Rabu, 04 November 2015

Grausig - In the Name of All Who Suffered and Died EP 2013

Grausig - In the Name of All Who Suffered and Died
Self Released EP 2013

01 Intro - The Killing Storm 00:58    
02 Curse of Satan 02:24    
03 Fathers of the Flesh 03:43    
04 Delusion of Subsequent Enslavement 03:09    
05 Awakened from Isolated Vortex Congregation 02:59    
06 Doomsday 2K13 02:37

Denny - Drums
James - Vocals
Rodewin Naiborhu - Bass
Budi Ridwin - Guitar

THE DEATH METAL MONSTER HAS BACK !!! seperti gw memberikan Titel Edisi Pertama LIC Digitalzine saat menampilkan Interview dengan Dedengkot Godfather Death Metal populer era 90-an Asal Ibukota, GRAUSIG Telah kembali !!! seperti ingin me-Refresh Mindset serta memori Metalhead dengan kehadiran mereka di era 90-an, dimana dimasa itu Movement Death metal sedang menuju Kejayaannya pada scene Indonesia yang segala sesuatu nya menjadi begitu luar biasa untuk Kita dan gw kenang saat itu hehehe ... dan mengutip Kata2 Jawaban Interview dengan Denny, " Seperti Ingin “ me-refresh “ para metalhead " lama " era tahun 2000an ke bawah tentang GrausiG, juga semacam " announce " kepada metalhead era 2000an s/d sekarang yang memang tidak kenal maupun kenal dengan GrausiG seperti apa musik yang GrausiG mainkan ", Kehadiran Kembali Grausig di Mini Ep ini bakalan menjadi sebuah Materi Pemanasan sebelum melangkah di Full album baru mereka nantinya. sejak terbentuk tahun 1989 nan, nama Grausig sendiri sudah banyak dihiasi dengan beberapa scenester Terkenal seperti Almarhum drummer Robin Hutagaol pernah memperkuat barisan Grausig tahun 1992, Yachya Wacked Ex. Sucker Head telah menemani Evolusi Perjalanan Band ini hingga menemukan Konsep yang matang, Brutal Death Metal ! dan Hal itu dimulai sejak Grausig pertama kali melempar debut Ep Kaset pertama " Feed the Flesh to the Beast " Tahun 1994, dimana saat itu masih belum banyak Band death Metal yang bisa mencetak Prestasi seperti ini selain cuman eksis dari panggung ke panggung saja, dimana Format Kaset Rekaman dengan Full colour cover menjadi sesuatu yang eksklusif oleh Graveyard Productions, yang menjadi The Number 1 Printed Full Colour T-Shirt terbaik Era 90-an ... hehehe Di Indonesia ... menyuguhkan 5 lagu Berisik dan Brutal, Rilisan Ep ini pun telah Sold Out dalam waktu yang ga lama dan menobatkan Grausig sebagai salah satu Dedengkot Death Metal Band yang paling disegani ! dengan memainkan Komposisi yang merupakan perpaduan antara the Mighty Suffocation dan Deicide, Grausig menciptakan Sentuhan Brutal Death Metal yang Blasphemic abis !! puncaknya Tahun 1999 Grausig kembali mencetak Masterpiece Fenomenal dengan Merilis " Abandoned, Forgotten, & Rotting Alone " menjadi Full album Profesional Pertama yang di rilis oleh Sub Label Besar kala itu Aquarius Musikindo, Independent Records yang memiliki Jaringan Distribusi Nasional dan Internasional masih dalam format Kaset pita saat ini masih begitu Booming ! Full album dengan 8 lagu Sadis Mantap dikerjakan oleh Harry Widodo Di Harmony Studio yang kemudian di Mastering oleh Don Bartley di Studio 301, Sydney / Australia masih menjadi Langganan beberapa musisi papan atas Indonesia hingga saat ini, bener2 sebuah aroma Dasyat Suffocation begitu kental ditawarkan di " Abandoned, Forgotten, & Rotting Alone " ini berbuah Sold Out ke-2 kalinya bagi Karir Grausig, namun sayang ga lama setelah rilis album ini, Grausig didera beberapa Problem hingga Tahun 2000, Grausig memutuskan untuk Vakum ! dengan sisa semangat yang ada, frontman Drummer Denny dan Vokalis James berusaha membangkitkan kembali formasi Band ini walau tidak diperkuat kembali oleh Gitaris berbakat Band, Ricky, Grausig telah menemukan sosok penggantinya, Budi Ridwin dari band Metal Slimer dan Menggandeng Rodewin Naiborhu menggantikan Posisi Almarhum Bassis Bobby. menyusun kembali lagu2 lama mereka sebagai Langkah " Announce " kepada Metalhead tanah air, Akhirnya Grausig secara Independen melepas Mini CD ini sebagai bentuk Eksistensi sejak Kembalinya band tahun 2011 lalu. Memperkenalkan 1 lagu terbaru " Delusion of Subsequent Enslavement " sebagai Taste fresh Band melalui Formasi terkini-nya, Grausig tetap menawarkan komposisi Brutal Death Metal Gahar-nya !! dan 4 lagu berikutnya adalah daur ulang dari 2 rilisan sebelumnya yang direkam kembali dengan sedikit modifikasi ciamik penendang pantat !! ..... Track awal dimulai dengan sebuah Intro " The Killing Storm " selama 58 detik cukup Epic dan Choir banget! bener2 cukup membuat suasana menegangkan dan memancing Adrenalin untuk menyambut kejutan Grausig terbaru saat ini yang di awali dengan " Curse Of Satan " dari Ep " Feed the Flesh to the Beast " adalah Anthemic