Rabu, 04 November 2015

Deeds Of Flesh - Portal To Canaan CD 2013

Deeds Of Flesh - Portal To Canaan
Unique Leader Records CD 2013

01 Amidst the Ruins 04:32    
02 Entranced in Decades of Psychedelic Sleep 06:38    
03 Rise of the Virvum Juggernaut 04:16      
04 Celestial Serpents 05:36    
05 Caelum Hirundines Terra / The Sky Swallows the Earth 01:41    
06 Xeno-Virus 05:30    
07 Hollow Human Husks 04:08    
08 Portals to Canaan 04:35    
09 Orphans of Sickness (Gorguts cover) 05:26

Erik Lindmark - Guitars, Vocals
Mike Hamilton - Drums
Craig Peters - Lead Guitars, Vocals
Ivan Munguia - Bass

Californian technical death metal has a pretty staple sound: it's fast, brutal, and a serious amount of wank Deeds Of Flesh employ the same aforementioned style that they're known for and helped popularize !!! Oh Yeahhhhh !!!!!!!! ... Akhirnya menjadi sebuah Klimaks penantian Panjang Deeds Of Flesh Fans sejak Album terakhir mereka " Of What's to Come " tahun 2008, DOF terlalu disibukkan dengan Jadwal padat Perform mereka dan pergantian formasi dengan masih masih menyisakan perjuangan Keras frontman Erik Lindmark tetap mempertahankan Nama Gahar DOF di kancah Death Metal Musik sebagai salah satu The Most Wanted Band !! Deeds of Flesh have been pummeling away at their extremely brutal style for well over a decade now, but I was never a fan of any of their previous albums. Thus I was pleasantly surprised with their 8th full-length, which sacrifices none of the extremity of the band's roots but presents a more immersive, interesting slugfest. sudah dari sejak band ini membuat Press release akan merilis album terbarunya disusul dengan 1 Lagu " Amidst the Ruins " sebagai sample Perkenalannya, Fans DOF semakin tidak sabar menunggu Materi gress kali ini.  Band bentukan Tahun 1993 di Los Osos, California, di kenal sebagai salah satu pencetus genre Brutal Death Metal Modern sejak band ini merilis EP " Gradually Melted " tahun 1995, dengan permainan Beat yang meledak2 pada Drum dan gaya bermain Konvensional dari pendahulunya, nama Deeds Of Flesh seketika itu langsung melejit sebagai salah satu pengusungnya sehingga kebanyakan Media menyebutnya sebagai " Californian Brutal Death Metal " yang kemudian disusul oleh generasi berikutnya seperti Disgorge, Deprecated, Carnivorous, Severed Savior, dan lainnya. dengan konsep gaya bermain serba dinamis menuntut konsentrasi tinggi dengan segala Beat yang cepat, DOF dari album ke album mengalami evolusi yang semakin intens dan mengerikan !!  First and foremost, this is the latest release from an uninventive technical death metal outfit, and it's basically everything you've come to expect from modern tech death these days, one of the purists who calls this new ultra-tech scene bad, but when it's bland and boring, as this is, it really lowers my faith in the modern death genre. sebagai salah satu Fans besar DOF, gw selalu ga meninggalkan sedikitpun progresi bermusik yang mereka tawarkan pada setiap albumnya. sejak memasuki album ke-7, DOF memutuskan ingin lebih tampil dinamis dengan Formasi ber-4 dan bukan Trio lagi, dimulai dengan hadirnya Lead Gitaris Sean Southern pada album " Of What's to Come " Tahun 2008, gaya Bermusik DOF semakin lebih berwarna lagi pada setiap Lick-nya dengan hadirnya beberapa solo Gitar yang terkonsen total pada setiap Struktur lagunya. dan sebenarnya DOF sudah pernah tampil ber-4 era album " Path of the Weakening " tahun 1999 dengan mantan Gitaris band Brutal Vile, Jim Tkacz ! setelah itu Frontman Eric Lindmark lebih enjoy main Trio di 3 album selanjutnya. dan tentunya kita