplay. Soul-searching progressive death metal which strays from stylistic expressive traditions, instead employing the elements of death metal the way that progressive rock bands use ‘rock’ elements, resulting in death metal as if played by a 1970s progressive rock band. The psychedelic atmosphere and the cosmic spiraling space-rock guitar melodies give this music a unique character, a distinct and somewhat quirky sound that pushes Afflicted to the outer reaches of their foundational style. untuk Warna Kental gaya Progressive yang lebih menonjok, kalian bisa simak " Beyond Iris " yang akan menguras enerji dan skill mereka disini. 10 Track Berdurasi sekitar 44:18 akan memberikan sajian menarik Bermusik Sophisticated dengan sentuhan serba Dinamis namun tetap ringan di konsumsi dalam suasana apapun. Chaotic yet purposeful, overflowing with inspiration, vision, imagination, exploding with creativity and power. Somehow this gifted band managed to become lost in the sea of Swedish death metal bands of the time, but they had a lot more to say, and much fresher and more interesting ways to say it, than most of their regional competition.

(Psychoparalysis) dynamic plays death metal, a unique mixture of crushing riffs, enchanting melodies and pure death metal groove. Our songs are composed to satisfy personal feelings and inspirations while bands like Death and Bolt Thrower echoed in the depths of the mind. The outcome has been Often Compared to such bands as early Amorphis and Edge of Sanity. Dimateri First Full Album Band from Uusimaa, Finland is increasingly matured Progressive Death Metal Lineup presenting her with a Swedish style Afflicted Sound Era "Prodigal Sun" with a touch of Old School Death Metal Death dynamic style without leaving a lot of Strong Style Bolt Thrower her. walk a fine line between innovative and pretentious. Fortunately, they manage to stay on the path, and the release does not lapse into childish Embarrassment avant-garde. The music fits the style, and the level of difficulty they've chosen suits the band very well. pretty fly with 3 demo early feel for yourself just how competitive these days still did not shake their idealistic existence and brings color Death Metal! "Spirit, Flesh, Passion, Awareness .... Variatif with musical games and more Sound Sound Raw Gothenburg presented with modern character. Much do lick2 interesting at every touch Lead Guitar melodic style is still a band2 Characteristic Mainland Finland, first check Track "The Numbers Become My Enemies" after starting with the Opening Instrumental Track. Anssi Character Vocal Kantola here is very reminiscent of the style of his singing Joakim Broms Afflicted era "Prodigal Sun" with a touch of the Avant Garde bind atmospheric musical lick her lot. band has obviously not been aiming for maximum heaviness, but for a "progressive" sound as a part of the sub-genre's trappings. And with the medium tempo as far as death metal goes, barked rather than truly growled vocals, and the guitars centering on more finesse than steamrolling, the balance is there. although it sounds simple structure, but is still often left a great musical character. touch riffing Classic Chuck of Death by Cynic Main Target is also so excited about creating another band arrangements for arrangements. yet melodic Swedish Technical emphasizing death metal progressive rock Influences in composition and instrumental interplay. Soul-searching progressive death metal roomates strays from stylistic expressive traditions, instead employing the elements of death metal the way that progressive rock bands use 'rock' elements, resulting in death metal as if played by a 1970s progressive rock band. The psychedelic atmosphere and the Spiraling cosmic space-rock guitar melodies give this music a unique character, a distinct and somewhat quirky sound that pushes the Afflicted to the Outer Reaches of their foundational style. Condensed color styles for Progressive more punch, you can see "Beyond Iris" which will drain their energy and skill here. around 44:18 10 Track Films presentation will provide interesting musical Sophisticated with a touch-paced dynamic yet remain light in consumption in any atmosphere. Chaotic yet purposeful, overflowing with inspiration, vision, imagination, exploding with creativity and power. Somehow this gifted band managed up to become lost in the sea of ??Swedish death metal bands of the time, but they had a lot more to say, and much fresher and more interesting ways to say it, than most of their regional competition.

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