Grausig Track di era 90-an. dengan sentuhan sounding tebal dan mantap, track ini serasa menjadi sangat Fresh dinikmati diera millenium walau ciptaan era 90-an tersebut sudah tergerus oleh waktu, Grausig tetap berhasil menciptakan sentuhan Old School Death Metal yang sudah mulai Hilang dari Perkembangan Musik itu sendiri. dan menjadi sangat salut plus perhatian banget bagi gw adalah, ternyata Grausig masih mempertahankan Kualitas bermain yang sebenarnya ! dalam artian, Drum Track record masih menggunakan Sistem Analog, sehingga amat terasa Ketukan Drumming Denny yang Natural banget sentuhannya, dan Cuman Gitar/Bass serta Vokal yang direkam melalui Sistem Digital, hmmmm ... bener2 Grausig masih mempertahankan Kualitas perform panggung-nya tetap sama dengan Recording-nya, ... sebuah Metode yang sudah sangat ditinggalkan Oleh Band2 sekarang ini, sehingga menjadi terlalu diperbudak dengan Teknologi digital demi menciptakan sesuatu yang " Perfect " tapi selalu membohongi " Perform " sebenarnya, sehingga kerap terbukti diatas panggung kesannya. juga gw menggunakan Implementasi statement Musisi Indra Lesmana Kalau " Musik itu harus disampaikan dengan Jujur ". meskipun Usia tidak menjadi Batasan yang Menghalangi Produktifitas band, terbukti banget, Karakteristik Deep Growling Vokalis James MASIH YANG TERBAIK !!! sehingga Gw Jujur berani membuat Klaim tersendiri jika James memang masih pantas menjadi Frank Mullen-nya Indonesia ! That Is Absolute !! permainan Riffing gitaris Budi Ridwin juga tidak mengecewakan sekaligus pilihan Tepat Grausig menggantikan Posisi seorang Ricky sekalipun hehehe dan Bassis Rodewin Naiborhu juga telah menjalankan peran seorang almarhum Bobby yang cool ! sehingga memang Grausig sedang menemukan kembali Spirit Barunya di Invasi kali ini. setelah mengoyak dengan " Curse Of Satan ", giliran " Fathers of the Flesh " di aransemen dan mainkan kembali dari album full pertama " Abandoned, Forgotten, & Rotting Alone " masih menampilkan sentuhan yang mantap banget !! mendengarkan sounding Drum Denny , seakan mendengarkan sendiri Bagaimana Denny Menghajar Perangkat Drum-nya secara " real " diatas panggung coy ! Intense and Powerfully banget ketukannya ! perpaduan gaya Suffocation era " Effigy Of The Forgotten " dengan Deicide Konsep memang menjadi sentuhan tersendiri bagi Grausig sudah dari sejak awal. As far as reliability, it's worth a spin here or there if you just want some professional punishment, solid performances all around, and unswerving castigation of the clergy, but almost all of its constituent tracks fail to evoke 'the riff', or 'that riff', if you're picking up what I'm putting down. kemudian Gw harus penasaran merasakan bagaimana materi terbaru mereka " Delusion of Subsequent Enslavement " dipersembahkan kali ini, yeahhh ... At the time, I liked the intense and brutal approach, though the primary attraction came from the blasphemous and Satanic sentiment that was present in each track !! masih dengan Komposisi yang Brilian dan Sophisticated, Grausig masih menguasai Gaya Bermain death Metal yang " Old Schooling " banget, masih mempertahankan karakter yang ga bisa lepas dari tubuh band tentunya. bahkan bisa gw rasakan sendiri bagaimana Komposisi lagu baru mereka semakin berbahaya dan Matang ! sometimes being somewhat technically impressive, sometimes menacing, and forgettable on some instances. The solos feel like an afterthought; blurs of notes spewed out in an unmemorable fashion that lacks any depth. " Awakened from Isolated Vortex Congregation " masih didaur ulang dari album " Abandoned, Forgotten, & Rotting Alone ", serangan mantap membabi buta masih menjadi Trademark berdarah berikutnya, dan ditutup oleh Track anthemic Grausig yang fenomenal " Doomsday " dan kali ini mendapat sentuhan baru yang lebih modern pada beberapa part, sehingga " Doomsday " menambahkan lagi menjadi " Doomsday 2K13 " adalah versi baru track ini. Grausig were transitioning into one of the most brutal, infamous runts in the entire Indonesian litter, and they offered a reliable level of blasphemous release for an audience that wanted to pound their own fucking skulls in !!! Masterpiece Mini CD mengerikan yang patut menjadi Barometer Band2 Death Metal era kini mulai lebih mempertimbangkan skill perform Real dan Kualitas yang utama daripada hanya menjadi Budak Digitalisme. bagaimana Gw juga merindukan era 90-an dimana para musisi band metal lebih " Jujur "dengan skill perform sehingga menjadi Greget memorable tersendiri untuk menikmati seterusnya karir mereka. sebuah ancaman telah datang kembali dari masa lalu untuk menunjukkan bagaimana memainkan musik " Death Metal " yang sebenarnya nih