masih terngiang dengan kedasyatan album " Of What's to Come " khan ?, tentunya hal ini masih begitu kuat sekali sentuhannya pada progres musikal DOF saat ini dengan kehadiran 2 member anyarnya, Gitaris Craig Peters banyak memberikan balutan Melodius hitam pada beberapa solo Gitarnya serta Bassis Ivan Munguia ( Arkaik, Brain Drill, Insanity, Vomit Trough, Deconversion (live), ex-Odious Mortem, ex-Carnivorous ) kemudian bergabung menggantikan Erlend Caspersen yang sempat dianggap sanggup menjadi sosok pengganti Frontman Jacoby Kingston yang memutuskan Hengkap dari DOF sejak dirinya membangun band ini bareng Eric. track awal " Amidst the Ruins " tentu sudah kita dengar sebelumnya sejak DOF mempostingnya di Youtube. terdengar banget Struktur musikalitas yang kian matang dengan balutan Solo2 gitar melodius semakin menambah harum elemen sadisme beat band masih dengan gaya bermain mencengangkan ini ! where the guitar manages to get downright annoying at times. The production and the concept album-style lyrics about space and humanity's place within a greater, much more destructive universe work well together (although one could argue that it has become quite cliché). masih begitu terasa juga sih gaya bermain era album " Of What's to Come ", bagaimana Technical Riffing Amazing dan Sophiscated bertebaran disetiap lick Komposisi secara mengejutkan ! tried recently... a slippery mess of the usual brutal death chugga guitar riffs and some slower attempts at melody and tempo variation. To overshadow their lack of ideas, they "shred" with silly fruitcup guitar solos and some twiddly "tech" riffs. sangat dinamis pada setia Bar Riff tidak banyak melakukan Sustain Refrain yang signifikan, harmonizing serta Pummeling riffing masih menjadi Ritual hitam DOF menggiring keganasan Mantap drummer Mike Hamilton memberikan pukulan serba mematikannya ! All musicianship is phenomenal bringing the Skilling out from behind the typical wall of sound where it resides, weaving intricate patterns that compliment the overriding structure of each and every song. amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... Kemudian " Entranced in Decades of Psychedelic Sleep ", Part awalnya masih mengulang pada gaya part track " Amidst the Ruins ", kali ini seperti sedang mengalami peningkatan emosional 1 level keatas dalam skill, DOF semakin lebih kejam menanamkan komposisi permainan dengan Atmosfir gelap ! Duet Vokal Eric dengan Gitaris Craig Peters masih menawarkan Attitude band style tersendiri dan terkomposisi ! The stop-start riff patterns are nothing new to these diabolical brutal death gods, but the cleaner guitar tone and perfect production boosts this behemoth to astronomical heights. THIS is brutal death metal: this is socially unacceptable often insane-sounding songwriting the likes of which I've never heard. No instrument stands out as being superior to any other respective instrument and the sum of the parts is what you'd get It ! Instrumentation is tight and locks in together precisely, creating the amazing sound qualities that Deeds of Flesh has come to represent. Most individual tracks are recognizable (after a few listens anyways,) and song structure is pretty coherent and flows as well as brutal death metal can. memang " Entranced in Decades of Psychedelic Sleep " menjadi Track dengan Durasi terpanjang di album gress ini, mengingatkan Gw dengan Fenomenalnya DOF membawakan Track " The Endurance " era " Reduced to Ashes " tahun 2003 lalu dengan durasi terpanjang 11:47 Brutal Death Nonstop Awesome !! lalu " Rise of the Virvum Juggernaut " gempuran awalnya memang agak membawa kita kembali ke gaya awal2 album DOF dengan dominasi kecepatan namun ga lama setelah itu sentuhan teknikal menjadi lebih menghantui performance dengan sentuhan2 yang lebih Kompleks lagi, sentuhan gaya modern bermain ala Arkaik, Brain Drill hingga Origin pun mulai merasuki komposisi DOF sekarang. I actually enjoy this, because I find a lot of the time with brutal death metal is the snare is inaudible, and thus, the blast beats end up being rendered useless. Every part of the drums are highly audible. The bass drum is really high sounding too, but it only adds to the precisions of the music. The bass is really audible too, and not difficult to find. " Celestial Serpents " tidak seperti pada Konsep DOF sebelumnya yang hampir jarang menggunakan sampling Intro, namun disini baru gw denger sentuhannya sebelum Gendang telinga Gw dikonyak habis2 an kembali, tapi track berikutnya malah menjadi Full intro " Caelum Hirundines Terra / The Sky Swallows the Earth " selama 01:41. dan kembali mencincang lagi dengan track " Xeno-Virus ", Irama detak jantung kita bakalan dibikin ga stabil dengan hentakan Blastbeat Rapat dan menancap dalam jantung kita. they don’t conjure up an evil atmosphere, it’s more like the calculating robotic single-mindedness of a highly focused psychopath going about his business of killing someone in an extremely messy fashion and leaving no evidence is essential and reeks of greatness. Of course, their inhuman technicality and precision is often written off as boring by sniveling momma’s-boys who wipe their noses on their sleeves and don’t know how to wipe their own asses properly, but that’s life.... Its Real AMAZIIIIINGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... " Hollow Human Husks " berikutnya masih tetap menawarkan kekejaman bermusik asli DOF yang kini semakin kerap menghujamkan gaya Sweep Picking dan Alternate Slicing Picking dan beberapa Konsep Arpheggio mengagumkan ! " Portals to Canaan " memberikan sentuhan sadistis masih pada hentakan Blastbeat dan Solo Fast Riffing awesome, pantas saja Track ini menjadi Track Utama Album karena memang lebih menguras konsentrasi skill dan Powerfully minded mereka memainkan sesuatu yang serba cepat dan gelap ! dan untuk pertama kalinya mungkin bagi DOF menyertakan sebuah Cover Version Track dalam albumnya, kali ini " Orphans of Sickness " nya milik Legendary Death Metal Kompleks asal Quebec, Canada, Gorguts coba dibawakan ulang dalam Versi DOF yang so pasti Brilian hehehehe !! Masih Menampilkan Lukisan Artwork keren karya seniman Raymond Swanland yang juga sudah banyak bikin karya bagus band2 terkenal kayak Suffocation, Psycroptic, Slechtvalk dan lainnya , As usual, this is an awesome display of death metal violence. The drums pound away in all their triggered glory (although this time the snare is sometimes almost too highly tuned, pinging away with that annoying tin-can PING sound on a few songs, while elsewhere it sounds perfect), the guitar/bass tandem rips out riff after riff with nary a concern for such frivolities as hooks or subtlety – this shit is designed to stomp on your head, not lull you into a comatose state. wholly different in technique: the similarities are due to the virtuoso talent level. Tone-wise it's very distorted at times and then incredibly clean sounding in the leads which are so wonderful I sound gay trying to explain how SUPER it really is. Album Penantian Wajib DOF dan Buat kalian Fans Teknikal Skill Mengerikan, THIS IS REALLY FOR YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!

Californian technical death metal has a pretty staple sound: it's fast, brutal, and a serious amount of wank Deeds aforementioned employ the same style that they're known for and helped popularize!!! Oh Yeahhhhh!!!!!!!! ... Eventually became a climax waiting Long Deeds Of Flesh Fans since Their latest album "Of What's to Come" in 2008, the DOF is too busy with a tight schedule Perform them and change formations with still still leaves the struggle Loud frontman Erik Lindmark retaining Name Gahar DOF in the arena Death Metal Music as one of The Most Wanted Band!! Deeds have been pummeling away at their extremely brutal style for well over a decade now, but I was never a fan of any of their previous albums. Thus I was pleasantly surprised with their 8th full-length, roomates Sacrifices none of the extremity of the band's roots but presents a more immersive, interesting slugfest. The band has been on since the press release makes will release new album followed by 1 song "Amidst the Ruins" as an introduction to the sample, the DOF Fans can not wait gress material this time. The band formed in 1993 in Los Osos, California, is known as one of the originators of the genre since Modern Brutal Death Metal band released the EP "Gradually Melted" in 1995, with the game on the Drum Beat the meledak2 Conventional and playing style of its predecessor, the name Deeds Flesh immediately immediately skyrocketed as one who carried so many media called it a "Californian Brutal Death Metal" which is then followed by the next generation as Disgorge, deprecated, Carnivorous, Severed Savior, and others. with the concept of dynamic-paced style of play requires a high concentration with all the rapid Beat, DOF from album to album evolved increasingly intense and horrible!! First and foremost, this is the latest release from an uninventive technical death metal outfit, and it's basically everything you've come to expect from modern tech death these days, one of the purists who calls this new ultra-tech bad scene, but when it's bland and boring, as this is, it really lowers my faith in the genre of modern death. as one of the big fans DOF, I always leave the ga slightest musical progression that they offer on each album. since entering 7th album, DOF decided he wanted to be performed dynamically by Formation Air-4 and not a trio again, starting with the presence of Lead guitarist Sean Southern on the album "Of What's to Come" in 2008, musical styles DOF ??is getting more colorful in every Lick her in the presence of some guitar solos that terkonsen total on every song structures. and actually had appeared DOF Air-4 era album "Path of the Weakening" in 1999 with former guitarist Brutal Vile, Jim Tkacz! that Frontman Eric Lindmark after more enjoy playing trio in the next 3 albums. and of course we are still playing with kedasyatan album "Of What's to Come" khan?, of course, it is still so strong once touch on the progress of musical DOF today with the presence of 2 members anyarnya, guitarist Craig Peters provides many bandage melodic black on some solos His guitar and Bassist Ivan Munguia (archaic, Brain Drill, Insanity, Vomit Trough, Deconversion (live), ex-Odious Mortem, ex-Carnivorous) Erlend Caspersen joined replace that could be considered a substitute for the figure could be Frontman Jacoby Kingston who decided Hengkap of DOF since her build this band with Eric. initial track "Amidst the Ruins" certainly we have heard before since DOF post them on Youtube. Structure of musicality that really sounds more mature with more melodic guitar Solo2 dressing adds a fragrant element of sadism beat band still playing style is astounding! where the guitar manages to get downright annoying at times. The production and the concept album-style lyrics about space and humanity's place within a greater, much more destructive universe work well together (although one could argue that it has Become quite cliché). still so pronounced anyway playing style era album "Of What's to Come", how the Amazing Technical riffing and scattered in every lick Sophiscated composition is shocking! tried recently ... a slippery mess of the usual brutal death chugga guitar riffs and some slower Attempts at melody and tempo variation. To overshadow their lack of ideas, they "shred" with silly fruitcup twiddly guitar solos and some "tech" riffs. very dynamic in Bar Riff faithful do not much significant Refrain Sustain, harmonizing and pummeling riffing remains a ritual black-DOF herding malignancy Steady drummer Mike Hamilton gave a blow-round turn it off! All musicianship is phenomenal bringing the Skilling out from behind the typical wall of sound where it Resides, weaving intricate patterns that compliment the overriding structure of each and every song. amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... Then "entranced