hehehe .... Hadir dengan Kemasan Profesional Full colour cover dan Bonus Poster cukup untuk melepas dahaga Fans lama Grausig. This is a great example of how to incorporate all layers of the death metal sound together in a way that brings out the best in each instrument, leading to a crushingly heavy sound album that may seem mindlessly brutal, but in reality is loaded with many instrumental intricacies that make it one of the top albums to come out of the Indonesian scene, BUY OR DEATH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE DEATH METAL MONSTER HAS BACK!!! like i give LIC Digitalzine Titel First Edition when displaying Interview with the Godfather of Death Metal dedengkot popular 90s Origin Capital, Grausig Been back!!! like want to Refresh Mindset and Metalhead memory with their presence in the era of the 90s, where the future is heading Death metal Movement glory on the scene Indonesian her everything became so remarkable for You and i remembered that time hehehe ... and cites kata2 Answer Interview with Denny, "As Want" refresh "metalhead" old "era of the 2000s down on Grausig, also a kind of" announce "the 2000s era metalhead s / d now that does not know or are familiar with Grausig What kind of music Grausig play ", Presence Back Grausig in Ep Mini is going to be a matter Warming before stepping on their new full-length album later. nan since forming in 1989, the name itself has a lot Grausig decorated with some scenester Famous as the late drummer Robin Hutagaol been strengthened lineup Grausig 1992, Yachya wacked Ex. Sucker Head have accompanied the evolution of the band trip to find a mature concept, Brutal Death Metal! It was started and the first time since Grausig throws first cassette debut Ep "Feed the Flesh to the Beast" in 1994, at which time it is still not a lot of death metal band that can print such achievement is in addition cuman exist from stage to stage only, where the Format Cassette tape with full color cover into something exclusive by Graveyard Productions, which became The Number 1 Full Colour Printed T-Shirt Best 90's Era ... hehehe In Indonesia ... Noisy and presenting 5 tracks Brutal, Ep release has also been Sold Out in ga long time and named as one of the founding figures Grausig Death Metal Band's most respected! to play a composition which is a blend of the Mighty Suffocation and Deicide, Grausig create touch Brutal Death Metal Blasphemic abis!! Grausig 1999 peak again scored with a phenomenal Masterpiece releases "Abandoned, Forgotten, and Rotting Alone" becomes the First Professional Full album which was released by the time Major Label Sub Aquarius Musikindo, Independent Records with National and International Distribution Network is still in cassette tape format is still so Booming! Full album with 8 songs performed by Harry Sadistic Steady Widodo In Harmony Studios which later on Mastering by Don Bartley at Studio 301, Sydney / Australia remains a Subscription several top musicians Indonesia today, bener2 a terrible smell so thick Suffocation offered in " Abandoned, Forgotten, and Rotting Alone "is fruitful Sold Out 2nd time for Career Grausig, but unfortunately ga long after the release of this album, Grausig whipped some up to the Year 2000 Problem, Grausig decided to vacuum! with the rest of the spirit of existing, drummer Denny frontman and vocalist James attempted to revive the band's formation, though not reinforced by talented Guitarist Band, Ricky, Grausig have discovered the figure of a successor, Budi Ridwin of Slimer and Holding Metal band Rodewin Naiborhu replace Deceased Bassist Bobby Position . reconstitute them as long lagu2 Step "Announce" to Metalhead homeland, finally the Independent Grausig Mini CD release this as a form of existence return of the band since 2011 last year. 1 Introducing the new song "Delusion of Subsequent Enslavement" as Taste fresh band through its recent formation, composition Grausig still offer Brutal Death Metal Gahar her!! and 4 next song is recycled from previous releases recorded 2 back with slight modifications ciamik ass kicker!! ..... Initial track begins with an intro "The Killing Storm" for 58 seconds and Choir really pretty Epic! bener2 enough to make the atmosphere tense and fishing adrenaline to welcome the latest Grausig surprise today that begins with "Curse Of Satan" from the EP "Feed the Flesh to the Beast" is anthemic Grausig Track in the 90s. with a touch of sounding thick and steady, this track seemed to be a very enjoyable Fresh millennium era creation despite the 90s has been eroded by time, Grausig still managed to create a touch of Old School Death Metal that has begun Missing from the development of the music itself. and became very salute plus interest for gw really is, it turns out Grausig still maintain quality of the actual play! in a sense, Drum Track record still using Analog System, so keenly felt that Natural Beats Drumming Denny really touch, and Cuman Guitar / Bass and Vocals recorded through Digital Systems, hmmmm ... bener2 Grausig still maintain the quality of its performing stage remains the same as its Recording, ... a method which has been very abandoned By band2 now, so that it becomes too enslaved by digital technology in order to create something that is "Perfect" but always lied to "Perform" in fact, so often proved his impression on the stage. i also use a statement musician Indra Lesmana Implementation If "Music must be submitted with the honest". although age is not a limitation that Block Productivity band, proved to be really, Characteristics of Deep Growling vocalist James STILL THE BEST!!! Honestly so Gw dare make a separate claim if James is still fit to be his Indonesian Frank Mullen! That Is Absolute!! Budi Ridwin guitarist riffing game also does not disappoint once option replaces the position of a Right Grausig though hehehe and bassist Ricky Rodewin Naiborhu also perform the role of a deceased Bobby is cool! so does Grausig being rediscovered his New Spirit at this time invasion. after tearing the "Curse Of Satan", turn "Fathers of the Flesh" in the arrangements and played back from the first full album "Abandoned, Forgotten, and Rotting Alone" is still showing steady touch really!! Denny sounding Drum listen, as if listening to himself How Denny The Drum Beat her in "real" coy on stage! Powerfully Intense and really knock! blend style era Suffocation "Effigy Of The Forgotten" by Deicide The concept is a distinctive touch to Grausig already from the very beginning. As far as reliability, it's worth a spin here or there if you just want some professional punishment, solid performances all around, and unswerving castigation of the Clergy, but almost all of its constituent tracks fail to evoke 'the riff', or 'that Riffs', if you're picking up what I'm putting down. then Gw should be curious to feel how their new material "Delusion of Subsequent Enslavement" is dedicated this time, yeahhh ... At the time, I liked the intense and brutal approach, though the primary attraction came from the blasphemous and Satanic sentiment that was present in each track!! still with Brilliant composition and Sophisticated, Grausig still mastering death Metal Play Style "Old Schooling" really, still retains the character that can not be separated from the body of the band of course. i can even feel for themselves how their new song composition and Matang increasingly dangerous! sometimes being somewhat technically impressive, sometimes menacing, and forgettable on some instances. The solos feel like an afterthought; blurs of notes spewed out in an unmemorable fashion that lacks any depth. "Awakened from Isolated Vortex Congregation" was recycled from the album "Abandoned, Forgotten, and Rotting Alone", indiscriminate attacks remains steady Trademark subsequent bleeding, and covered by a phenomenal Grausig anthemic track "Doomsday" and this time got a new touch more modern in some parts, so that the "Doomsday" added again to "Doomsday 2K13" is the new version of this track. Grausig were Transitioning into one of the most brutal, infamous Indonesian entire runts in the litter, and they offered a reliable level of blasphemous release for an audience that wanted to pound their own fucking skulls in!!! Mini Masterpiece terrible CD that should be Barometer band2 Death Metal era now beginning to be considered performing real skill and quality of the primary rather than just be a slave Digitalisme. how Gw also missed the 90s metal band where the musicians are more "honest" with a skill that it becomes lost interest memorable perform its own to enjoy their career onwards. a threat has come back from the past to show how to play the music "Death Metal" is actually nih hehehe .... Comes with Professional Packaging Full color cover and Bonus Poster enough to quench your thirst Fans Grausig long. This is a great example of how to incorporate all layers of the death metal sound together in a way that brings out the best in each instrument, leading to a crushingly heavy album sound that may seem mindlessly brutal, but in reality is loaded with many instrumental intricacies that make it one of the top albums to come out of the Indonesian scene, BUY OR DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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