in Decades of Psychedelic Sleep", Part initially still repeat the part style track "Amidst the Ruins", this time as an emotional being increased by 1 level up in skill, the more ruthless DOF ??composition embed a game with a dark atmosphere! Vocal duet with guitarist Eric Craig Peters Attitude band still offers its own style and composed! The stop-start riff patterns are nothing new to these diabolical brutal death gods, but the cleaner guitar tones and perfect production boosts this behemoth to astronomical heights. THIS is brutal death metal: this is socially unacceptable insane-sounding songwriting Often the likes of roomates I've never heard. No instrument stands out as being superior to any other respective instrument and the sum of the parts is what you'd get It! Instrumentation is tight and locks in precisely together, creating the amazing sound qualities that Deeds has come to represent. Most individual tracks are recognizable (after a few listens anyways,) and song structure is pretty coherent and flows as well as brutal death metal can. was "entranced in Decades of Psychedelic Sleep" to Track the longest duration in this gress album, reminiscent of Gw with DOF brought phenomenal Track "The Endurance" era "Reduced to Ashes" in 2003 with the longest duration 11:47 Brutal Death Nonstop Awesome! ! and "Rise of the Virvum Juggernaut" onslaught initially did little to bring us back to the style of the album awal2 DOF with dominance ga speed but long after it touches becomes more haunting technical performance with a more complex sentuhan2 again, a touch of modern style of play style archaic, Brain Drill Origin began to permeate composition DOF now. I actually enjoy this, because i find a lot of the time with brutal death metal is the snare is inaudible, and Thus, the blast beats end up being rendered useless. Every part of the drums are highly audible. The bass drum is really high sounding too, but it only adds to the precisions of the music. The bass is really audible too, and not difficult to find. "Celestial Serpents" is not like the previous concept that is almost rare DOF using sampling intro, but here recently i heard his touch before dikonyak habis2 eardrum Gw's back, but the next track instead become full intro "Hirundines Caelum Terra / The Sky Swallows the Earth" during 01:41. and back again to track hacking "Xeno-Virus", our heartbeat rhythm going with the beat steady contrived ga Blastbeat Meeting and embedded in our heart. they do not Conjure up an evil atmosphere, it's more like the calculating robotic single-mindedness of a highly focused psychopath going about his business of killing someone in an extremely messy fashion and leaving no evidence is essential and reeks of greatness. Of course, Inhuman their technicality and precision is Often written off as boring by sniveling momma's-boys who wipe their noses on their sleeves and do not know how to wipe their own asses properly, but that's life .... Its Real AMAZIIIIINGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... "Human Husks Hollow" remains next offering original musical atrocity that is now increasingly frequent DOF thrust force and Sweep Picking Alternate Picking Slicing and Concept Arpheggio some awesome! "Portals to Canaan" a touch sadistic still on the beat and Solo Blastbeat Fast riffing awesome, no wonder this Track to Track Top Albums because it is more draining Powerfully minded concentration skills and they play something fast-paced and dark! and for the first time possible for DOF include a Cover Version Track in the album, this time "Orphans of Sickness" it belongs to Legendary Death Metal Complexes origin Quebec, Canada, Gorguts try again in a version sung so definitely Brilliant DOF hehehehe!! Still cool Displaying Artwork Painting by artist Raymond Swanland which also has a lot of good work to make known band2 like Suffocation, Psycroptic, and other Slechtvalk, As usual, this is an awesome display of death metal violence. The drums pound away in all their glory triggered (although this time the snare is sometimes almost too highly tuned, pinging away with that annoying tin-can PING sound on a few songs, while elsewhere it sounds perfect), the guitar / bass tandem rips out riff after riff with nary a concern for such frivolities as hooks or Subtlety - this shit is designed to stomp on your head, not lull you into a comatose state. wholly different in technique: the similarities are due to the virtuoso talent level. Tone-wise it's very distorted at times and then incredibly clean sounding in the leads roomates are so wonderful I sound gay SUPER trying to explain how it really is. Mandatory album Waiting For you fans DOF ??and Technical Skill Terrible, THIS IS REALLY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

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